def warpFaceFn(self, dict): self.reset() self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000) self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000) self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1') # Particles parameters p0.setFactory("PointParticleFactory") p0.setRenderer("SpriteParticleRenderer") #p0.setEmitter("DiscEmitter") p0.setEmitter("SphereVolumeEmitter") p0.setPoolSize(20000) p0.setBirthRate(dict["birthRate"]) p0.setLitterSize(100) p0.setLitterSpread(10) p0.setSystemLifespan(0.0000) p0.setLocalVelocityFlag(1) p0.setSystemGrowsOlderFlag(0) # Factory parameters p0.factory.setLifespanBase(dict["lifeSpan"]) p0.factory.setLifespanSpread(dict["lifeSpanSpread"]) p0.factory.setMassBase(dict["mass"]) p0.factory.setMassSpread(dict["massSpread"]) p0.factory.setTerminalVelocityBase(dict["terminalVelocity"]) p0.factory.setTerminalVelocitySpread(dict["terminalVelocitySpread"]) # Point factory parameters # Renderer parameters p0.renderer.setAlphaMode(BaseParticleRenderer.PRALPHAOUT) p0.renderer.setUserAlpha(0.22) # Sprite parameters #print __import__("g").texture p0.renderer.setTexture(findTexture(dict["texture"])) p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00)) p0.renderer.setXScaleFlag(1) p0.renderer.setYScaleFlag(1) p0.renderer.setAnimAngleFlag(0) p0.renderer.setInitialXScale(0.0050) p0.renderer.setFinalXScale(0.0200) p0.renderer.setInitialYScale(0.0100) p0.renderer.setFinalYScale(0.0200) p0.renderer.setNonanimatedTheta(0.0000) p0.renderer.setAlphaBlendMethod(BaseParticleRenderer.PPNOBLEND) p0.renderer.setAlphaDisable(0) # Emitter parameters p0.emitter.setEmissionType(BaseParticleEmitter.ETRADIATE) p0.emitter.setAmplitude(6.0000) p0.emitter.setAmplitudeSpread(5.0000) p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)) p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)) p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)) # Sphere Volume parameters p0.emitter.setRadius(50.0000) self.addParticles(p0)
def __init__(self, object, position=None, hpr=None, size = 1, color = None, texture = None, duration = 0): Handle.__init__(self, name="dynamicGeometry", duration = duration) self.d.model = object g.nextModelId = g.nextModelId + 1 self.d.model.setTag('rpandaid', str(g.nextModelId)) self.d.onScreen = False ctl = newSignalRefd(self, "control", controlType, scEmptyControl) self.__dict__["control"] = ctl self.__dict__['position'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'position', P3Type, P3(0,0,0), ctl) self.__dict__['hpr'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'hpr', HPRType, HPR(0,0,0), ctl) self.__dict__['size'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'size', numType, 1, ctl) self.__dict__['color'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'color', ColorType, noColor, ctl) if size is not None: self.size.setBehavior(size) if position is not None: self.position.setBehavior(position) if hpr is not None: self.hpr.setBehavior(hpr) if color is not None: self.color.setBehavior(color) if texture is not None: tex = loader.loadTexture(findTexture(texture)) self.d.model.setTexture(tex)
def setTexture(self, texture): tex = loader.loadTexture(findTexture(texture)) self.d.model.setTexture(tex)
def __init__(self, name=None, particleFile="", defaultPath=True, parent=render, hpr=None, position=None, colorType=None, color=gray, endColor=None, size=None, birthRate=None, poolSize=None, litterSize=None, lineScaleFactor=None, lifeSpanBase=None, terminalVelocityBase=None, texture=None, amplitude=None, amplitudeSpread=None, emissionType="ETRADIATE", radius=None, radiusSpread=None, duration=0): """Initalizes the PEffect. PEffect __init__(self, name = 'PEffect', particleFile = "", defaultPath = True, parent = render, hpr = None, position = None, color = gray, startColor = None , endColor = None, headColor = None, tailColor = None, birthRate = None, poolSize = None, litterSize = None, lineScaleFactor = None, lifeSpanBase = None, terminalVelocityBase = None, amplitude = None, amplitudeSpread = None, particlePic = None ): """ if texture is not None: g.texture = loader.loadTexture(findTexture(texture)) if name is None: name = 'PEffect-%d' % += 1 Handle.__init__(self, name=name) self.d.colorType = colorType #pathname = "/lib/panda/lib/lib-original/particles/" base.enableParticles() p = ParticleEffect() self.__dict__[name] = p self.particleName = name self.d.model = p # ??? if defaultPath: # print particleFile p.loadConfig(Filename(g.pandaPath + "/particles/" + particleFile)) else: p.loadConfig(Filename(particleFile)) pd = p.particlesDict["particles-1"] if emissionType is not None: if emissionType is "ETRADIATE": pd.emitter.setEmissionType( BaseParticleEmitter.ETRADIATE ) #emitter type ETEXPICIT ETCUSTOM, ETRADIATE elif emissionType is "ETCUSTOM": pd.emitter.setEmissionType(BaseParticleEmitter.ETCUSTOM) if radius is not None: self.__dict__['radius'] = newSignalRef(self, 'radius', numType, radius) checkKeyType('PEffect', name, stringType, 'name') self.__dict__['position'] = newSignalRef(self, 'position', P3Type) # self.__dict__['color'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'color', ColorType,color) self.__dict__['hpr'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'hpr', HPRType, HPR(0, 0, 0)) self.__dict__['size'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'size', numType, 1) if size is not None: self.size.setBehavior(size) self.__dict__['color'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'color', ColorType, color) # color at which the effect will start if endColor is None: endColor = color self.__dict__['endColor'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'endColor', ColorType, endColor) # color at which the effect will end at self.color.setBehavior(color) if lineScaleFactor is not None: self.__dict__['LineScaleFactor'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'LineScaleFactor', numType, lineScaleFactor) #how long a particle is if poolSize is not None: self.__dict__['PoolSize'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'PoolSize', numType, poolSize) #Number of particles avaiable for the entire effect if birthRate is not None: self.__dict__['BirthRate'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'BirthRate', numType, birthRate) #The rate in which the particle effect occurs if litterSize is not None: self.__dict__['LitterSize'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'LitterSize', numType, litterSize) #Number of particles per effect occcurance if lifeSpanBase is not None: self.__dict__['LifeSpanBase'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'LIfeSpanBase', numType, lifeSpanBase) #How long the particle effect stays on screen if terminalVelocityBase is not None: self.__dict__['TerminalVelocityBase'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'TerminalVelocityBase', numType, terminalVelocityBase) #how fast the particles move if amplitude is not None: self.__dict__['Amplitude'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'Amplitude', numType, amplitude) #amplitude is the spreading out of particles if amplitudeSpread is not None: self.__dict__['AmplitudeSpread'] = newSignalRefd( self, 'AmplitudeSpread', numType, amplitudeSpread ) #amplitude multiplier spreadings of particles. if position is not None: self.position.setBehavior(position) if hpr is not None: self.hpr.setBehavior(hpr) if color is not None: self.color.setBehavior(color) if endColor is not None: self.endColor.setBehavior(endColor) if parent is not render: self.__dict__['parent'] = parent.d.model p.reparentTo(render) p.start() #Had to use this hack because the refresh function kept restarting the particle effects. self.__dict__["started"] = True if duration != 0: self.react1(localTimeIs(duration), lambda m, v: m.exit())
def __init__(self, name = None, particleFile = "", defaultPath = True, parent = render, hpr = None, position = None, colorType = None, color = gray, endColor = None, size = None, birthRate = None, poolSize = None, litterSize = None, lineScaleFactor = None, lifeSpanBase = None, terminalVelocityBase = None, texture = None, amplitude = None, amplitudeSpread = None, emissionType = "ETRADIATE", radius = None, radiusSpread = None , duration = 0): """Initalizes the PEffect. PEffect __init__(self, name = 'PEffect', particleFile = "", defaultPath = True, parent = render, hpr = None, position = None, color = gray, startColor = None , endColor = None, headColor = None, tailColor = None, birthRate = None, poolSize = None, litterSize = None, lineScaleFactor = None, lifeSpanBase = None, terminalVelocityBase = None, amplitude = None, amplitudeSpread = None, particlePic = None ): """ if texture is not None: g.texture = loader.loadTexture(findTexture(texture)) if name is None: name = 'PEffect-%d' % += 1 Handle.__init__(self, name = name) self.d.colorType = colorType #pathname = "/lib/panda/lib/lib-original/particles/" base.enableParticles() p = ParticleEffect() self.__dict__[name] = p self.particleName = name self.d.model = p # ??? if defaultPath: # print particleFile p.loadConfig(Filename(g.pandaPath+"/particles/"+ particleFile)) else: p.loadConfig(Filename(particleFile)) pd = p.particlesDict["particles-1"] if emissionType is not None: if emissionType is "ETRADIATE": pd.emitter.setEmissionType(BaseParticleEmitter.ETRADIATE) #emitter type ETEXPICIT ETCUSTOM, ETRADIATE elif emissionType is "ETCUSTOM": pd.emitter.setEmissionType(BaseParticleEmitter.ETCUSTOM) if radius is not None: self.__dict__['radius'] = newSignalRef(self, 'radius', numType, radius) checkKeyType('PEffect', name, stringType, 'name') self.__dict__['position'] = newSignalRef(self, 'position', P3Type) # self.__dict__['color'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'color', ColorType,color) self.__dict__['hpr'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'hpr', HPRType, HPR(0,0,0)) self.__dict__['size'] = newSignalRefd(self, 'size', numType, 1) if size is not None: self.size.setBehavior(size) self.__dict__['color'] = newSignalRefd(self,'color',ColorType,color)# color at which the effect will start if endColor is None: endColor = color self.__dict__['endColor'] = newSignalRefd(self,'endColor',ColorType,endColor)# color at which the effect will end at self.color.setBehavior(color) if lineScaleFactor is not None: self.__dict__['LineScaleFactor'] = newSignalRefd(self,'LineScaleFactor',numType,lineScaleFactor) #how long a particle is if poolSize is not None: self.__dict__['PoolSize'] = newSignalRefd(self,'PoolSize',numType,poolSize) #Number of particles avaiable for the entire effect if birthRate is not None: self.__dict__['BirthRate'] = newSignalRefd(self,'BirthRate',numType,birthRate) #The rate in which the particle effect occurs if litterSize is not None: self.__dict__['LitterSize'] = newSignalRefd(self,'LitterSize',numType,litterSize) #Number of particles per effect occcurance if lifeSpanBase is not None: self.__dict__['LifeSpanBase'] = newSignalRefd(self,'LIfeSpanBase',numType,lifeSpanBase) #How long the particle effect stays on screen if terminalVelocityBase is not None: self.__dict__['TerminalVelocityBase'] = newSignalRefd(self,'TerminalVelocityBase',numType,terminalVelocityBase) #how fast the particles move if amplitude is not None: self.__dict__['Amplitude'] = newSignalRefd(self,'Amplitude', numType, amplitude)#amplitude is the spreading out of particles if amplitudeSpread is not None: self.__dict__['AmplitudeSpread'] = newSignalRefd(self,'AmplitudeSpread',numType,amplitudeSpread)#amplitude multiplier spreadings of particles. if position is not None: self.position.setBehavior(position) if hpr is not None: self.hpr.setBehavior(hpr) if color is not None: self.color.setBehavior(color) if endColor is not None: self.endColor.setBehavior(endColor) if parent is not render: self.__dict__['parent'] = parent.d.model p.reparentTo(render) p.start() #Had to use this hack because the refresh function kept restarting the particle effects. self.__dict__["started"] = True if duration != 0: self.react1(localTimeIs(duration), lambda m, v: m.exit())