Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_faces(shp):
     ex = TopExp_Explorer(shp, TopAbs_FACE)
     seq = []
     while ex.More():
         s1 = ex.Current()
     return seq
Exemplo n.º 2
def iter_wires(shape):
    Generator / Iterator over the wire of a shape

    exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_WIRE)
    while exp.More():
        yield topods_Wire(exp.Current())
Exemplo n.º 3
def iter_edges(shape):
    Generator / Iterator over the edges of a shape

    exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_EDGE)
    while exp.More():
        yield topods_Edge(exp.Current())
Exemplo n.º 4
def color_the_edges(shp, display, color, width):
    shapeList = []
    Ex = TopExp_Explorer(shp, TopAbs_EDGE)
    ctx = display.Context
    while Ex.More():
        aEdge = topods.Edge(Ex.Current())
        ais_shape = AIS_Shape(aEdge).GetHandle()
        ctx.SetColor(ais_shape, color, False)
        ctx.SetWidth(ais_shape, width, False)
        ctx.Display(ais_shape, False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def process_shape(shape):
    '''extracts faces from a shape
    note: if this doesnt work you should try process_face(shape)
    returns a list of faces'''
    faces = []
    explorer = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
    while explorer.More():
        face = TopoDS().Face(explorer.Current())
    return faces
Exemplo n.º 6
def process_face(face):
    '''traverses a face for wires
    returns a list of wires'''
    wires = []
    explorer = TopExp_Explorer(face, TopAbs_EDGE)
    while explorer.More():
        edge = TopoDS().Edge(explorer.Current())
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge).Wire()
    return wires
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _entities(self, topo_type):

        out = {}  # using dict to prevent duplicates

        explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self.wrapped, inverse_shape_LUT[topo_type])

        while explorer.More():
            item = explorer.Current()
            out[item.__hash__()] = item  # some implementations use __hash__

        return list(out.values())
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_faces(_shape):
    """ return the faces from `_shape`
    :param _shape: TopoDS_Shape, or a subclass like TopoDS_Solid
    :return: a list of faces found in `_shape`
    topExp = TopExp_Explorer()
    topExp.Init(_shape, TopAbs_FACE)
    _faces = []

    while topExp.More():
        fc = topods_Face(topExp.Current())

    return _faces
Exemplo n.º 9
def draft_angle(event=None):
    S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(200., 300., 150.).Shape()
    adraft = BRepOffsetAPI_DraftAngle(S)
    topExp = TopExp_Explorer()
    topExp.Init(S, TopAbs_FACE)
    while topExp.More():
        face = topods_Face(topExp.Current())
        surf = Handle_Geom_Plane_DownCast(BRep_Tool_Surface(face)).GetObject()
        dirf = surf.Pln().Axis().Direction()
        ddd = gp_Dir(0, 0, 1)
        if dirf.IsNormal(ddd, precision_Angular()):
            adraft.Add(face, ddd, math.radians(15), gp_Pln(gp_Ax3(gp_XOY())))
    display.DisplayShape(adraft.Shape(), update=True)
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_edges_from_shape(a_topods_shape):
    """ Returns a list of edges from a topods_shape
    edge_explorer = TopExp_Explorer()
    edge_explorer.Init(a_topods_shape, TopAbs_EDGE)
    edges = []
    hashes = []
    while edge_explorer.More():
        current_edge = edge_explorer.Current()
        current_item_hash = current_edge.__hash__()
        if not current_item_hash in hashes:
    return edges
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_faces_from_shape(a_topods_shape):
    """ Returns a list of faces from a TopoDS_Shape
    faces = []
    # get faces
    face_explorer = TopExp_Explorer()
    face_explorer.Init(a_topods_shape, TopAbs_FACE)
    faces = []
    hashes = []
    while face_explorer.More():
        current_face = face_explorer.Current()
        current_item_hash = current_face.__hash__()
        if not current_item_hash in hashes:
    return faces
Exemplo n.º 12
def GetFacesSurfaces(BRepShape):
    FaceExplorer = TopExp_Explorer(BRepShape, TopAbs_FACE)

    Faces = []
    while FaceExplorer.More():
        ShapeFace = FaceExplorer.Current()  # a TopoDS_Shape
        # Convert TopoDS_Shape to a TopoDS_Face
        Face = topods.Face(ShapeFace)


    Surfaces = [BRep_Tool().Surface(Face) for Face in Faces]
    SurfObjs = [Surface.GetObject() for Surface in Surfaces]

    return (Faces, Surfaces, SurfObjs)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def compute(self):
     # get faces
     explorer = TopExp_Explorer()
     explorer.Init(self._shape, TopAbs_FACE)
     if self._map_faces_to_mesh:  # one mesh per face
         faces = []
         while explorer.More():
             current_face = explorer.Current()
         # loop over faces
         for face in faces:
             face_tesselator = Tesselator(face)
     else:  # only one mesh for the whole shape
         shape_tesselator = Tesselator(self._shape)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def combine_faces(compshape, sew_tolerance):
        Method to combine faces in a shell by adding connectivity and continuity
        :param compshape: TopoDS_Shape
        :param sew_tolerance: tolerance for sewing
        :return: Topo_Shell

        offsew = BRepOffsetAPI_FindContigousEdges(sew_tolerance)
        sew = BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing(sew_tolerance)

        face_explorers = TopExp_Explorer(compshape, TopAbs_FACE)
        n_faces = 0
        # cycle on Faces
        while face_explorers.More():
            tface = topods.Face(face_explorers.Current())
            n_faces += 1

        shell = sew.SewedShape()

        shell = topods.Shell(shell)
        shell_fixer = ShapeFix_Shell()

        if shell_fixer.Perform():
            print("{} shells fixed! ".format(shell_fixer.NbShells()))
            print "Shells not fixed! "

        new_shell = shell_fixer.Shell()

        if brepalgo_IsValid(new_shell):
            print "Shell valid! "
            print "Shell failed! "

        return new_shell
Exemplo n.º 15
def simple_mesh():
    # Create the shape
    shape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(200, 200, 200).Shape()
    theBox = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(200, 60, 60).Shape()
    theSphere = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(gp_Pnt(100, 20, 20), 80).Shape()
    shape = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(theSphere, theBox).Shape()
    # Mesh the shape
    BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh(shape, 0.8)
    builder = BRep_Builder()
    comp = TopoDS_Compound()

    bt = BRep_Tool()
    ex = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
    while ex.More():
        face = topods_Face(ex.Current())
        location = TopLoc_Location()
        facing = (bt.Triangulation(face, location)).GetObject()
        tab = facing.Nodes()
        tri = facing.Triangles()
        for i in range(1, facing.NbTriangles()+1):
            trian = tri.Value(i)
            index1, index2, index3 = trian.Get()
            for j in range(1, 4):
                if j == 1:
                    m = index1
                    n = index2
                elif j == 2:
                    n = index3
                elif j == 3:
                    m = index2
                me = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(tab.Value(m), tab.Value(n))
                if me.IsDone():
                    builder.Add(comp, me.Edge())
    display.DisplayShape(comp, update=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def createModel(self):
        #         edges = makeEdgesFromPoints(self.points)
        #         self.a1 =
        edge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(getGpPt(self.a1), getGpPt(self.a2))
        edge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(getGpPt(self.a2), getGpPt(self.a3))
        arc1 = GC_MakeArcOfCircle(getGpPt(self.a3), getGpPt(self.a4),
        edge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(arc1.Value())
        edge4 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(getGpPt(self.a5), getGpPt(self.a6))
        arc2 = GC_MakeArcOfCircle(getGpPt(self.a6), getGpPt(self.a7),
        edge5 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(arc2.Value())
        edge6 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(getGpPt(self.a8), getGpPt(self.a9))
        arc3 = GC_MakeArcOfCircle(getGpPt(self.a9), getGpPt(self.a10),
        edge7 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(arc3.Value())
        edge8 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(getGpPt(self.a11), getGpPt(self.a12))
        edge9 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(getGpPt(self.a12), getGpPt(self.a1))
        #         wire = makeWireFromEdges(edge1,edge2,edge3,edge4,edge5,edge6,edge7,edge8,edge9)
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge1.Edge(), edge2.Edge(),
                                       edge3.Edge(), edge4.Edge())
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(wire.Wire(), edge5.Edge())
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(wire.Wire(), edge6.Edge())
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(wire.Wire(), edge7.Edge())
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(wire.Wire(), edge8.Edge())
        wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(wire.Wire(), edge9.Edge())

        aFace = makeFaceFromWire(wire.Wire())
        extrudeDir = self.L * self.wDir  # extrudeDir is a numpy array

        prism = makePrismFromFace(aFace, extrudeDir)
        mkFillet = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(prism)
        anEdgeExplorer = TopExp_Explorer(prism, TopAbs_EDGE)
        while anEdgeExplorer.More():
            aEdge = topods.Edge(anEdgeExplorer.Current())
            mkFillet.Add(self.T / 17., aEdge)

        prism = mkFillet.Shape()

        return prism
Exemplo n.º 17
    def createModel(self):
        edges = makeEdgesFromPoints(self.points)
        wire = makeWireFromEdges(edges)
        aFace = makeFaceFromWire(wire)
        extrudeDir = self.T * self.wDir # extrudeDir is a numpy array
        prism =  makePrismFromFace(aFace, extrudeDir)
        mkFillet = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(prism)
        anEdgeExplorer = TopExp_Explorer(prism, TopAbs_EDGE)
        while anEdgeExplorer.More():
            aEdge = topods.Edge(anEdgeExplorer.Current())
            mkFillet.Add(self.T / 17. , aEdge)
        prism = mkFillet.Shape()
        cylOrigin = self.secOrigin
        innerCyl = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder(gp_Ax2(getGpPt(cylOrigin), getGpDir(self.wDir)), self.r1, self.H).Shape()
        result_shape = BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(prism, innerCyl).Shape()

        return result_shape
Exemplo n.º 18
def geom_explorer(geom2explore, shapetype2find):
    geom_list = []
    if shapetype2find == "compound":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_COMPOUND
    if shapetype2find == "compsolid":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_COMPSOLID
    if shapetype2find == "solid":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_SOLID
    if shapetype2find == "shell":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_SHELL
    if shapetype2find == "face":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_FACE
    if shapetype2find == "wire":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_WIRE
    if shapetype2find == "edge":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_EDGE
    if shapetype2find == "vertex":
        shapetype2find_topABS = TopAbs_VERTEX

    ex = TopExp_Explorer(geom2explore, shapetype2find_topABS)
    while ex.More():
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 0:
            geom = topods_Compound(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 1:
            geom = topods_CompSolid(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 2:
            geom = topods_Solid(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 3:
            geom = topods_Shell(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 4:
            geom = topods_Face(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 5:
            geom = topods_Wire(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 6:
            geom = topods_Edge(ex.Current())
        if shapetype2find_topABS == 7:
            geom = topods_Vertex(ex.Current())
    return geom_list
Exemplo n.º 19
 def createModel(self):
     edges = makeEdgesFromPoints(self.points)
     wire = makeWireFromEdges(edges)
     aFace = makeFaceFromWire(wire)
     extrudeDir = -self.T * self.shaftDir # extrudeDir is a numpy array
     boltHead =  makePrismFromFace(aFace, extrudeDir)
     mkFillet = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(boltHead)
     anEdgeExplorer = TopExp_Explorer(boltHead, TopAbs_EDGE)
     while anEdgeExplorer.More():
         aEdge = topods.Edge(anEdgeExplorer.Current())
         mkFillet.Add(self.T / 17. , aEdge)
     boltHead = mkFillet.Shape()
     cylOrigin = self.origin
     boltCylinder = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder(gp_Ax2(getGpPt(cylOrigin), getGpDir(self.shaftDir)), self.r, self.H).Shape()
     whole_Bolt = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(boltHead,boltCylinder).Shape()
     mkFillet = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(whole_Bolt)
     return whole_Bolt
Exemplo n.º 20
def discretize(shape, tol):
    """This method discretizes the OpenCascade shape.

    :param shape: Shape to discretize
    :type shape:
    :return: discretized face; profile coordinates; id of the surface the\
    coordinates belong to
    :rtype: OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound; numpy.ndarray; numpy.ndarray
    BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh(shape, tol, False, 5)
    builder = BRep_Builder()
    comp = TopoDS_Compound()

    bt = BRep_Tool()
    ex = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_EDGE)
    edge_coords = np.zeros([0, 3])
    edge_ids = np.zeros([0], dtype=int)
    edge_id = 0
    while ex.More():
        edge = topods_Edge(ex.Current())
        location = TopLoc_Location()
        edging = (bt.Polygon3D(edge, location)).GetObject()
        tab = edging.Nodes()
        for i in range(1, edging.NbNodes() + 1):
            p = tab.Value(i)
            edge_coords = np.append(edge_coords,
                                    [[p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()]],
            edge_ids = np.append(edge_ids, edge_id)
            mv = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(p)
            if mv.IsDone():
                builder.Add(comp, mv.Vertex())
        edge_id += 1

    edge_coords = np.round(edge_coords, 8)
    return edge_coords, edge_ids
Exemplo n.º 21
    lim_coord1 = (xmin, xmax)
    lim_coord2 = (zmin, zmax)

    section_width = ymin + 1e-3
    # A horizontal plane is created from which a face is constructed to intersect with
    # the building. The face is transparently displayed along with the building.
    section_plane = gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(xmax + xmin, section_width, 0.0),
                           gp_Dir(0, 1, 0))


    # Explore the faces of the shape (these are known to be named)
    exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
    while exp.More():
        s = exp.Current()

        tp = Topo(s)
        for face in tp.faces():
            for edge in list(Topo(face).edges()):

                obj = EdgeOnSurface(edge, section_plane, lim_coord2,
                                    lim_coord1, XYZ)

                if type(obj) == Line3D:
                    x1, y1 = obj.get_v1(XYZ)
                    x2, y2 = obj.get_v2(XYZ)
                    plt.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], color="red")

                elif type(obj) == Arc3D:
Exemplo n.º 22
    builder = BRep_Builder()
    breptools_Read(shape, "cubeWithHole.brep", builder)

    # Loop over the shape pulled from the input and look for solids.
    solids = []  # A list for storing solids from the file
    i = 0  # A counter for writing vertices/points
    allPointsDataFrame = pd.DataFrame([])  # A dataframe for ALL points
    # OpenCASCADE can only successfully execute point inclusion queries if the
    # shape in question is a full solid, which is defined in their topology as
    # TopAbs_SOLID. Each solid in the file can sampled individually by pulling
    # it from the compound.
    if shape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_SOLID:
        # Create a topology explorer and pull all the solids from the shape
        explorer = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_SOLID)
        # Loop over all the solids
        while explorer.More():
            solid = explorer.Current()
            #pointsInSolid = sampleSolid(n,solid)
            pointsInSolid = sampleSolid(n, solid, vertexList)
            # Write the coordinates that are saved to disk.
            i = i + 1
            fileName = 'solid_' + str(i) + '.csv'
            pointsInSolid.to_csv(fileName, index=False)
            # Store the points for later
            allPointsDataFrame = allPointsDataFrame.append(
                pointsInSolid.copy(), ignore_index=False)
            # Store the solid for later reference (i.e. - visualization)
            # Go to the next solid if one exists
Exemplo n.º 23
    def parse_shape(self, filename):
        Method to parse a Shape with multiple objects (1 compound = multi-shells
        and 1 shell = multi-faces)
        It returns a list of matrix with all the coordinates of control points
        of each Face and a second list with all the control points related to
        Edges of each Face.

        :param filename: the input filename.

        :return: list of (mesh_points: `n_points`-by-3 matrix containing
        the coordinates of the control points of the Face (surface),
                 edge_points: it is a list of numpy.narray)
        :rtype: a list of shells

        self.infile = filename
        self.shape = self.load_shape_from_file(filename)


        # parse and get control points
        l_shells = []  # an empty list of shells
        n_shells = 0

        if self.check_topo == 0:

            shells_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self.shape, TopAbs_SHELL)

            # cycle on shells
            while shells_explorer.More():
                topo_shell = topods.Shell(shells_explorer.Current())
                shell_faces_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(topo_shell, TopAbs_FACE)
                l_faces = []  # an empty list of faces per shell

                # cycle on faces
                while shell_faces_explorer.More():
                    topo_face = topods.Face(shell_faces_explorer.Current())
                    mesh_point, edge_point = self.parse_face(topo_face)
                    l_faces.append((mesh_point, edge_point))

                n_shells += 1

            # cycle only on faces
            shell_faces_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self.shape, TopAbs_FACE)
            l_faces = []  # an empty list of faces per shell

            while shell_faces_explorer.More():
                topo_face = topods.Face(shell_faces_explorer.Current())
                mesh_point, edge_point = self.parse_face(topo_face)
                l_faces.append((mesh_point, edge_point))

            n_shells += 1

        return l_shells
Exemplo n.º 24
    def write_face(self, points_face, list_points_edge, topo_face, toledge):
        Method to recreate a Face associated to a geometric surface
        after the modification of Face points. It returns a TopoDS_Face.

        :param points_face: the new face points array.
        :param list_points_edge: new edge points
        :param topo_face: the face to be modified
        :param toledge: tolerance on the surface creation after modification
        :return: TopoDS_Face (Shape)

        :rtype: TopoDS_Shape


        # convert Face to Geom B-spline Surface
        nurbs_converter = BRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvert(topo_face)
        nurbs_face = nurbs_converter.Shape()
        topo_nurbsface = topods.Face(nurbs_face)
        h_geomsurface = BRep_Tool.Surface(topo_nurbsface)
        h_bsurface = geomconvert_SurfaceToBSplineSurface(h_geomsurface)
        bsurface = h_bsurface.GetObject()

        nb_u = bsurface.NbUPoles()
        nb_v = bsurface.NbVPoles()
        # check consistency
        if points_face.shape[0] != nb_u * nb_v:
            raise ValueError("Input control points do not have not have the "
                             "same number as the geometric face!")

        # cycle on the face points
        indice_cpt = 0
        for iu in range(1, nb_u + 1):
            for iv in range(1, nb_v + 1):
                cpt = points_face[indice_cpt]
                bsurface.SetPole(iu, iv, gp_Pnt(cpt[0], cpt[1], cpt[2]))
                indice_cpt += 1

        # create modified new face
        new_bspline_tface = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace()
        toler = precision_Confusion()
        new_bspline_tface.Init(bsurface.GetHandle(), False, toler)

        # cycle on the wires
        face_wires_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(
            topo_nurbsface.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_WIRE)
        ind_edge_total = 0

        while face_wires_explorer.More():
            # get old wire
            twire = topods_Wire(face_wires_explorer.Current())

            # cycle on the edges
            ind_edge = 0
            wire_explorer_edge = TopExp_Explorer(
                twire.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_EDGE)
            # check edges order on the wire
            mode3d = True
            tolerance_edges = toledge

            wire_order = ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder(mode3d, tolerance_edges)
            # an edge list
            deformed_edges = []
            # cycle on the edges
            while wire_explorer_edge.More():
                tedge = topods_Edge(wire_explorer_edge.Current())
                new_bspline_tedge = self.write_edge(
                    list_points_edge[ind_edge_total], tedge)

                analyzer = topexp()
                vfirst = analyzer.FirstVertex(new_bspline_tedge)
                vlast = analyzer.LastVertex(new_bspline_tedge)
                pt1 = BRep_Tool.Pnt(vfirst)
                pt2 = BRep_Tool.Pnt(vlast)

                wire_order.Add(pt1.XYZ(), pt2.XYZ())

                ind_edge += 1
                ind_edge_total += 1

            # grouping the edges in a wire, then in the face
            # check edges order and connectivity within the wire
            # new wire to be created
            stol = ShapeFix_ShapeTolerance()
            new_bspline_twire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()
            for order_i in range(1, wire_order.NbEdges() + 1):
                deformed_edge_i = wire_order.Ordered(order_i)
                if deformed_edge_i > 0:
                    # insert the deformed edge to the new wire
                    new_edge_toadd = deformed_edges[deformed_edge_i - 1]
                    stol.SetTolerance(new_edge_toadd, toledge)
                    if new_bspline_twire.Error() != 0:
                        stol.SetTolerance(new_edge_toadd, toledge * 10.0)
                    deformed_edge_revers = deformed_edges[
                        np.abs(deformed_edge_i) - 1]
                    stol.SetTolerance(deformed_edge_revers, toledge)
                    if new_bspline_twire.Error() != 0:
                        stol.SetTolerance(deformed_edge_revers, toledge * 10.0)
            # add new wire to the Face

        return topods.Face(new_bspline_tface.Face())
Exemplo n.º 25
    def parse(self, filename):
		Method to parse the file `filename`. It returns a matrix with all the coordinates.

		:param string filename: name of the input file.

		:return: mesh_points: it is a `n_points`-by-3 matrix containing the coordinates of
			the points of the mesh
		:rtype: numpy.ndarray

        self.infile = filename

        self.shape = self.load_shape_from_file(filename)

        # cycle on the faces to get the control points
        # init some quantities
        n_faces = 0
        control_point_position = [0]
        faces_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self.shape, TopAbs_FACE)
        mesh_points = np.zeros(shape=(0, 3))

        while faces_explorer.More():
            # performing some conversions to get the right format (BSplineSurface)
            face = OCC.TopoDS.topods_Face(faces_explorer.Current())
            nurbs_converter = BRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvert(face)
            nurbs_face = nurbs_converter.Shape()
            brep_face = BRep_Tool.Surface(OCC.TopoDS.topods_Face(nurbs_face))
            bspline_face = geomconvert_SurfaceToBSplineSurface(brep_face)

            # openCascade object
            occ_face = bspline_face.GetObject()

            # extract the Control Points of each face
            n_poles_u = occ_face.NbUPoles()
            n_poles_v = occ_face.NbVPoles()
            control_polygon_coordinates = np.zeros(\
             shape=(n_poles_u * n_poles_v, 3))

            # cycle over the poles to get their coordinates
            i = 0
            for pole_u_direction in range(n_poles_u):
                for pole_v_direction in range(n_poles_v):
                    control_point_coordinates = occ_face.Pole(\
                     pole_u_direction + 1, pole_v_direction + 1)
                    control_polygon_coordinates[i, :] = [control_point_coordinates.X(),\
                    i += 1
            # pushing the control points coordinates to the mesh_points array (used for FFD)
            mesh_points = np.append(mesh_points,
            control_point_position.append(control_point_position[-1] +
                                          n_poles_u * n_poles_v)

            n_faces += 1
        self._control_point_position = control_point_position
        return mesh_points
Exemplo n.º 26
    def write(self, mesh_points, filename, tolerance=None):
		Writes a output file, called filename, copying all the structures from self.filename but
		the coordinates. mesh_points is a matrix that contains the new coordinates to
		write in the output file.

		:param numpy.ndarray mesh_points: it is a `n_points`-by-3 matrix containing
			the coordinates of the points of the mesh
		:param string filename: name of the output file.
		:param float tolerance: tolerance for the construction of the faces and wires
			in the write function. If not given it uses `self.tolerance`.

        self.outfile = filename

        if tolerance is not None:
            self.tolerance = tolerance

        # cycle on the faces to update the control points position
        # init some quantities
        faces_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self.shape, TopAbs_FACE)
        n_faces = 0
        control_point_position = self._control_point_position

        compound_builder = BRep_Builder()
        compound = OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound()

        while faces_explorer.More():
            # similar to the parser method
            face = OCC.TopoDS.topods_Face(faces_explorer.Current())
            nurbs_converter = BRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvert(face)
            nurbs_face = nurbs_converter.Shape()
            face_aux = OCC.TopoDS.topods_Face(nurbs_face)
            brep_face = BRep_Tool.Surface(OCC.TopoDS.topods_Face(nurbs_face))
            bspline_face = geomconvert_SurfaceToBSplineSurface(brep_face)
            occ_face = bspline_face.GetObject()

            n_poles_u = occ_face.NbUPoles()
            n_poles_v = occ_face.NbVPoles()

            i = 0
            for pole_u_direction in range(n_poles_u):
                for pole_v_direction in range(n_poles_v):
                    control_point_coordinates = mesh_points[
                        i + control_point_position[n_faces], :]
                    point_xyz = gp_XYZ(*control_point_coordinates)

                    gp_point = gp_Pnt(point_xyz)
                    occ_face.SetPole(pole_u_direction + 1,
                                     pole_v_direction + 1, gp_point)
                    i += 1

            # construct the deformed wire for the trimmed surfaces
            wire_maker = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()
            tol = ShapeFix_ShapeTolerance()
            brep = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(occ_face.GetHandle(),
            brep_face = BRep_Tool.Surface(brep)

            # cycle on the edges
            edge_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(nurbs_face, TopAbs_EDGE)
            while edge_explorer.More():
                edge = OCC.TopoDS.topods_Edge(edge_explorer.Current())
                # edge in the (u,v) coordinates
                edge_uv_coordinates = BRep_Tool.CurveOnSurface(edge, face_aux)
                # evaluating the new edge: same (u,v) coordinates, but different (x,y,x) ones
                edge_phis_coordinates_aux = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(\
                 edge_uv_coordinates[0], brep_face)
                edge_phis_coordinates = edge_phis_coordinates_aux.Edge()
                tol.SetTolerance(edge_phis_coordinates, self.tolerance)

            # grouping the edges in a wire
            wire = wire_maker.Wire()

            # trimming the surfaces
            brep_surf = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(occ_face.GetHandle(),
            compound_builder.Add(compound, brep_surf)
            n_faces += 1
        self.write_shape_to_file(compound, self.outfile)
Exemplo n.º 27
class Topo(object):
    Topology traversal
    def __init__(self, myShape, ignore_orientation=False):

        implements topology traversal from any TopoDS_Shape
        this class lets you find how various topological entities are connected from one to another
        find the faces connected to an edge, find the vertices this edge is made from, get all faces connected to
        a vertex, and find out how many topological elements are connected from a source

        *note* when traversing TopoDS_Wire entities, its advised to use the specialized
        ``WireExplorer`` class, which will return the vertices / edges in the expected order

        :param myShape: the shape which topology will be traversed

        :param ignore_orientation: filter out TopoDS_* entities of similar TShape but different Orientation

        for instance, a cube has 24 edges, 4 edges for each of 6 faces

        that results in 48 vertices, while there are only 8 vertices that have a unique
        geometric coordinate

        in certain cases ( computing a graph from the topology ) its preferable to return
        topological entities that share similar geometry, though differ in orientation
        by setting the ``ignore_orientation`` variable
        to True, in case of a cube, just 12 edges and only 8 vertices will be returned

        for further reference see TopoDS_Shape IsEqual / IsSame methods

        self.myShape = myShape
        self.ignore_orientation = ignore_orientation

        # the topoFactory dicts maps topology types and functions that can
        # create this topology
        self.topoFactory = {
            TopAbs_VERTEX: topods.Vertex,
            TopAbs_EDGE: topods.Edge,
            TopAbs_FACE: topods.Face,
            TopAbs_WIRE: topods.Wire,
            TopAbs_SHELL: topods.Shell,
            TopAbs_SOLID: topods.Solid,
            TopAbs_COMPOUND: topods.Compound,
            TopAbs_COMPSOLID: topods.CompSolid

    def _loop_topo(self,
        this could be a faces generator for a python TopoShape class
        that way you can just do:
        for face in srf.faces:
        topoTypes = {
            TopAbs_VERTEX: TopoDS_Vertex,
            TopAbs_EDGE: TopoDS_Edge,
            TopAbs_FACE: TopoDS_Face,
            TopAbs_WIRE: TopoDS_Wire,
            TopAbs_SHELL: TopoDS_Shell,
            TopAbs_SOLID: TopoDS_Solid,
            TopAbs_COMPOUND: TopoDS_Compound,
            TopAbs_COMPSOLID: TopoDS_CompSolid

        assert topologyType in topoTypes.keys(), '%s not one of %s' % (
            topologyType, topoTypes.keys())
        self.topExp = TopExp_Explorer()
        # use self.myShape if nothing is specified
        if topologicalEntity is None and topologyTypeToAvoid is None:
            self.topExp.Init(self.myShape, topologyType)
        elif topologicalEntity is None and topologyTypeToAvoid is not None:
            self.topExp.Init(self.myShape, topologyType, topologyTypeToAvoid)
        elif topologyTypeToAvoid is None:
            self.topExp.Init(topologicalEntity, topologyType)
        elif topologyTypeToAvoid:
            self.topExp.Init(topologicalEntity, topologyType,
        seq = []
        hashes = []  # list that stores hashes to avoid redundancy
        occ_seq = TopTools_ListOfShape()
        while self.topExp.More():
            current_item = self.topExp.Current()
            current_item_hash = current_item.__hash__()

            if not current_item_hash in hashes:

        # Convert occ_seq to python list
        occ_iterator = TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape(occ_seq)
        while occ_iterator.More():
            topo_to_add = self.topoFactory[topologyType](occ_iterator.Value())

        if self.ignore_orientation:
            # filter out those entities that share the same TShape
            # but do *not* share the same orientation
            filter_orientation_seq = []
            for i in seq:
                _present = False
                for j in filter_orientation_seq:
                    if i.IsSame(j):
                        _present = True
                if _present is False:
            return filter_orientation_seq
            return iter(seq)

    def faces(self):
        loops over all faces
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_FACE)

    def _number_of_topo(self, iterable):
        n = 0
        for i in iterable:
            n += 1
        return n

    def number_of_faces(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.faces())

    def vertices(self):
        loops over all vertices
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_VERTEX)

    def number_of_vertices(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.vertices())

    def edges(self):
        loops over all edges
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE)

    def number_of_edges(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.edges())

    def wires(self):
        loops over all wires
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_WIRE)

    def number_of_wires(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.wires())

    def shells(self):
        loops over all shells
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_SHELL, None)

    def number_of_shells(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.shells())

    def solids(self):
        loops over all solids
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_SOLID, None)

    def number_of_solids(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.solids())

    def comp_solids(self):
        loops over all compound solids
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_COMPSOLID)

    def number_of_comp_solids(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.comp_solids())

    def compounds(self):
        loops over all compounds
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_COMPOUND)

    def number_of_compounds(self):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.compounds())

    def ordered_vertices_from_wire(self, wire):
        @param wire: TopoDS_Wire
        we = WireExplorer(wire)
        return we.ordered_vertices()

    def number_of_ordered_vertices_from_wire(self, wire):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.ordered_vertices_from_wire(wire))

    def ordered_edges_from_wire(self, wire):
        @param wire: TopoDS_Wire
        we = WireExplorer(wire)
        return we.ordered_edges()

    def number_of_ordered_edges_from_wire(self, wire):
        return self._number_of_topo(self.ordered_edges_from_wire(wire))

    def _map_shapes_and_ancestors(self, topoTypeA, topoTypeB,
        using the same method
        @param topoTypeA:
        @param topoTypeB:
        @param topologicalEntity:
        topo_set = set()
        _map = TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape()
        topexp_MapShapesAndAncestors(self.myShape, topoTypeA, topoTypeB, _map)
        results = _map.FindFromKey(topologicalEntity)
        if results.IsEmpty():
            yield None

        topology_iterator = TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape(results)
        while topology_iterator.More():

            topo_entity = self.topoFactory[topoTypeB](

            # return the entity if not in set
            # to assure we're not returning entities several times
            if not topo_entity in topo_set:
                if self.ignore_orientation:
                    unique = True
                    for i in topo_set:
                        if i.IsSame(topo_entity):
                            unique = False
                    if unique:
                        yield topo_entity
                    yield topo_entity


    def _number_shapes_ancestors(self, topoTypeA, topoTypeB,
        '''returns the number of shape ancestors
        If you want to know how many edges a faces has:
        _number_shapes_ancestors(self, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, edg)
        will return the number of edges a faces has   
        @param topoTypeA:
        @param topoTypeB:
        @param topologicalEntity:
        topo_set = set()
        _map = TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape()
        topexp_MapShapesAndAncestors(self.myShape, topoTypeA, topoTypeB, _map)
        results = _map.FindFromKey(topologicalEntity)
        if results.IsEmpty():
            return None
        topology_iterator = TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape(results)
        while topology_iterator.More():
        return len(topo_set)

    # ======================================================================
    # EDGE <-> FACE
    # ======================================================================
    def faces_from_edge(self, edge):

        :param edge:
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, edge)

    def number_of_faces_from_edge(self, edge):

        :param edge:
        return self._number_shapes_ancestors(TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, edge)

    def edges_from_face(self, face):

        :param face:
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE, face)

    def number_of_edges_from_face(self, face):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE, face):
            cnt += 1
        return cnt

    # ======================================================================
    # VERTEX <-> EDGE
    # ======================================================================
    def vertices_from_edge(self, edg):
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_VERTEX, edg)

    def number_of_vertices_from_edge(self, edg):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self._loop_topo(TopAbs_VERTEX, edg):
            cnt += 1
        return cnt

    def edges_from_vertex(self, vertex):
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE,

    def number_of_edges_from_vertex(self, vertex):
        return self._number_shapes_ancestors(TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE,

    # ======================================================================
    # WIRE <-> EDGE
    # ======================================================================
    def edges_from_wire(self, wire):
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE, wire)

    def number_of_edges_from_wire(self, wire):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self._loop_topo(TopAbs_EDGE, wire):
            cnt += 1
        return cnt

    def wires_from_edge(self, edg):
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_WIRE, edg)

    def wires_from_vertex(self, edg):
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_WIRE, edg)

    def number_of_wires_from_edge(self, edg):
        return self._number_shapes_ancestors(TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_WIRE, edg)

    # ======================================================================
    # WIRE <-> FACE
    # ======================================================================
    def wires_from_face(self, face):
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_WIRE, face)

    def number_of_wires_from_face(self, face):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self._loop_topo(TopAbs_WIRE, face):
            cnt += 1
        return cnt

    def faces_from_wire(self, wire):
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_WIRE, TopAbs_FACE, wire)

    def number_of_faces_from_wires(self, wire):
        return self._number_shapes_ancestors(TopAbs_WIRE, TopAbs_FACE, wire)

    # ======================================================================
    # VERTEX <-> FACE
    # ======================================================================
    def faces_from_vertex(self, vertex):
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_FACE,

    def number_of_faces_from_vertex(self, vertex):
        return self._number_shapes_ancestors(TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_FACE,

    def vertices_from_face(self, face):
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_VERTEX, face)

    def number_of_vertices_from_face(self, face):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self._loop_topo(TopAbs_VERTEX, face):
            cnt += 1
        return cnt

    # ======================================================================
    # FACE <-> SOLID
    # ======================================================================
    def solids_from_face(self, face):
        return self._map_shapes_and_ancestors(TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_SOLID, face)

    def number_of_solids_from_face(self, face):
        return self._number_shapes_ancestors(TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_SOLID, face)

    def faces_from_solids(self, solid):
        return self._loop_topo(TopAbs_FACE, solid)

    def number_of_faces_from_solids(self, solid):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self._loop_topo(TopAbs_FACE, solid):
            cnt += 1
        return cnt
Exemplo n.º 28
    def write_shape(self, l_shells, filename, tol):
        Method to recreate a TopoDS_Shape associated to a geometric shape
        after the modification of points of each Face. It
        returns a TopoDS_Shape (Shape).

        :param l_shells: the list of shells after initial parsing
        :param filename: the output filename
        :param tol: tolerance on the surface creation after modification
        :return: None

        self.outfile = filename
        # global compound containing multiple shells
        global_compound_builder = BRep_Builder()
        global_comp = TopoDS_Compound()

        if self.check_topo == 0:
            # cycle on shells (multiple objects)
            shape_shells_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(
                self.shape.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_SHELL)
            ishell = 0

            while shape_shells_explorer.More():
                per_shell = topods_Shell(shape_shells_explorer.Current())
                # a local compound containing a shell
                compound_builder = BRep_Builder()
                comp = TopoDS_Compound()

                # cycle on faces
                faces_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(
                    per_shell.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_FACE)
                iface = 0
                while faces_explorer.More():
                    topoface = topods.Face(faces_explorer.Current())
                    newface = self.write_face(l_shells[ishell][iface][0],
                                              topoface, tol)

                    # add face to compound
                    compound_builder.Add(comp, newface)
                    iface += 1

                new_shell = self.combine_faces(comp, 0.01)
                itype = TopoDS_Shape.ShapeType(new_shell)
                # add the new shell to the global compound
                global_compound_builder.Add(global_comp, new_shell)

                print("Shell {0} of type {1} Processed ".format(ishell, itype))
                print "=============================================="

                ishell += 1

            # cycle on faces
            # a local compound containing a shell
            compound_builder = BRep_Builder()
            comp = TopoDS_Compound()

            # cycle on faces
            faces_explorer = TopExp_Explorer(
                self.shape.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD), TopAbs_FACE)
            iface = 0
            while faces_explorer.More():
                topoface = topods.Face(faces_explorer.Current())
                newface = self.write_face(l_shells[0][iface][0],
                                          l_shells[0][iface][1], topoface, tol)

                # add face to compound
                compound_builder.Add(comp, newface)
                iface += 1

            new_shell = self.combine_faces(comp, 0.01)
            itype = TopoDS_Shape.ShapeType(new_shell)
            # add the new shell to the global compound
            global_compound_builder.Add(global_comp, new_shell)

            print("Shell {0} of type {1} Processed ".format(0, itype))
            print "=============================================="

        self.write_shape_to_file(global_comp, self.outfile)
myWireProfile = mkWire.Wire()

# The face that we'll sweep to make the prism
myFaceProfile = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(myWireProfile)

# We want to sweep the face along the Z axis to the height
aPrismVec = gp_Vec(0, 0, height)
myBody = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(myFaceProfile.Face(), aPrismVec)

# Add fillets to all edges through the explorer
mkFillet = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(myBody.Shape())
anEdgeExplorer = TopExp_Explorer(myBody.Shape(), TopAbs_EDGE)

while anEdgeExplorer.More():
    anEdge = topods.Edge(anEdgeExplorer.Current())
    mkFillet.Add(thickness / 12.0, anEdge)


myBody = mkFillet

# Create the neck of the bottle
neckLocation = gp_Pnt(0, 0, height)
neckAxis = gp_DZ()
neckAx2 = gp_Ax2(neckLocation, neckAxis)

myNeckRadius = thickness / 4.0
myNeckHeight = height / 10.0
Exemplo n.º 30
mkWire = MakeWire()
myWireProfile = mkWire.Wire()

# Body : Prism the Profile
myFaceProfile = MakeFace(myWireProfile)
if myFaceProfile.IsDone():
    bottomFace = myFaceProfile.Face()
aPrismVec = gp_Vec(0, 0, myHeight)
myBody = MakePrism(myFaceProfile.Shape(), aPrismVec)

# Body : Apply Fillets
mkFillet = MakeFillet(myBody.Shape())
aEdgeExplorer = Explorer(myBody.Shape(), OCC.TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE)
while aEdgeExplorer.More():
    aEdge = OCC.TopoDS.topods_Edge(aEdgeExplorer.Current())
    mkFillet.Add(myThickness / 12, aEdge)
myBody = mkFillet.Shape()

# Body : Add the Neck
neckLocation = OCC.gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, myHeight)
neckNormal = OCC.gp.gp_DZ()
neckAx2 = OCC.gp.gp_Ax2(neckLocation, neckNormal)
myNeckRadius = myThickness / 4
myNeckHeight = myHeight / 10
MKCylinder = MakeCylinder(neckAx2, myNeckRadius, myNeckHeight)
myNeck = MKCylinder.Shape()
myBody = Fuse(myBody, myNeck).Shape()