Exemplo n.º 1
def fnProcessLine(mysLine,mysType):
    TRC.trace(3,"proc ProcessLine1 lines|%s| code|%s| blank|%s| short|%s| comment|%s|" % (g.getAll()))

    # A blank line is blank in any language.
    if ( re.match("^\s*\r?$",mysLine) ):

# P H A S E   1 :   L O O K   F O R   S E Q U E N C E S 
    # Test the line in language-specific ways.  
    # As ugly and complex as all this looks, it works only 
    # for pretty vanilla cases.  It is still too simple
    # to get a correct answer in all cases.  
# C   C P P   H   H P P   J A V A   S C A L A 
    if ( re.match("^(c|cpp|h|hpp|java|scala)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as C, Java, or Scala")
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*(\/\*.*\*\/|\/\/.*)\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^.*(\/\*|\/\/).*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^.*(\*\/|\/\/).*$",mysLine)
        if ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bCodeCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*\S+.*(\/\*|\/\/).*$",mysLine)
# S H   K S H 
    elif ( re.match("^(sh|ksh)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as Shell script")
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*#.*\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^.*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^.*#.*$",mysLine)
        if ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bCodeCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*\S+.*(#).*$",mysLine)
        TRC.trace(3,"proc  s=|%s|%s| type=|%s| blank=|%s| short=|%s| commentonly=|%s| commentbegin=|%s| commentend=|%s| codebegin=|%s|" % (g.nLines, mysLine, mysType, g.bBlank, g.bShort, g.bCommentOnly, g.bCommentBegin, g.bCommentEnd, g.bCodeCommentBegin))
# P E R L   A W K   R
    elif ( re.match("^(pl|awk|r)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as Perl or Awk")
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*#.*\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^.*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^.*#.*$",mysLine)
        if ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bCodeCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*\S+.*(#).*$",mysLine)
# P Y T H O N 
    elif ( re.match("^(py|pm)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as Python")
        g.bShort = 0
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*#.*\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^.*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^.*#.*$",mysLine)
        if ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bCodeCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*\S+.*(#).*$",mysLine)
        TRC.trace(5,"proc hashcomment only|%s| begin|%s| end|%s|" % (tf(g.bCommentOnly),tf(g.bCommentBegin),tf(g.bCommentEnd)))

        # E x p e r i m e n t a l :  try to find block comments in Python.  
        # Makes me crazy to deal with apostrophe and quote both.
        # Beginning or ending of block comment?
        g.bCommentBlockAloneApost = re.match("^\s*(\'{3})\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockAloneQuote = re.match("^\s*(\"{3})\s*$",mysLine)

        # Comment with non-blank text before or after the triple-thing?
        # All of these are wrong, I know.  Any code on the
        # same line could innocently contain apostrophes or quotes.
        g.bCommentBlockTextAfterApost = re.match("^\s*(\'{3}).*[^\s\']+.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockTextAfterQuote = re.match("^\s*(\"{3}).*[^\s\"]+.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockTextBeforeApost = re.match("^.*[^\s\']+.*(\'{3})\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockTextBeforeQuote = re.match("^.*[^\s\"]+.*(\"{3})\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockTextBothApost = re.match("^\s*\S+.*(\'{3})\s*\S+.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockTextBothQuote = re.match("^\s*\S+.*(\"{3})\s*\S+.*$",mysLine)

        # Does block comment begin and end on the same line?
        g.bCommentBlockSingleApost = re.match("^\s*(\'{3})[^\']*(\'{3})\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBlockSingleQuote = re.match("^\s*(\"{3})[^\']*(\"{3})\s*$",mysLine)

        # How many block comments on this line?  
        # (Why would I care?)
        mIntrosApost = re.findall("(\'{3})",mysLine)
        g.nCommentIntroCountApost = len( mIntrosApost ) % 2
        mIntrosQuote = re.findall("(\"{3})",mysLine)
        g.nCommentIntroCountQuote = len( mIntrosQuote ) % 2

        TRC.trace(5,"proc singlequote pyblock1 alone|%s| txtafter|%s| txtbefore|%s| txtboth|%s| single|%s| count|%s| inblock|%s|" % (tf(g.bCommentBlockAloneApost),tf(g.bCommentBlockTextAfterApost),tf(g.bCommentBlockTextBeforeApost),tf(g.bCommentBlockTextBothApost),tf(g.bCommentBlockSingleApost),g.nCommentIntroCountApost,g.bInCommentRegionApost))
        TRC.trace(5,"proc doublequote pyblock1 alone|%s| txtafter|%s| txtbefore|%s| txtboth|%s| single|%s| count|%s| inblock|%s|" % (tf(g.bCommentBlockAloneQuote),tf(g.bCommentBlockTextAfterQuote),tf(g.bCommentBlockTextBeforeQuote),tf(g.bCommentBlockTextBothQuote),tf(g.bCommentBlockSingleQuote),g.nCommentIntroCountQuote,g.bInCommentRegionQuote))
        # E n d   o f   e x p e r i m e n t a l   j u n k . 

# X M L   X S L   H T M   H T M L   X H T M L 
    elif ( re.match("^(xsl|xml|htm|html)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as XML or HTML")
        g.bShort =        0
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*\<!--.*--\>\s*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^.*(<!--).*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^.*(-->).*$",mysLine)
        if ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bCodeCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*(\S+.*)(<!--).*$",mysLine)
# B A T   C M D 
    elif ( re.match("^(bat|cmd)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as Batch script")
        g.bShort =        0
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*REM.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*REM.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^\s*REM.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCodeCommentBegin = 0
# M A K 
    elif ( re.match("^(mak)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as makefile")
        g.bShort =        0
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^[^\t].*[^\\]#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^.*[^\\]#.*$",mysLine)
        if ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bCodeCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*\S+.*([^\\]#).*$",mysLine)
# S E D   P R O P E R T I E S 
    elif ( re.match("^(properties|sed)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as sed script")
        g.bShort =        0
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^\s*#.*$",mysLine)
        g.bCodeCommentBegin = 0
# I N I 
    elif ( re.match("^(ini)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as INI file")
        g.bShort =        0
        g.bCommentOnly = re.match("^\s*[#;].*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentBegin = re.match("^\s*[#;].*$",mysLine)
        g.bCommentEnd = re.match("^\s*[#;].*$",mysLine)
        g.bCodeCommentBegin = 0
# A N Y T H I N G   E L S E 
        TRC.trace(5,"proc match line as other random stuff")
        g.bShort = 0

# P H A S E   2 :   C L A S S I F Y   A N D   C O U N T   L I N E S 
    # Now count the various types of lines. 

    if ( g.bBlank ):
    if ( g.bShort ): 
    if ( g.bCommentEnd ):
        bInCommentRegion = 0    
# P Y T H O N 
    if ( re.match("^(py)$",mysType,re.I) ):
        # All the reasonable logic here has been moved to the 
        # fnnEvalPythonCommentBlocksNEW routine.  
        # For no particularly good reason: it's no clearer there than here.

# N O T   P Y T H O N 
        if ( g.bCommentOnly ):
            # Comment line, not code line.
        elif ( g.bCommentBegin ):
            g.bInCommentRegion = 0
            if ( not g.bCommentEnd ):
                # Start of comment region, fersherr.  
                g.bInCommentRegion = 1
            if ( not g.bCodeCommentBegin ): 
                # If code on line, then don't count this line as comment.
        elif ( (not g.bCommentBegin) and g.bCommentEnd ):
            # End of comment region.
            g.bInCommentRegion = 0
            # Vanilla line.
            # If inside comment region, then comment, else code.
            if ( g.bInCommentRegion ):

    TRC.trace(3,"proc ProcessLine2 lines|%s| code|%s| blank|%s| short|%s| comment|%s|" % (g.getAll()))
Exemplo n.º 2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(argv) <= 1:
        print "Usage: python %s  input-filespec"
        print "       Line out = filename, filetype, total, code, comment, blank, short"
        print "       Output one line to stdout."

    sFilename = argv[1]
    mFileext = re.match("^.*\.([^\.]+)$",sFilename,re.I)
    sFileext = mFileext.group(1)
    TRC.tracef(3,"MAIN","proc fname|%s| match|%s| ext|%s|" % (sFilename,mFileext,sFileext))

    g = G()                             # Instantiate all the global data.
    fnProcessFile(sFilename,sFileext)   # Do all this crap to the file.
    TRC.trace(3,"proc afterfile lines|%s| code|%s| blank|%s| short|%s| comment|%s|" % (g.getAll()))

    # The conservative way to calculate code lines is to remove 
    # everything that we saw that absolutely is not a line of code.
    # Blanks and comment-only lines are not code for sure.  
    # Short lines are arguable, so we report them separately.  
    (total,zerocode,blank,short,comment) = g.getAll()
    g.nCode = total - blank - short - comment   # Code is what's left over.
    # Finally, the single line of output for this file.  
    print "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % \