Exemplo n.º 1
def package_url(name_or_url, version=None, release=None, distro=None,
    """Returns a tuple with the absolute package URL and its name

    @name_or_url: name, relative path, or URL of the package. In case it is
                  a URL, the URL will just be 'normalized'.
    @version: the version to be fetched from releases/ (requires release)
    @release: the release number to be fetched from releases/$version/
    @distro: the name of the repository branch inside updates/
    @mirrored: return an URL based on the mirror repository, if enabled
    from MgaRepo import mirror
    if "://" in name_or_url:
        pkgdirurl = mirror.normalize_path(name_or_url)
        pkgdirurl = remove_current(pkgdirurl)
        if mirror.using_on(pkgdirurl) and not mirrored:
            pkgdirurl = mirror.relocate_path(mirror.mirror_url(),
                    repository_url(), pkgdirurl)
        name = name_or_url
        devel_branch, branches_dir = layout_dirs()
        if distro or "/" in name:
            default_branch = branches_dir
            if distro:
                default_branch = os.path.join(default_branch, distro)
            default_branch = devel_branch # cauldron
        path = os.path.join(default_branch, name)
        parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(repository_url(mirrored=mirrored)))
        parsed[2] = os.path.join(parsed[2], path)
        pkgdirurl = urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
    return pkgdirurl
Exemplo n.º 2
def commit(target=".", message=None, logfile=None):
    svn = SVN()
    status = svn.status(target, quiet=True)
    if not status:
        print "nothing to commit"
    info = svn.info2(target)
    url = info.get("URL")
    if url is None:
        raise Error, "working copy URL not provided by svn info"
    mirrored = mirror.using_on(url)
    if mirrored:
        newurl = mirror.switchto_parent(svn, url, target)
        print "relocated to", newurl
    # we can't use the svn object here because svn --non-interactive option
    # hides VISUAL
    opts = []
    if message is not None:
        opts.append("-m \"%s\"" % message)
    if logfile is not None:
        opts.append("-F \"%s\"" % logfile)
    mopts = " ".join(opts)
    os.system("svn ci %s %s" % (mopts, target))
    if mirrored:
        print "use \"mgarepo switch\" in order to switch back to mirror "\
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_submit_info(path):
    path = os.path.abspath(path)

    # First, look for SPECS and SOURCES directories.
    found = False
    while path != "/":
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            specsdir = os.path.join(path, "SPECS")
            sourcesdir = os.path.join(path, "SOURCES")
            if os.path.isdir(specsdir) and os.path.isdir(sourcesdir):
                found = True
        path = os.path.dirname(path)
    if not found:
        raise Error, "SPECS and/or SOURCES directories not found"

    # Then, check if this is really a subversion directory.
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".svn")):
        raise Error, "subversion directory not found"
    svn = SVN()

    # Now, extract the package name.
    info = svn.info2(path)
    url = info.get("URL")
    if url is None:
        raise Error, "missing URL from svn info %s" % path
    toks = url.split("/")
    if len(toks) < 2 or toks[-1] != "current":
        raise Error, "unexpected URL received from 'svn info'"
    name = toks[-2]
    url = "/".join(toks[:-1])

    # Finally, guess revision.
    max = -1
    files = []
    files.extend(glob.glob("%s/*" % specsdir))
    files.extend(glob.glob("%s/*" % sourcesdir))
    for file in files:
            info = svn.info2(file)
        except Error:
            # possibly not tracked
        if info is None:
        rawrev = info.get("Last Changed Rev")
        if rawrev:
            rev = int(rawrev)
            if rev > max:
                max = rev
    if max == -1:
        raise Error, "revision tag not found in 'svn info' output"

    if mirror.using_on(url):
        url = mirror.switchto_parent_url(url)
    return name, url, max