Exemplo n.º 1
def update_dict(pteldict,burst):
    '''If a burst is specified on pteldict, this function updates pteldict by adding a formated_time key, which gives date in the form of "http://skycam.mmto.arizona.edu/skycam/YYYYMMDD/night_movie.avi, and an extinction key.'''
    # Pierre- add the snippet of code from dictdate below.  Do it on a per-
    # burst basis, and then we can use update_all_dicts to loop over everything
    if pteldict.has_key(burst):
        time1 = pteldict[burst]['ptel_time']
        time2 = time1[0:4]+time1[5:7]+time1[8:10]
        formated = 'http://skycam.mmto.arizona.edu/skycam/'+time2+'/night_movie.avi'
        pteldict[burst]['formated_time'] = formated 
        firstobs = pteldict[burst]['obs'].keys()[0]
        ra = pteldict[burst]['obs'][firstobs]['scope_ra']
        dec = pteldict[burst]['obs'][firstobs]['scope_dec']
        decpos = (ra, dec)
        secpos = q.dec2sex(decpos)
        ext = extinction.extinction(secpos[0], secpos[1])
        # Just take the 0th entry of the returned extinction list; the rest 
        # of the info is redundant positional information.
        pteldict[burst]['extinction'] = ext[0]
    else: print 'Cannot find specified burst in pteldict!'
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_dict(pteldict, burst):
    '''If a burst is specified on pteldict, this function updates pteldict by adding a formated_time key, which gives date in the form of "http://skycam.mmto.arizona.edu/skycam/YYYYMMDD/night_movie.avi, and an extinction key.'''
    # Pierre- add the snippet of code from dictdate below.  Do it on a per-
    # burst basis, and then we can use update_all_dicts to loop over everything
    if pteldict.has_key(burst):
        time1 = pteldict[burst]['ptel_time']
        time2 = time1[0:4] + time1[5:7] + time1[8:10]
        formated = 'http://skycam.mmto.arizona.edu/skycam/' + time2 + '/night_movie.avi'
        pteldict[burst]['formated_time'] = formated
        firstobs = pteldict[burst]['obs'].keys()[0]
        ra = pteldict[burst]['obs'][firstobs]['scope_ra']
        dec = pteldict[burst]['obs'][firstobs]['scope_dec']
        decpos = (ra, dec)
        secpos = q.dec2sex(decpos)
        ext = extinction.extinction(secpos[0], secpos[1])
        # Just take the 0th entry of the returned extinction list; the rest
        # of the info is redundant positional information.
        pteldict[burst]['extinction'] = ext[0]
        print 'Cannot find specified burst in pteldict!'
Exemplo n.º 3
    def overlay_finding_chart(self,ra,dec,uncertainty,src_name='unknown source',pos_label='UVOT',cont_str='',\

        # cont_str='Contact: Adam N. Morgan ([email protected], 510-229-7683)'

        self.loc_ra = ra
        self.loc_dec = dec
        self.loc_uncertainty = uncertainty
        self.src_name = src_name
        self.pos_label = pos_label
        self.cont_str = cont_str

        self.pixel_scale = self.wcs_size * 60.0 / self.img_size  # arcsec/pixel

        self.str_loc_pos = dec2sex((self.loc_ra, self.loc_dec))

        update_time = time.strftime('%Y %h %d')

        head_buffer = 50
        uncertainty_circle_size = int(self.loc_uncertainty / self.pixel_scale)
        pos_pos_x = 300  #position of the error circle on the image , hard coded for now
        pos_pos_y = 350

        # Define scale line physical length based on how large the image is
        # Divide by 5 so that line is never more than ~20% of image
        if not self.wcs_size < 5.0:
            scale_line_physical_length = int(self.wcs_size / 5)  #arcmin
        elif not self.wcs_size < 2.0:
            scale_line_physical_length = 0.5
            scale_line_physical_length = 0.25
        scale_line_length = int(60 * scale_line_physical_length /
        scale_line_start = head_buffer + self.img_size / 2 - scale_line_length / 2
        scale_line_stop = head_buffer + self.img_size / 2 + scale_line_length / 2
        scale_line_label = str(scale_line_physical_length) + ' arcmin'
        # Get rid of scale bar if desired
        if suppress_scale:
            scale_line_stop = scale_line_start
            scale_line_label = ''
        scale_line_label_pos_y = scale_line_start - 15

        pos_label_pos_y = pos_pos_y - uncertainty_circle_size - 15

        epoch = 'J2000'
        pos_label_full = self.pos_label + ' Pos. (%s)' % epoch

        if self.survey == 'poss2ukstu_red':
            self.survey_str = 'DSS2 (red)'
        elif self.survey == 'poss1_red':
            self.survey_str = 'DSS1 (red)'
        elif self.survey == 'sdss':
            self.survey_str = 'SDSS'
            print 'Unknown survey: %s' % survey

        ra_str = 'RA = ' + self.str_loc_pos[0]
        dec_str = 'Dec = ' + self.str_loc_pos[1]
        uncertainty_str = 'Uncertainty: ' + str(self.loc_uncertainty) + '"'

        if uncertainty_shape.lower() == 'circle':
            uncertainty_shape_string = '''
            <ellipse cx="%d" cy="%d" rx="%d" ry="%d"
            ''' % (pos_pos_x, pos_pos_y, uncertainty_circle_size,
        elif uncertainty_shape.lower() == 'cross':
            cross_left_pos = pos_pos_x - uncertainty_circle_size - 15
            cross_right_pos = pos_pos_x - uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_down_pos = pos_pos_y + uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_up_pos = pos_pos_y + uncertainty_circle_size + 15
            uncertainty_shape_string = '''
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            '''% (pos_pos_x, cross_down_pos, pos_pos_x, cross_up_pos,\
            cross_right_pos, pos_pos_y, cross_left_pos, pos_pos_y)
            #default to cross + circle
            cross_left_pos = pos_pos_x - uncertainty_circle_size - 15
            cross_right_pos = pos_pos_x - uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_down_pos = pos_pos_y + uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_up_pos = pos_pos_y + uncertainty_circle_size + 15
            uncertainty_shape_string = '''
            <ellipse cx="%d" cy="%d" rx="%d" ry="%d"
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            '''% (pos_pos_x, pos_pos_y, uncertainty_circle_size,uncertainty_circle_size,pos_pos_x, cross_down_pos, pos_pos_x, cross_up_pos,\
            cross_right_pos, pos_pos_y, cross_left_pos, pos_pos_y)

        im = Image.open(self.save_str)
        assert isinstance(im, Image.Image)
        imstr = base64.b64encode(im.fp.read())
        imstr = [imstr[i:i + 76] for i in range(0, len(imstr), 76)]
        imstr = string.join(imstr, '\n')

        fc_width = im.size[0] + 200.0
        fc_height = im.size[1] + 100.0

        return '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
           width="%d" height="%d">
             <image y="%d" x="0"   width="%d" height="%d" xlink:href="data:image/%s;base64,%s" />

         <text x = "15" y = "10" fill = "black" font-size = "28">
         <tspan x="15" dy="1em">%s: Finding Chart</tspan>
         <text x = "15" y = "660" fill = "black" font-size = "16">
         <tspan x="15" dy="1em">%s</tspan>
         <text x = "15" y = "630" fill = "#222222" font-size = "11">
         <tspan x="15" dy="1em">Created from http://fc.qmorgan.com on %s.  Contact: Adam N. Morgan ([email protected]).</tspan>

         <text x ="288" y="%d" fill="blue" font-size="12">
         <tspan x="288" dy="1em">%s</tspan>

         <text x="615" y ="55" fill = "black" font-size = "18">
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">%s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">RA = %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">Dec = %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">Uncertainty = %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">(arcseconds)</tspan>

         <text x="640" y="325" fill="black" font-size="18">
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">Image from:</tspan>
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">%s</tspan>

         <text x="640" y="500" fill="black" font-size="18">
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">Image is %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">arcmin/side</tspan>

         <text x="625" y="640" fill="black" font-size ="18">
         <tspan x="625" dy="1em">E</tspan>
         <line x1="640" y1="650" x2="700" y2="650" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="640" y1="650" x2="650" y2="660" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="640" y1="650" x2="650" y2="640" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>

         <text x="694" y="570" fill="black" font-size ="18">
         <tspan x="694" dy="1em">N</tspan>
         <line x1="700" y1="650" x2="700" y2="590" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="690" y1="600" x2="700" y2="590" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="710" y1="600" x2="700" y2="590" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>

         <line x1="130" y1="%d" x2="130" y2="%d"
         <text x ="107" y ="%d" fill ="red" font-size = "12">
         <tspan x="107" dy="1em">%s</tspan>
        </svg>''' % ( fc_width, fc_height, head_buffer, im.size[0], im.size[1], im.format.lower(), imstr,\
                self.src_name,  self.cont_str, update_time, pos_label_pos_y, self.pos_label, uncertainty_shape_string,\
                 pos_label_full, self.str_loc_pos[0], self.str_loc_pos[1],\
                 str(self.loc_uncertainty),self.survey_str, str(self.wcs_size), scale_line_start,scale_line_stop,scale_line_label_pos_y, scale_line_label)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def overlay_finding_chart(self,ra,dec,uncertainty,src_name='unknown source',pos_label='UVOT',cont_str='',\
        # cont_str='Contact: Adam N. Morgan ([email protected], 510-229-7683)'
        self.loc_ra = ra
        self.loc_dec = dec
        self.src_name = src_name
        self.pos_label = pos_label
        self.cont_str = cont_str
        self.pixel_scale = self.wcs_size * 60.0 / self.img_size # arcsec/pixel
        self.str_loc_pos = dec2sex((self.loc_ra,self.loc_dec))
        update_time = time.strftime('%Y %h %d')
        head_buffer = 50
        uncertainty_circle_size = int(self.loc_uncertainty/self.pixel_scale)
        pos_pos_x = 300 #position of the error circle on the image , hard coded for now
        pos_pos_y = 350
        # Define scale line physical length based on how large the image is
        # Divide by 5 so that line is never more than ~20% of image
        if not self.wcs_size < 5.0:
            scale_line_physical_length = int(self.wcs_size/5) #arcmin
        elif not self.wcs_size < 2.0:
            scale_line_physical_length = 0.5
            scale_line_physical_length = 0.25
        scale_line_length = int(60*scale_line_physical_length/self.pixel_scale) 
        scale_line_start = head_buffer + self.img_size/2 - scale_line_length/2
        scale_line_stop = head_buffer + self.img_size/2 + scale_line_length/2
        scale_line_label = str(scale_line_physical_length) + ' arcmin'
        # Get rid of scale bar if desired
        if suppress_scale:
            scale_line_stop = scale_line_start
            scale_line_label = ''
        scale_line_label_pos_y = scale_line_start - 15
        pos_label_pos_y = pos_pos_y - uncertainty_circle_size - 15 
        epoch = 'J2000'
        pos_label_full = self.pos_label + ' Pos. (%s)' % epoch        
        if self.survey == 'poss2ukstu_red': 
            self.survey_str = 'DSS2 (red)'
        elif self.survey == 'poss1_red':
            self.survey_str = 'DSS1 (red)'
        elif self.survey == 'sdss':
            self.survey_str = 'SDSS'
            print 'Unknown survey: %s' % survey

        ra_str = 'RA = ' + self.str_loc_pos[0]
        dec_str = 'Dec = ' + self.str_loc_pos[1]
        uncertainty_str = 'Uncertainty: ' + str(self.loc_uncertainty) + '"'
        if uncertainty_shape.lower() == 'circle':
            uncertainty_shape_string = '''
            <ellipse cx="%d" cy="%d" rx="%d" ry="%d"
            ''' % (pos_pos_x, pos_pos_y, uncertainty_circle_size,uncertainty_circle_size)
        elif uncertainty_shape.lower() == 'cross': 
            cross_left_pos = pos_pos_x-uncertainty_circle_size-15
            cross_right_pos = pos_pos_x-uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_down_pos = pos_pos_y+uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_up_pos = pos_pos_y+uncertainty_circle_size+15
            uncertainty_shape_string = '''
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            '''% (pos_pos_x, cross_down_pos, pos_pos_x, cross_up_pos,\
            cross_right_pos, pos_pos_y, cross_left_pos, pos_pos_y)
            #default to cross + circle
            cross_left_pos = pos_pos_x-uncertainty_circle_size-15
            cross_right_pos = pos_pos_x-uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_down_pos = pos_pos_y+uncertainty_circle_size
            cross_up_pos = pos_pos_y+uncertainty_circle_size+15
            uncertainty_shape_string = '''
            <ellipse cx="%d" cy="%d" rx="%d" ry="%d"
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            <line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"
            '''% (pos_pos_x, pos_pos_y, uncertainty_circle_size,uncertainty_circle_size,pos_pos_x, cross_down_pos, pos_pos_x, cross_up_pos,\
            cross_right_pos, pos_pos_y, cross_left_pos, pos_pos_y)
        im = Image.open(self.save_str)
        assert isinstance(im, Image.Image)
        imstr = base64.b64encode(im.fp.read())
        imstr = [ imstr[i:i+76] for i in range(0, len(imstr), 76) ]
        imstr = string.join(imstr, '\n')
        fc_width = im.size[0] + 200.0
        fc_height = im.size[1] + 100.0
        return '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
           width="%d" height="%d">
             <image y="%d" x="0"   width="%d" height="%d" xlink:href="data:image/%s;base64,%s" />

         <text x = "15" y = "10" fill = "black" font-size = "28">
         <tspan x="15" dy="1em">%s: Finding Chart</tspan>
         <text x = "15" y = "660" fill = "black" font-size = "16">
         <tspan x="15" dy="1em">%s</tspan>
         <text x = "15" y = "630" fill = "#222222" font-size = "11">
         <tspan x="15" dy="1em">Created from http://fc.qmorgan.com on %s.  Contact: Adam N. Morgan ([email protected]).</tspan>

         <text x ="288" y="%d" fill="blue" font-size="12">
         <tspan x="288" dy="1em">%s</tspan>

         <text x="615" y ="55" fill = "black" font-size = "18">
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">%s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">RA = %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">Dec = %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">Uncertainty = %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="615" dy="1em">(arcseconds)</tspan>

         <text x="640" y="325" fill="black" font-size="18">
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">Image from:</tspan>
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">%s</tspan>

         <text x="640" y="500" fill="black" font-size="18">
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">Image is %s</tspan>
         <tspan x="640" dy="1em">arcmin/side</tspan>

         <text x="625" y="640" fill="black" font-size ="18">
         <tspan x="625" dy="1em">E</tspan>
         <line x1="640" y1="650" x2="700" y2="650" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="640" y1="650" x2="650" y2="660" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="640" y1="650" x2="650" y2="640" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>

         <text x="694" y="570" fill="black" font-size ="18">
         <tspan x="694" dy="1em">N</tspan>
         <line x1="700" y1="650" x2="700" y2="590" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="690" y1="600" x2="700" y2="590" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>
         <line x1="710" y1="600" x2="700" y2="590" style="stroke:Black;stroke-width:2"/>

         <line x1="130" y1="%d" x2="130" y2="%d"
         <text x ="107" y ="%d" fill ="red" font-size = "12">
         <tspan x="107" dy="1em">%s</tspan>
        </svg>''' % ( fc_width, fc_height, head_buffer, im.size[0], im.size[1], im.format.lower(), imstr,\
                self.src_name,  self.cont_str, update_time, pos_label_pos_y, self.pos_label, uncertainty_shape_string,\
                 pos_label_full, self.str_loc_pos[0], self.str_loc_pos[1],\
                 str(self.loc_uncertainty),self.survey_str, str(self.wcs_size), scale_line_start,scale_line_stop,scale_line_label_pos_y, scale_line_label)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def add_position_info(self,bat_pos=None,xrt_pos=None,uvot_pos=None,reg_path=None):
     '''Requires bat_pos, xrt_pos, uvot_pos in format of (ra,dec,uncertainty), 
     where uncertainty is in arcseconds. 
     content = ""
     if bat_pos: 
         bat_pos_sex = q.dec2sex((bat_pos[0],bat_pos[1]))
         self.best_pos = bat_pos
         self.best_pos_type = 'BAT'
     if xrt_pos: 
         xrt_pos_sex = q.dec2sex((xrt_pos[0],xrt_pos[1]))
         self.best_pos = xrt_pos
         self.best_pos_type = 'XRT'
     if uvot_pos: 
         uvot_pos_sex = q.dec2sex((uvot_pos[0],uvot_pos[1]))
         self.best_pos = uvot_pos
         self.best_pos_type = 'UVOT'
     if bat_pos != None:
         content += '''
         <b>BAT</b>: RA = %s, Dec = %s, Uncertainty: %s"<br>
         (RA = %s, Dec = %s)<br><br>
         ''' % (str(bat_pos[0]).rstrip('0'),str(bat_pos[1]).rstrip('0'),str(bat_pos[2]).rstrip('0'),\
     if xrt_pos != None:
         content += '''
         <b>XRT</b>: RA = %s, Dec = %s, Uncertainty: %s"<br>
         (RA = %s, Dec = %s)<br><br>
         ''' % (str(xrt_pos[0]).rstrip('0'),str(xrt_pos[1]).rstrip('0'),str(xrt_pos[2]).rstrip('0'),\
     if uvot_pos != None:
         content += '''
         <b>UVOT</b>: RA = %s, Dec = %s, Uncertainty: %s"<br>
         (RA = %s, Dec = %s)<br><br>
         ''' % (str(uvot_pos[0]).rstrip('0'),str(uvot_pos[1]).rstrip('0'),str(uvot_pos[2]).rstrip('0'),\
     if self.best_pos:
             source_name = 'swift_' + str(self.triggerid)
             Gal_EB_V = extinction.qExtinction(source_name,self.best_pos[0],self.best_pos[1])
             Gal_EB_V = 'Unknown'
         content += '''
         <b>Extinction</b>: E_(B-V) = %s<br><br>
         ''' % (str(Gal_EB_V))
     if reg_path != None:
         if os.path.exists(reg_path):
             content += '''
             <a href='./%s'>DS9 Region File</a>
             ''' % (os.path.basename(reg_path))
             print reg_path + ' does not exist.  Not including region file.'
         self.reg_path = reg_path
         self.reg_name = os.path.basename(reg_path)
     if content:
         self.qHTML.add_post(title='Spatial Information',content=content)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def add_position_info(self,
        '''Requires bat_pos, xrt_pos, uvot_pos in format of (ra,dec,uncertainty), 
        where uncertainty is in arcseconds. 
        content = ""
        if bat_pos:
            bat_pos_sex = q.dec2sex((bat_pos[0], bat_pos[1]))
            self.best_pos = bat_pos
            self.best_pos_type = 'BAT'
        if xrt_pos:
            xrt_pos_sex = q.dec2sex((xrt_pos[0], xrt_pos[1]))
            self.best_pos = xrt_pos
            self.best_pos_type = 'XRT'
        if uvot_pos:
            uvot_pos_sex = q.dec2sex((uvot_pos[0], uvot_pos[1]))
            self.best_pos = uvot_pos
            self.best_pos_type = 'UVOT'

        if bat_pos != None:
            content += '''
            <b>BAT</b>: RA = %s, Dec = %s, Uncertainty: %s"<br>
            (RA = %s, Dec = %s)<br><br>
            ''' % (str(bat_pos[0]).rstrip('0'),str(bat_pos[1]).rstrip('0'),str(bat_pos[2]).rstrip('0'),\
        if xrt_pos != None:
            content += '''
            <b>XRT</b>: RA = %s, Dec = %s, Uncertainty: %s"<br>
            (RA = %s, Dec = %s)<br><br>
            ''' % (str(xrt_pos[0]).rstrip('0'),str(xrt_pos[1]).rstrip('0'),str(xrt_pos[2]).rstrip('0'),\
        if uvot_pos != None:
            content += '''
            <b>UVOT</b>: RA = %s, Dec = %s, Uncertainty: %s"<br>
            (RA = %s, Dec = %s)<br><br>
            ''' % (str(uvot_pos[0]).rstrip('0'),str(uvot_pos[1]).rstrip('0'),str(uvot_pos[2]).rstrip('0'),\

        if self.best_pos:
                source_name = 'swift_' + str(self.triggerid)
                Gal_EB_V = extinction.qExtinction(source_name,
                Gal_EB_V = 'Unknown'
            content += '''
            <b>Extinction</b>: E_(B-V) = %s<br><br>
            ''' % (str(Gal_EB_V))

        if reg_path != None:
            if os.path.exists(reg_path):
                content += '''
                <a href='./%s'>DS9 Region File</a>
                ''' % (os.path.basename(reg_path))
                print reg_path + ' does not exist.  Not including region file.'
            self.reg_path = reg_path
            self.reg_name = os.path.basename(reg_path)
        if content:
            self.qHTML.add_post(title='Spatial Information', content=content)