Exemplo n.º 1
def part2():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 5 Input.txt", True, False, ",")
    comp = IntCodeComputer05(fileInput)
    comp.input = 5
    while comp.executeCode():
    print("Part 2: {}".format(comp.output))
Exemplo n.º 2
def part2():
    #   Read file
    dataInput = getFileContent("Day 8 Input.txt", True, False, " ")
    data = [dataInput, 0]
    n = Node()
    print("Part 2: {}".format(n.part2Sum()))
Exemplo n.º 3
def part1():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 7 Input.txt", True, False, ",")
    amp = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    maxOutput = 0
    for phase0 in range(5):
        for phase1 in range(5):
            if phase1 == phase0:
            for phase2 in range(5):
                if phase2 == phase1 or phase2 == phase0:
                for phase3 in range(5):
                    if phase3 == phase2 or phase3 == phase1 or phase3 == phase0:
                    for phase4 in range(5):
                        if phase4 == phase3 or phase4 == phase2 or phase4 == phase1 or phase4 == phase0:
                        phase = [phase0, phase1, phase2, phase3, phase4]
                        ampInput = 0
                        for i in range(5):
                            amp[i] = IntCodeComputer05(fileInput.copy())
                            amp[i].input = phase[i]
                            while amp[i].executeCode():
                                amp[i].input = ampInput
                            ampInput = amp[i].output
                        if ampInput > maxOutput:
                            maxOutput = ampInput
    print("Part 1: {}".format(maxOutput))
Exemplo n.º 4
def part2():
    #   Time with lists: 389,85 s
    start = time.time()
    points = getFileContent("Day 6 Input.txt", True, False, "\n", ",")
    bounds = [9999, 9999, 0, 0]
    directions = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
    myMDist = 10000
    #   Start at first point with total distance < myMDist
    for p in points:
        totalDist = 0
        for compP in points:
            totalDist += mDist(compP, p)
        if totalDist < myMDist:
            homeP = p
    zone = [list(homeP)]
    i = 0
    dirNum = 0
    #   Expand area until to far away
    while i < len(zone):
        #   Find new point
        newP = [
            zone[i][0] + directions[dirNum][0],
            zone[i][1] + directions[dirNum][1]
        isMyP = True
        #   Check if point is already in zone
        for compP in zone:
            if newP[0] == compP[0] and newP[1] == compP[1]:
                isMyP = False
        #   Check distance to all other points
        worst = [True, True, True, True]
        totalDist = 0
        if isMyP:
            for compP in points:
                totalDist += mDist(compP, newP)
        #   Add new point to zone
        if isMyP and totalDist < myMDist:
            #if newP[0] < bounds[0]:
            #    bounds[0] = newP[0]
            #    print("Point x< ({}, {}) {}".format(newP[0], newP[1], totalDist))
            #if newP[0] > bounds[1]:
            #    bounds[1] = newP[0]
            #    print("Point x> ({}, {}) {}".format(newP[0], newP[1], totalDist))
            #if newP[1] < bounds[2]:
            #    bounds[2] = newP[1]
            #    print("Point y< ({}, {}) {}".format(newP[0], newP[1], totalDist))
            #if newP[1] > bounds[3]:
            #    bounds[3] = newP[1]
            #    print("Point y> ({}, {}) {}".format(newP[0], newP[1], totalDist))
        #   Go to next new point
        dirNum += 1
        if dirNum > 3:
            i += 1
            dirNum = 0
    print("Zone size = {}".format(len(zone)))
    end = time.time()
    print(end - start)
Exemplo n.º 5
def part2():
    #   Read file
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 17 Input.txt", False, False, "\n",
                               ["=", ",", "..", " "])
    board = Board()
    while len(board.newWater) > 0:
    print("Part 2: Water count is {}".format(board.waterCount(True)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def day1():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 8 Input.txt", True, True)
    p = Picture(25, 6, fileInput)
    lowestZeroCount = 999
    ans = 0
    for layer in p.layers:
        dCount = layer.getDigitCount()
        if dCount[0] < lowestZeroCount:
            lowestZeroCount = dCount[0]
            ans = dCount[1] * dCount[2]
    print("Part 1: {}".format(ans))
Exemplo n.º 7
def findGeneralArea():
    #   Read file
    posNVel = getFileContent("Day 10 Input.txt", True, False, "\n",
                             [" ", "<", ">", ","])
    minDX = 99999999
    minX = 0
    maxX = 0
    minDY = 99999999
    minY = 0
    maxY = 0
    minArea = 99999999
    minDXI = 0
    minDYI = 0
    minAreaI = 0
    for i in range(20000):
        minXT = 9999
        maxXT = -9999
        minYT = 9999
        maxYT = -9999
        for pv in posNVel:
            pv[0] += pv[2]
            pv[1] += pv[3]
            if pv[0] < minXT:
                minXT = pv[0]
            if pv[0] > maxXT:
                maxXT = pv[0]
            if pv[1] < minYT:
                minYT = pv[1]
            if pv[1] > maxYT:
                maxYT = pv[1]
        areaT = (maxXT - minXT) * (maxYT - minYT)
        if areaT < minArea:
            minArea = areaT
            minAreaI = i
            print("minDX {}: {} ({}-{})".format(minDXI, minDX, minX, maxX))
            print("minDY {}: {} ({}-{})".format(minDYI, minDY, minY, maxY))
            print("minArea {}: {}".format(minAreaI, minArea))
        if (maxXT - minXT) < minDX:
            minDX = (maxXT - minXT)
            minX = minXT
            maxX = maxXT
            minDXI = i
            print("minDX {}: {} ({}-{})".format(minDXI, minDX, minX, maxX))
            print("minDY {}: {} ({}-{})".format(minDYI, minDY, minY, maxY))
            print("minArea {}: {}".format(minAreaI, minArea))
        if (maxYT - minYT) < minDY:
            minDY = (maxYT - minYT)
            minY = minYT
            maxY = maxYT
            minDYI = i
            print("minDX {}: {} ({}-{})".format(minDXI, minDX, minX, maxX))
            print("minDY {}: {} ({}-{})".format(minDYI, minDY, minY, maxY))
            print("minArea {}: {}".format(minAreaI, minArea))
Exemplo n.º 8
def part1():
    mem = getFileContent("Day 2 Input.txt", True, False, ",")
    i = 0
    mem[1] = 12
    mem[2] = 2
    while mem[i] != 99:
        if mem[i] == 1:
            mem[mem[i + 3]] = mem[mem[i + 1]] + mem[mem[i + 2]]
            i += 4
        elif mem[i] == 2:
            mem[mem[i + 3]] = mem[mem[i + 1]] * mem[mem[i + 2]]
            i += 4
    print("Part 1: {}".format(mem[0]))
Exemplo n.º 9
def part2():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 3 Input.txt", False, False, "\n", ",")
    directions = []
    line = [BentLine(), BentLine()]
    for d in range(2):
        for point in range(len(fileInput[d])):
    col = line[0].collision(line[1])
    minDist = 99999999999
    for c in col:
        minDist = min(minDist, c[2])
    print("Part 2: Closest distance is {}".format(minDist))
Exemplo n.º 10
def part1():
    #   Read file
    posNVel = getFileContent("Day 10 Input.txt", True, False, "\n",
                             [" ", "<", ">", ","])
    for i in range(10121):
        for pv in posNVel:
            pv[0] += pv[2]
            pv[1] += pv[3]
    for i in range(5):
        for pv in posNVel:
            pv[0] += pv[2]
            pv[1] += pv[3]
        printHMI(posNVel, 100, 250, 100, 170)
Exemplo n.º 11
def part2():
    #   Get file input
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 15 Input.txt", False, True, "\n")
    mapInst = Map()
    damage = 3
    maxDamage = 0
    minDamage = damage
    while minDamage+1 != maxDamage:
        #   Restart map
        print("Starting map damage min, now, max {} {} {}".format(minDamage, damage, maxDamage))
        mapInst.elfDamage = damage
        eCountStart = 0
        for u in mapInst.units:
            if u.icon == "E":
                eCountStart += 1
        eCount = eCountStart
        while not mapInst.finished and eCountStart == eCount:
            #   Run map
            eCount = 0
            eSum = 0
            gSum = 0
            for u in mapInst.units:
                if u.icon == "E":
                    eSum += u.hp
                    eCount += 1
                if u.icon == "G":
                    gSum += u.hp
            print("Turn: {}, Elves HP: {}({}), Goblins HP: {}".format(mapInst.rounds, eSum, eCount, gSum))
        if eCountStart != eCount:
            #   If elf died, damage was to low
            minDamage = damage
            if maxDamage == 0:
                damage *= 2
                damage = int((maxDamage + minDamage)/2)
            #   If no elf died, damage might be to high
            maxDamage = damage
            damage = int((maxDamage + minDamage) / 2)
    print("Minimum required damage for no elf to die is {}".format(maxDamage))
    hpSum = 0
    for u in mapInst.units:
        hpSum += u.hp
    print("Part 2: {} turns * {} hp = {}".format(mapInst.rounds, hpSum, mapInst.rounds*hpSum))
Exemplo n.º 12
def part2():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 7 Input.txt", True, False, ",")
    amp = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    maxOutput = 0
    for phase0 in range(5):
        for phase1 in range(5):
            if phase1 == phase0:
            for phase2 in range(5):
                if phase2 == phase1 or phase2 == phase0:
                for phase3 in range(5):
                    if phase3 == phase2 or phase3 == phase1 or phase3 == phase0:
                    for phase4 in range(5):
                        if phase4 == phase3 or phase4 == phase2 or phase4 == phase1 or phase4 == phase0:
                        #   Startup
                        phase = [phase0+5, phase1+5, phase2+5, phase3+5, phase4+5]
                        for i in range(5):
                            amp[i] = IntCodeComputer05(fileInput.copy())
                            amp[i].input = phase[i]
                        amp[0].input = 0
                        #   Run until the first amp halted
                        done = False
                        ampID = 0
                        while not done:
                            while amp[ampID].executeCode() and amp[ampID].newOutput is False:
                            if amp[ampID].newOutput:
                                ampInput = amp[ampID].output
                                ampID += 1
                                if ampID > 4:
                                    ampID = 0
                                amp[ampID].input = ampInput
                                done = True
                        if amp[4].output > maxOutput:
                            maxOutput = ampInput
    print("Part 2: {}".format(maxOutput))
Exemplo n.º 13
def part1():
    #   Get file input
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 15 Input.txt", False, True, "\n")
    mapInst = Map()
    while not mapInst.finished:
        eSum = 0
        gSum = 0
        for u in mapInst.units:
            if u.icon == "E":
                eSum += u.hp
            if u.icon == "G":
                gSum += u.hp
        print("Turn: {}, Elves HP: {}, Goblins HP: {}".format(mapInst.rounds, eSum, gSum))
    hpSum = 0
    for u in mapInst.units:
        hpSum += u.hp
    print("Part 1: {} turns * {} hp = {}".format(mapInst.rounds, hpSum, mapInst.rounds*hpSum))
Exemplo n.º 14
def part2():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 2 Input.txt", True, False, ",")
    goal = 19690720
    done = False
    for noun in range(100):
        for verb in range(100):
            mem = list(fileInput)
            i = 0
            mem[1] = noun
            mem[2] = verb
            while mem[i] != 99:
                if mem[i] == 1:
                    mem[mem[i + 3]] = mem[mem[i + 1]] + mem[mem[i + 2]]
                    i += 4
                elif mem[i] == 2:
                    mem[mem[i + 3]] = mem[mem[i + 1]] * mem[mem[i + 2]]
                    i += 4
            if mem[0] == goal:
                print("Part 2: {}".format(100 * noun + verb))
                done = True
        if done:
Exemplo n.º 15
def part1():
    #   Get file input
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 13 Input.txt", False, True, "\n")
    rails = fileInput
    #   Create carts
    carts = []
    for y in range(len(rails)):
        for x in range(len(rails[y])):
            if rails[y][x] == '<':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, LEFT))
                rails[y][x] = '-'
            if rails[y][x] == '>':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, RIGHT))
                rails[y][x] = '-'
            if rails[y][x] == '^':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, UP))
                rails[y][x] = '|'
            if rails[y][x] == 'v':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, DOWN))
                rails[y][x] = '|'
    #   Move carts
    crash = False
    crashX = 0
    crashY = 0
    cycles = 0
    while not crash:
        for c in carts:
            if rails[c.y][c.x] == '/':
                if c.dir == LEFT:
                    c.dir = DOWN
                elif c.dir == RIGHT:
                    c.dir = UP
                elif c.dir == UP:
                    c.dir = RIGHT
                elif c.dir == DOWN:
                    c.dir = LEFT
            if rails[c.y][c.x] == '\\':
                if c.dir == LEFT:
                    c.dir = UP
                elif c.dir == RIGHT:
                    c.dir = DOWN
                elif c.dir == UP:
                    c.dir = LEFT
                elif c.dir == DOWN:
                    c.dir = RIGHT
            if rails[c.y][c.x] == '+':
                if c.lastTurn == LEFT:
                    c.lastTurn = FORWARD
                elif c.lastTurn == FORWARD:
                    c.lastTurn = RIGHT
                    c.dir += 1
                    if c.dir == 5:
                        c.dir = 1
                elif c.lastTurn == RIGHT:
                    c.lastTurn = LEFT
                    c.dir -= 1
                    if c.dir == 0:
                        c.dir = 4
            if c.dir == LEFT:
                c.x -= 1
            if c.dir == RIGHT:
                c.x += 1
            if c.dir == UP:
                c.y -= 1
            if c.dir == DOWN:
                c.y += 1
            #   Test for collision
            cIndex = 0
            for c1 in range(len(carts) - 1):
                cIndex2 = c1 + 1
                for c2 in range(c1 + 1, len(carts)):
                    if carts[c1].x == carts[c2].x and carts[c1].y == carts[
                        crash = True
                        crashX = carts[c1].x
                        crashY = carts[c1].y
                    cIndex2 += 1
                cIndex += 1
        cycles += 1
    print("Part 1: Crash at ({}, {}) after {} cycles".format(
        crashX, crashY, cycles))
Exemplo n.º 16
def part1():
    #   Time with lists: 44,96 s
    start = time.time()
    points = getFileContent("Day 6 Input.txt", True, False, "\n", ",")
    directions = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
    zoneSizes = []
    #   Go through all points
    for homeP in points:
        #   print("Testing point ({}, {})".format(homeP[0], homeP[1]))
        zone = [list(homeP)]
        i = 0
        dirNum = 0
        infiniteZone = False
        #   Expand area until all paths has ended
        while i < len(zone):
            #   Find new point
            newP = [
                zone[i][0] + directions[dirNum][0],
                zone[i][1] + directions[dirNum][1]
            myMDist = mDist(newP, homeP)
            isMyP = True
            #   Check if point is already in zone
            for compP in zone:
                if newP[0] == compP[0] and newP[1] == compP[1]:
                    isMyP = False
            #   Compare coordinate with all other points to se who is closest, and check if outside field
            worst = [True, True, True, True]
            if isMyP:
                for compP in points:
                    if not (homeP[0] == compP[0] and homeP[1] == compP[1]):
                        if compP[0] > newP[0]:
                            worst[0] = False
                        if compP[0] < newP[0]:
                            worst[1] = False
                        if compP[1] > newP[1]:
                            worst[2] = False
                        if compP[1] < newP[1]:
                            worst[3] = False
                        if mDist(compP, newP) <= myMDist:
                            isMyP = False
            #   Add new point to zone
            if isMyP:
            #   Go to next new point
            dirNum += 1
            if dirNum > 3:
                i += 1
                dirNum = 0
            if isMyP and (worst[0] or worst[1] or worst[2] or worst[3]):
                infiniteZone = True
        if infiniteZone:
    biggest = 0
    for z in zoneSizes:
        if z > biggest:
            biggest = z
    print("Biggest = {}".format(biggest))
    end = time.time()
    print(end - start)
Exemplo n.º 17
def day2():
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 8 Input.txt", True, True)
    p = Picture(25, 6, fileInput)
    print("Part 2:")
Exemplo n.º 18
def part2():
    #   Read file
    fileNumbers = getFileContent("Day 9 Input.txt", True, False, " ")
    playGame(2, fileNumbers[0], fileNumbers[1] * 100)
Exemplo n.º 19
def part2():
    #   Get file input
    fileInput = getFileContent("Day 13 Input.txt", False, True, "\n")
    rails = fileInput
    #   Create carts
    carts = []
    for y in range(len(rails)):
        for x in range(len(rails[y])):
            if rails[y][x] == '<':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, LEFT))
                rails[y][x] = '-'
            if rails[y][x] == '>':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, RIGHT))
                rails[y][x] = '-'
            if rails[y][x] == '^':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, UP))
                rails[y][x] = '|'
            if rails[y][x] == 'v':
                carts.append(Cart(x, y, DOWN))
                rails[y][x] = '|'
    #   Move carts
    cycles = 0
    while len(carts) > 1:
        for c in carts:
            if rails[c.y][c.x] == '/':
                if c.dir == LEFT:
                    c.dir = DOWN
                elif c.dir == RIGHT:
                    c.dir = UP
                elif c.dir == UP:
                    c.dir = RIGHT
                elif c.dir == DOWN:
                    c.dir = LEFT
            if rails[c.y][c.x] == '\\':
                if c.dir == LEFT:
                    c.dir = UP
                elif c.dir == RIGHT:
                    c.dir = DOWN
                elif c.dir == UP:
                    c.dir = LEFT
                elif c.dir == DOWN:
                    c.dir = RIGHT
            if rails[c.y][c.x] == '+':
                if c.lastTurn == LEFT:
                    c.lastTurn = FORWARD
                elif c.lastTurn == FORWARD:
                    c.lastTurn = RIGHT
                    c.dir += 1
                    if c.dir == 5:
                        c.dir = 1
                elif c.lastTurn == RIGHT:
                    c.lastTurn = LEFT
                    c.dir -= 1
                    if c.dir == 0:
                        c.dir = 4
            if not c.dead and c.dir == LEFT:
                c.x -= 1
            if not c.dead and c.dir == RIGHT:
                c.x += 1
            if not c.dead and c.dir == UP:
                c.y -= 1
            if not c.dead and c.dir == DOWN:
                c.y += 1
            #   Test for collision
            cIndex = 0
            for c1 in range(len(carts) - 1):
                cIndex2 = c1 + 1
                for c2 in range(c1 + 1, len(carts)):
                    if carts[c1].x == carts[c2].x and carts[c1].y == carts[
                        carts[c1].dead = True
                        carts[c2].dead = True
                    cIndex2 += 1
                cIndex += 1
        for c in range(len(carts) - 1, -1, -1):
            if carts[c].dead:
                print("Cart died at step {} ".format(cycles))
                del (carts[c])
        cycles += 1
    print("Part 2: Last cart at ({}, {}) after {} cycles".format(
        carts[0].x, carts[0].y, cycles))