Exemplo n.º 1
@license:   MIT License
@note:      Created on Jun 26, 2015
@Summary:   Routines to load and save basic Device Data


__updated__ = '2019-07-31'

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyHouse files
from Modules.House import utils
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML, XmlConfigTools
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.DeviceTools    ')

class XML(object):
    def read_base_device_object_xml(p_obj, p_xml):
        Get the BaseUUIDObject entries from the XML element.
        Adds: Device Info, Room Info.

        @param p_obj: is the object we wish to populate with data
        @param p_xml: is the element we will extract data from (including children).
        XmlConfigTools.read_base_UUID_object_xml(p_obj, p_xml)
            # p_obj.Comment = PutGetXML.get_text_from_xml(p_xml, 'Comment')
Exemplo n.º 2
__version_info__ = (18, 10, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyMh files
from Modules.House.Family.insteon import insteon_utils
from Modules.House.Family.insteon.insteon_hvac import DecodeResponses as DecodeHvac
from Modules.House.Family.insteon.insteon_light import DecodeResponses as DecodeLight
from Modules.House.Family.insteon.insteon_security import DecodeResponses as DecodeSecurity
from Modules.House.Family.insteon.insteon_link import Decode as linkDecode
from Modules.House.Family.insteon.insteon_constants import ACK, STX, X10_HOUSE, X10_UNIT, X10_COMMAND
from Modules.House.Family.insteon.insteon_utils import Decode as utilDecode
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import FormatBytes
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.insteon_decode ')

#  OBJ_LIST = [Lights, Controllers, Buttons, Thermostats, Irrigation, Pool]

class DecodeResponses(object):

    m_pyhouse_obj = None
    m_idex = 0

    def __init__(self, p_pyhouse_obj, p_controller_obj):
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_pyhouse_obj
        self.m_controller_obj = p_controller_obj
        self.m_link = linkDecode(p_pyhouse_obj, p_controller_obj)
        LOG.info('Starting Decode')
Exemplo n.º 3
__version_info__ = (19, 5, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

#  Import system type stuff
from datetime import datetime
import platform
import importlib

#  Import PyHouse files
from Modules.Core.Utilities import extract_tools, uuid_tools, config_tools
from Modules.Computer.Nodes.nodes import MqttActions as nodesMqtt

from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Computer       ')

COMPUTER_DIVISION = 'ComputerDivision'
UUID_FILE_NAME = 'Computer.uuid'
CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'computer.yaml'

    # 'Weather',
Exemplo n.º 4
__updated__ = '2019-07-05'

# Import system type stuff
import os

# Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
from Modules.Core.Utilities import json_tools

# Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

g_debug = 0
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webUpdate  ')

class UpdateElement(athena.LiveElement):
    """ a 'live' webs element.
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(
        os.path.join(templatepath, 'updateElement.html'))
    jsClass = u'update.UpdateWidget'

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj, _p_params):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_workspace_obj.m_pyhouse_obj

    def getUpdateData(self):
Exemplo n.º 5

If garage door opens and after sunset and before sunrise, turn on outside garage door lights.

from _ast import Pass

__updated__ = '2019-08-01'
__version_info__ = (19, 8, 0)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

# Import system type stuff

# Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.RulesXml       ')

class RulesInformation:
    """ The collection of information about a house.
    Causes JSON errors due to API type data methinks.

    ==> PyHouse.House.xxx as in the def below.
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None
        self.Comment = None
        self.Event = None  # List of Names of the events that triggers this rule
        self.Condition = None  # List of additional conditions to activate the rule
        self.Device = None  # the device to control
        self.Type = None  # The type (On/Off)
Exemplo n.º 6
#  Import system type stuff
from datetime import datetime
import fnmatch  # Filename matching with shell patterns
import netifaces  # has gateways(), ifaddresses(). interfaces()
from netifaces import *
import os
import pyudev
import subprocess

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.data_objects import NodeInformation, NodeInterfaceData
# from Modules.Communication import ir_control
from Modules.Core.Utilities.uuid_tools import Uuid as toolUuid

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.NodeLocal      ')

__all__ = [

NODE_NOTHING = 0x0000  # a basic node with no special functions
NODE_USB_CONTROLLER = 0x0001  # Node has an attached controller for Lights (optionally other stuff)
NODE_PANDORA = 0x0002  # Node can use pianobar to receive Pandora streams
NODE_CAMERA = 0x0004  # Pi with attached camera (not USB camera)
NODE_PIFACECAD = 0x0008  #
NODE_V6ROUTER = 0x0010  # Iv6 Router node
NODE_NOT_UNIX = 0x0020  # Windows - not Linux
NODE_TUNNEL = 0x0040  # IPv6 Tunnel
NODE_IR = 0x0080  # Infrared receiver and optional transmitter
Exemplo n.º 7
__updated__ = '2019-09-01'
__version_info__ = (19, 8, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyHouse files
from Modules.Core.Utilities import config_tools
from Modules.House.rooms import Config as roomConfig
from Modules.House.Family.family import Config as familyConfig

from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.LightingButton ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'buttons.yaml'

class ButtonInformation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None
        self.Comment = None
        self.DeviceType = 'Lighting'
        self.DeviceSubType = 'Button'
        self.Family = None  # FamilyInformation()
        self.Room = None  # RoomInformation()

class ButtonFamilyInformation:
Exemplo n.º 8
@copyright: (c) 2013-2017 by D. Brian Kimmel
@license:   MIT License
@note:      Created on May 30, 2013
@summary:   Handle all of the information for a house.


# Import system type stuff
import os
from nevow import loaders
from nevow import athena

# Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webHMenu    ')

# Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

class HouseMenuElement(athena.LiveElement):
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(
        os.path.join(templatepath, 'houseMenuElement.html'))
    jsClass = u'houseMenu.HouseMenuWidget'

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj
Exemplo n.º 9

__updated__ = '2019-09-04'
__version_info__ = (19, 5, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyMh files
from Modules.House.Family.family_utils import FamUtil
from Modules.House.Lighting.lighting_utility import Utility
from Modules.House.Lighting.lighting_lights import LightData

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Schedule_lightn')

class API():

    m_pyhouse_obj = None

    def __init__(self, p_pyhouse_obj):
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_pyhouse_obj

    def LoadXml(self, _p_pyhouse_obj):
        """ Load the Schedule from the XML info.
        LOG.info('Loaded Schedules XML')
Exemplo n.º 10
This is a skeleton until we start the use of the data.  Things are just a placeholder for now.


__updated__ = '2019-07-31'

#  Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.House.Irrigation.irrigation_data import IrrigationSystemData, IrrigationZoneData
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML, XmlConfigTools

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.IrrigationXml  ')
DIVISION = 'HouseDivision'
SECTION = 'IrrigationSection'
SYSTEM = 'System'
ZONE = 'Zone'

class Xml(object):

    def _read_one_zone(p_xml):
        @param p_xml: XML information for one Zone.
        @return: an IrrigationZone object filled in with data from the XML passed in
Exemplo n.º 11
#  Import system type stuff
import datetime

#  Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core.Utilities import extract_tools, config_tools
from Modules.Core.Utilities.coordinate_tools import Coords
from Modules.Core.Utilities.json_tools import encode_json
from Modules.Core.Utilities.config_tools import ConfigYamlNodeInformation
from Modules.House.house_data import \
    RoomInformation, \

from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Rooms          ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'rooms.yaml'

class RoomInformation:
    """ A room of the house.
    Used to draw pictures of the house
    Used to define the location of switches, lights etc.

    ==> PyHouse.House.Rooms.xxx as in the def below

    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None
        self.Comment = None
Exemplo n.º 12
# Import system type stuff
    import Queue
except ImportError:
    import queue as Queue

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Families.family_utils import FamUtil
from Modules.Families.UPB.UPB_data import UPBData
from Modules.Families.UPB.UPB_constants import pim_commands
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import FormatBytes
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.UPB_PIM        ')

# UPB Control Word
# Page 15
LINK_PKT = 0x80
LOW_REQ = 0x02

ACK_REQ = 0x10
ACK_ID = 0x20
ACK_MSG = 0x40

# Timeouts for send/receive delays
RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 0.9  # this is for fetching data in the RX buffer

# Command types
Exemplo n.º 13
__version_info__ = (19, 9, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyHouse files
from Modules.Core.Utilities import config_tools
from Modules.House.Lighting.buttons import API as buttonsApi
from Modules.House.Lighting.controllers import API as controllersApi, MqttActions as controllerMqtt
from Modules.House.Lighting.lights import API as lightsApi, MqttActions as lightMqtt
from Modules.House.Lighting.outlets import API as outletsApi

from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Lighting       ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'lighting.yaml'

class LightingInformation:
    ==> PyHouse.House.Lighting.xxx as in the def below
    def __init__(self):
        self.Buttons = None  # ==> ButtonInformation()
        self.Controllers = None  # ==> ControllerInformation()
        self.Lights = None  # ==> LightInformation()
        self.Outlets = None  # ==> OutletInformation

Exemplo n.º 14
import os
import yaml
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from queue import Queue

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.Utilities import convert
from Modules.Core.Utilities import extract_tools
from Modules.House.Entertainment.entertainment_data import EntertainmentDeviceInformation, EntertainmentDeviceControl, EntertainmentDeviceStatus
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Onkyo          ')

SECTION = 'onkyo'

class OnkyoDeviceInformation(EntertainmentDeviceInformation):
    """ A superet that contains some onkyo specific fields
    def __init__(self):
        super(OnkyoDeviceInformation, self).__init__()

class OnkyoDeviceControl(EntertainmentDeviceControl):
    """ Used to control a device.
    All defaults are None - Only fill in what you need so inadvertent controls are not done.
Exemplo n.º 15
    FamilyYaml_ModuleAPI      will point to Insteon_yaml.API() where LoadConfig


__updated__ = '2019-09-06'
__version_info__ = (19, 9, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

# Import system type stuff
import importlib

# Import PyHouse files
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Family         ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'families.yaml'

class FamilyModuleInformation:
    """ A container for every family that has been defined in modules.

    PyHouse_obj.House.Family is a dict indexed by lower() family name.

    Each entry is an object of this class.
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None
        self.DeviceName = None  # insteon_device
Exemplo n.º 16

__updated__ = '2019-09-04'
__version_info__ = (19, 8, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

# Import system type stuff

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core.Utilities import config_tools
from Modules.House.Family.family import Config as familyConfig
from Modules.House.rooms import Config as roomConfig

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.MotionSensor   ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'motion_sensor.yaml'

class MotionSensorInformation:
    """ This is the motion sensor data

    ==> PyHouse.House.Security.Motion.xxx as in the def below
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None
        self.Comment = None
        self.DeviceType = 'Security'
        self.DeviceSubType = 'MotionSensor'
        self.Family = None  # FamilyInformation()
Exemplo n.º 17
@license:   MIT License
@note:      Created on Mar 20, 2012
@summary:   This module sends our external IP to freedns.


__updated__ = '2019-07-30'

# Import system type stuff
from twisted.web.client import getPage
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred

# Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Internet    ')

class DynDnsAPI(object):
    """Update zero or more dynamic DNS sites.
    This is a repeating two stage process.
    First get our current External IP address.
    Second, update zero or more Dyn DNS sites with our address
    Then wait UpdateInterval time and repeat forever.
    Allow for missing responses so as to not break the chain of events.
    def XX__init__(self, p_internet_obj, p_reactor):
        Wait a bit to avoid all the starting chaos.
Exemplo n.º 18

__updated__ = '2019-09-04'
__version_info__ = (19, 8, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

# Import system type stuff

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core.Utilities import config_tools
from Modules.House.Family.family import Config as familyConfig
from Modules.House.rooms import Config as roomConfig

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.GarageDoor     ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'garagedoor.yaml'

class GarageDoorInformation:

    ==> PyHouse.House.Security.GarageDoors.xxx as in the def below
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None
        self.Comment = None
        self.DeviceType = 'Security'
        self.DeviceSubType = 'GarageDoor'
        self.Family = None  # FamilyInformation()
Exemplo n.º 19
@summary:   Display a clock on the web page.


__updated__ = '2019-03-02'

#  Import system type stuff
import os
import time
from twisted.web._element import Element

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.Utilities import json_tools

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webClock    ')

#  Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
modulepath = FilePath('Modules/Computer/Web/')
templatepath = modulepath.child('template')

class ClockElement(Element):
    jsClass = u'clock.ClockWidget'
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(
        os.path.join(templatepath, 'clockElement.html'))

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj, _p_params):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_workspace_obj.m_pyhouse_obj
Exemplo n.º 20
@note:      Created on Apr 3, 2011
@license:   MIT License
@summary:   This module is for Insteon/X10


__updated__ = '2019-08-09'

# Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

g_debug = 0
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Dev_X10     ')

class ReadWriteXml(object):
    """Overload the base methods with specific ones here.
    def extract_device_xml(self, p_device_obj, _p_entry_xml):
        @param p_entry_xml: is the e-tree XML house object
        @param p_house: is the text name of the House.
        @return: a dict of the entry to be attached to a house object.
        return p_device_obj

    def insert_device_xml(self, p_entry_xml, p_device_obj):
        if p_device_obj.Family.Name == 'Insteon':
Exemplo n.º 21
from Modules.Core.Utilities import uuid_tools, config_tools
from Modules.House import location, rooms, floors
from Modules.House.rooms import Mqtt as roomsMqtt

from Modules.House.Entertainment.entertainment import MqttActions as entertainmentMqtt
from Modules.House.Hvac.hvac import MqttActions as hvacMqtt
from Modules.House.Irrigation.irrigation import MqttActions as irrigationMqtt
from Modules.House.Lighting.lighting import MqttActions as lightingMqtt
from Modules.House.Schedule.schedule import MqttActions as scheduleMqtt
from Modules.House.Lighting.outlets import MqttActions as outletMqtt

from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.House          ')

CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'house.yaml'
UUID_FILE_NAME = 'House.uuid'

# Note that the following are in the order needed to sequence the startup
    'Lighting', 'Hvac', 'Security', 'Irrigation', 'Pool', 'Rules', 'Schedule',
    'Sync', 'Entertainment', 'Family'

class HouseInformation:
    """ The collection of information about a house.
    Causes JSON errors due to API type data methinks.
Exemplo n.º 22
__updated__ = '2017-01-27'

#  Import system type stuff
import os
from nevow import athena
from nevow import loaders

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.data_objects import ThermostatData
from Modules.Computer.Web import web_family, web_utils
from Modules.Computer.Web.web_utils import GetJSONHouseInfo
from Modules.Core.Utilities import json_tools
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webThermost ')

#  Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

class ThermostatsElement(athena.LiveElement):
    """ a 'live' thermostat element.
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(
        os.path.join(templatepath, 'thermostatElement.html'))
    jsClass = u'thermostats.ThermostatsWidget'

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj, _p_params):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj
Exemplo n.º 23
Json is now used for Mqtt messages in addition to web browser.


__updated__ = '2019-08-20'

# Import system type stuff
import jsonpickle

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import FormatBytes

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Json_Tools     ')

def encode_json(p_obj):
    """Convert a python object to a valid json object.
        l_json = jsonpickle.encode(p_obj, unpicklable=False, max_depth=5)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as l_error:
        LOG.error('ERROR encode_json{}'.format(l_error))
        l_json = u'{}'
    return l_json

def decode_json_unicode(p_json):
    """Convert a json object to a valid python object.
Exemplo n.º 24
@name:      Modules/House/Security/login.py
@author:    D. Brian Kimmel
@contact:   [email protected]
@copyright: (c) 2019-2019 by D. Brian Kimmel
@note:      Created on Jul 23, 2019
@license:   MIT License
@summary:   Handle logging in.


# Import system type stuff

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Security       ')

class LoginInformation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Name = None  # Username
        self.Password = None

class Config:

    m_pyhouse_obj = None
Exemplo n.º 25
@copyright: (c) 2019-2019 by D. Brian Kimmel
@note:      Created on Jan 20, 2019
@license:   MIT License


__updated__ = '2019-08-10'

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyMh files
# from Modules.Families.family_utils import FamUtil
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.LightUtility   ')

class Utility:
    def _test_object_by_id(self, p_obj, name=None, key=None, UUID=None):
        Return the device object for a house using the given value.
        A name, key or UUID may be used to identify the device.

        @return: the Device object found or None.
        if name != None and p_obj.Name == name:
            return p_obj
        elif key != None and p_obj.Key == key:
Exemplo n.º 26
import os
# from nevow import athena
# from nevow import loaders

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.data_objects import ScheduleBaseData
from Modules.Computer.Web.web_utils import GetJSONHouseInfo
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
from Modules.Core.Utilities import json_tools

#  Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

g_debug = 0
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webSchedule ')

class SchedulesElement(athena.LiveElement):
    """ a 'live' schedules element.
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(
        os.path.join(templatepath, 'schedulesElement.html'))
    jsClass = u'schedules.SchedulesWidget'

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj, _p_params):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_workspace_obj.m_pyhouse_obj

    def getHouseData(self):
Exemplo n.º 27
#  Import system type stuff
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientFactory
from twisted.conch.telnet import StatefulTelnetProtocol
from queue import Queue

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.Utilities import extract_tools, config_tools
from Modules.House.Entertainment.entertainment_data import EntertainmentDeviceInformation, EntertainmentDeviceStatus
from Modules.House.Entertainment.entertainment import EntertainmentPluginInformation

from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny

from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Pioneer        ')

SECTION = 'pioneer'
DISCONNECT_TIMER = 30  # Seconds
CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'pioneer.yaml'

# See https://tylerwatt12.com/vsx-822k-telnet-interface/
    'PowerQuery': b'?P',
    'PowerOn': b'PN',
    'PowerOff': b'PF',
    'VolumeQuery': b'?V',
    'VolumeUp': b'VU',
    'VolumeDown': b'VD',
    'MuteQuery': b'?M',
    'FunctionQuery': b'?F',
Exemplo n.º 28
@note:      Created on Jun 5, 2015
@Summary:   Connect this computer node to the household Mqtt Broker.


__updated__ = '2019-08-17'

#  Import system type stuff
from twisted.internet import defer
# from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint
# from twisted.internet.ssl import Certificate, optionsForClientTLS

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.Mqtt.mqtt_protocol import PyHouseMqttFactory
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Mqtt_Client    ')

PEM_FILE = '/etc/pyhouse/ca_certs/rootCA.pem'

class Struct:

    def __init__(self, **args):

class Util(object):
Exemplo n.º 29
from twisted.web.template import Element, XMLString, renderer

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Families import VALID_FAMILIES, VALID_DEVICE_TYPES
from Modules.Housing import VALID_FLOORS
from Modules.Housing.Lighting import VALID_LIGHTING_TYPE
from Modules.Housing.Schedules import VALID_SCHEDULING_TYPES, VALID_SCHEDULE_MODES
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny
from Modules.Computer.Web.web_users import VALID_USER_ROLES
from Modules.Core.Utilities import json_tools

from Modules.Core.data_objects import LoginData
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.WebLogin       ')

#  Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

class LoginElement(Element):
    """ a login element containing a username and password.
    loader = XMLString((
<!-- PyHouse/Project/src/Modules/Computer/Web/templates/mainpage.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
Exemplo n.º 30

__updated__ = '2017-01-19'

#  Import system type stuff
import os
from nevow import loaders
from nevow import athena

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.data_objects import MotionSensorData
from Modules.Computer.Web import web_family, web_utils
from Modules.Computer.Web.web_utils import GetJSONHouseInfo
from Modules.Core.Utilities import json_tools
from Modules.Core import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webMotion   ')

#  Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

class MotionSensorsElement(athena.LiveElement):
    """ a 'live' controllers element.
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(
        os.path.join(templatepath, 'motionSensorsElement.html'))
    jsClass = u'motionSensors.MotionSensorsWidget'

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj, _p_params):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj