Exemplo n.º 1
def a_word(view, pt, inclusive=True, count=1):
    # type: (...) -> Region
    assert count > 0
    start = current_word_start(view, pt)
    end = pt

    if inclusive:
        end = word_starts(view, start, count=count, internal=True)

        # If there is no space at the end of our word text object, include any
        # preceding spaces. (Follows Vim behavior.)
        if (not view.substr(end - 1).isspace()
                and view.substr(start - 1).isspace()):
            start = prev_non_blank(view, start - 1) + 1

        # Vim does some inconsistent stuff here...
        if count > 1 and view.substr(end) == '\n':
            end += 1

        return Region(start, end)

    for x in range(count):
        end = current_word_end(view, end)

    return Region(start, end)
Exemplo n.º 2
def resolve_indent_text_object(view, s: Region, inclusive: bool = True, big: bool = False):
    # Look for the minimum indentation in the current visual region.
    idnt = 1000
    idnt_pt = None
    for line in view.lines(s):
        if not re.match('^\\s*$', view.substr(line)):
            level = view.indentation_level(line.a)
            if level < idnt:
                idnt = min(idnt, level)
                idnt_pt = line.a

    # If the selection has no indentation at all, find which indentation level
    # is the largest, the previous non blank before tphe cursor or the next non
    # blank after the cursor, and start the selection from that point.

    if idnt == 1000:
        pnb_pt = prev_non_ws(view, s.begin())
        pnb_indent_level = view_indentation_level(view, pnb_pt)

        nnb_pt = next_non_ws(view, s.end())
        nnb_indent_level = view_indentation_level(view, nnb_pt)

        if pnb_indent_level > nnb_indent_level:
            idnt_pt = s.a = s.b = pnb_pt
        elif nnb_indent_level > pnb_indent_level:
            idnt_pt = s.a = s.b = nnb_pt
            idnt_pt = pnb_pt

    if idnt == 0 and idnt_pt is not None:
        expanded = view.expand_by_class(s, CLASS_EMPTY_LINE)
        s.a = expanded.a
        s.b = expanded.b

        if not inclusive:
            # Case: ii and iI. Strip any leading whitespace.
            leading_ws = view_find(view, '\\s*', s.a)
            if leading_ws is not None:
                s.a = view.line(leading_ws.b).a

            s.b = prev_non_blank(view, s.b)
        elif big:
            # Case: aI. Add a line below.
            if view.substr(s.b) == '\n':
                s.b += 1

    elif idnt > 0 and idnt_pt is not None:
        indented_region = view_indented_region(view, idnt_pt, inclusive)

        if indented_region.begin() < s.begin():
            s.a = indented_region.begin()

        if indented_region.end() > s.end():
            s.b = indented_region.end()

        if inclusive:
            # Case: ai. Add a line above.
            s.a = view.line(view.text_point(view.rowcol(s.a)[0] - 1, 0)).a

            # Case: aI. Add a line below.
            if big:
                s.b = view.full_line(view.text_point(view.rowcol(s.b - 1)[0] + 1, 0)).b

    return s