Exemplo n.º 1
class BaseCPUTestCase(BaseTestCase):
        "verbosity": None,
        "display_cycle": False,
        "trace": None,
        "bus_socket_host": None,
        "bus_socket_port": None,
        "ram": None,
        "rom": None,
        "max_ops": None,
        "use_bus": False,

    def setUp(self):
        cfg = TestCfg(self.UNITTEST_CFG_DICT)
        memory = Memory(cfg)
        self.cpu = CPU(memory, cfg)
        memory.cpu = self.cpu  # FIXME

    def cpu_test_run(self, start, end, mem):
        for cell in mem:
            self.assertLess(-1, cell, "$%x < 0" % cell)
            self.assertGreater(0x100, cell, "$%x > 0xff" % cell)
        log.debug("memory load at $%x: %s", start,
                  ", ".join(["$%x" % i for i in mem]))
        self.cpu.memory.load(start, mem)
        if end is None:
            end = start + len(mem)
        self.cpu.test_run(start, end)

    cpu_test_run.__test__ = False  # Exclude from nose

    def cpu_test_run2(self, start, count, mem):
        for cell in mem:
            self.assertLess(-1, cell, "$%x < 0" % cell)
            self.assertGreater(0x100, cell, "$%x > 0xff" % cell)
        self.cpu.memory.load(start, mem)
        self.cpu.test_run2(start, count)

    cpu_test_run2.__test__ = False  # Exclude from nose

    def assertMemory(self, start, mem):
        for index, should_byte in enumerate(mem):
            address = start + index
            is_byte = self.cpu.memory.read_byte(address)

            msg = "$%02x is not $%02x at address $%04x (index: %i)" % (
                is_byte, should_byte, address, index)
            self.assertEqual(is_byte, should_byte, msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
class BaseCPUTestCase(BaseTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        cfg = TestCfg(self.UNITTEST_CFG_DICT)
        memory = Memory(cfg)
        self.cpu = CPU(memory, cfg)
        memory.cpu = self.cpu # FIXME

    def cpu_test_run(self, start, end, mem):
        for cell in mem:
            self.assertLess(-1, cell, "$%x < 0" % cell)
            self.assertGreater(0x100, cell, "$%x > 0xff" % cell)
        log.debug("memory load at $%x: %s", start,
            ", ".join(["$%x" % i for i in mem])
        self.cpu.memory.load(start, mem)
        if end is None:
            end = start + len(mem)
        self.cpu.test_run(start, end)
    cpu_test_run.__test__=False # Exclude from nose

    def cpu_test_run2(self, start, count, mem):
        for cell in mem:
            self.assertLess(-1, cell, "$%x < 0" % cell)
            self.assertGreater(0x100, cell, "$%x > 0xff" % cell)
        self.cpu.memory.load(start, mem)
        self.cpu.test_run2(start, count)
    cpu_test_run2.__test__=False # Exclude from nose

    def assertMemory(self, start, mem):
        for index, should_byte in enumerate(mem):
            address = start + index
            is_byte = self.cpu.memory.read_byte(address)

            msg = "$%02x is not $%02x at address $%04x (index: %i)" % (
                is_byte, should_byte, address, index
            self.assertEqual(is_byte, should_byte, msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
class MC6809Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        cfg = Config(CFG_DICT)
        memory = Memory(cfg)
        self.cpu = CPU(memory, cfg)

    def cpu_test_run(self, start, end, mem):
        assert isinstance(mem, bytearray), "given mem is not a bytearray!"

        print("memory load at $%x: %s", start,
              ", ".join(["$%x" % i for i in mem]))
        self.cpu.memory.load(start, mem)
        if end is None:
            end = start + len(mem)
        self.cpu.test_run(start, end)

    def crc32(self, data):
        Calculate a ZIP 32-bit CRC from data in memory.
        Origin code by Johann E. Klasek, j AT klasek at
        data_address = 0x1000  # position of the test data
        self.cpu.memory.load(data_address, data)  # write test data into RAM
        self.cpu.index_x.set(data_address + len(data))  # end address
        addr_hi, addr_lo = divmod(data_address, 0x100)  # start address

                #                              0100|           .ORG  $100
                0x00,  #      0100|           LDS   #$4000
                #                              0104|    CRCHH: EQU   $ED
                #                              0104|    CRCHL: EQU   $B8
                #                              0104|    CRCLH: EQU   $83
                #                              0104|    CRCLL: EQU   $20
                #                              0104| CRCINITH: EQU   $FFFF
                #                              0104| CRCINITL: EQU   $FFFF
                #                              0104|                            ; CRC 32 bit in DP (4 bytes)
                #                              0104|      CRC: EQU   $80
                addr_lo,  #      0104|           LDU   #....      ; start address in u
                0x10,  #                  010C|           PSHS  x          ; end address +1 to TOS
                0xFF,  #            010E|           LDD   #CRCINITL
                0x82,  #                  0111|           STD   crc+2
                0xFF,  #            0113|           LDX   #CRCINITH
                0x80,  #                  0116|           STX   crc
                #                              0118|                            ; d/x contains the CRC
                #                              0118|       BL:
                0xC0,  #                  0118|           EORB  ,u+        ; XOR with lowest byte
                0x08,  #      011A|           LDY   #8         ; bit counter
                #                              011E|       RL:
                0x01,  #                  011E|           EXG   d,x
                #                              0120|      RL1:
                0x44,  #                        0120|           LSRA             ; shift CRC right, beginning with high word
                0x56,  #                        0121|           RORB
                0x01,  #                  0122|           EXG   d,x
                0x46,  #                        0124|           RORA             ; low word
                0x56,  #                        0125|           RORB
                0x12,  #                  0126|           BCC   cl
                #                              0128|                            ; CRC=CRC XOR polynomic
                0x83,  #                  0128|           EORA  #CRCLH     ; apply CRC polynomic low word
                0x20,  #                  012A|           EORB  #CRCLL
                0x01,  #                  012C|           EXG   d,x
                0xED,  #                  012E|           EORA  #CRCHH     ; apply CRC polynomic high word
                0xB8,  #                  0130|           EORB  #CRCHL
                0x3F,  #                  0132|           LEAY  -1,y       ; bit count down
                0xEA,  #                  0134|           BNE   rl1
                0x01,  #                  0136|           EXG   d,x        ; CRC: restore correct order
                0x04,  #                  0138|           BEQ   el         ; leave bit loop
                #                              013A|       CL:
                0x3F,  #                  013A|           LEAY  -1,y       ; bit count down
                0xE0,  #                  013C|           BNE   rl         ; bit loop
                #                              013E|       EL:
                0xE4,  #            013E|           CMPU  ,s         ; end address reached?
                0xD5,  #                  0141|           BNE   bl         ; byte loop
                0x82,  #                  0143|           STD   crc+2      ; CRC low word
                0x80,  #                  0145|           STX   crc        ; CRC high word
        d = self.cpu.accu_d.get()
        x = self.cpu.index_x.get()
        crc32 = x * 0x10000 + d
        return crc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF

    def compare_crc32(self, data):

        if sys.version_info > (3, ):
            data = bytes(data, encoding="ASCII")

        print("Compare CRC32 with: %r" % data)

        print("\nCreate CRC32 with binascii:")
        start_time = time.time()
        excpected_crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xffffffff
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print("\tbinascii crc32..: $%X calculated in %.6fsec" %
              (excpected_crc32, duration))

        print("\nCreate CRC32 with Emulated 6809 CPU:")
        start_time = time.time()
        crc32_value = self.crc32(data)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print("\tMC6809 crc32..: $%X calculated in %.2fsec" %
              (crc32_value, duration))
        if crc32_value == excpected_crc32:
                " *** CRC32 values from 6809 and binascii are the same, ok.\n")
            return True
            print(" *** ERROR: CRC32 are different!\n")
            return False
Exemplo n.º 4
class MC6809Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        cfg = Config(CFG_DICT)
        memory = Memory(cfg)
        self.cpu = CPU(memory, cfg)

    def cpu_test_run(self, start, end, mem):
        assert isinstance(mem, bytearray), "given mem is not a bytearray!"

        print("memory load at $%x: %s", start,
            ", ".join(["$%x" % i for i in mem])
        self.cpu.memory.load(start, mem)
        if end is None:
            end = start + len(mem)
        self.cpu.test_run(start, end)

    def crc32(self, data):
        Calculate a ZIP 32-bit CRC from data in memory.
        Origin code by Johann E. Klasek, j AT klasek at
        data_address = 0x1000 # position of the test data
        self.cpu.memory.load(data_address, data)  # write test data into RAM
        self.cpu.index_x.set(data_address + len(data)) # end address
        addr_hi, addr_lo = divmod(data_address, 0x100) # start address

        self.cpu_test_run(start=0x0100, end=None, mem=bytearray([
            #                              0100|           .ORG  $100
            0x10, 0xCE, 0x40, 0x00, #      0100|           LDS   #$4000
            #                              0104|    CRCHH: EQU   $ED
            #                              0104|    CRCHL: EQU   $B8
            #                              0104|    CRCLH: EQU   $83
            #                              0104|    CRCLL: EQU   $20
            #                              0104| CRCINITH: EQU   $FFFF
            #                              0104| CRCINITL: EQU   $FFFF
            #                              0104|                            ; CRC 32 bit in DP (4 bytes)
            #                              0104|      CRC: EQU   $80
            0xCE, addr_hi, addr_lo, #      0104|           LDU   #....      ; start address in u
            0x34, 0x10, #                  010C|           PSHS  x          ; end address +1 to TOS
            0xCC, 0xFF, 0xFF, #            010E|           LDD   #CRCINITL
            0xDD, 0x82, #                  0111|           STD   crc+2
            0x8E, 0xFF, 0xFF, #            0113|           LDX   #CRCINITH
            0x9F, 0x80, #                  0116|           STX   crc
            #                              0118|                            ; d/x contains the CRC
            #                              0118|       BL:
            0xE8, 0xC0, #                  0118|           EORB  ,u+        ; XOR with lowest byte
            0x10, 0x8E, 0x00, 0x08, #      011A|           LDY   #8         ; bit counter
            #                              011E|       RL:
            0x1E, 0x01, #                  011E|           EXG   d,x
            #                              0120|      RL1:
            0x44, #                        0120|           LSRA             ; shift CRC right, beginning with high word
            0x56, #                        0121|           RORB
            0x1E, 0x01, #                  0122|           EXG   d,x
            0x46, #                        0124|           RORA             ; low word
            0x56, #                        0125|           RORB
            0x24, 0x12, #                  0126|           BCC   cl
            #                              0128|                            ; CRC=CRC XOR polynomic
            0x88, 0x83, #                  0128|           EORA  #CRCLH     ; apply CRC polynomic low word
            0xC8, 0x20, #                  012A|           EORB  #CRCLL
            0x1E, 0x01, #                  012C|           EXG   d,x
            0x88, 0xED, #                  012E|           EORA  #CRCHH     ; apply CRC polynomic high word
            0xC8, 0xB8, #                  0130|           EORB  #CRCHL
            0x31, 0x3F, #                  0132|           LEAY  -1,y       ; bit count down
            0x26, 0xEA, #                  0134|           BNE   rl1
            0x1E, 0x01, #                  0136|           EXG   d,x        ; CRC: restore correct order
            0x27, 0x04, #                  0138|           BEQ   el         ; leave bit loop
            #                              013A|       CL:
            0x31, 0x3F, #                  013A|           LEAY  -1,y       ; bit count down
            0x26, 0xE0, #                  013C|           BNE   rl         ; bit loop
            #                              013E|       EL:
            0x11, 0xA3, 0xE4, #            013E|           CMPU  ,s         ; end address reached?
            0x26, 0xD5, #                  0141|           BNE   bl         ; byte loop
            0xDD, 0x82, #                  0143|           STD   crc+2      ; CRC low word
            0x9F, 0x80, #                  0145|           STX   crc        ; CRC high word
        d = self.cpu.accu_d.get()
        x = self.cpu.index_x.get()
        crc32 = x * 0x10000 + d
        return crc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF

    def compare_crc32(self, data):

        if sys.version_info > (3,):
            data = bytes(data, encoding="ASCII")

        print("Compare CRC32 with: %r" % data)

        print("\nCreate CRC32 with binascii:")
        start_time = time.time()
        excpected_crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xffffffff
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print("\tbinascii crc32..: $%X calculated in %.6fsec" % (excpected_crc32, duration))

        print("\nCreate CRC32 with Emulated 6809 CPU:")
        start_time = time.time()
        crc32_value = self.crc32(data)
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print("\tMC6809 crc32..: $%X calculated in %.2fsec" % (crc32_value, duration))
        if crc32_value==excpected_crc32:
            print(" *** CRC32 values from 6809 and binascii are the same, ok.\n")
            return True
            print(" *** ERROR: CRC32 are different!\n")
            return False