Exemplo n.º 1
def dump_path(path, prefix="", tab="    ", file=None):
    if file is None:
        file = sys.stdout
    p = Path(path)
    if   p.islink():
        print >>file, "%s%s -> %s" % (prefix, p.name, p.read_link())
    elif p.isdir():
        print >>file, "%s%s:" % (prefix, p.name)
        for p2 in p.listdir():
            dump_path(p2, prefix+tab, tab, file)
        print >>file, "%s%s  (%d)" % (prefix, p.name, p.size())
Exemplo n.º 2
 def str_(self):
     return str(self)
Exemplo n.º 3
class Pather(object):
    def st(self):
        return str(self)

    def str_(self):
        return str(self)

    def stStdSep(self):
        st = str(self)
        return st.replace('\\', '/')

    def __init__(self, upath=None, relative_to=None):
        if upath is None:
            self.upath = Unipath(relative_to=relative_to)
            self.upath = Unipath(upath, relative_to=relative_to)

    def __call__(self, string=True, absolute=True):
        return self.getPathname(string=string, absolute=absolute)

    def isabsolute(self):
        return self.upath.isabsolute()

    def get(self):
        return self.upath()

    def set_relative_to(self):
        assert 0 == 1

    def set(self, upath, relative_to=None):
        self.upath = upath
        if not upath.isabsolute():
            if not relative_to is None:
                assert isinstance(relative_to, Unipath)
                self.relative_to = relative_to
                assert 1 == 0
            self.relative_to = None
        return self

    def getPathname(string=True, absolute=True):
            returns the entire file path and file name, can be used to access a file directly
            if string==True, return as string, else as path
            if absolute==True, return absolute path, else relative        
        if absolute:
            upath = self.upath.absolute()
            upath = self.upath.relative(
            )  ## does this even always work??? **** test this

        if string:
            return str(upath)
            return upath

    def makeAbsolute(self):
        self.upath = self.upath.absolute()
        return self

    def __add__(self, other):
        #print( 'Adding paths::::' )
        #print( 'Self upath is:' )
        #print( self.upath )
        #print( 'Other is:' )
        #print( other )
        #print( "Other's type is:" )
        #print( type(other) )

        new_pather = copy.deepcopy(self)
        if isinstance(other, Pather):
            assert not other.upath.isabsolute()
            new_pather.upath = Unipath(self.upath, other.upath)
        elif isinstance(other, Unipath):
            if other.isabsolute():
                assert 1 == 0
                new_pather.upath = Unipath(self.upath, other)
        elif isinstance(other, str) or isinstance(other, unicode):
            other = str(other)
            o_upath = Unipath(other)
            #print( "Other as unipath - o_upath is:" )
            #print( o_upath )
            new_pather.upath = Unipath(self.upath, o_upath)
            assert 1 == 0

        #print( "New combined path is:" )
        #print( new_pather.upath )
        #print( "New pather upath is:" )
        #print( new_pather.upath )
        #print( "New pather upath's type is:" )
        #print( type(new_pather.upath) )
        return new_pather

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.upath.absolute())

    def str(self):
        return str(self)

    def repr(self):
        return ("Pather('" + str(self) + "')")
Exemplo n.º 4
from MmmmToolsMod.unipath import Path as Unipath
import copy

class Pather(object):
    def st(self):
        return str(self)
    def str_(self):
        return str(self)
    def stStdSep( self ):
        st = str(self)
        return st.replace('\\','/')
    def __init__(self, upath=None, relative_to=None):
        if upath is None:
            self.upath = Unipath( relative_to=relative_to)
            self.upath = Unipath( upath, relative_to=relative_to )
    def __call__(self, string=True, absolute=True):
        return self.getPathname( string=string, absolute=absolute )
    def isabsolute(self):
        return self.upath.isabsolute()
    def get(self):
        return self.upath()
    def set_relative_to(self):
        assert 0==1
    def set( self, upath, relative_to=None ):
        self.upath = upath
        if not upath.isabsolute():
            if not relative_to is None:
                assert isinstance( relative_to, Unipath )
                self.relative_to = relative_to
                assert 1 == 0
            self.relative_to = None
        return self

    def getPathname( string=True, absolute=True ):
            returns the entire file path and file name, can be used to access a file directly
            if string==True, return as string, else as path
            if absolute==True, return absolute path, else relative        
        if absolute:
            upath = self.upath.absolute()
            upath = self.upath.relative()  ## does this even always work??? **** test this
        if string:
            return str(upath)
            return upath
    def makeAbsolute(self):
        self.upath = self.upath.absolute()
        return self
    def __add__(self, other ):
        #print( 'Adding paths::::' )
        #print( 'Self upath is:' )
        #print( self.upath )
        #print( 'Other is:' )
        #print( other )
        #print( "Other's type is:" )
        #print( type(other) )
        new_pather = copy.deepcopy( self )
        if isinstance( other, Pather ):
            assert not other.upath.isabsolute()
            new_pather.upath = Unipath(self.upath, other.upath)
        elif isinstance( other, Unipath ):
            if other.isabsolute():
                assert 1==0
                new_pather.upath = Unipath(self.upath, other)                
        elif isinstance( other, str ) or isinstance( other, unicode ):
            other = str(other)
            o_upath = Unipath( other )
            #print( "Other as unipath - o_upath is:" )
            #print( o_upath )
            new_pather.upath = Unipath( self.upath, o_upath)
            assert 1 == 0
        #print( "New combined path is:" )
        #print( new_pather.upath )
        #print( "New pather upath is:" )
        #print( new_pather.upath )
        #print( "New pather upath's type is:" )
        #print( type(new_pather.upath) )
        return new_pather    
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, upath=None, relative_to=None):
     if upath is None:
         self.upath = Unipath(relative_to=relative_to)
         self.upath = Unipath(upath, relative_to=relative_to)