Exemplo n.º 1
    def shape_to_wire(self, shape):

        if hasattr(shape, 'Wire'):
            return shape.Wire()
        elif hasattr(shape, 'Edge'):
            return shape.Edge()
        elif hasattr(shape, 'Shape'):  # Transforms
            return topods.Wire(shape.Shape())
        elif hasattr(shape, 'GetHandle'):  # Curves
            return BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(shape.GetHandle()).Edge()

        raise ValueError("Cannot build Wire from shape: {}".format(shape))
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_chord_scale(wing, wing_connection):
    Returns the chord scale of the given wing connection
    :param wing:
    :param wing_connection:

    wing_transform = wing.get_transformation_matrix()
    inner_profile_wire = wing_connection.get_profile().get_chord_line_wire()
    inner_chord_line_wire = transform_wing_profile_geometry(wing_transform, wing_connection, inner_profile_wire)
    return get_length(topods.Wire(inner_chord_line_wire))
Exemplo n.º 3
def shape_base_drain():
        s: TopoDS_Shape
    wire = wire_circle()

    trsf = gp_Trsf()
    trsf.SetScale(DRAIN_RCS.Location(), DRAIN_R)
    bresp_trsf = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wire, trsf)
    wire = topods.Wire(bresp_trsf.Shape())

    base_face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire).Face()
    shape = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(base_face, gp_Vec(0, 0, DRAIN_T)).Shape()

    return shape
Exemplo n.º 4
def list_wire_random():
        wires:      {TopoDS_Wire:string}
        wire_name:  ''
    wire_name = ''
    #    number of rings
    numr = int((DRAIN_R / 4 / DRAIN_S - 0.5))
    wires = {}

    for i in range(numr):
        #        radius of ith ring
        radius = 3 * DRAIN_S + i * 4 * DRAIN_S
        #        number of cells per ring
        nump = int(1.5 * pi + 2 * pi * i)
        #        print('np:',np)

        #        randomly choose the number of cells to combine
        combo_list = range(1, nump // 3 + 1)
        combo = random.choice(combo_list)
        #        angle between two adjacent cells
        ang = 2 * pi / nump
        #        randomly offset the start cell
        offset = random.gauss(ang / 2, ang / 2)
        if offset < 0.:
            offset = 0.
        if offset > ang:
            offset = ang
        wlist, combo_name = list_wire_combo(combo, ang, offset, radius)
        wire_name += str(combo) + '(' + combo_name + ')'
        nump = nump // combo
        #        print('combo',combo,'repeat',np)

        ang = 2 * pi / nump
        for j in range(1, nump):
            trsf = gp_Trsf()
                gp_Ax1(DRAIN_RCS.Location(), DRAIN_RCS.Direction()), ang * j)
            for wire in wlist:
                wname = wlist[wire]
                bresp_trsf = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wire, trsf)
                wire = topods.Wire(bresp_trsf.Shape())
                wires[wire] = wname

    return wires, wire_name
Exemplo n.º 5
    def update_shape(self, change):
        d = self.declaration
        shape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()
        for c in self.children():
            if hasattr(c.shape, 'Wire'):
                #: No conversion needed
            elif hasattr(c.shape, 'Edge'):
                #: No conversion needed
            elif isinstance(c.shape, (list, tuple)):
                #: Assume it's a list of drawn objects...
                for e in c.shape:
                #: Attempt to convert the shape into a wire

        assert shape.IsDone(), 'Edges must be connected'
        self.shape = shape
# Quick way to specify the X axis
xAxis = gp_OX()

# Set up the mirror
aTrsf = gp_Trsf()

# Apply the mirror transformation
aBRespTrsf = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(aWire.Wire(), aTrsf)

# Get the mirrored shape back out of the transformation and convert
# back to a wire
aMirroredShape = aBRespTrsf.Shape()

# A wire instead of a generic shape now
aMirroredWire = topods.Wire(aMirroredShape)

# Combine the two constituent wires
mkWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()
myWireProfile = mkWire.Wire()

# The face that we'll sweep to make the prism
myFaceProfile = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(myWireProfile)

# We want to sweep the face along the Z axis to the height
aPrismVec = gp_Vec(0, 0, height)
myBody = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(myFaceProfile.Face(), aPrismVec)

# Add fillets to all edges through the explorer
Exemplo n.º 7
            # Open Cascade has a function to turn loose unconnected edges into a list of
            # connected wires. This function takes handles (pointers) to Open Cascade's native
            # sequence type. Hence, two sequences and handles, one for the input, one for the
            # output, are created.
            edges = OCC.TopTools.TopTools_HSequenceOfShape()
            edges_handle = OCC.TopTools.Handle_TopTools_HSequenceOfShape(edges)

            wires = OCC.TopTools.TopTools_HSequenceOfShape()
            wires_handle = OCC.TopTools.Handle_TopTools_HSequenceOfShape(wires)

            # The edges are copied to the sequence
            for edge in section_edges:

            # A wire is formed by connecting the edges
                edges_handle, 1e-5, True, wires_handle)
            wires = wires_handle.GetObject()

            for i in range(wires.Length()):
                wire_shape = wires.Value(i + 1)
                wire = topods.Wire(wire_shape)
                face = OCC.BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire).Face()
                # The wires and the faces are displayed
                ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(wire, clr=RED)
                face_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(face,
                    face_display, 0.5)

Exemplo n.º 8
def list_wire_combo(num_cell, ang, offset, radius):
       nc:              int, number of cells to be combined
       ang:             float, angle between adjaent cells
       offset:          float, offset angle of start position
       ri:              float, radius of this ring
        wlist:          {TopoDS_Wire: string}
        combo_name:     ''
    combo_name = ''
    pos_list = list(range(num_cell))
    wlist = {}
    pos_len_name = {}
    while len(pos_list) > 0:
        #       1 choose a random location
        pos = random.choice(pos_list)

        #       2 choose a random length
        len_seq = len_seq_natural(pos, pos_list)
        len_seq = random.randrange(1, len_seq + 1)

        #       3 choose a random shape
        func = random.choice(FLIST)
        #        print(pos_list, pos, l, fname[FLIST.index(func)])
        trsf_scale = gp_Trsf()
        trsf_scale.SetScale(DRAIN_RCS.Location(), DRAIN_S)
        trsf_trans = gp_Trsf()
        trans_vec = gp_Vec(DRAIN_RCS.XDirection()) * radius
        trsf_rotate = gp_Trsf()
            gp_Ax1(DRAIN_RCS.Location(), DRAIN_RCS.Direction()),
            offset + pos * ang)
        if func == wire_sweep_circle and len_seq > 1:
            cir1 = DRAIN_RCS.Location()
            cir2 = DRAIN_RCS.Location()
            cir1.Rotate(gp_Ax1(DRAIN_RCS.Location(), DRAIN_RCS.Direction()),
                        offset + pos * ang)
            cir2.Rotate(gp_Ax1(DRAIN_RCS.Location(), DRAIN_RCS.Direction()),
                        offset + (pos + len_seq - 1) * ang)
            wire = wire_sweep_circle(cir1, cir2)
        elif func != wire_sweep_circle and len_seq == 1:
            wire = func()
            bresp_trsf = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wire, trsf_scale)
            wire = topods.Wire(bresp_trsf.Shape())
            bresp_trsf = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wire, trsf_trans)
            wire = topods.Wire(bresp_trsf.Shape())
            bresp_trsf = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wire, trsf_rotate)
            wire = topods.Wire(bresp_trsf.Shape())

        wname = SKETCH_TYPE[FLIST.index(func)]
        pos_len_name[pos] = (len_seq, wname)
        wlist[wire] = wname
        for pos in range(pos, pos + len_seq):

    pos_len_name = sorted(pos_len_name.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])
    for pos in pos_len_name:
        combo_name += str(pos[1][0]) + '[' + pos[1][1] + ']'
    return wlist, combo_name
Exemplo n.º 9
case_upper = case_upper.Wire()

case_top = BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon()  # create case outboard
for dy, dz in zip([1, 1, -1, -1], [1, 0, 0, 1]):
        gp_Pnt(rtop, dy * (depth / 2 + side),
               ztop + dz * (width + outboard + external)))
case_top = case_top.Wire()

# transform inner sections
trans = gp_Trsf()
trans.SetTranslation(gp_Pnt(loop[0]['p0']['r'], 0, loop[0]['p0']['z']),
                     gp_Pnt(loop[3]['p3']['r'], 0, loop[3]['p3']['z']))
case_lower = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(case_upper, trans).Shape()
case_lower = topods.Wire(case_lower)  # wire
wp_lower = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wp_upper, trans).Shape()
wp_lower = topods.Wire(wp_lower)  # wire

# transform mid sections
trans = gp_Trsf()
r1, z1 = loop[0]['p0']['r'], loop[0]['p0']['z']
r2, z2 = loop[3]['p3']['r'], loop[3]['p3']['z']
rm, zm = r1 + (r2 - r1) / 2, z1 + (z2 - z1) / 2
trans.SetTranslation(gp_Pnt(r1, 0, z1), gp_Pnt(rm, 0, zm))
case_mid = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(case_upper, trans).Shape()
case_mid = topods.Wire(case_mid)  # wire
wp_mid = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(wp_upper, trans).Shape()
wp_mid = topods.Wire(wp_mid)  # wire

# mirror outer sections