Exemplo n.º 1
    def testApplyACLByGroup(self):
        """ security: applying acl by group name"""
        # This acl string...
        acl_rights = [
            "PGroup,AllGroup:read,write,admin "
            "AGroup:read "
        acl = AccessControlList(acl_rights, valid=app.cfg.acl_rights_contents)

        # Should apply these rights:
        users = (
            # user, rights
            ('Antony', ('read', 'write', 'admin', )),  # in PGroup
            ('Beatrice', ('read', 'write', 'admin', )),  # in PGroup
            ('Charles', ('read', )),  # virtually in AGroup

        # Check rights
        for user, may in users:
            mayNot = [right for right in app.cfg.acl_rights_contents
                      if right not in may]
            # User should have these rights...
            for right in may:
                assert acl.may(user, right)
            # But NOT these:
            for right in mayNot:
                assert not acl.may(user, right)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testApplyACLByUser(self):
        """ security: applying acl by user name"""
        # This acl string...
        acl_rights = [
            "-MinusGuy:read "
            "+MinusGuy:read "
            "+PlusGuy:read "
            "-PlusGuy:read "
            "Admin1,Admin2:read,write,admin  "
            "Admin3:read,write,admin  "
            "JoeDoe:read,write  "
            "name with spaces,another one:read,write  "
            "CamelCase,extended name:read,write  "
            "BadGuy:  "
            "All:read  "
        acl = AccessControlList(acl_rights, valid=app.cfg.acl_rights_contents)

        # Should apply these rights:
        users = (
            # user,                 rights
            # CamelCase names
            ('Admin1', ('read', 'write', 'admin')),
            ('Admin2', ('read', 'write', 'admin')),
            ('Admin3', ('read', 'write', 'admin')),
            ('JoeDoe', ('read', 'write')),
            ('SomeGuy', ('read', )),
            # Extended names or mix of extended and CamelCase
            ('name with spaces', ('read', 'write', )),
            ('another one', ('read', 'write', )),
            ('CamelCase', ('read', 'write', )),
            ('extended name', ('read', 'write', )),
            # Blocking bad guys
            ('BadGuy', ()),
            # All other users - every one not mentioned in the acl lines
            ('All', ('read', )),
            ('Anonymous', ('read', )),
            # we check whether ACL processing stops for a user/right match
            # with ACL modifiers
            ('MinusGuy', ()),
            ('PlusGuy', ('read', )),

        # Check rights
        for user, may in users:
            mayNot = [right for right in app.cfg.acl_rights_contents
                      if right not in may]
            # User should have these rights...
            for right in may:
                assert acl.may(user, right)
            # But NOT these:
            for right in mayNot:
                assert not acl.may(user, right)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self,
        Calls AccessControlList for tokenization

        Analyzer behaviour:

        In index mode:
            Input: u"JoeDoe,JaneDoe:admin,read,write,destroy +EditorGroup:write All:read"

            Output: "u'JoeDoe:+read', u'JoeDoe:+write', u'JoeDoe:-create', u'JoeDoe:+admin',
                     u'JoeDoe:+destroy', u'JaneDoe:+read', u'JaneDoe:+write', u'JaneDoe:-create',
                     u'JaneDoe:+admin', u'JaneDoe:+destroy', u'EditorGroup:+write', u'All:+read',
                     u'All:-write', u'All:-create', u'All:-admin', u'All:-destroy'

        In query mode:
            Input: u"JoeDoe:+write"

            Output: u"JoeDoe:+write"

        :param value: unicode string
        :param positions: Whether to record token positions in the token.
        :param start_pos: The position number of the first token. For example,
            if you set start_pos=2, the tokens will be numbered 2,3,4,...
            instead of 0,1,2,...
        assert isinstance(value, unicode)
        pos = start_pos
        tk = Token()
        tk.mode = mode
        if mode == "query":
            tk.text = value
            if positions:
                tk.pos = pos
            yield tk
            acl = AccessControlList([value], valid=self._acl_rights_contents)
            for name, permissions in acl.acl:
                for permission in permissions:
                    sign = "+" if permissions[permission] else "-"
                    tk.text = u"{0}:{1}{2}".format(name, sign, permission)
                    if positions:
                        tk.pos = pos
                        pos += 1
                    yield tk
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self,
     @type backend: Some object that implements the storage API.
     @param backend: The unprotected backend that we want to protect.
     @type hierarchic: bool
     @param hierarchic: Indicate whether we want to process ACLs in hierarchic mode.
     @type before: unicode
     @param before: ACL to be applied before all the other ACLs.
     @type default: unicode
     @param default: If no ACL information is given on the item in question, use this default.
     @type after: unicode
     @param after: ACL to be applied after all the other ACLs.
     @type valid: list of strings or None
     @param valid: If a list is given, only strings in the list are treated as valid acl privilege descriptors.
                   If None is give, the global wiki default is used.
     self.cfg = cfg
     self.backend = backend
     self.hierarchic = hierarchic
     self.valid = valid
     self.before = AccessControlList(cfg, [before],
     self.default = AccessControlList(cfg, [default],
     self.after = AccessControlList(cfg, [after],
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _get_acl(self, itemname):
     Get ACL strings from the last revision's metadata and return ACL object.
         item = self.backend.get_item(itemname)
         # we always use the ACLs set on the latest revision:
         current_rev = item.get_revision(-1)
         acls = current_rev[ACL]
     except (NoSuchItemError, NoSuchRevisionError, KeyError):
         # do not use default acl here
         acls = []
     if not isinstance(acls, (tuple, list)):
         acls = (acls, )
     default = self.default.default
     return AccessControlList(self.cfg,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_wiki_backend_item_acl_usergroupmember_item(self):
        Test if the wiki group backend works with acl code.
        First check acl rights of a user that is not a member of group
        then add user member to an item group and check acl rights
        update_item(u'NewGroup', {USERGROUP: ["ExampleUser"]}, DATA)

        acl_rights = ["NewGroup:read,write"]
        acl = AccessControlList(acl_rights, valid=app.cfg.acl_rights_contents)

        has_rights_before = acl.may(u"AnotherUser", "read")

        # update item - add AnotherUser to a item group NewGroup
        update_item(u'NewGroup', {USERGROUP: ["AnotherUser"]}, '')

        has_rights_after = acl.may(u"AnotherUser", "read")

        assert not has_rights_before, 'AnotherUser has no read rights because in the beginning he is not a member of a group item NewGroup'
        assert has_rights_after, 'AnotherUser must have read rights because after appenditem he is member of NewGroup'
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        """ Init Config instance """
        self.cache = CacheClass()

        if self.config_check_enabled:

        # define directories
        data_dir = os.path.normpath(self.data_dir)
        self.data_dir = data_dir

        # Try to decode certain names which allow unicode

        # After that, pre-compile some regexes
        self.cache.item_dict_regex = re.compile(self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE)
        self.cache.item_group_regex = re.compile(self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE)

        # the ..._regexact versions only match if nothing is left (exact match)
        self.cache.item_dict_regexact = re.compile(u'^{0}$'.format(self.item_dict_regex, re.UNICODE))
        self.cache.item_group_regexact = re.compile(u'^{0}$'.format(self.item_group_regex, re.UNICODE))

        # compiled functions ACL
        self.cache.acl_functions = AccessControlList([self.acl_functions], valid=self.acl_rights_functions)


        if self.user_defaults[TIMEZONE] is None:
            self.user_defaults[TIMEZONE] = self.timezone_default
        if self.user_defaults[THEME_NAME] is None:
            self.user_defaults[THEME_NAME] = self.theme_default
        # Note: do not assign user_defaults['locale'] = locale_default
        # to give browser language detection a chance.
            self.language_default = parse_locale(self.locale_default)[0]
        except ValueError:
            raise error.ConfigurationError("Invalid locale_default value (give something like 'en_US').")

        # post process
        self.auth_can_logout = []
        self.auth_login_inputs = []
        found_names = []
        for auth in self.auth:
            if not auth.name:
                raise error.ConfigurationError("Auth methods must have a name.")
            if auth.name in found_names:
                raise error.ConfigurationError("Auth method names must be unique.")
            if auth.logout_possible and auth.name:
            for input in auth.login_inputs:
                if input not in self.auth_login_inputs:
        self.auth_have_login = len(self.auth_login_inputs) > 0
        self.auth_methods = found_names

        # internal dict for plugin `modules' lists
        self._site_plugin_lists = {}

        # check if mail is possible and set flag:
        self.mail_enabled = (self.mail_smarthost is not None or self.mail_sendmail is not None) and self.mail_from
        self.mail_enabled = self.mail_enabled and True or False

        if self.namespace_mapping is None:
            raise error.ConfigurationError(
                "No storage configuration specified! You need to define a namespace_mapping. "
                "For further reference, please see HelpOnStorageConfiguration.")

        if self.backend_mapping is None:
            raise error.ConfigurationError(
                "No storage configuration specified! You need to define a backend_mapping. " +
                "For further reference, please see HelpOnStorageConfiguration.")

        if self.acl_mapping is None:
            raise error.ConfigurationError(
                "No acl configuration specified! You need to define a acl_mapping. "
                "For further reference, please see HelpOnStorageConfiguration.")

        if self.secrets is None:  # admin did not setup a real secret
            raise error.ConfigurationError(
                "No secret configured! You need to set secrets = 'somelongsecretstring' in your wiki config.")

        if self.interwikiname is None:  # admin did not setup a real interwikiname
            raise error.ConfigurationError(
                "No interwikiname configured! "
                "You need to set interwikiname = u'YourUniqueStableInterwikiName' in your wiki config.")

        secret_key_names = ['security/ticket', ]
        if self.textchas:

        secret_min_length = 10
        if isinstance(self.secrets, str):
            if len(self.secrets) < secret_min_length:
                raise error.ConfigurationError(
                    "The secrets = '...' wiki config setting is a way too short string "
                    "(minimum length is {0} chars)!".format(secret_min_length))
            # for lazy people: set all required secrets to same value
            secrets = {}
            for key in secret_key_names:
                secrets[key] = self.secrets
            self.secrets = secrets

        # we check if we have all secrets we need and that they have minimum length
        for secret_key_name in secret_key_names:
                secret = self.secrets[secret_key_name]
                if len(secret) < secret_min_length:
                    raise ValueError
            except (KeyError, ValueError):
                raise error.ConfigurationError(
                    "You must set a (at least {0} chars long) secret string for secrets['{1}']!".format(
                        secret_min_length, secret_key_name))

        from passlib.context import CryptContext
            self.cache.pwd_context = CryptContext(**self.passlib_crypt_context)
        except ValueError as err:
            raise error.ConfigurationError("passlib_crypt_context configuration is invalid [{0}].".format(err))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _parse_acl(self, acl, default=''):
     return AccessControlList([
Exemplo n.º 9
 def testhasACL(self):
     acl = AccessControlList(valid=app.cfg.acl_rights_contents)
     assert not acl.has_acl()
     acl = AccessControlList(["All:read", ], valid=app.cfg.acl_rights_contents)
     assert acl.has_acl()