Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, num_img, num_tth, levels):
        self.num_image = num_img
        self.num_tooth = num_tth

        self.pathLandmarks = "Project_Data/_Data/Landmarks/original/landmarks" + str(
            num_img) + "-" + str(num_tth) + ".txt"

        # self.pathLandmarks = "Project Data/_Data/Landmarks/mirrored/landmarks" + str(num_img+14) + "-" + str(
        #     num_tth) + ".txt"

        points = np.loadtxt(self.pathLandmarks)
        landmarks = np.zeros((2, 40))
        landmarks[0, :] = points[::2]
        landmarks[1, :] = points[1::2]
        landmarks = np.roll(landmarks, 5, axis=1)

        self.path_radiograph = "Project_Data/_Data/Radiographs_Preprocessed/" + str(
            num_img).zfill(2) + ".tif"
        # self.path_radiograph = "Project_Data/_Data/Radiographs/" + str(num_img).zfill(2) + ".tif"
        # self.path_radiograph = "Project_Data/_Data/Segmentations_Preprocessed/" + str(num_img).zfill(2) + ".tif"
        img_radiograph = cv2.imread(self.path_radiograph, 0)

        self.path_segmentation = "Project_Data/_Data/Segmentations/" + str(
            num_img).zfill(2) + "-" + str(num_tth - 1) + ".png"
        img_segmentation = cv2.imread(self.path_segmentation, 0)

        del points
        del landmarks
Exemplo n.º 2
def reconstruct_shape_object(shape_mu, P, b):
        x = mu + P*b 
    lm_x = shape_mu.lm_loc + np.dot(P, b).reshape(shape_mu.lm_org.shape)
    lm_x = lm_x * shape_mu.scale + shape_mu.center
    return ObjectShape(lm_x)
    def match_model_to_target(self):

        b = self.b * 0
        b_old = np.copy(b)

        max_iter = 3
        num_iter = 0

        while True:

            b = project_shape_to_principal_components_space(self.shape_target, self.shape_ref, self.eigenvectors)

            limit = 2
            for idx, param in enumerate(b):
                if b[idx] > limit * np.sqrt(self.eigenvalues[idx]):
                    b[idx] = limit * np.sqrt(self.eigenvalues[idx])
                elif b[idx] < -limit * np.sqrt(self.eigenvalues[idx]):
                    b[idx] = -limit * np.sqrt(self.eigenvalues[idx])

            shape_new_model = reconstruct_shape_object(self.shape_ref, self.eigenvectors, b)
            theta = shape_new_model.get_landmarks_theta(self.shape_target.lm_loc)
            lm_model = np.dot(myLib.getRotMatrix(theta), shape_new_model.lm_loc)
            lm_model = lm_model * self.shape_target.scale + self.shape_target.center
            self.shape_model = ObjectShape(lm_model, self.img, k=8, levels=self.current_level + 1)

            procrustes_alignment([self.shape_model], self.shape_target)
            lm_new = self.shape_model.lm_loc * self.shape_target.scale + self.shape_target.center
            self.shape_model = ObjectShape(lm_new, self.img, k=8, levels=self.current_level + 1)

            b_change = b - b_old
            b_old = np.copy(b)

            if np.sum(b_change) < 1e-10:

            num_iter += 1
            if num_iter > max_iter:
    def __init__(self, shapes_list, img, init_pos, levels, visualization='True'):
        self.init_center = np.copy(init_pos)
        self.img = np.copy(img)

        self.shape_ref = procrustes_analysis(shapes_list, visualization=False)
        eigenval, eigenvec, lm_mu = principal_component_analysis(shapes_list, self.shape_ref, 5)
        self.eigenvalues = eigenval
        self.eigenvectors = eigenvec
        self.profile_intensity_mean = get_profile_intensity_mean(shapes_list)

        self.current_level = levels - 1

        # lm_model = (self.shape_ref.lm_org - self.shape_ref.center + self.init_center).astype(np.int)
        lm_model = (self.shape_ref.lm_org - self.shape_ref.center) / 1.30
        lm_model = (lm_model + self.init_center).astype(np.int)
        self.shape_model = ObjectShape(lm_model, self.img, k=5, levels=self.current_level + 1)
        self.shape_target = None

        self.b = np.zeros_like(self.eigenvalues)

        self.visualization = visualization
        if self.visualization:
            self.fig = plt.figure()
            plt.imshow(self.shape_model.img, cmap='gray', interpolation='bicubic')
            plt.plot(self.init_center[0, 0], self.init_center[1, 0], color='r', marker='.', markersize=5)
            message = 'Initial estimation shown. Press key to start the search...'
            # message = ""

        # self.update_target_points()
        # self.update_figure()
        # plt.waitforbuttonpress()
        # self.match_model_to_target()
        # self.update_figure()
        # plt.waitforbuttonpress()

        # plt.waitforbuttonpress()
        # self.active_shape_model_algorithm()

    def update_target_points(self):
        lm_target = np.zeros_like(self.shape_model.lm_org)
        len_k = np.size(self.profile_intensity_mean, axis=1)
        len_ns = np.size(self.shape_model.profile_intensity, axis=1)
        for idx_lm in range(np.size(self.shape_model.lm_org, axis=1)):
            intensity_match = np.zeros((len_ns - len_k + 1,))
            intensity_similarity = np.zeros((len_ns - len_k + 1,))
            for idx_k in range(len_ns - len_k + 1):
                model_intensity = self.shape_model.profile_intensity[idx_lm, idx_k:idx_k + len_k, self.current_level]
                mean_intensity = self.profile_intensity_mean[idx_lm, :, self.current_level]
                intensity_error = (model_intensity - mean_intensity)
                intensity_error = intensity_error ** 2
                intensity_match[idx_k] = np.sum(intensity_error)

                inner_product = model_intensity * mean_intensity

                intensity_similarity[idx_k] = np.sum(inner_product)

                # if (idx_lm > 0) and (idx_lm < 2):
                #     plt.figure()
                #     plt.title('shift = ' + str(idx_k))
                #     plt.plot(model_intensity, 'b-')
                #     plt.plot(mean_intensity, 'r-')
                #     plt.show()
                #     plt.waitforbuttonpress()
                #     # plt.close()

            # idx_min_error = np.argmin(intensity_match)
            idx_min_error = np.argmax(intensity_similarity)

            idx_best_match = idx_min_error + (len_k - 1) / 2

            lm_target[:, idx_lm] = self.shape_model.profile_coordinates[:, idx_lm, idx_best_match, self.current_level]

            # if (idx_lm > 0) and (idx_lm < 2):  # and (self.current_level == 1):
            #     # self.show_profile_intensity_match(idx_lm, intensity_match, idx_min_error)
            #     self.show_profile_intensity_match(idx_lm, intensity_similarity, idx_min_error)

        self.shape_target = ObjectShape(lm_target * (2 ** self.current_level))
Exemplo n.º 6
        incisors_good_fit, incisors_bad_fit = separate_good_bad_shape_fit(incisors)

        # shape_viewer_good = ShapesViewer(incisors_good_fit, incisor_ref, "good shapes")
        # shape_viewer_good.update_shapes_ref()
        # shape_viewer_good.update_shapes_all()
        # shape_viewer_bad = ShapesViewer(incisors_bad_fit, incisor_ref, "bad shapes")
        # shape_viewer_bad.update_shapes_ref()
        # shape_viewer_bad.update_shapes_all()

        # training_set = create_training_set(incisors_good_fit, incisor_ref)
        eigenval, eigenvec, lm_mu = principal_component_analysis(incisors_good_fit, incisor_ref, 3)
        print "\neigenvalues = " + str(eigenval)
        # print "\neigenvectors = " + str(eigenvec)

        incisor_mu = ObjectShape(lm_mu.reshape(2, np.size(lm_mu, 0) / 2))
        # diff_mean = incisor_mu.lm_org - incisor_ref.lm_org
        # # print "\ndiff_mean:"
        # # print str(diff_mean)
        # shape_viewer_mu = ShapesViewer([incisor_mu], incisor_ref)
        # shape_viewer_mu.update_shapes_ref()
        # shape_viewer_mu.update_shapes_all()

        show_modes(incisor_mu, eigenvec, eigenval)

        # Save PCA
        dir_path = "Project_Data/_Data/PCA/"
        # save_PCA_results(dir_path, "incisor", incisor_idx, eigenvec, eigenval, lm_mu)
    # plt.figure()
    print "\nClick to finish process..."
Exemplo n.º 7
def procrustes_analysis(shapes_list, visualization=True):
    # Arbitrarily choose a reference shape (typically by selecting it among the available instances)
    # np.random.seed(3)
    # idx = np.random.randint(0, len(shapes_list))
    idx = 9

    # print "idx = " + str(idx)
    shape_ref = ObjectShape(shapes_list[idx].lm_org, shapes_list[idx].img)
    # print "r = " + str(shape_ref.num_image)
    # print "t = " + str(shape_ref.num_tooth)
    # shape_ref.show_radiograph(np.array([800, 200]))

    if visualization:
        shapes_viewer = ShapesViewer(shapes_list, shape_ref)

        for shape_idx in range(len(shapes_list)):

    # shape_mean = ObjectShape(np.zeros_like(shape_ref.lm_loc))

    iteration_max = 30
    iteration_cnt = 0

    while True:

        if visualization:

        # Superimpose all instances to current reference shape
        procrustes_alignment(shapes_list, shape_ref)

        if visualization:

        # Compute the mean shape of the current set of superimposed shapes
        lm_mean = np.zeros_like(shape_ref.lm_loc, dtype=float)
        for shape in shapes_list:
            lm_mean = lm_mean + shape.lm_loc * shape.scale
        lm_mean = lm_mean / float(len(shapes_list))
        shape_mean = ObjectShape(lm_mean)

        # Compute square distance change of mean shape
        ssdc = np.sum(np.square(shape_ref.lm_org - lm_mean))
        if visualization:
            print "sum of square distance change: " + str(ssdc)

        # Update reference shape
        shape_ref.lm_org = shape_mean.lm_org
        shape_ref.lm_loc = shape_mean.lm_loc
        shape_ref.center = shape_mean.center
        shape_ref.scale = shape_mean.scale
        shape_ref.theta = shape_mean.theta

        if visualization:

        # End loop if sum of square distance change of mean shape is under certain threshold
        if ssdc < 1e-8:
            if visualization:
                    "Procrustes analysis finished. Square distance change of mean shape was under certain threshold."

        # End loop if number of iteration exceeds maximum number of allowed iterations
        if iteration_cnt >= iteration_max:
            if visualization:
                    "Procrustes analysis finished. Number of iteration exceeded the maximum allowed iterations."
        iteration_cnt = iteration_cnt + 1

    # axis_len_0 = 2  # DOF
    # axis_len_1 = len(shapes_list)
    shape_centers_sum = np.zeros((2, 1))
    # shape_theta_sum = 0
    for idx_shape, shape in enumerate(shapes_list):
        # print shape.ssd
        shape_centers_sum += shape.center
        # shape_theta_sum += shape.theta

    shape_centers = shape_centers_sum / len(shapes_list)
    # shape_theta = shape_theta_sum / len(shapes_list)
    # print "Avrage theta" + str(shape_theta)
    shape_ref.center = shape_centers
    shape_ref.lm_org += shape_ref.center

    return shape_ref