Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_mesh_sphere_quadrangle(self):
     aShape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(10.).Shape()
     # Create the Mesh
     aMeshGen = SMESH_Gen()
     aMesh = aMeshGen.CreateMesh(0, True)
     # 1D
     an1DHypothesis = StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D(
         0, 0, aMeshGen)  #discretization of the wire
         0.1, False)  #the smallest distance between 2 points
                              True)  # the longest distance between 2 points
     an1DAlgo = StdMeshers_Regular_1D(1, 0, aMeshGen)  # interpolation
     # 2D
     a2dHypothseis = StdMeshers_TrianglePreference(
         2, 0, aMeshGen)  #define the boundary
     a2dAlgo = StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D(3, 0, aMeshGen)  # the 2D mesh
     #Calculate mesh
     #Assign hyptothesis to mesh
     aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 0)
     aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 1)
     aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 2)
     aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 3)
     #Compute the data
     aMeshGen.Compute(aMesh, aMesh.GetShapeToMesh())
Exemplo n.º 2
def smesh_MEFISTO2D(event=None):
    # Create the Mesh
    aMeshGen = SMESH_Gen()
    aMesh = aMeshGen.CreateMesh(0, True)
    # 1D
    an1DHypothesis = StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D(
        0, 0, aMeshGen)  # discretization of the wire
                             False)  # the smallest distance between 2 points
                             True)  # the longest distance between 2 points
    an1DAlgo = StdMeshers_Regular_1D(1, 0, aMeshGen)  # interpolation
    # 2D
    a2dHypothseis = StdMeshers_TrianglePreference(
        2, 0, aMeshGen)  # define the boundary
    a2dAlgo = StdMeshers_MEFISTO_2D(3, 0, aMeshGen)
    # alculate mesh
    # Assign hyptothesis to mesh
    aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 0)
    aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 1)
    aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 2)
    aMesh.AddHypothesis(aShape, 3)
    # Compute the data
    aMeshGen.Compute(aMesh, aMesh.GetShapeToMesh())
    # Display the data
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: blade.py Projeto: o4fr/BladeX
    def generate_stl(self, min_length=None, max_length=None, outfile_stl=None):
        Generate and export the .STL surface mesh for the blade as a whole,
        including the upper face, lower face and tip. The method utilizes
        modules from OCC SMESH which is standalone mesh framework based on
        SALOME mesher project. Please refer to https://github.com/tpaviot
        and http://docs.salome-platform.org/7/gui/SMESH/index.html for
        further details.

        This method requires PythonOCC and SMESH to be installed.

        :param double min_length: smallest distance between two nodes. Default
            value is None
        :param double max_length: largest distance between two nodes. Default
            value is None
        :param string outfile_stl: if string is passed then the method exports
            the generated 2D surface mesh into .stl file holding the name
            <outfile_stl>.stl. Default value is None

        We note that since the current implementation performs triangulation
        based on a topological compound that combines the blade 3 generated
        shapes without "fusion", it may happen that the generated triangulation
        of the upper and lower blade faces do not share the same exact nodes
        on the joint edge/wire resulting from the faces intersection. The
        current implementation can be enough for visualization purpose. However
        if the generated mesh is intended for computational analysis then a
        manual mesh healing is recommended by the user (e.g. see
        "Repair > Sewing" in SALOME GUI) for a proper mesh closure.
        from OCC.Core.SMESH import SMESH_Gen
        from OCC.Core.StdMeshers import (StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D,
        from OCC.Core.BRep import BRep_Builder
        from OCC.Core.TopoDS import TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Compound

        if min_length <= 0 or max_length <= 0:
            raise ValueError('min_length and max_length must be positive.')
        if min_length >= max_length:
            raise ValueError('min_length can not be greater than max_length')

        # First we check that blade shapes are generated, otherwise we generate
        # them. After that we combine the generated_upper_face,
        # generated_lower_face, and generated_tip into a topological compound
        # that we use to compute the surface mesh
        if (self.generated_upper_face is None) or not isinstance(
                self.generated_upper_face, TopoDS_Shape):
            # Upper face is generated with a maximal U degree = 1
        if (self.generated_lower_face is None) or not isinstance(
                self.generated_lower_face, TopoDS_Shape):
            # Upper face is generated with a maximal U degree = 1
        if (self.generated_tip is None) or not isinstance(
                self.generated_tip, TopoDS_Shape):
            # Upper face is generated with a maximal U degree = 1

        # Now we regroup all the shapes into a TopoDS_Compound
        aCompound = TopoDS_Compound()
        aBuilder = BRep_Builder()
        # Add shapes
        aBuilder.Add(aCompound, self.generated_upper_face)
        aBuilder.Add(aCompound, self.generated_lower_face)
        aBuilder.Add(aCompound, self.generated_tip)

        # In the following we build the surface mesh according to the given
        # hypotheses
        aMeshGen = SMESH_Gen()
        aMesh = aMeshGen.CreateMesh(0, True)
        # Adding 1D hypothesis and algorithms
        # Wire discretization. Nodes are distributed based on Arithmetic1D
        # hypothesis which allows to split edges into segments with a length
        # that changes in arithmetic progression (Lk = Lk-1 + d) beginning
        # from a given min length and up to a given max length. More about
        # 1D hypotheses can be viewed through:
        # http://docs.salome-platform.org/7/gui/SMESH/a1d_meshing_hypo_page.html
        an1DHypothesis = StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D(0, 0, aMeshGen)
        # Smallest distance between 2 points
        an1DHypothesis.SetLength(min_length, False)
        # Longest distance between 2 points
        an1DHypothesis.SetLength(max_length, True)
        # Regular Interpolation
        an1DAlgo = StdMeshers_Regular_1D(1, 0, aMeshGen)
        # Adding 2D hypothesis and algorithms
        # 2D surface mesh -- Triangulations
        a2dHypothseis = StdMeshers_TrianglePreference(2, 0, aMeshGen)
        a2dAlgo = StdMeshers_MEFISTO_2D(3, 0, aMeshGen)

        #Calculate mesh for the topological compound containing the 3 shapes

        #Assign hyptothesis to mesh
        aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 0)
        aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 1)
        aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 2)
        aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 3)

        if outfile_stl is not None:
            if not isinstance(outfile_stl, str):
                raise ValueError('outfile_stl must be a valid string.')

            #Compute the data
            aMeshGen.Compute(aMesh, aMesh.GetShapeToMesh())
            # Export STL
            aMesh.ExportSTL(outfile_stl + '.stl', False)
Exemplo n.º 4
from OCC.Core.SMDSAbs import SMDSAbs_Face

from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display
display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display()

# First create a 'complex' shape (actually a boolean op between a box and a cylinder)
print('Creating geometry ...', end='')
box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(200, 30, 30).Shape()
sphere = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(gp_Pnt(150, 20, 20), 80).Shape()
aShape = BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(box, sphere).Shape()

# Create the Mesh
print('Creating mesh ...', end='')
aMeshGen = SMESH_Gen()
aMesh = aMeshGen.CreateMesh(0, True)

print('Adding hypothesis and algorithms ...', end='')
# 1D
an1DHypothesis = StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D(
    0, 0, aMeshGen)  # discretization of the wire
an1DHypothesis.SetLength(5., False)  # the smallest distance between 2 points
an1DHypothesis.SetLength(10., True)  # the longest distance between 2 points
an1DAlgo = StdMeshers_Regular_1D(1, 0, aMeshGen)  # interpolation

# 2D
a2dHypothseis = StdMeshers_QuadranglePreference(
    2, 0, aMeshGen)  # define the boundary
a2dAlgo = StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D(3, 0, aMeshGen)  # the 2D mesh
Exemplo n.º 5
# along with pythonOCC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from OCC.Core.BRepPrimAPI import BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox
from OCC.Core.SMESH import SMESH_Gen
from OCC.Core.StdMeshers import (StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D,

# Create the shape to mesh

aShape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(10, 20, 40).Shape()

aMeshGen = SMESH_Gen()
aMesh = aMeshGen.CreateMesh(0, True)

def ComputeMesh(MEFISTO2=False):
    an1DHypothesis = StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D(0, 0, aMeshGen)
    # print dir(an1DHypothesis)
    # print an1DHypothesis.SaveTo()

    an1DHypothesis.SetLength(1., False)
    an1DHypothesis.SetLength(2., True)
    an1DAlgo = StdMeshers_Regular_1D(1, 0, aMeshGen)

    if MEFISTO2:
        # 2D
        a2dHypothseis = StdMeshers_TrianglePreference(
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     from OCC.Core.SMDSAbs import SMDSAbs_ElementType
     from OCC.Core.SMESH import SMESH_Gen, SMESH_subMesh
     self._gen = SMESH_Gen()
Exemplo n.º 7
class MeshGen(object):
    This class is the primary meshing database for a given instance.
    def __init__(self):
        from OCC.Core.SMDSAbs import SMDSAbs_ElementType
        from OCC.Core.SMESH import SMESH_Gen, SMESH_subMesh
        self._gen = SMESH_Gen()

    def object(self):
        :return: The underlying mesh object.
        :rtype: OCC.Core.SMESH.SMESH_Gen
        return self._gen

    def wrap(cls, gen):
        Create a new instance using an existing SMESH_Gen instance.

        :param OCC.Core.SMESH.SMESH_Gen gen: A SMESH_Gen instance.

        :return: The new instance.
        :rtype: afem.smesh.entities.MeshGen
        new_gen = cls.__new__(cls)
        new_gen._gen = gen
        return new_gen

    def new_id(self):
        Generate a new unique ID within this generator.

        :return: A new unique ID.
        :rtype: int
        return self._gen.GetANewId()

    def create_mesh(self, shape=None, is_embedded=False):
        Create a mesh.

        :param afem.topology.entities.Shape shape: The shape to mesh.
        :param bool is_embedded: Option for embedding mesh.

        :return: The mesh.
        :rtype: afem.smesh.entities.Mesh
        the_mesh = Mesh(self, is_embedded)
        if shape is not None:
        return the_mesh

    def check_algo_state(self, mesh, shape):
        Check if computation would fail because of some bad algorithm state.

        :param afem.smesh.entities.Mesh mesh: A mesh.
        :param afem.topology.entities.Shape shape: A shape.

        :return: *True* if ok, *False* if not.
        :rtype: bool
        return self._gen.CheckAlgoState(mesh.object, shape.object)

    def compute(self, mesh, shape=None):
        Compute a mesh on a shape.

        :param afem.smesh.entities.Mesh mesh: A mesh.
        :param afem.topology.entities.Shape shape: The shape to compute mesh
            on. If not provided then the shape associated to the mesh is used.

        :return: *True* if computed, *False* if not.
        :rtype: bool

        :raise ValueError: If no shape is available to apply the hypothesis to.
        if shape is None:
            if mesh.has_shape:
                shape = mesh.shape
                raise ValueError('No shape could be found.')
        return self._gen.Compute(mesh.object, shape.object)