Exemplo n.º 1
class Challenger(threading.Thread):
    """ Based on my quick and dirty server 'keep-alive' heartbeat class """
    def __init__(self, baseSite, target, params, autostart=True):
        # Flag of Death
        self.stopFlag = False;
        self.pauseFlag = False;
        self._silent = False;
        self.server = NetworkInterface();
        self.server.baseSite = baseSite;
        self.server.target = target;
        self.server.params = params;
        self.server.makeNulls = True;
        # Clear the timer
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, None, None, "Challenger Thread");
        self.daemon = True;
        if autostart: self.start();

    def run(self):
        """ Start sending beats to the server every 10 seconds """
        while(not self.stopFlag):
            sleeptime = time.clock();
                op = self.server.params['type'];
                self.server.params['type'] = 'ali';
                self.server.params['type'] = op;
                response = self.server.request();

                if(response not in [None, '', False] and response != '$NoBattle' and 0 < len(response) <= 25):
                    if(response == '$Ingame'): continue;
                    else: os.system('start python Popup.py ' + response.strip());
            time.sleep(math.fabs(3 - (time.clock() - sleeptime)));
    def stop(self, join=True):
        if(join and self.stopFlag): self.join(1);
        self.stopFlag = True;
Exemplo n.º 2
                    # Package the new data
                    conn1.params = {"u":u, "python":1, "type":"", "SID":SID};

                    # 1. Split the key in half
                    # 2. Place chunks at both the front and the end (double salt)
                    # 3. SHA-1 the whole thing again
                    eKeyPiece1 = KEY[0:20];
                    eKeyPiece2 = KEY[20:40];
                    p = str(hashlib.sha1(eKeyPiece1 + hashlib.sha1(hashlib.md5(p).hexdigest()).hexdigest() + eKeyPiece2).hexdigest());
                    u = str(hashlib.sha1(eKeyPiece1 + u + eKeyPiece2).hexdigest());
                    conn1.params["u"] = u;
                    conn1.params["p"] = p;
                    conn1.params["type"] = "lin";

                    # Authenticate the user's information
                    response = conn1.request();
                    # Alert the user of the result, and display the proper options accordingly
                    if response != False:
                        if response == "Approved":
                            Display.playerMsg("Login Successful.");
                            # Grab the user's player data and store it as a dictionary
                            conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"pul", "SID":SID};
                            conn1.makeNulls = True;
                            response = conn1.request();
                            if response != False:
                                userdict = json_decode(response);
                                userpowers = userdict['powers'];