class Asset(object): def __init__(self): self.mysql = Mysql() def createTask(self, config): state = 1 ident = 0 scan_type = 1 dete_obj = 'ALL' vul_plug_id = '0' content_type = config now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') task_name = "AUTO" + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') sql1 = "insert into tbl_task (start_time,task_name,dete_obj,vul_plug_id,scan_type,content_type,add_time,state,ident) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" _id = self.mysql.insertOne( sql1, (now_time, task_name, dete_obj, vul_plug_id, scan_type, content_type, now_time, state, ident)) t_id = int(_id) if content_type == 2: LeakScan().scan(dete_obj, vul_plug_id, t_id) else: AssetDiscovery().find_asset(dete_obj, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id) end_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') asset_count = self.find_asset_count() sql2 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,asset_count=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql2, (end_time, asset_count, t_id)) def find_asset_count(self): sql = "select * from tbl_asset where state=%s" count = self.mysql.getCount(sql, (1)) return int(count)
def get_cycle_data_from_db(table_name, col_name): db = Mysql() query_sql = "select " + col_name + " from " + table_name + " where status = %s order by rand() limit 1" # update_sql = "update " + table_name + " set status = 1 where " + col_name + " = %s" # 取数完更新状态的sql result = db.getOne(query_sql, [0]) # db.update(update_sql, [result[col_name]]) # 更新状态 db.dispose() return result[col_name]
def get_one(): # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() get_sql = "SELECT * FROM posture_result ORDER BY update_time DESC LIMIT 1" result = mysql.getOne(get_sql) # print("{:}\t{:}".format(result['update_time'],result['score'])) print(type(result)) print(result) # 释放资源 mysql.dispose()
def CVeReturnNsfocus(str1): result = [] cvelist = str1.split("\n"); mysql = Mysql() for cveone in cvelist: sql = "SELECT * FROM nsfocusvul where vul_cve = '%s'" % (cveone.strip()) res = mysql.getOne(sql) if res != False: resobj = VulInfo(res["vul_id"],res["vul_cve"],u''+res["vul_name"],u''+res["vul_desc"],u''+res["vul_soul"],res["vul_data"]) result.append(resobj) mysql.dispose() return result
def insert_data(): # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() roll_max = 0.0999989 roll_min = 0.050000374106515644 roll_mean = 0.07501550874813788 roll_count = 100 pitch_max = 0.09999891074324113 pitch_min = 0.050000374106515644 pitch_mean = 0.07501550874813788 pitch_count = 1000 deviation_max = 0.09999891074324113 deviation_min = 0.050000374106515644 deviation_mean = 0.07501550874813788 deviation_count = 100 total_score = 87.76071883296575 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO posture_result(update_time,delta_roll_max,delta_roll_min,delta_roll_mean,delta_roll_count,delta_pitch_max,delta_pitch_min,delta_pitch_mean,delta_pitch_count,delta_deviation_max,delta_deviation_min,delta_deviation_mean,delat_deviation_count,score) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" update_time ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") mysql.insertMany( insert_sql, [(update_time, roll_max, roll_min, roll_mean, roll_count, pitch_max, pitch_min, pitch_mean, pitch_count, deviation_max, deviation_min, deviation_mean, deviation_count, total_score)]) # 释放资源 mysql.dispose()
def InsertVul(request, VulInfo): if VulInfo != None: mysql = Mysql() try: sql = "INSERT INTO `vulinfo`.`nsfocusvul` VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" param = (VulInfo.vul_id, VulInfo.vul_cve, VulInfo.vul_name, VulInfo.vul_desc, VulInfo.vul_soul, VulInfo.vul_data) print str(param) + "----- insert-ok" mysql.insertOne(sql, param) mysql.end() except Exception, e: Writefile("mysqllog.txt", str(e) + VulInfo.tostr() + "\n") print e mysql.dispose()
def apriori(): if request.method == 'OPTIONS': return template('status:200') name = request.json['name'] print(name) mysql = Mysql() taskSql = "SELECT * FROM trans_type_1" taskList = mysql.getAll(taskSql) nodeSql = "SELECT t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4,t_5,t_6,t_7 FROM task_seq WHERE station_name=" + "'" + name + "'" nodeTaskList = mysql.getAll(nodeSql) mysql.dispose() task = [] for x in nodeTaskList: nodeTask = [] for i in range(7): if x['t_' + str(i + 1)] is not None: nodeTask.append(x['t_' + str(i + 1)]) task.append(nodeTask) df = pd.DataFrame({'task_seq': task}) df.to_csv('task.csv', index=False, sep=',') inFile = dataFromFile('task.csv') items, rules = runApriori(inFile, 0.10, 0.5) rule = dealResults(taskList, rules) # return template('{"ret":{{ret}},"task":{{task}}}',task=rule,ret=200) return {"ret": 200, "task": rule}
def predict(): if request.method == 'OPTIONS': return template('status:200') os.chdir("/home/czhou/python/model") gbr_r = joblib.load("pre_r_model.m") #户数 写字楼面积 周围网点数 银行 地区 # test_X=[[150000,8300000,50,2,3]] print(request.json) loc = request.json['loc'] region = request.json['region'] bank = request.json['bank'] test = [region, bank] test_r = [test] pre_r = gbr_r.predict(test_r) print(pre_r) mysql = Mysql() tmp = getNewLatLng(loc['lat'], loc['lng'], pre_r[0]) netSql = 'SELECT COUNT(name) AS data from bankdata_copy WHERE lat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) r1 = mysql.getOne(netSql) print(r1) firmSql = 'SELECT person_num from firm_info WHERE flat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND flat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND flng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND flng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) r2 = mysql.getAll(firmSql) person_num = 0 if r2 != False: for k in r2: person_num += k['person_num'] print(person_num) xqSql = 'SELECT total_house from fdd_xq WHERE lat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) r3 = mysql.getAll(xqSql) total_house = 0 if r3 != False: for k in r3: total_house += k['total_house'] print(total_house) mysql.dispose() test_b = [[r1['data'], person_num, total_house, region, bank]] gbr_b = joblib.load("pre_bsum_model.m") pre_b = gbr_b.predict(test_b) print(pre_b) return template('{"bsum":{{bsum}}}', bsum=pre_b)
def request1(appkey, movieName, m="GET"): values = list() url = "" params = { "key": appkey, # 应用APPKEY(应用详细页查询) "dtype": "json", # 返回数据的格式,xml或json,默认json "q": movieName, # 影视搜索名称 } params = urlencode(params) if m == "GET": f = urllib.urlopen("%s?%s" % (url, params)) else: f = urllib.urlopen(url, params) content = res = json.loads(content) if res: error_code = res["error_code"] if error_code == 0: # 成功请求 mysql = Mysql() url_list = getJsonContent((res["result"])) # print((res["result"])['cover']) for i in range(len(url_list)): global pic_id values.append([pic_id, url_list[i]]) pic_id += 1 mysql.insertMany( 'INSERT IGNORE INTO picture(picture_id,picture_url) values(%s,%s)', values) mysql.dispose() else: print("%s:%s" % (res["error_code"], res["reason"])) else: print("request api error")
def __init__(self): self.mysql = Mysql()
class ScanMaster(object): def __init__(self): self.mysql = Mysql() def logs(self): info = sys.exc_info() level = 4 lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level) lylog.buildLog() def identify(self, port, protocol, banner): vul_list = [] sql = "select id,port,state from sys_vul" info = self.mysql.getAll(sql) for msg in info: if msg['state']: port_list = msg['port'].split(',') for p in port_list: if str(port) == p: vul_list.append(msg['id']) return vul_list def choose(self, port, vul_plug_id): vul_list = [] sql = "select port from sys_vul where id=%s and state=1" vid_list = vul_plug_id.split(',') for i in vid_list: result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (i)) data = result['port'] port_list = str(data).split(',') if str(port) in port_list: vul_list.append(i) return vul_list def door(self, t_id, vul_plug_id, ip, port, protocol, banner, content): url = '' state = {} data = '' vid_list = [] if vul_plug_id == '0': try: vid_list = self.identify(port, protocol, banner) except Exception: self.logs() else: try: vid_list = self.choose(port, vul_plug_id) except Exception: self.logs() for i in vid_list: s_name = 's' + str(i) if s_name == 's1168': if content and 'hikvision' not in content.lower(): continue result = eval(s_name).start(ip, port, protocol) if result: state, url, data = result if state: self.insert_vullist(ip, port, url, i, data, t_id) else: self.updete_vullist(ip, port, i, t_id) def find_count(self, ip, port, vul_id): sql1 = "select * from tbl_vullist where IP=%s and port=%s and vul_id=%s" sql2 = "select vul_name,grade from sys_vul where id=%s" result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (vul_id)) grade = result['grade'] vul_name = result['vul_name'] data_count = self.mysql.getCount(sql1, (ip, port, vul_id)) result2 = self.mysql.getOne(sql1, (ip, port, vul_id)) vullist_id = None if result2: vullist_id = result2['id'] return int(data_count), vullist_id, vul_name, grade def change(self, ip): ip_list = ip.split('.') ip_list1 = copy.copy(ip_list) for i in ip_list: if len(i) == 2: ip_list1[ip_list1.index(i)] = '0' + i elif len(i) == 1: ip_list1[ip_list1.index(i)] = '00' + i return int(''.join(ip_list1)) def find_area_id(self, ip): try: sql = 'select area_id,IP_location from sys_ip_location where inet_aton(IP_start) <= inet_aton(%s) AND inet_aton(IP_end)>=inet_aton(%s);' result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (ip, ip)) area_id = result['area_id'] ip_location = result['IP_location'] return area_id, ip_location except Exception: try: country, province, city, operator = location.find_location(ip) if country and province: sql2 = 'select code from sys_administrative_area where name=%s or name=%s' result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (city, province)) code = result['code'] ip_location2 = province + city sql3 = "insert into sys_ip_location (IP_start,IP_end,IP_loc_county,IP_loc_province,IP_loc_city,IP_loc_district,operator,area_id,IP_location,aton_start,aton_end) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,inet_aton(%s),inet_aton(%s))" self.mysql.insertOne( sql3, (ip, ip, country, province, city, '', operator, code, ip_location2, ip, ip)) return code, ip_location2 except Exception: return '', '' def insert_vullist(self, ip, port, url, vul_id, detail, t_id): count, vullist_id, vul_name, grade = self.find_count(ip, port, vul_id) now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') if count: sql = "update tbl_vullist set update_time=%s,is_repair=%s,is_newly_added=%s where IP=%s and port=%s and vul_id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql, (now_time, 0, 1, ip, port, vul_id)) else: print '---->', ip area_id, IP_location = self.find_area_id(ip) sql = "insert into tbl_vullist (IP,port,url,vul_id,add_time,detail,vul_name,grade,t_id,area_id,IP_location) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" vullist_id = self.mysql.insertOne(sql, (ip, port, url, vul_id, now_time, detail, vul_name, grade, t_id, area_id, IP_location)) self.count_vul(t_id, vullist_id, vul_id, 1) def updete_vullist(self, ip, port, vul_id, t_id): count, vullist_id, vul_name, grade = self.find_count(ip, port, vul_id) if count: now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') sql = "update tbl_vullist set repair_time=%s,update_time=%s,is_repair=%s,is_newly_added=%s where IP=%s and port=%s and vul_id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql, (now_time, now_time, 1, 0, ip, port, vul_id)) self.count_vul(t_id, vullist_id, vul_id, 2) def count_vul(self, t_id, vullist_id, vul_id, state): sql = "select vul_info,vul_count from tbl_task where id=%s" result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (t_id)) vul_info = result['vul_info'] vul_count = result['vul_count'] vul_list = vul_count.split(',') w_all = vul_list[0] w_1 = vul_list[1] w_2 = vul_list[2] w_3 = vul_list[3] sql2 = "select grade from tbl_vullist where id=%s" result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (vullist_id)) grade = result['grade'] if state == 1: if grade == 1: w_3 = str(int(w_3) + 1) w_all = str(int(w_all) + 1) elif grade == 2: w_2 = str(int(w_2) + 1) w_all = str(int(w_all) + 1) else: w_1 = str(int(w_1) + 1) w_all = str(int(w_all) + 1) insert_count = [] insert_count.append(w_all) insert_count.append(w_1) insert_count.append(w_2) insert_count.append(w_3) new_vul_count = ','.join(insert_count) if state == 1: new_vul_info = str(vullist_id) if vul_info: new_vul_info = vul_info + ',' + str(vullist_id) else: new_vul_info = vul_info if vul_info: info_list = vul_info.split(',') if str(vul_id) in info_list: new_vul_info = ','.join(info_list.remove(str(vul_id))) sql3 = "update tbl_task set vul_info=%s,vul_count=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql3, (new_vul_info, new_vul_count, t_id))
#encoding=utf-8 """ author: wdw110 """ from MySqlConn import Mysql from _sqlite3 import Row #申请资源 mysql = Mysql() sqlAll = '' result = mysql.getAll(sqlAll) if result: print 'get all' for row in result: print '%s\t%s'%() sqlAll = '' result = mysql.getMany(sqlAll,2) if result: print 'get many' for row in result: print '' result = mysql.getOne(sqlAll) print 'get one' print '' #释放资源
# coding=utf-8 import sys import log import time import smtplib from MySqlConn import Mysql from email.mime.text import MIMEText mysql = Mysql() msg_from = '*****@*****.**' # 发送方邮箱 passwd = 'ngscanner2018' # 填入发送方邮箱的授权码 def logs(): info = sys.exc_info() level = 4 lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level) lylog.buildLog() def send(ip, vul_name): if on2off(): emali = find_email(ip) if emali: time1 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') time2 = time.strftime('%Y年%m月%d日') subject = "风险通报" content = ''' 管理员: 你好! ''' + time2 + '''专项漏洞''' + vul_name + '''扫描中发现IP:''' + ip + '''存在该漏洞,请及时处理!
# coding:utf-8 import requests import re from MySqlConn import Mysql # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() for i in range(2): page = i * 50 page_url = "" + str( page) r = requests.get(page_url) ret = re.findall(r'(<a href="/p/\d+)', r.text) print(len(ret)) values = list() topic = '同济大学' for j in ret: baidu_id = '' baidu_id += j[9:] values.append([baidu_id, topic]) mysql.insertMany( 'INSERT IGNORE INTO baidu_info(baidu_id,topic) values(%s,%s)', values) # 释放资源 mysql.dispose()
from MySqlConn import Mysql # mysql = Mysql() # sqlAll = "select * from t_perform_test" # result = mysql.getAll(sqlAll) # if result: # print "get all" # for row in result: # print "%s\t%s" %(row["name"], row["password"]) # # mysql.dispose() mysql = Mysql() sql_in = "insert into test.t_perform_test values(%s, %s)" for i in range(1, 1000): params = ["liuyang" + str(i), "password" + str(i)] num = mysql.insertOne(sql_in, params) print num mysql.dispose()
def on_gift_message(msg): print '[%s] 礼物 %-30s---> %s' % ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), msg.attr('nn'), msg.attr('gfid')) sql = 'INSERT INTO giftmsg_%s(nn,uid,level,gfid,time)VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,NOW())' mysql.insertOne(sql, (int(roomid), msg.attr('nn'), msg.attr('uid'), msg.attr('level'), msg.attr('gfid'))) mysql.commit() def run(): room = ChatRoom(roomid) room.on('chatmsg', on_chat_message) room.on('dgb', on_gift_message) room.knock() def createTable(): tableChatMsg = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `chatmsg_%s`(`nn` VARCHAR(20),`uid` INT,`ct` TINYINT,`txt` VARCHAR(100),`level` TINYINT,`time` DATETIME)CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci' mysql.update(tableChatMsg, int(roomid)) tableGiftMsg = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `giftmsg_%s`(`nn` VARCHAR(20),`uid` INT,`level` TINYINT,`gfid` SMALLINT,`time` DATETIME)CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci' mysql.update(tableGiftMsg, int(roomid)) if __name__ == '__main__': roomid = sys.argv[1] mysql = Mysql() createTable() run() mysql.dispose()
def prebsum(): mysql = Mysql() sql = 'SELECT bsum,node_in_prer,firm_in_prer,house_in_prer,region_index,bank_index FROM pre_r WHERE region_index=2 or region_index=7 or region_index=8' res = mysql.getAll(sql) mysql.dispose() a = [] for x in res: b = [] b.append(x['bsum']) b.append(x['node_in_prer']) b.append(x['firm_in_prer']) b.append(x['house_in_prer']) b.append(x['region_index']) b.append(x['bank_index']) a.append(b) np.savetxt('to_predict_bsum.csv', a, delimiter=',') mse_arr = [] b = permutate('pre_bsum_train.csv', 0.98) file_rows = b['file_rows'] - b['test_rows'] train_rows = math.floor(file_rows * 0.9) np.savetxt('train.csv', b['train'], delimiter=',') np.savetxt('test.csv', b['test'], delimiter=',') for time in range(50): os.chdir("C:/Users/yufeng/Desktop/python") t = permutate('train.csv', 0.98) np.savetxt('train_t.csv', t['train'], delimiter=',') df = pd.read_csv('train_t.csv', header=0, encoding='utf-8') y_train, x_train = df.ix[0:train_rows, 0:1], df.ix[0:train_rows, 1:] y_test, x_test = df.ix[train_rows:, 0:1], df.ix[train_rows:, 1:] params = { 'n_estimators': 100, 'max_depth': 5, 'min_samples_split': 2, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'loss': 'ls' } gbr = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor(**params), y_train) os.chdir("/home/czhou/python/model") joblib.dump(gbr, "pre_bsum_model" + str(time) + ".m") y_pre = gbr.predict(x_test) y_test = np.array(y_test) m = [] n = [] for i, j in enumerate(y_pre): m.append(y_pre[i] / (y_test[i][0] + y_pre[i])) n.append(y_test[i][0] / (y_test[i][0] + y_pre[i])) mse = mean_squared_error(n, m) mse_arr.append(mse) a = mse_arr.index(min(mse_arr)) os.chdir("/home/czhou/python") df1 = pd.read_csv('to_predict_bsum.csv', header=0, encoding='utf-8') y_test, x_test = df1.ix[0:, 0:1], df1.ix[0:, 1:] os.chdir("/home/czhou/python/model") gbr = joblib.load("pre_bsum_model" + str(a) + ".m") print("train_model" + str(a) + ".m") joblib.dump(gbr, "pre_bsum_model.m") y_pre1 = gbr.predict(x_test) index = np.arange(1, 24, 1) m = [] n = [] y_test = np.array(y_test) for i, j in enumerate(y_pre1): m.append(y_pre1[i] / (y_test[i][0] + y_pre1[i])) n.append(y_test[i][0] / (y_test[i][0] + y_pre1[i])) mse = mean_squared_error(n, m) print("MSE: %.4f" % mse)
class LeakScan(object): def __init__(self): self.mysql = Mysql() def logs(self): info = sys.exc_info() level = 4 lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level) lylog.buildLog() def Redis(self): pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) return conn def mod_vul_plug_id(self, vul_plug_id): port_list = [] id_list = [] if ',' in vul_plug_id: id_list = vul_plug_id.split(',') else: id_list = [vul_plug_id] if id_list: for i in id_list: sql1 = 'select port from sys_vul where id=' + str(i) result = self.mysql.getOne(sql1) string_port = str(result['port']) if ',' in string_port: p_list = string_port.split(',') for port in p_list: port = port.replace(' ', '') if str(port) not in port_list: port_list.append(str(port)) else: if str(string_port) not in port_list: port_list.append(str(string_port.replace(' ', ''))) str_port = str(tuple(port_list)) if len(port_list) == 1: str_port = str_port.replace(',', '') sql = "select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info where port IN" + str_port return sql else: return "select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info" def find_range_ip(self, dete_obj): ip_list = dete_obj.split('-') ip_start = ip_list[0] ip_end = ip_list[-1] sql = 'select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info where inet_aton(%s)<= inet_aton(ip) AND inet_aton(%s)>=inet_aton(ip)' info = self.mysql.getAll(sql, (ip_start, ip_end)) count = self.mysql.getCount(sql) return count, info def find_asset_count(self): sql = "select * from tbl_asset where state=%s" count = self.mysql.getCount(sql, (1)) return int(count) def process(self, num1, num2): a = float(num1) b = float(num2) sche = "%.f%%" % (b / a * 100) return sche def scan(self, dete_obj, vul_plug_id, t_id): rcon = self.Redis() if not rcon.hgetall(t_id): rcon.hmset(t_id, {'state': 0, 'count': 0}) sql1 = "select IP,port,protocol,html_page,banner from tbl_asset_info" if vul_plug_id != '0': sql1 = self.mod_vul_plug_id(vul_plug_id) info = self.mysql.getAll(sql1) count = self.mysql.getCount(sql1) redis_dic = rcon.hgetall(t_id) state = redis_dic['state'] now_count = int(redis_dic['count']) if '-' in dete_obj: count, info = self.find_range_ip(dete_obj) if count != 0: for index, msg in enumerate(info, 1): if state == '1': if index <= now_count: continue rcon.hincrby(t_id, 'count', amount=1) ip = msg['IP'] port = msg['port'] protocol = msg['protocol'] html = msg['html_page'] banner = msg['banner'] print ip, port try: ScanMaster().door(t_id, vul_plug_id, ip, port, protocol, banner, html) except Exception: self.logs() proces = self.process(count, index) asset_count = self.find_asset_count() sql2 = "update tbl_task set curr_process=%s,asset_count=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql2, (proces, asset_count, t_id)) now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql3 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,state=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql3, (now_time, 2, t_id)) else: now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql4 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,curr_process=%s,state=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql4, (now_time, '100%', 2, t_id)) rcon.delete(t_id) sql5 = 'delete from tbl_task_manage where t_id=%s' self.mysql.delete(sql5, (t_id))
def getscore(): # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() sql = "SELECT station_name FROM original_data WHERE station_name!='财务部' GROUP BY station_name" nameList = mysql.getAll(sql) #释放资源 mysql.dispose() loanM = [] monthBsum = [] replaceDeg = [] bsumGrowth = [] xqHouse = [] xzlArea = [] for x in nameList: mysql = Mysql() #每个网点的贷款金额 loanOne = 0 loanSql = 'SELECT loan_money FROM original_data WHERE station_name=' + "'" + x[ 'station_name'] + "'" # loanRes = mysql.getAll(loanSql) # for k in loanRes: # if k['loan_money']!=None : # loanOne += k['loan_money'] # loanM.append(loanOne) #单个网点每月业务总量 bsumOne = 0 bsumSql = 'SELECT count(_index) AS data FROM original_data WHERE station_name=' + "'" + x[ 'station_name'] + "'" # bsumRes = mysql.getOne(bsumSql) # if bsumRes['data']: # monthBsum.append(bsumRes['data']) # else: # monthBsum.append(bsumOne) #单个网点的可替代程度 replaceSql = 'SELECT bratio,lg_to_min FROM bankdata_copy WHERE name=' + "'" + x[ 'station_name'] + "'" # replaceRes = mysql.getOne(replaceSql) # replaceDeg.append(replaceRes) #未来总业务量增长 #网点定位 业务覆盖半径 nodeLocSql = 'SELECT lng,lat,cover_r FROM bankdata_copy WHERE name=' + "'" + x[ 'station_name'] + "'" nodeLoc = mysql.getOne(nodeLocSql) tmp = getNewLatLng(nodeLoc['lat'], nodeLoc['lng'], nodeLoc['cover_r']) #网点周围新建小区 户数 newXq = 0 newXqSql = 'SELECT house_num from ajk_newxq WHERE lat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) newXqRes = mysql.getAll(newXqSql) print(newXqRes) if newXqRes != False: for k in newXqRes: if k['house_num'] != None: newXq += k['house_num'] xqHouse.append(newXq) #网点周围新建写字楼 面积 newXzl = 0 newXzlSql = 'SELECT area from ajk_newxzl WHERE lat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) newXzlRes = mysql.getAll(newXzlSql) if newXzlRes != False: for k in newXzlRes: newXzl += k['area'] xzlArea.append(newXzl) mysql.dispose() sumxq = sum(xqHouse) sumxzl = sum(xzlArea) bsumGrowthScore = [] for i, j in enumerate(xqHouse): tmp = j * 0.06238087 + xzlArea[i] * 0.16797319 bsumGrowth.append(tmp) maxBG = max(bsumGrowth) mysql = Mysql() for i, j in enumerate(nameList): tmp = round((bsumGrowth[i] / maxBG) * 100, 2) tmpSql = 'UPDATE node_score SET future_bsum_growth=' + str( tmp) + ' WHERE _name=' + "'" + j['station_name'] + "'" mysql.update(tmpSql) mysql.dispose()
def handle(self): print 'got connection from ', self.client_address #self.wfile.write('connection %s:%s at %s succeed!' % (host,port,ctime())) #self.wfile.write(senddata) data = '' while True: recvdata = self.request.recv(1024) if not recvdata: break if data == '' and recvdata[:2] != '\x40\x40': continue if data == '' and recvdata[:2] != '\x40\x40' and recvdata[ -2:] == '\x23\x23': continue if recvdata[:2] == '\x40\x40' and recvdata[-2:] == '\x23\x23': data = recvdata if recvdata[:2] == '\x40\x40' and recvdata[-2:] != '\x23\x23': data += recvdata continue if recvdata[:2] != '\x40\x40' and recvdata[-2:] != '\x23\x23': data += recvdata continue if recvdata[:2] != '\x40\x40' and recvdata[-2:] == '\x23\x23': data += recvdata if data != '' and data[:2] == '\x40\x40' and data[ -2:] == '\x23\x23': #print data #if ord(data[26])==2: dd = data[2:-2] arr = dd.split('##@@') desadd = '' for i in arr: s = '' for j in i[16:22][::-1]: s += hex(ord(j))[2:].zfill(2) desadd = s if True: recvdate = '' for i in arr: s = '' for j in i[4:10][::-1]: s += str(ord(j)).zfill(2) recvdate = s resadd = '' for i in arr: s = '' for j in i[10:16][::-1]: s += hex(ord(j))[2:].zfill(2) resadd = s codenumber = '' jsoninfo = '' if ord(data[27]) == 2: tmpinfo = pmd.parse_typeflag_02(data[27:-3]) codenumber = tmpinfo['codenumber'] jsoninfo = json.dumps(tmpinfo) if ord(data[27]) == 204: tmpinfo = pmd.parse_typeflag_204(data[27:-3]) codenumber = tmpinfo['codenumber'] jsoninfo = json.dumps(tmpinfo) if ord(data[27]) == 206: tmpinfo = pmd.parse_typeflag_206(data[27:-3]) codenumber = tmpinfo['codenumber'] jsoninfo = json.dumps(tmpinfo) if ord(data[27]) == 1: tmpinfo = pmd.parse_typeflag_01(data[27:-3]) codenumber = '' jsoninfo = json.dumps(tmpinfo) if ord(data[27]) == 24: tmpinfo = pmd.parse_typeflag_24(data[27:-3]) codenumber = '' jsoninfo = json.dumps(tmpinfo) if ord(data[27]) == 205: tmpinfo = pmd.parse_typeflag_205(data[27:-3]) codenumber = '' jsoninfo = json.dumps(tmpinfo) mysql = Mysql() sql = "insert into mintordata(mintortime,resadd,desadd,datainfo,controlunit,typeflag,codenumber,jsoninfo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" values_info = (recvdate, resadd, desadd, data[27:-3], ord(data[26]), ord(data[27]), codenumber, jsoninfo) results_value = mysql.insertOne(sql, values_info) mysql.dispose() #cur.execute('insert into mintordata(mintortime,resadd,desadd,datainfo,controlunit,typeflag,codenumber,jsoninfo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(recvdate,resadd,desadd,data[27:-3],ord(data[26]),ord(data[27]),codenumber,jsoninfo)) #conn.commit() print "RECV from ", self.client_address[ 0], " at ", self.client_address[ 1], " recvdata at ", recvdate, " resadd at ", resadd, " desadd at ", desadd #senddata=data[:6]+second+minute+hour+day+month+year+data[18:24]+data[12:18]+data[24:26]+'\x03' senddata = data[: 6] + second + minute + hour + day + month + year + data[ 18:24] + data[ 12:18] + '\x00\x00' + '\x03' #senddata=data[:6]+second+minute+hour+day+month+year+data[18:24]+data[12:18]+data[24:26]+'\x04'+data[27:-3] checkstr = chr(uchar_checksum(senddata[2:])) senddata += checkstr + '##' self.request.send(senddata) data = ''
from MySqlConn import Mysql mysql = Mysql() sql_up = "update market.market_user set status = 0 where telephone = 18626330613" mysql.update(sql_up, param=None) mysql.dispose()
def getCoverR(): mysql = Mysql() nameSql = 'SELECT name FROM bankdata_copy' res1 = mysql.getAll(nameSql) for x in res: crSql = 'SELECT f_s_dis,flng,flat,slng,slat FROM original_data WHERE station_name=' + "'" + x[ 'name'] + "'" res2 = mysql.getAll(crSql) nodeRadius = 0 sorted(res2.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) if len(res2) > 0: nodeRadius = res2[math.floor(len(res2) * 0.2)]['f_s_dis'] tmp = res2[math.floor(len(res2) * 0.2)] k = getNewLatLng(tmp['slat'], tmp['slng'], nodeRadius) xqSql = 'SELECT total_house from fdd_xq WHERE lat >' + str( k['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( k['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( k['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(k['maxLng']) res3 = mysql.getAll(xqSql) total_house = 0 for m in res3: total_house += m['total_house'] print(total_house) xzlSql = 'SELECT area from biz_bld WHERE lat >' + str( k['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( k['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( k['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(k['maxLng']) res4 = mysql.getAll(xzlSql) total_area = 0 for m in res3: total_area += m['area'] print(total_area) netSql = 'SELECT COUNT(name) AS data from bankdata_copy WHERE lat >' + str( k['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( k['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( k['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(k['maxLng']) r1 = mysql.getOne(netSql) print(r1) firmSql = 'SELECT person_num from firm_info WHERE flat >' + str( k['minLat']) + ' AND flat <' + str( k['maxLat']) + ' AND flng >' + str( k['minLng']) + ' AND flng <' + str(k['maxLng']) r2 = mysql.getAll(firmSql) person_num = 0 for m in r2: person_num += m['person_num'] print(person_num) sql_r = 'UPDATE bankdata_copy SET cover_r =' + str( nodeRadius ) + ',xq_house=' + str(total_house) + ',xzl_area=' + str( total_area) + ',near_node=' + str( r1['data']) + ',firmb_in_r=' + str( person_num) + ' WHERE name=' + "'" + x['name'] + "'" r4 = mysql.update(sql_r) mysql.dispose()
class AssetDiscovery(object): def __init__(self): self.mysql = Mysql() def logs(self): info = sys.exc_info() level = 4 lylog = log.LogMaster('scan_log', info, level) lylog.buildLog() def find_range_ip(self, dete_obj): ip_list = dete_obj.split('-') ip_start = ip_list[0] ip_end = ip_list[-1] sql = 'select IP,detection_times,port_info from tbl_asset where inet_aton(%s)<= inet_aton(ip) AND inet_aton(%s)>=inet_aton(ip)' info = self.mysql.getAll(sql, (ip_start, ip_end)) count = self.mysql.getCount(sql) return count, info def process(self, num1, num2): a = float(num1) b = float(num2) sche = "%.f%%" % (b / a * 100) return sche def find_asset_count(self): sql = "select * from tbl_asset where state=%s" count = self.mysql.getCount(sql, (1)) return int(count) def find_asset(self, dete_obj, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id): sql1 = "select IP,detection_times,port_info from tbl_asset" info = self.mysql.getAll(sql1) count = self.mysql.getCount(sql1) if '-' in dete_obj: count, info = self.find_range_ip(dete_obj) if count != 0: for index, msg in enumerate(info, 1): ip = msg['IP'] print ip self.scan(msg, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id) proces = self.process(count, index) asset_count = self.find_asset_count() sql2 = "update tbl_task set curr_process=%s,asset_count=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql2, (proces, asset_count, t_id)) now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql3 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,state=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql3, (now_time, 2, t_id)) else: now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql4 = "update tbl_task set end_time=%s,curr_process=%s,state=%s where id=%s" self.mysql.update(sql4, (now_time, '100%', 2, t_id)) def update_asset(self, host, os, items, all_port, device_type, device_info): area_id, IP_location = self.find_area_id(host) detection_times = int(items) + 1 state = 1 if all_port: state = 1 else: state = 0 update_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "update tbl_asset set update_time=%s,area_id=%s,IP_location=%s,state=%s,detection_times=%s,os=%s,device_type=%s, device_info=%s where IP=%s" self.mysql.update(sql, (update_time, area_id, IP_location, state, detection_times, os, device_type, device_info, host)) def update_port_info(self, all_port, host): port_info = str(all_port) sql = '''update tbl_asset set port_info="%s" where IP="%s"''' % ( port_info, host) self.mysql.update(sql) def find_area_id(self, ip): try: sql = 'select area_id,IP_location from sys_ip_location where inet_aton(IP_start) <= inet_aton(%s) AND inet_aton(IP_end)>=inet_aton(%s);' result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (ip, ip)) area_id = result['area_id'] ip_location = result['IP_location'] return area_id, ip_location except Exception: try: country, province, city, operator = location.find_location(ip) if country and province: sql2 = 'select code from sys_administrative_area where name=%s or name=%s' result = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (city, province)) code = result['code'] ip_location2 = province + city sql3 = "insert into sys_ip_location (IP_start,IP_end,IP_loc_county,IP_loc_province,IP_loc_city,IP_loc_district,operator,area_id,IP_location,aton_start,aton_end) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,inet_aton(%s),inet_aton(%s))" self.mysql.insertOne( sql3, (ip, ip, country, province, city, '', operator, code, ip_location2, ip, ip)) return code, ip_location2 except Exception: return '', '' def find_asset_id(self, ip): sql = 'select id,area_id from tbl_asset where IP=%s' result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (ip)) asset_id = result['id'] area_id = result['area_id'] return asset_id, area_id def find_protocol(self, port): sql = 'select protocol from sys_port where port=%s' result = self.mysql.getOne(sql, (port)) protocol = result['protocol'] return protocol def find_cate(self, cate_id): sql1 = 'select parent_id from sys_rule_cate where id=%s' sql2 = 'select cate_name from sys_rule_cate where id=%s' result1 = self.mysql.getOne(sql1, (cate_id)) parent_id = result1['parent_id'] result2 = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (parent_id)) cate_name = result2['cate_name'] return cate_name def find_banner(self, content, title='', header=''): sql = "select id,rule_content,original_info,cate_id,cate_name from sys_rule" info = self.mysql.getAll(sql) id_list = [] banner_list = [] for msg in info: _id = str(msg['id']) rule_content = msg['rule_content'] original_info = msg['original_info'] cate_id = msg['cate_id'] cate_name = msg['cate_name'] rule = str(original_info).lower() if title: if rule in title.lower(): parent_cate_name = self.find_cate(cate_id) id_list.append(_id) banner_list.append(rule_content) banner_list.append(cate_name) banner_list.append(parent_cate_name) if content: if rule in content.lower(): parent_cate_name = self.find_cate(cate_id) id_list.append(_id) banner_list.append(rule_content) banner_list.append(cate_name) banner_list.append(parent_cate_name) if header: if rule in str(header).lower(): parent_cate_name = self.find_cate(cate_id) id_list.append(_id) banner_list.append(rule_content) banner_list.append(cate_name) banner_list.append(parent_cate_name) try: return ','.join(list(set(banner_list))), ','.join(list(set(id_list))) except Exception: return '', '' def find_manufacturer(self, content): if content: sql = 'select simple_name,keyword from sys_manufacturer' info = self.mysql.getAll(sql) for msg in info: simple_name = msg['simple_name'] keyword = msg['keyword'] key_list = [] if ',' in keyword: key_list = keyword.split(',') else: key_list.append(keyword) for key in key_list: if key.lower() in content.lower(): return simple_name return '' else: return '' def history(self, ip, dict1, dict2): add_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not dict1: dict1 = '{}' dict1 = eval(dict1) if dict1 != dict2: if len(dict1) > len(dict2): for i in dict1: if i in dict2: pass else: sql1 = "update tbl_asset_info set history=%s where IP=%s and port=%s" self.mysql.update(sql1, (1, ip, i)) else: for j in dict2: if j in dict1: pass else: asset_id, area_id = self.find_asset_id(ip) protocol = dict2[j] sql2 = "insert into tbl_asset_info (IP,port,protocol,add_time,asset_id,area_id) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" self.mysql.insertOne( sql2, (ip, j, protocol, add_time, asset_id, area_id)) def telnet(self, ip, port): cmd = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/python /var/www/html/ngscanner/scan/ ' + ip + ' ' + port output = os.popen(cmd) stdoutput = if stdoutput: return stdoutput.strip() else: return '' def send_http(self, host, port): protocol = self.find_protocol(port) if protocol == 'https': try: res = requests.get('https://' + host + ':' + str(port), timeout=5, verify=False) return res except Exception: return else: try: res = requests.get('http://' + host + ':' + str(port), timeout=5) return res except Exception: return def re_title(self, content): content = content.lower() h ='<title>[\s\S]*?</title>', content) if h: title = if title: return title.replace('<title>', '').replace('</title>', '') def mod_headers(self, res): url = res.url scheme = 'HTTP' if url.startswith('https:'): scheme = 'HTTPS' code = res.status_code reason = res.reason h = res.headers he = dict(h) data = [] data.append(scheme + '/' + str(code) + ' ' + reason + '\n') for i in h: data.append(i + ':' + h[i] + '\n') header = ''.join(data).strip() server = '' if 'Server' in he: server = he['Server'] return header, server def mod_protocol(self, port, protocol): sql1 = 'select protocol from sys_port where port=%s and data_source IN (3,1) order by id desc' sql2 = 'select protocol from sys_port where port=%s and data_source=%s' sql3 = "insert into sys_port (port,protocol,data_source,cate,add_time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" result = self.mysql.getOne(sql1, (port)) db_protocol1 = result['protocol'] if db_protocol1: return db_protocol1 else: result2 = self.mysql.getOne(sql2, (port, 2)) db_protocol2 = result2['protocol'] if db_protocol2: return db_protocol2 else: if protocol.lower() != 'unknown': add_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.mysql.insertOne(sql3, (port, protocol, 2, 0, add_time)) return protocol def decode(self, req): encoding = req.encoding if encoding == 'ISO-8859-1': encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(req.text) if encodings: encoding = encodings[0] else: encoding = req.apparent_encoding encode_content = req.content.decode( encoding, 'replace').encode('utf-8', 'replace') return encode_content def scan(self, data_one, content_type, vul_plug_id, t_id): host = data_one['IP'] items = data_one['detection_times'] port_info = data_one['port_info'] OS = '' all_port = {} device_type = '' device_info = '' try: all_port, OS, device_type, device_info = self.nmap_scan(host) except Exception: self.logs() self.update_asset(host, OS, items, all_port, device_type, device_info) if all_port: self.history(host, port_info, all_port) self.update_port_info(all_port, host) for port, protocol in all_port.items(): if port == '19': continue banner = '' print '----->', port add_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') protocol = self.mod_protocol(port, protocol) asset_id, area_id = self.find_asset_id(host) res = self.send_http(host, port) content = None try: content = self.decode(res) except Exception: pass if content: print 'http' title = self.re_title(content) header, server = self.mod_headers(res) banner, rule_id = self.find_banner(content, title, header) manufacturer = self.find_manufacturer(content) sql_http = "update tbl_asset_info set protocol=%s,asset_id=%s,title=%s,header=%s,html_page=%s,banner=%s,rule_id=%s,server=%s,manufacturer=%s where IP=%s and port=%s" self.mysql.update(sql_http, (protocol, asset_id, title, header, content, banner, rule_id, server, manufacturer, host, port)) else: print 'telnet' content = self.telnet(host, port) if content: banner, rule_id = self.find_banner(content) manufacturer = self.find_manufacturer(content) sql_telnet = "update tbl_asset_info set protocol=%s,asset_id=%s,html_page=%s,banner=%s,rule_id=%s,manufacturer=%s where IP=%s and port=%s" self.mysql.update(sql_telnet, (protocol, asset_id, content, banner, rule_id, manufacturer, host, port)) sql_time = "update tbl_asset_info set update_time=%s where IP=%s and port=%s" self.mysql.update(sql_time, (add_time, host, port)) if content_type == 0: ScanMaster().door(t_id, vul_plug_id, host, int(port), protocol, banner, content) else: print 'No open ports!' def nmap_scan(self, ip): cmd = 'nmap -O %s' % (ip) stdoutput = None try: output = os.popen(cmd) stdoutput = except Exception: pass if stdoutput and 'Nmap scan report for' in stdoutput: trim = stdoutput.split('\n') device_type = '' device_info = '' all_port = {} OS = '' for i in trim: line = i.lower() if 'open' in line and 'warning' not in line and '%' not in line and 'filtered' not in line and 'running' not in line and 'cpe:' not in line and 'nmap scan report' not in line: one = i.split(' ') data = [] for j in one: if j: data.append(j) port = data[0].split('/')[0] protocol = data[-1] if port.isdigit(): all_port[port] = protocol if 'Aggressive OS guesses' in stdoutput: if 'Aggressive OS guesses' in i: OS = self.get_os(i).strip() elif 'Running' in i: if ',' in i: i = i.split(',')[0] OS = i.split(':')[-1].strip() if 'Device type' in i: device = i.split(':')[-1] if '|' in device: device_list = device.split('|') device_type = ','.join(device_list).strip() device_info = device_list[0].strip() else: device_type = device_info = device.strip() return all_port, OS, device_type, device_info else: return {}, '', '', '' def get_os(self, i): b = i.split('),') for i in b: if ',' in i or 'or' in i: pass else: if '(' in i: os = i.split('(')[0].strip() if 'Aggressive OS guesses' in os: os = os.split(':')[-1] return os
# coding:utf-8 ''''' @author: baocheng ''' from MySqlConn import Mysql from _sqlite3 import Row # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() sqlAll = "SELECT tb.uid as uid, group_concat(tb.goodsname) as goodsname FROM ( SELECT goods.uid AS uid, IF ( ISNULL(goodsrelation.goodsname), goods.goodsID, goodsrelation.goodsname ) AS goodsname FROM goods LEFT JOIN goodsrelation ON goods.goodsID = goodsrelation.goodsId ) tb GROUP BY tb.uid" result = mysql.getAll(sqlAll) if result: print "get all" for row in result: print "%s\t%s" % (row["uid"], row["goodsname"]) sqlAll = "SELECT tb.uid as uid, group_concat(tb.goodsname) as goodsname FROM ( SELECT goods.uid AS uid, IF ( ISNULL(goodsrelation.goodsname), goods.goodsID, goodsrelation.goodsname ) AS goodsname FROM goods LEFT JOIN goodsrelation ON goods.goodsID = goodsrelation.goodsId ) tb GROUP BY tb.uid" result = mysql.getMany(sqlAll, 2) if result: print "get many" for row in result: print "%s\t%s" % (row["uid"], row["goodsname"]) result = mysql.getOne(sqlAll) print "get one" print "%s\t%s" % (result["uid"], result["goodsname"]) # 释放资源 mysql.dispose()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf8 -*- # @Author : tuolifeng # @Time : 2017-10-17 13:28:40 # @File : # @Software : PyCharm # 测试对MySQL的访问 from MySqlConn import Mysql # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() sqlAll = "select * from gz_lianjia_xiaoqu_all" result = mysql.getAll(sqlAll) if result: print "get all" for row in result: print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (row["area_name"], row["price"], row["longtitude"], row["latitude"], row["detail_url"]) #sqlAll = "select * from gz_lianjia_xiaoqu_all" #result = mysql.getMany(sqlAll, 2) #if result: # print "get many" # for row in result: # print "%s\t%s" % (row["area_name"], row["price"]) #result = mysql.getOne(sqlAll) #print "get one" #print "%s\t%s" % (result["area_name"], result["price"])
def dealPreR(): # 申请资源 mysql = Mysql() sql = "delete FROM pre_r" result = mysql.delete(sql) #释放资源 mysql.dispose() a = np.loadtxt('test_pre_r.csv', delimiter=',') a = np.delete(a, 0, axis=0) for x in a: mysql = Mysql() tmpSql = "INSERT INTO pre_r (old_index, bsum, lat, lng, bank_index, region_index, pre_r) VALUES (" + str( x[0]) + ',' + str(x[1]) + ',' + str(x[2]) + ',' + str( x[3]) + ',' + str(x[5]) + ',' + str(x[6]) + ',' + str( x[7]) + ')' result = mysql.update(tmpSql) tmp = getNewLatLng(x[2], x[3], x[7]) netSql = 'SELECT COUNT(name) AS data from bankdata_copy WHERE lat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) r1 = mysql.getOne(netSql) print(r1) firmSql = 'SELECT person_num from firm_info WHERE flat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND flat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND flng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND flng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) r2 = mysql.getAll(firmSql) person_num = 0 for k in r2: person_num += k['person_num'] print(person_num) xqSql = 'SELECT total_house from fdd_xq WHERE lat >' + str( tmp['minLat']) + ' AND lat <' + str( tmp['maxLat']) + ' AND lng >' + str( tmp['minLng']) + ' AND lng <' + str(tmp['maxLng']) r3 = mysql.getAll(xqSql) total_house = 0 for k in r3: total_house += k['total_house'] print(total_house) sql_r = 'UPDATE pre_r SET node_in_prer=' + str( r1['data']) + ',firm_in_prer=' + str( person_num) + ',house_in_prer=' + str( total_house) + ' WHERE old_index=' + str(x[0]) r4 = mysql.update(sql_r) mysql.dispose() prebsum() return template('test:{{test}}', test="正在处理")