Exemplo n.º 1
def test_nsgrid_PBC_rect():
    """Check that nsgrid works with rect boxes and PBC"""
    ref_id = 191
    results = np.array(
        [191, 192, 672, 682, 683, 684, 995, 996, 2060, 2808, 3300, 3791, 3792]
    ) - 1  # Atomid are from gmx select so there start from 1 and not 0. hence -1!

    universe = mda.Universe(Martini_membrane_gro)
    cutoff = 7

    # FastNS is called differently to max coverage
    searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff,

    results_grid = searcher.search(
        universe.atoms.positions[ref_id][None, :]).get_indices()[0]

    results_grid2 = searcher.search(universe.atoms.positions).get_indices(
    )  # call without specifying any ids, should do NS for all beads

    assert_equal(np.sort(results), np.sort(results_grid))
    assert_equal(len(universe.atoms), len(results_grid2))
    assert searcher.cutoff == 7
    assert_equal(np.sort(results_grid), np.sort(results_grid2[ref_id]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_grid_search(u, ref_id, cutoff=3):
    coords = u.atoms.positions
    searchcoords = u.atoms.positions[ref_id]
    if searchcoords.shape == (3, ):
        searchcoords = searchcoords[None, :]
    # Run grid search
    searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, coords, box=u.dimensions)

    return searcher.search(searchcoords)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_fastns_warning(universe):
    Tests for warning on the use of FastNS.
    TODO: remove when nsgrid is fixed.
    wmsg = ("The current nsgrid code can return incorrect values and should "
            "not be used for production work.")
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=wmsg):
        searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(3, universe.atoms.positions,
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_nsgrid_selfsearch(box, result):
    points = (np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0,
                        size=(100, 3))*(10.)).astype(np.float32)
    cutoff = 1.0
    if box is None or np.allclose(box[:3], 0):
        # create a pseudobox
        # define the max range
        # and supply the pseudobox
        # along with only one set of coordinates
        pseudobox = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float32)
        lmax = points.max(axis=0)
        lmin = points.min(axis=0)
        pseudobox[:3] = 1.1*(lmax - lmin)
        pseudobox[3:] = 90.
        shiftref = points.copy()
        shiftref -= lmin
        searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, shiftref, box=pseudobox, pbc=False)
        searchresults = searcher.self_search()
        searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, points, box=box)
        searchresults = searcher.self_search()
    pairs = searchresults.get_pairs()
    assert_equal(len(pairs), result)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_nsgrid_search(box, results):
    points = (np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0,
                        size=(100, 3))*(10.)).astype(np.float32)
    cutoff = 2.0
    query = np.array([1., 1., 1.], dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, 3))

    if box is None:
        pseudobox = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float32)
        all_coords = np.concatenate([points, query])
        lmax = all_coords.max(axis=0)
        lmin = all_coords.min(axis=0)
        pseudobox[:3] = 1.1*(lmax - lmin)
        pseudobox[3:] = 90.
        shiftpoints, shiftquery = points.copy(), query.copy()
        shiftpoints -= lmin
        shiftquery -= lmin
        searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, shiftpoints, box=pseudobox, pbc=False)
        searchresults = searcher.search(shiftquery)
        searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, points, box)
        searchresults = searcher.search(query)
    indices = searchresults.get_pairs()[:, 1]
    assert_equal(np.sort(indices), results)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_nsgrid_probe_close_to_box_boundary():
    # FastNS.search used to segfault with this box, cutoff and reference
    # coordinate prior to PR #2136, so we ensure that this remains fixed.
    # See Issue #2132 for further information.
    ref = np.array([[55.783722, 44.190044, -54.16671]], dtype=np.float32)
    box = np.array([53.785854, 43.951054, 57.17597, 90., 90., 90.], dtype=np.float32)
    cutoff = 3.0
    # search within a configuration where we know the expected outcome:
    conf = np.ones((1, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, conf, box)
    results = searcher.search(ref)
    # check if results are as expected:
    expected_pairs = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=np.int64)
    expected_dists = np.array([2.3689647], dtype=np.float64)
    assert_equal(results.get_pairs(), expected_pairs)
    assert_allclose(results.get_pair_distances(), expected_dists, rtol=1.e-6)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_nsgrid_PBC_rect():
    """Check that nsgrid works with rect boxes and PBC"""
    ref_id = 191
    # Atomid are from gmx select so there start from 1 and not 0. hence -1!
    results = np.array([191, 192, 672, 682, 683, 684, 995, 996, 2060, 2808, 3300, 3791,
                        3792]) - 1

    universe = mda.Universe(Martini_membrane_gro)
    cutoff = 7

    # FastNS is called differently to max coverage
    searcher = nsgrid.FastNS(cutoff, universe.atoms.positions, box=universe.dimensions)

    results_grid = searcher.search(universe.atoms.positions[ref_id][None, :]).get_pairs()
    other_ix = sorted(i for (_, i) in results_grid)

    assert len(results) == len(results_grid)
    assert other_ix == sorted(results)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_pbc_box(box):
    """Check that PBC box accepts only well-formated boxes"""
    coords = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], dtype=np.float32)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        nsgrid.FastNS(4.0, coords, box=box)