Exemplo n.º 1
    def _TransformAirfoil(self):
        """Given a normal airfoil, nose in origin, chord along
        x axis, applies rotations, translation and (soon) smoothing
        # TODO: Smoothing
#        for i in range(self.SmoothingIterations):
#            rs.FairCurve(self.Curve)

        # Can assume that the chord is from 0,0,0 to 1,0,0 before translation
        h_ChordLine = GC_MakeSegment(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0),
                                   gp_Pnt(1, 0, 0)).Value()
        ChordLine = h_ChordLine.GetObject()

        Curve = self.Curve.GetObject()

#        Scaling:
        Curve.Scale(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), self.ChordLength)
        ChordLine.Scale(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), self.ChordLength)

#        Rotations - Note that direction is opposite to Rhino
#        Dihedral:
        if self.Rotation:
            Curve.Rotate(gp_OX(), np.radians(self.Rotation))
            ChordLine.Rotate(gp_OX(), np.radians(self.Rotation))

#        Twist:
        if self.Twist:
            Curve.Rotate(gp_OY(), -np.radians(self.Twist))
            ChordLine.Rotate(gp_OY(), -np.radians(self.Twist))

#        Translation:
#        self.Curve = Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve_DownCast(Curve.Translated(
#                                                        gp_Vec(*self.LE))
#                                                       )

        self.ChordLine = ChordLine.GetHandle()

        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _TransformAirfoil(self):
        """Given a normal airfoil, nose in origin, chord along
        x axis, applies rotations, translation and (soon) smoothing
        # TODO: Smoothing
        #        for i in range(self.SmoothingIterations):
        #            rs.FairCurve(self.Curve)

        # Can assume that the chord is from 0,0,0 to 1,0,0 before translation
        h_ChordLine = GC_MakeSegment(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp_Pnt(1, 0, 0)).Value()
        ChordLine = h_ChordLine.GetObject()

        Curve = self.Curve.GetObject()

        #        Scaling:
        Curve.Scale(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), self.ChordLength)
        ChordLine.Scale(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), self.ChordLength)

        #        Rotations - Note that direction is opposite to Rhino
        #        Dihedral:
        if self.Rotation:
            Curve.Rotate(gp_OX(), np.radians(self.Rotation))
            ChordLine.Rotate(gp_OX(), np.radians(self.Rotation))

#        Twist:
        if self.Twist:
            Curve.Rotate(gp_OY(), -np.radians(self.Twist))
            ChordLine.Rotate(gp_OY(), -np.radians(self.Twist))

#        Translation:
#        self.Curve = Handle_Geom_BSplineCurve_DownCast(Curve.Translated(
#                                                        gp_Vec(*self.LE))
#                                                       )

        self.ChordLine = ChordLine.GetHandle()

        return None
def rotate_shp_3_axis(shape, rx, ry, rz, unity="deg"):
    """ Rotate a shape around (O,x), (O,y) and (O,z).
    @param rx_degree : rotation around (O,x)
    @param ry_degree : rotation around (O,y)
    @param rz_degree : rotation around (O,z)
    @return : the rotated shape.
    if unity == "deg":  # convert angle to radians
        rx = radians(rx)
        ry = radians(ry)
        rz = radians(rz)
    alpha = gp_Trsf()
    alpha.SetRotation(gp_OX(), rx)
    beta = gp_Trsf()
    beta.SetRotation(gp_OY(), ry)
    gamma = gp_Trsf()
    gamma.SetRotation(gp_OZ(), rz)
    brep_trns = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape, alpha*beta*gamma, False)
    shp = brep_trns.Shape()
    return shp
def rotate_shp_3_axis(shape, rx, ry, rz, unity="deg"):
    """ Rotate a shape around (O,x), (O,y) and (O,z).

    @param rx_degree : rotation around (O,x)
    @param ry_degree : rotation around (O,y)
    @param rz_degree : rotation around (O,z)

    @return : the rotated shape.
    if unity == "deg":  # convert angle to radians
        rx = radians(rx)
        ry = radians(ry)
        rz = radians(rz)
    alpha = gp_Trsf()
    alpha.SetRotation(gp_OX(), rx)
    beta = gp_Trsf()
    beta.SetRotation(gp_OY(), ry)
    gamma = gp_Trsf()
    gamma.SetRotation(gp_OZ(), rz)
    brep_trns = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape, alpha*beta*gamma, False)
    shp = brep_trns.Shape()
    return shp
Exemplo n.º 5
    lim_coord1 = (xmin, xmax)
    lim_coord2 = (ymin, ymax)

    section_height = zmax - 0.18
    # A horizontal plane is created from which a face is constructed to intersect with
    # the building. The face is transparently displayed along with the building.
    section_plane = gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(0, 0, section_height), gp_Dir(0, 0, 1))
    section_face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(section_plane, xmin, xmax, ymin,


    # Quick way to specify the Y axis
    xAxis = gp_OY()

    # Set up the mirror
    aTrsf = gp_Trsf()

    # Explore the faces of the shape (these are known to be named)
    exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
    while exp.More():
        s = exp.Current()

        tp = Topo(s)
        for face in tp.faces():

            section = BRepAlgoAPI_Section(section_face, face).Shape()
            # Apply the mirror transformation
Exemplo n.º 6
    def BuildTurbofanNacelle(self):
        The defaults yield a nacelle similar to that of an RR Trent 1000 / GEnx

        #TODO: break this down into modular function calls
        CentreLocation = self.CentreLocation

        MeanNacelleLength = self.MeanNacelleLength
        HighlightRadius = self.HighlightRadius
        HighlightDepth = 0.12 * self.MeanNacelleLength
        SectionNo = 100

#         Draw the nacelle with centre of the intake highlight circle in 0,0,0
        HHighlight = act.make_circle3pt([0, 0, HighlightRadius],
                                        [0, -HighlightRadius, 0],
                                        [0, 0, -HighlightRadius])
        Highlight = HHighlight.GetObject()
        HHighlightCutterCircle = \
            act.make_circle3pt([0, 0, HighlightRadius * 1.5],
                               [0, -HighlightRadius * 1.5, 0],
                               [0, 0, -HighlightRadius * 1.5])
        HighlightCutterCircle = HHighlightCutterCircle.GetObject()
#         Fan disk for CFD boundary conditions
        FanCircle = Handle_Geom_Circle.DownCast(
            Highlight.Translated(gp_Vec(MeanNacelleLength * 0.25, 0, 0)))
        wire = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(FanCircle))
        FanDisk = act.make_face(wire)
        self.AddComponent(FanDisk, 'FanDisk')

#         Aft outflow for CFD boundary conditions
        BypassCircle = Handle_Geom_Circle.DownCast(
            Highlight.Translated(gp_Vec(MeanNacelleLength * 0.85, 0, 0)))
        wire = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(BypassCircle))
        BypassDisk = act.make_face(wire)
        self.AddComponent(BypassDisk, 'BypassDisk')

#         Outflow cone
        TailConeBasePoint = np.array([MeanNacelleLength * 0.84, 0, 0])
        TailConeHeight = MeanNacelleLength * (1.35 - 0.84)
        TailConeRadius = HighlightRadius * 0.782
        TailCone = act.AddCone(TailConeBasePoint, TailConeRadius,
        self.AddComponent(TailCone, 'TailCone')

#         Spinner cone
        SpinnerConeBasePoint = np.array([MeanNacelleLength * 0.26, 0, 0])
        SpinnerConeHeight = MeanNacelleLength * (0.26 - 0.08)
        SpinnerConeRadius = MeanNacelleLength * 0.09
        Spinner = act.AddCone(SpinnerConeBasePoint, SpinnerConeRadius,
                              SpinnerConeHeight, direction=gp_Dir(-1, 0, 0))
        self.AddComponent(Spinner, 'Spinner')
# Tilt the intake
        RotAx = gp_OY()
        Highlight.Rotate(RotAx, np.radians(self.ScarfAngle))
#        # Set up the disk for separating the intake lip later
        HighlightCutterCircle.Rotate(RotAx, np.radians(self.ScarfAngle))
        HighlightCutterDisk = act.PlanarSurf(HighlightCutterCircle)

        HighlightCutterDisk =\
                                             gp_Vec(HighlightDepth, 0, 0))

#         Build the actual airfoil sections to define the nacelle
        HighlightPointVector = act.Uniform_Points_on_Curve(
            Highlight.GetHandle(), SectionNo)

        Sections = []
        TailPoints = []
        Twist = 0
        AirfoilSeligName = 'goe613'

        Rotations = np.linspace(0, 360, SectionNo)

        for i, pt in enumerate(HighlightPointVector):
            AfChord = MeanNacelleLength - pt.X()
            Af = primitives.Airfoil([pt.X(), pt.Y(), pt.Z()], AfChord,
                                    Rotations[i], Twist,

        self._sections = Sections

#        # Build the actual nacelle OML surface
#        EndCircle = act.points_to_bspline(TailPoints)    #Dont need this?
#        self._EndCircle = EndCircle
        Nacelle = act.AddSurfaceLoft(Sections)
        self.AddComponent(Nacelle, 'Nacelle')
#        TODO: Separate the lip
#        Cowling, HighlightSection = act.TrimShapebyPlane(Nacelle,
#                                                          HighlightCutterDisk,
#                                                          True)

#        Move the engine into its actual place on the wing

# Now build the pylon between the engine and the chord on the wing
        CP1 = gp_Pnt(MeanNacelleLength * 0.26 + CentreLocation[0],
                     CentreLocation[2] + HighlightRadius * 0.1)
        CP2 = gp_Pnt(MeanNacelleLength * 0.4 + CentreLocation[0],
                     HighlightRadius * 1.45 + CentreLocation[2])

        # Get the chord from its handle
        Chord = self.HChord.GetObject()
        CP3 = Chord.EndPoint()
        CP4 = Chord.StartPoint()
        self._pylonPts = [CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4]

#        Pylon wireframe
        tangents = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
        PylonTop = act.points_to_bspline([CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4],
        self._PylonTop = PylonTop
        PylonBase_LE = [CP1.X(), CP1.Y(), CP1.Z()]
        PylonAf = primitives.Airfoil(PylonBase_LE, MeanNacelleLength * 1.35,
                                     90, 0, Naca4Profile='0012',
        self._PylonAf = PylonAf
        LowerTE = PylonAf.ChordLine.GetObject().EndPoint()
#        LowerTE = rs.CurveEndPoint(PylonChord)
        PylonTE = GC_MakeSegment(LowerTE, CP4).Value()
        self._PylonTE = PylonTE

        edges = [act.make_edge(PylonAf.ChordLine),

        Pylon_symplane = act.make_face(act.make_wire(*edges))
        self.AddComponent(Pylon_symplane, 'Pylon_symplane')

#         TODO: Pylon surface. Currently a flat plate at symmetry plane.
#        This should be done with a plate surface (similar to NetworkSrf in
#        Rhino), but I haven't got this to work yet
#         Method 1: Sweep - gives the wrong shape
#        Pylon_tip = GC_MakeCircle(gp_Ax1(CP4, gp_Dir(0, 1, 0)),
#                                  PylonAf.ChordLength*0.001
#                                  ).Value()
#        Pylon_curve = PylonAf.Curve.GetObject()
#        PylonAf_TE = act.make_edge(Pylon_curve.StartPoint(),
#                                   Pylon_curve.EndPoint())
#        PylonAf_Face = act.PlanarSurf(PylonAf.Curve)
#        PylonAf_closedwire = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(PylonAf.Curve),
#                                           PylonAf_TE)
#        sections = [PylonAf.Curve, PylonTE]
#        spine = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(PylonTop))
#        self.PylonLeft = act.make_pipe_shell(spine, sections)
#         Move into place under the wing
#        self._Translate(gp_Vec(0,-CentreLocation[1],0))
# TODO: Mirror the pylon half surface
#        PylonRight = act.mirror(PylonLeft, plane='xz')
#        PylonAfCurve = act.AddTEtoOpenAirfoil(PylonAfCurve)
#        PylonAfSrf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(PylonAfCurve)

        return None
Exemplo n.º 7
    def BuildTurbofanNacelle(self):
        The defaults yield a nacelle similar to that of an RR Trent 1000 / GEnx

        #TODO: break this down into modular function calls
        CentreLocation = self.CentreLocation

        MeanNacelleLength = self.MeanNacelleLength
        HighlightRadius = self.HighlightRadius
        HighlightDepth = 0.12 * self.MeanNacelleLength
        SectionNo = 100

        #         Draw the nacelle with centre of the intake highlight circle in 0,0,0
        HHighlight = act.make_circle3pt([0, 0, HighlightRadius],
                                        [0, -HighlightRadius, 0],
                                        [0, 0, -HighlightRadius])
        Highlight = HHighlight.GetObject()
        HHighlightCutterCircle = \
            act.make_circle3pt([0, 0, HighlightRadius * 1.5],
                               [0, -HighlightRadius * 1.5, 0],
                               [0, 0, -HighlightRadius * 1.5])
        HighlightCutterCircle = HHighlightCutterCircle.GetObject()
        #         Fan disk for CFD boundary conditions
        FanCircle = Handle_Geom_Circle.DownCast(
            Highlight.Translated(gp_Vec(MeanNacelleLength * 0.25, 0, 0)))
        wire = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(FanCircle))
        FanDisk = act.make_face(wire)
        self.AddComponent(FanDisk, 'FanDisk')

        #         Aft outflow for CFD boundary conditions
        BypassCircle = Handle_Geom_Circle.DownCast(
            Highlight.Translated(gp_Vec(MeanNacelleLength * 0.85, 0, 0)))
        wire = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(BypassCircle))
        BypassDisk = act.make_face(wire)
        self.AddComponent(BypassDisk, 'BypassDisk')

        #         Outflow cone
        TailConeBasePoint = np.array([MeanNacelleLength * 0.84, 0, 0])
        TailConeHeight = MeanNacelleLength * (1.35 - 0.84)
        TailConeRadius = HighlightRadius * 0.782
        TailCone = act.AddCone(TailConeBasePoint, TailConeRadius,
        self.AddComponent(TailCone, 'TailCone')

        #         Spinner cone
        SpinnerConeBasePoint = np.array([MeanNacelleLength * 0.26, 0, 0])
        SpinnerConeHeight = MeanNacelleLength * (0.26 - 0.08)
        SpinnerConeRadius = MeanNacelleLength * 0.09
        Spinner = act.AddCone(SpinnerConeBasePoint,
                              direction=gp_Dir(-1, 0, 0))
        self.AddComponent(Spinner, 'Spinner')
        # Tilt the intake
        RotAx = gp_OY()
        Highlight.Rotate(RotAx, np.radians(self.ScarfAngle))
        #        # Set up the disk for separating the intake lip later
        HighlightCutterCircle.Rotate(RotAx, np.radians(self.ScarfAngle))
        HighlightCutterDisk = act.PlanarSurf(HighlightCutterCircle)

        HighlightCutterDisk =\
                                             gp_Vec(HighlightDepth, 0, 0))

        #         Build the actual airfoil sections to define the nacelle
        HighlightPointVector = act.Uniform_Points_on_Curve(
            Highlight.GetHandle(), SectionNo)

        Sections = []
        TailPoints = []
        Twist = 0
        AirfoilSeligName = 'goe613'

        Rotations = np.linspace(0, 360, SectionNo)

        for i, pt in enumerate(HighlightPointVector):
            AfChord = MeanNacelleLength - pt.X()
            Af = primitives.Airfoil([pt.X(), pt.Y(), pt.Z()],

        self._sections = Sections

        #        # Build the actual nacelle OML surface
        #        EndCircle = act.points_to_bspline(TailPoints)    #Dont need this?
        #        self._EndCircle = EndCircle
        Nacelle = act.AddSurfaceLoft(Sections)
        self.AddComponent(Nacelle, 'Nacelle')
        #        TODO: Separate the lip
        #        Cowling, HighlightSection = act.TrimShapebyPlane(Nacelle,
        #                                                          HighlightCutterDisk,
        #                                                          True)

        #        Move the engine into its actual place on the wing

        # Now build the pylon between the engine and the chord on the wing
        CP1 = gp_Pnt(MeanNacelleLength * 0.26 + CentreLocation[0],
                     CentreLocation[2] + HighlightRadius * 0.1)
        CP2 = gp_Pnt(MeanNacelleLength * 0.4 + CentreLocation[0],
                     HighlightRadius * 1.45 + CentreLocation[2])

        # Get the chord from its handle
        Chord = self.HChord.GetObject()
        CP3 = Chord.EndPoint()
        CP4 = Chord.StartPoint()
        self._pylonPts = [CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4]

        #        Pylon wireframe
        tangents = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
        PylonTop = act.points_to_bspline([CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4],
        self._PylonTop = PylonTop
        PylonBase_LE = [CP1.X(), CP1.Y(), CP1.Z()]
        PylonAf = primitives.Airfoil(PylonBase_LE,
                                     MeanNacelleLength * 1.35,
        self._PylonAf = PylonAf
        LowerTE = PylonAf.ChordLine.GetObject().EndPoint()
        #        LowerTE = rs.CurveEndPoint(PylonChord)
        PylonTE = GC_MakeSegment(LowerTE, CP4).Value()
        self._PylonTE = PylonTE

        edges = [

        Pylon_symplane = act.make_face(act.make_wire(*edges))
        self.AddComponent(Pylon_symplane, 'Pylon_symplane')

        #         TODO: Pylon surface. Currently a flat plate at symmetry plane.
        #        This should be done with a plate surface (similar to NetworkSrf in
        #        Rhino), but I haven't got this to work yet
        #         Method 1: Sweep - gives the wrong shape
        #        Pylon_tip = GC_MakeCircle(gp_Ax1(CP4, gp_Dir(0, 1, 0)),
        #                                  PylonAf.ChordLength*0.001
        #                                  ).Value()
        #        Pylon_curve = PylonAf.Curve.GetObject()
        #        PylonAf_TE = act.make_edge(Pylon_curve.StartPoint(),
        #                                   Pylon_curve.EndPoint())
        #        PylonAf_Face = act.PlanarSurf(PylonAf.Curve)
        #        PylonAf_closedwire = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(PylonAf.Curve),
        #                                           PylonAf_TE)
        #        sections = [PylonAf.Curve, PylonTE]
        #        spine = act.make_wire(act.make_edge(PylonTop))
        #        self.PylonLeft = act.make_pipe_shell(spine, sections)
        #         Move into place under the wing
        #        self._Translate(gp_Vec(0,-CentreLocation[1],0))
        # TODO: Mirror the pylon half surface
        #        PylonRight = act.mirror(PylonLeft, plane='xz')
        #        PylonAfCurve = act.AddTEtoOpenAirfoil(PylonAfCurve)
        #        PylonAfSrf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(PylonAfCurve)

        return None