Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, player):
        self.player = player


        self.memories = Memories()
Exemplo n.º 2
class LearningPlayer:
    def __init__(self, player):
        self.player = player


        self.memories = Memories()

    # make a new neural net. The number of hidden nodes, learning rate and momentum
    # were found experimentally.
    def new_neural_net(self):
        input_size = output_size = SIZE**2

        self.net = NeuralNetwork([input_size, 20, output_size])

    def get_player(self):
        return self.player

    def set_player(self, player):
        self.player = player

    # get the move from the neural network
    def make_move(self, board, learning = False):
        # flatten the board from a grid to 1D for the neural network
        if learning:
            inputs = Game.flatten(board)
            inputs = Game.flatten(board, self.player)


        # get the neural networks movs
        output = self.net.get_output()

        # if we are learning, we want to take the neural networks top choice,
        # but if we are in a game, it needs to pick a valid move
        while True:
            move = output.index(max(output))    # highest rated move by NN
            # Convert to x, y
            y = move/SIZE
            x = move%SIZE
            if learning: return move

            if board[x][y] == EMPTY:
                return move

                output[move] = -1

    def learn_all_known_boards(self):
        self.passed_moves = self.failed_moves = 0

        # solve from the reference frame of the X player
        perfect_player = PerfectPlayer(X)

        for board in self.memories.get_memories():
            # build a grid out of a flattened board
            grid_board = Game.unflatten(board)

            # don't recompute move, if it's already be calculated
            if self.memories.remember_move(board) >= 0:
                correct_move = self.memories.remember_move(board)
            # get the move from the perfect player and store it in memory
                correct_move = perfect_player.make_move(grid_board)
                self.memories.learn_move(board, correct_move)

            self.learn_move(grid_board, correct_move) # learn the move

    # have the neural network 'learn' a move
    def learn_move(self, board, correct_move):
        my_move = self.make_move(board, True)    # the neural nets move

        if my_move == correct_move: self.passed_moves += 1 # it got it right!

            self.failed_moves += 1

            # excpeted the right move to be 100% likely and the others to be 0% likely
            expected_output = [0 for i in range(SIZE) for j in range(SIZE)]
            expected_output[correct_move] = 1
            self.net.back_propagate(expected_output)    # this is where the 'learning' is done

    def forget(self):