Exemplo n.º 1
#options.params = "state=2&hostgroupid=505"
options.state = 2
options.hostgroupid = 462
options.type = 0
options.service_state = "critical"
options.host_group = 462

# Check for required options
for option in ('host', 'username', 'password'):
    if not getattr(options, option):
        print 'Option %s not specified' % option

# Main program
key = Ops.opspostsend(url=options.host, user=options.username, password=options.password)
print "your session key is : ", key
# binding data and interpret as dictionary format
if key is not None:
    dataFile = ReqEvent.request_rest_event(token=key, username=options.username, params=options.params, service_state=options.service_state, host=options.host, host_group=options.host_group, raw=0)
    data_frame = ReqEvent.interpret_rest_event_pandas_to_dataFrame(dataFile=dataFile)
    sys.exit("there is no key to get data")
#print data_frame.groupby(['hostname', 'servicename'])
# some specific dataframe view information and group data
# ex:  print data_frame
# ex:  print data_frame.head(n=10)
# ex:  print data_frame.groupby('hostname').apply(lambda subf: subf['servicename'])
# ex:  print data_frame.groupby('hostname').apply(lambda subf: subf['time'])