Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_setDescendantTipProperty(self):
        """setDescendantTipProperty should set correct property and value"""
        leaf_dict = {'d':2, 'e':1, 'g':6, 'h':7}
        means_dict = leaf_dict.copy()
        means_dict.update({'f':6, 'c':3, 'b':3, 'a':4})
        stdevs_dict = {'d':0, 'e':0, 'g':0, 'f':0, 'c':stdev([2,1,6]), \
            'b':stdev([2,1,6]), 'h':0, 'a':stdev([2,1,6,7])}

        def set_leaf_f(node):
            return leaf_dict[node.Data]

        r = self.TreeRoot
        r.setDescendantTipProperty(set_leaf_f, 'x')
        for node in r.traverse():
            self.assertEqual(node.xMean, means_dict[node.Data])
            self.assertFloatEqual(node.xStdev, stdevs_dict[node.Data])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setDescendantTipProperty(self,f,prop_name='Trait',force_recalc=False):
        """Sets n.propMean, n.propStdev) of f(node) for all nodes in self.
        These correspond to T_i and S_i respectively in AOT, Ackerley 2004.
        Example usage:
        (a) You have a dict mapping leaf -> property:
            leaf_f = lambda node: d[node.Data]
        (b) You have the property stored in leaf.prop_xyz:
            leaf_f = lambda node: node.prop_xyz

        tree.setDescendantTipProperty(leaf_f, 'MyProp') will set on each node
        n.MyPropMean and n.MyPropStdev.
        for node in self.traverse(self_before=False, self_after=True):
            if force_recalc or not hasattr(node, 'DescendantTips'):
            values = map(f, node.DescendantTips)
            setattr(node, prop_name+'Mean', mean(values))
            if len(values) > 1:
                std = stdev(values)
                std = 0
            setattr(node, prop_name+'Stdev', std)