def __init__(self): # app title = u"Sissi" # app lock self.lock = e32.Ao_lock() # ensure data dir exists self.datadir = os.path.join(u"C:\\Data", u"Sissi") if not os.path.exists(self.datadir): os.makedirs(self.datadir) # create a directory for temporary data self.cachedir = u"D:\\Sissi" if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir): os.makedirs(self.cachedir) # get screen resolution self.screen = sysinfo.display_pixels() # extra classes instantiated self.scanner = Scanner(self) self.netmapper = NetMapper(self) = Map(self) self.cos_api = COSApi(self) # timer self.t = e32.Ao_timer() = False # set canvas self.activate() # configuration / settings self.draw_screen('reading config') self.config_file = os.path.join(self.datadir, "settings.ini") self.config = {} # TODO: read these from a configuration file self.apid = None # Default access point self.read_config() if self.config.has_key("apid"): self._select_access_point(self.config["apid"]) # set extra handler to be called on each GPS loop self.scanner.set_extra_handler(self.loop) # update our menu self._update_menu() self.draw_screen('ready!') # self.debug(self.screen) self.scanner_handler() # start scanning automatically # set exit key handler = self.exit_key_handler
class SissiApp: __id__ = u'Sissi' __version__ = u'0.1' def __init__(self): # app title = u"Sissi" # app lock self.lock = e32.Ao_lock() # ensure data dir exists self.datadir = os.path.join(u"C:\\Data", u"Sissi") if not os.path.exists(self.datadir): os.makedirs(self.datadir) # create a directory for temporary data self.cachedir = u"D:\\Sissi" if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir): os.makedirs(self.cachedir) # get screen resolution self.screen = sysinfo.display_pixels() # extra classes instantiated self.scanner = Scanner(self) self.netmapper = NetMapper(self) = Map(self) self.cos_api = COSApi(self) # timer self.t = e32.Ao_timer() = False # set canvas self.activate() # configuration / settings self.draw_screen('reading config') self.config_file = os.path.join(self.datadir, "settings.ini") self.config = {} # TODO: read these from a configuration file self.apid = None # Default access point self.read_config() if self.config.has_key("apid"): self._select_access_point(self.config["apid"]) # set extra handler to be called on each GPS loop self.scanner.set_extra_handler(self.loop) # update our menu self._update_menu() self.draw_screen('ready!') # self.debug(self.screen) self.scanner_handler() # start scanning automatically # set exit key handler = self.exit_key_handler def debug(self,obj): self.draw_screen(simplejson.dumps(obj)) def update(self, dummy=(0, 0, 0, 0)): self.t.cancel() text = self.get_canvas_text() self.draw_screen(text) if self.t.after(0.5, self.update) def get_canvas_text(self): text = "" if self.scanner.text != None: text += self.scanner.text if self.netmapper.text != None: text += self.netmapper.text if self.cos_api.text != None: text += self.cos_api.text if len(text) == 0: text = "Waiting for location fix!" return text def draw_screen(self,text): self.canvas.clear() line_height = y = 15 text = text.split("\n") for line in text: self.canvas.text((3, y), u""+line, font=(u"Series 60 Sans", 12), fill=0x333333) y += line_height def open_ossi(self): path = u"e:\\python\\ossi.html" c=appuifw.Content_handler() app_lock = e32.Ao_lock() app_lock.wait() = self.exit_key_handler def _select_access_point(self, apid = None): """ Shortcut for socket.select_access_point() TODO: save selected access point to the config TODO: allow user to change access point later """ if apid is not None: self.apid = apid else: access_points = socket.access_points() sort_key = "iapid" decorated = [(dict_[sort_key], dict_) for dict_ in access_points] decorated.sort() access_points = [dict_ for (key, dict_) in decorated] ap_names = [dict_["name"] for dict_ in access_points] ap_ids = [dict_["iapid"] for dict_ in access_points] selected = appuifw.selection_list(ap_names, search_field=1) #print selected, ap_names[selected], ap_ids[selected] if selected is not None: self.apid = ap_ids[selected] if self.apid: self.apo = socket.access_point(self.apid) socket.set_default_access_point(self.apo) self.config["apid"] = self.apid self.save_config() self._update_menu() return self.apid def _update_menu(self): scanner_string = 'Start' if self.__dict__.has_key("scanner"): # check that scanner has been initialized if self.scanner.running: scanner_string = 'Stop' = [ (u""+scanner_string+" scanner", self.scanner_handler), (u"Show map", self.toggle_map), (u"Reset config", self.reset_config), (u"About", lambda:appuifw.note("Sissi is OtaSizzle S60 daemon. Version: " + self.__version__ + "\n\nJ Turunen / HIIT", 'info')), (u"Close", self.exit_key_handler), ] def read_config(self): data = {} try: f = open(self.config_file, "rt") data = eval( #data = f.close() except: appuifw.note(u"Generating a settings file...", 'info') # raise # List here ALL POSSIBLE configuration keys, so they will be initialized defaults = { "otasizzle_username" : None, "otasizzle_password" : None, "cos_method" : u"http", "cos_domain" : u"", "cos_path" : u"/location/single_update", "apid" : None, "onm_url" : u"", "script" : u"/api/", } # List here all configuration keys, which must be defined before use # If a config key has key "function", it's called to define value # TODO: make some order for these mandatory = { "otasizzle_username" : {"querytext" : u"your OtaSizzle username", "valuetype" : "text", "default" : u'', "canceltext" : u'username is mandatory!', }, "otasizzle_password" : {"querytext" : u"your OtaSizzle password", "valuetype" : "text", "default" : u'', "canceltext" : u'password is mandatory!', }, "apid" : {"querytext" : u"Select default data connection!", "valuetype" : "function", "default" : u'', "canceltext" : None, "function" : self._select_access_point, }, } # Loop all possible keys (found from defaults) for key in defaults.keys(): if data.has_key(key): # Use the value found from the data defaults[key] = data[key] elif mandatory.has_key(key) and defaults[key] is None: # Ask mandatory values from the user value = None if mandatory[key].has_key("function"): # if defined, call the "function" appuifw.note(mandatory[key]["querytext"], 'info') value = mandatory[key]["function"]() # "function" must return a value else: while value is None: value = appuifw.query(mandatory[key]["querytext"], mandatory[key]["valuetype"], mandatory[key]["default"]) if value is None and mandatory[key]["canceltext"]: appuifw.note(mandatory[key]["canceltext"], 'error') elif value is None: # If canceltext is u"", change value None to u"" value = u"" defaults[key] = value self.config = defaults self.save_config() def save_config(self): f = open(self.config_file, "wt") f.write(repr(self.config)) f.close() def reset_config(self): if appuifw.query(u'Are you sure you want to delete all settings?', 'query') is True: os.remove(self.config_file) appuifw.note(u"Done, now you need to restart Sissi!", 'info') self.running = False self.lock.signal() = None def scanner_handler(self): if self.scanner: if self.scanner.running: self.scanner.stop() else: self.scanner.start() self._update_menu() def loop(self): if self.scanner.position.has_key("gps_data"): # first check whether we have a GPS position["gps_data"]["lat"], self.scanner.position["gps_data"]["lon"]) # if map view is active load a new one if["gps_data"]["lat"], self.scanner.position["gps_data"]["lon"]) elif self.scanner.position.has_key("wlan_data"): # if not then see if we have wlans in the latest scanned position wlanlist = self.scanner.position["wlan_data"]["wlanlist"] wlanlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y['rxlevel'], x['rxlevel'])) if len(wlanlist) > 1: self.netmapper.get_location(wlanlist) # fetching calculated location from OpenNetMap if self.netmapper.computed_location["latitude"] and self.netmapper.computed_location["longitude"]:["latitude"], self.netmapper.computed_location["longitude"]) # if map view is active load a new one if self.netmapper.computed_location["latitude"] and self.netmapper.computed_location["longitude"] and["latitude"], self.netmapper.computed_location["longitude"]) elif self.scanner.position.has_key("gsm_data"): # not yet implemented!! pass def toggle_map(self): if not == self.canvas: = False self.activate() else: = False def activate(self): = True = self.exit_key_handler try: self.canvas except: self.canvas = appuifw.Canvas(redraw_callback=self.update) = self.canvas self._update_menu() def run(self): self.lock.wait() self.close() def exit_key_handler(self): if appuifw.query(u"Quit program", 'query') is True: self.running = False self.scanner.stop() self.lock.signal() def close(self): # positioning.stop_position() = None self.running = False