Exemplo n.º 1
    def runIteration(self, task, c, fpop, xb, fxb, ki, **dparams):
        r"""Core function of EvolutionStrategyMpL algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			c (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			fpop (numpy.ndarray): Current populations fitness/function values.
			xb (numpy.ndarray): Global best individual.
			fxb (float): Global best individuals fitness/function value.
			ki (int): Number of successful mutations.
			**dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1. New population.
				2. New populations function/fitness values.
				3. New global best solution.
				4. New global best solutions fitness/objective value.
				5. Additional arguments:
					* ki (int): Number of successful mutations.
        if (task.Iters + 1) % self.k == 0: _, ki = self.updateRho(c, ki), 0
        cn = objects_to_array([
            IndividualES(x=self.mutateRand(c, task), task=task, rng=self.rng)
            for _ in range(self.lam)
        cn = np.append(cn, c)
        cn = objects_to_array(
            [cn[i] for i in np.argsort([i.f for i in cn])[:self.mu]])
        ki += self.changeCount(c, cn)
        fcn = np.asarray([x.f for x in cn])
        xb, fxb = self.getBest(cn, fcn, xb, fxb)
        return cn, fcn, xb, fxb, {'ki': ki}
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ca.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def runIteration(self, task, caravan, fcaravan, cb, fcb, **dparams):
        r"""Core function of Camel Algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			caravan (numpy.ndarray[Camel]): Current population of Camels.
			fcaravan (numpy.ndarray[float]): Current population fitness/function values.
			cb (Camel): Current best Camel.
			fcb (float): Current best Camel fitness/function value.
			**dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, folat, dict]:
				1. New population
				2. New population function/fitness value
				3. New global best solution
				4. New global best fitness/objective value
				5. Additional arguments
        ncaravan = objects_to_array([self.walk(c, cb, task) for c in caravan])
        ncaravan = objects_to_array(
            [self.oasis(c, self.random(), self.alpha) for c in ncaravan])
        ncaravan = objects_to_array(
            [self.lifeCycle(c, self.mu, task) for c in ncaravan])
        fncaravan = np.asarray([c.f for c in ncaravan])
        cb, fcb = self.getBest(ncaravan, fncaravan, cb, fcb)
        return ncaravan, fncaravan, cb, fcb, {}
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def aging(self, task, pop):
        r"""Apply aging to individuals.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population.

			numpy.ndarray[Individual]: New population.
        fpop = np.asarray([x.f for x in pop])
        x_b, x_w = pop[np.argmin(fpop)], pop[np.argmax(fpop)]
        avg, npop = np.mean(fpop[np.isfinite(fpop)]), []
        for x in pop:
            x.age += 1
            Lt = round(
            if x.age <= Lt: npop.append(x)
        if len(npop) == 0:
            npop = objects_to_array([
                self.itype(task=task, rng=self.rng, e=True)
                for _ in range(self.NP)
        return npop
Exemplo n.º 4
    def runIteration(self, task, c, fpop, xb, fxb, **dparams):
        r"""Core function of EvolutionStrategyML algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			c (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			fpop (numpy.ndarray): Current population fitness/function values.
			xb (numpy.ndarray): Global best individual.
			fxb (float): Global best individuals fitness/function value.
			**dparams Dict[str, Any]: Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1. New population.
				2. New populations fitness/function values.
				3. New global best solution.
				4. New global best solutions fitness/objective value.
				5. Additional arguments.
        cn = objects_to_array([
            IndividualES(x=self.mutateRand(c, task), task=task, rand=self.rng)
            for _ in range(self.lam)
        c = self.newPop(cn)
        fc = np.asarray([x.f for x in c])
        xb, fxb = self.getBest(c, fc, xb, fxb)
        return c, fc, xb, fxb, {}
Exemplo n.º 5
    def runIteration(self, task, c, fpop, xb, fxb, ki, **dparams):
        r"""Core function of EvolutionStrategy(1+1) algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			pop (Individual): Current position.
			fpop (float): Current position function/fitness value.
			xb (Individual): Global best position.
			fxb (float): Global best function/fitness value.
			ki (int): Number of successful updates before rho update.
			**dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[Individual, float, Individual, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1, Initialized individual.
				2, Initialized individual fitness/function value.
				3. New global best solution.
				4. New global best soluitons fitness/objective value.
				5. Additional arguments:
					* ki (int): Number of successful rho update.
        if (task.Iters + 1) % self.k == 0:
            c.rho, ki = self.updateRho(c.rho, ki), 0
        cn = objects_to_array([
            task.repair(self.mutate(c.x, c.rho), self.rng)
            for _i in range(self.mu)
        cn_f = np.asarray([task.eval(cn[i]) for i in range(len(cn))])
        ib = np.argmin(cn_f)
        if cn_f[ib] < c.f:
            c.x, c.f, ki = cn[ib], cn_f[ib], ki + 1
            if cn_f[ib] < fxb:
                xb, fxb = self.getBest(cn[ib], cn_f[ib], xb, fxb)
        return c, c.f, xb, fxb, {'ki': ki}
Exemplo n.º 6
    def newPop(self, pop):
        r"""Return new population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.

			numpy.ndarray: New population.
        pop_s = np.argsort([i.f for i in pop])
        if self.mu < self.lam:
            return objects_to_array([pop[i] for i in pop_s[:self.mu]])
        npop = list()
        for i in range(int(ceil(float(self.mu) / self.lam))):
                pop[:self.lam if (self.mu -
                                  i * self.lam) >= self.lam else self.mu -
                    i * self.lam])
        return objects_to_array(npop)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def popIncrement(self, pop, task):
        r"""Increment population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population.
			task (Task): Optimization task.

			numpy.ndarray[Individual]: Increased population.
        deltapop = int(
            round(max(1, self.NP * self.deltaPopE((task.Iters + 1)))))
        return objects_to_array([
            self.itype(task=task, rng=self.rng, e=True)
            for _ in range(deltapop)
Exemplo n.º 8
def init_pop_individual(task, NP, itype, **kwargs):
    r"""Custom population initialization function for numpy individual type.

		task (Task): Optimization task.
		NP (int): Population size.
		itype (Type[Individual]): Type of individual in population.
		**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

		Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray[float]):
			1. Initialized population.
			2. Initialized populations fitness/function values.
    pop = objects_to_array(
        [itype(x=np.zeros(task.D), task=task) for _ in range(NP)])
    return pop, np.asarray([x.f for x in pop])
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def evolve(self, pop, xb, task, **kwargs):
        r"""Evolve population with the help multiple mutation strategies.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			xb (numpy.ndarray): Current best individual.
			task (Task): Optimization task.
			**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			numpy.ndarray: New population of individuals.
        return objects_to_array([
            self.CrossMutt(pop, i, xb, self.F, self.CR, self.rng, task,
                           self.itype, self.strategies)
            for i in range(len(pop))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def evolve(self, pop, xb, task, **ukwargs):
        r"""Evolve current population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population.
			xb (Individual): Global best individual.
			task (Task): Optimization task.
			ukwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			numpy.ndarray: New population.
        npop = objects_to_array([self.AdaptiveGen(e) for e in pop])
        for i, e in enumerate(npop):
            npop[i].x = self.CrossMutt(npop, i, xb, e.F, e.CR, rng=self.rng)
        for e in npop:
            e.evaluate(task, rng=self.random)
        return npop
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def evolve(self, pop, xb, task, **kwargs):
        r"""Evolve population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			xb (Individual): Current best individual.
			task (Task): Optimization task.
			**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			numpy.ndarray: New evolved populations.
        return objects_to_array([
            self.itype(x=self.CrossMutt(pop, i, xb, self.F, self.CR, self.rng),
                       e=True) for i in range(len(pop))
Exemplo n.º 12
def defaultIndividualInit(task, NP, rng, itype=None, **kwargs):
    r"""Initialize `NP` individuals of type `itype`.

		task (Task): Optimization task.
		NP (int): Number of individuals in population.
		rng (numpy.random.Generator): Random number generator.
		itype (Optional[Individual]): Class of individual in population.
		kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

		Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Individual], numpy.ndarray[float]:
			1. Initialized individuals.
			2. Initialized individuals function/fitness values.
    pop = objects_to_array(
        [itype(task=task, rng=rng, e=True) for _ in range(NP)])
    return pop, np.asarray([x.f for x in pop])
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def popDecrement(self, pop, task):
        r"""Decrement population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			task (Task): Optimization task.

			numpy.ndarray[Individual]: Decreased population.
        deltapop = int(
            round(max(1, self.NP * self.deltaPopC((task.Iters + 1)))))
        if len(pop) - deltapop <= 0: return pop
        ni = self.rng.choice(len(pop), deltapop, replace=False)
        npop = []
        for i, e in enumerate(pop):
            if i not in ni: npop.append(e)
            elif self.random() >= self.omega: npop.append(e)
        return objects_to_array(npop)
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def selection(self, pop, npop, xb, fxb, task, **kwargs):
        r"""Operator for selection.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			npop (numpy.ndarray): New Population.
			xb (numpy.ndarray): Current global best solution.
			fxb (float): Current global best solutions fitness/objective value.
			task (Task): Optimization task.
			**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float]:
				1. New selected individuals.
				2. New global best solution.
				3. New global best solutions fitness/objective value.
        arr = objects_to_array(
            [e if e.f < pop[i].f else pop[i] for i, e in enumerate(npop)])
        xb, fxb = self.getBest(arr, np.asarray([e.f for e in arr]), xb, fxb)
        return arr, xb, fxb
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: ca.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def initPop(self, task, NP, rng, itype, **kwargs):
        r"""Initialize starting population.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			NP (int): Number of camels in population.
			rng (numpy.random.Generator): Random number generator.
			itype (Individual): Individual type.
			**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Camel], numpy.ndarray[float]]:
				1. Initialize population of camels.
				2. Initialized populations function/fitness values.
        caravan = objects_to_array([
                  e=True) for _ in range(NP)
        return caravan, np.asarray([c.f for c in caravan])
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: de.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
    def postSelection(self, pop, task, xb, fxb, **kwargs):
        r"""Post selection operator.

		In this algorithm the post selection operator decrements the population at specific iterations/generations.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			task (Task): Optimization task.
			kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float]:
				1. Changed current population.
				2. New global best solution.
				3. New global best solutions fitness/objective value.
        Gr = task.nFES // (self.pmax * len(pop)) + self.rp
        nNP = len(pop) // 2
        if (task.Iters + 1) == Gr and len(pop) > 3:
            pop = objects_to_array([
                pop[i] if pop[i].f < pop[i + nNP].f else pop[i + nNP]
                for i in range(nNP)
        return pop, xb, fxb
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: fss.py Projeto: sisco0/NiaPy
	def init_school(self, task):
		"""Initialize fish school with uniform distribution."""
		curr_step_individual = self.step_individual_init * (task.Upper - task.Lower)
		curr_step_volitive = self.step_volitive_init * (task.Upper - task.Lower)
		curr_weight_school = 0.0
		prev_weight_school = 0.0
		school = []
		positions = self.generate_uniform_coordinates(task)
		for idx in range(self.NP):
			fish = self.init_fish(positions[idx], task)
			curr_weight_school += fish.weight
		prev_weight_school = curr_weight_school
		return curr_step_individual, curr_step_volitive, curr_weight_school, prev_weight_school, objects_to_array(school)