Exemplo n.º 1
    def __locations_page(self, page_type):
        """Return a widget containing a list of files and folders"""

        def add_whitelist_file_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a file"""
            title = _("Choose a file")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_file(self.parent, title)
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('File'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['file', pathname])

        def add_whitelist_folder_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a folder"""
            title = _("Choose a folder")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_folder(self.parent, title,
                                              multiple=False, stock_button=gtk.STOCK_ADD)
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('Folder'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['folder', pathname])

        def remove_whitelist_path_cb(button):
            """Callback for removing a path"""
            treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
            (model, _iter) = treeselection.get_selected()
            if None == _iter:
                # nothing selected
            pathname = model[_iter][1]
            for this_pathname in pathnames:
                if this_pathname[1] == pathname:

        def add_custom_file_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a file"""
            title = _("Choose a file")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_file(self.parent, title)
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('File'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['file', pathname])

        def add_custom_folder_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a folder"""
            title = _("Choose a folder")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_folder(self.parent, title,
                                              multiple=False, stock_button=gtk.STOCK_ADD)
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('Folder'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['folder', pathname])

        def remove_custom_path_cb(button):
            """Callback for removing a path"""
            treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
            (model, _iter) = treeselection.get_selected()
            if None == _iter:
                # nothing selected
            pathname = model[_iter][1]
            for this_pathname in pathnames:
                if this_pathname[1] == pathname:

        vbox = gtk.VBox()

        # load data
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            pathnames = options.get_whitelist_paths()
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            pathnames = options.get_custom_paths()
        liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
        for paths in pathnames:
            type_code = paths[0]
            type_str = None
            if type_code == 'file':
                type_str = _('File')
            elif type_code == 'folder':
                type_str = _('Folder')
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid type code: '%s'" % type_code)
            path = paths[1]
            liststore.append([type_str, path])

        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            # TRANSLATORS: "Paths" is used generically to refer to both files
            # and folders
            notice = gtk.Label(
                _("Theses paths will not be deleted or modified."))
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            notice = gtk.Label(
                _("These locations can be selected for deletion."))

        # create treeview
        treeview = gtk.TreeView(liststore)

        # create column views
        self.renderer0 = gtk.CellRendererText()
        self.column0 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Type"), self.renderer0, text=0)

        self.renderer1 = gtk.CellRendererText()
        # TRANSLATORS: In the tree view "Path" is used generically to refer to a
        # file, a folder, or a pattern describing either
        self.column1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Path"), self.renderer1, text=1)

        # finish tree view
        swindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
        swindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
        swindow.set_size_request(300, 200)
        vbox.pack_start(swindow, False)

        # buttons that modify the list
        button_add_file = gtk.Button(_p('button', 'Add file'))
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            button_add_file.connect("clicked", add_whitelist_file_cb)
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            button_add_file.connect("clicked", add_custom_file_cb)

        button_add_folder = gtk.Button(_p('button', 'Add folder'))
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            button_add_folder.connect("clicked", add_whitelist_folder_cb)
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            button_add_folder.connect("clicked", add_custom_folder_cb)

        button_remove = gtk.Button(_p('button', 'Remove'))
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            button_remove.connect("clicked", remove_whitelist_path_cb)
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            button_remove.connect("clicked", remove_custom_path_cb)

        button_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
        vbox.pack_start(button_box, False)

        # return page
        return vbox
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_commands(self, option_id):
        # This variable will collect fully expanded file names, and
        # at the end of this function, they will be checked they exist
        # and processed through Command.Delete().
        files = []

        # cache
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'cache' == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                if self.whitelisted(filename):
                files += [filename]

        # custom
        if 'custom' == option_id:
            for (c_type, c_path) in options.get_custom_paths():
                if 'file' == c_type:
                    files += [c_path]
                elif 'folder' == c_type:
                    files += [c_path]
                    for path in children_in_directory(c_path, True):
                        files += [path]
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'custom folder has invalid type %s' % c_type)

        # menu
        menu_dirs = ['~/.local/share/applications',

        if 'posix' == os.name and 'desktop_entry' == option_id:
            for dirname in menu_dirs:
                for filename in [fn for fn in children_in_directory(dirname, False)
                                 if fn.endswith('.desktop')]:
                    if Unix.is_broken_xdg_desktop(filename):
                        yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # unwanted locales
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'localizations' == option_id:
            callback = lambda locale, language: options.get_language(language)
            for path in Unix.locales.localization_paths(callback):
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # Windows logs
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'logs' == option_id:
            paths = (
                '$ALLUSERSPROFILE\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson\\*.log',
                '$ALLUSERSPROFILE\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson\\user.dmp',
                '$localappdata\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.bak',
                '$localappdata\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.txt',
                '$windir\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.bak',
                '$windir\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.txt',
                '$windir\\system32\\wbem\\Logs\\*.log', )

            for path in paths:
                expanded = os.path.expandvars(path)
                for globbed in glob.iglob(expanded):
                    files += [globbed]

        # memory
        if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and 'memory' == option_id:
            yield Command.Function(None, Memory.wipe_memory, _('Memory'))

        # memory dump
        # how to manually create this file
        # http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/856/
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'memory_dump' == option_id:
            fname = os.path.expandvars('$windir\\memory.dmp')
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                files += [fname]
            for fname in glob.iglob(os.path.expandvars('$windir\\Minidump\\*.dmp')):
                files += [fname]

        # most recently used documents list
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'recent_documents' == option_id:
            files += [os.path.expanduser("~/.recently-used")]
            # GNOME 2.26 (as seen on Ubuntu 9.04) will retain the list
            # in memory if it is simply deleted, so it must be shredded
            # (or at least truncated).
            # GNOME 2.28.1 (Ubuntu 9.10) and 2.30 (10.04) do not re-read
            # the file after truncation, but do re-read it after
            # shreading.
            # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591404
            for pathname in ["~/.recently-used.xbel", "~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel"]:
                pathname = os.path.expanduser(pathname)
                if os.path.lexists(pathname):
                    yield Command.Shred(pathname)
                    if HAVE_GTK:

        if 'posix' == os.name and 'rotated_logs' == option_id:
            for path in Unix.rotated_logs():
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # temporary files
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'tmp' == option_id:
            dirnames = ['/tmp', '/var/tmp']
            for dirname in dirnames:
                for path in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                    is_open = FileUtilities.openfiles.is_open(path)
                    ok = not is_open and os.path.isfile(path) and \
                        not os.path.islink(path) and \
                        FileUtilities.ego_owner(path) and \
                        not self.whitelisted(path)
                    if ok:
                        yield Command.Delete(path)

        # temporary files
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'tmp' == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expandvars(
                "$USERPROFILE\\Local Settings\\Temp\\")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expandvars("$windir\\temp\\")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # trash
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'trash' == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.Trash")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, False):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            # fixme http://www.ramendik.ru/docs/trashspec.html
            # http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
            # ~/.local/share/Trash
            # * GNOME 2.22, Fedora 9
            # * KDE 4.1.3, Ubuntu 8.10
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/files")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/info")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/expunged")
            # [email protected] tells me that the trash
            # backend puts files in here temporary, but in some situations
            # the files are stuck.
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # clipboard
        if HAVE_GTK and 'clipboard' == option_id:
            def clear_clipboard():
                clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get()
                return 0
            yield Command.Function(None, clear_clipboard, _('Clipboard'))

        # overwrite free space
        shred_drives = options.get_list('shred_drives')
        if 'free_disk_space' == option_id and shred_drives:
            for pathname in shred_drives:
                # TRANSLATORS: 'Free' means 'unallocated.'
                # %s expands to a path such as C:\ or /tmp/
                display = _("Overwrite free disk space %s") % pathname

                def wipe_path_func():
                    for ret in FileUtilities.wipe_path(pathname, idle=True):
                        # Yield control to GTK idle because this process
                        # is very slow.  Also display progress.
                        yield ret
                    yield 0
                yield Command.Function(None, wipe_path_func, display)

        # MUICache
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'muicache' == option_id:
            keys = (
                'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Shell\\MuiCache')
            for key in keys:
                yield Command.Winreg(key, None)

        # prefetch
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'prefetch' == option_id:
            for path in glob.iglob(os.path.expandvars('$windir\\Prefetch\\*.pf')):
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # recycle bin
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'recycle_bin' == option_id:
            for drive in Windows.get_fixed_drives():
                # TRANSLATORS: %s expands to a drive letter such as C:\ or D:\
                label = _("Recycle bin %s") % drive

                def emptyrecyclebin():
                    return Windows.empty_recycle_bin(drive, True)
                # fixme: enable size preview
                yield Command.Function(None, emptyrecyclebin, label)

        # Windows Updates
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'updates' == option_id:
            for wu in Windows.delete_updates():
                yield wu

        # return queued files
        for filename in files:
            if os.path.lexists(filename):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_commands(self, option_id):
        # This variable will collect fully expanded file names, and
        # at the end of this function, they will be checked they exist
        # and processed through Command.Delete().
        files = []

        # cache
        if "posix" == os.name and "cache" == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                if self.whitelisted(filename):
                files += [filename]

        # custom
        if "custom" == option_id:
            for (c_type, c_path) in options.get_custom_paths():
                if "file" == c_type:
                    files += [c_path]
                elif "folder" == c_type:
                    files += [c_path]
                    for path in children_in_directory(c_path, True):
                        files += [path]
                    raise RuntimeError("custom folder has invalid type %s" % c_type)

        # menu
        menu_dirs = [

        if "posix" == os.name and "desktop_entry" == option_id:
            for dirname in menu_dirs:
                for filename in [fn for fn in children_in_directory(dirname, False) if fn.endswith(".desktop")]:
                    if Unix.is_broken_xdg_desktop(filename):
                        yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # unwanted locales
        if "posix" == os.name and "localizations" == option_id:
            for path in Unix.locales.localization_paths(locales_to_keep=options.get_languages()):
                if os.path.isdir(path):
                    for f in FileUtilities.children_in_directory(path, True):
                        yield Command.Delete(f)
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # Windows logs
        if "nt" == os.name and "logs" == option_id:
            paths = (
                "$ALLUSERSPROFILE\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson\\*.log",
                "$ALLUSERSPROFILE\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson\\user.dmp",
                "$localappdata\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.bak",
                "$localappdata\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.txt",
                "$windir\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.bak",
                "$windir\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.txt",

            for path in paths:
                expanded = os.path.expandvars(path)
                for globbed in glob.iglob(expanded):
                    files += [globbed]

        # memory
        if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and "memory" == option_id:
            yield Command.Function(None, Memory.wipe_memory, _("Memory"))

        # memory dump
        # how to manually create this file
        # http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/856/
        if "nt" == os.name and "memory_dump" == option_id:
            fname = os.path.expandvars("$windir\\memory.dmp")
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                files += [fname]
            for fname in glob.iglob(os.path.expandvars("$windir\\Minidump\\*.dmp")):
                files += [fname]

        # most recently used documents list
        if "posix" == os.name and "recent_documents" == option_id:
            files += [os.path.expanduser("~/.recently-used")]
            # GNOME 2.26 (as seen on Ubuntu 9.04) will retain the list
            # in memory if it is simply deleted, so it must be shredded
            # (or at least truncated).
            # GNOME 2.28.1 (Ubuntu 9.10) and 2.30 (10.04) do not re-read
            # the file after truncation, but do re-read it after
            # shredding.
            # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591404
            for pathname in ["~/.recently-used.xbel", "~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel"]:
                pathname = os.path.expanduser(pathname)
                if os.path.lexists(pathname):
                    yield Command.Shred(pathname)
                    if HAVE_GTK:

        if "posix" == os.name and "rotated_logs" == option_id:
            for path in Unix.rotated_logs():
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # temporary files
        if "posix" == os.name and "tmp" == option_id:
            dirnames = ["/tmp", "/var/tmp"]
            for dirname in dirnames:
                for path in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                    is_open = FileUtilities.openfiles.is_open(path)
                    ok = (
                        not is_open
                        and os.path.isfile(path)
                        and not os.path.islink(path)
                        and FileUtilities.ego_owner(path)
                        and not self.whitelisted(path)
                    if ok:
                        yield Command.Delete(path)

        # temporary files
        if "nt" == os.name and "tmp" == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expandvars("$USERPROFILE\\Local Settings\\Temp\\")
            # whitelist the folder %TEMP%\Low but not its contents
            # https://bugs.launchpad.net/bleachbit/+bug/1421726
            low = os.path.join(dirname, "low").lower()
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                if not low == filename.lower():
                    yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expandvars("$windir\\temp\\")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # trash
        if "posix" == os.name and "trash" == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.Trash")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, False):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            # fixme http://www.ramendik.ru/docs/trashspec.html
            # http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
            # ~/.local/share/Trash
            # * GNOME 2.22, Fedora 9
            # * KDE 4.1.3, Ubuntu 8.10
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/files")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/info")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/expunged")
            # [email protected] tells me that the trash
            # backend puts files in here temporary, but in some situations
            # the files are stuck.
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # clipboard
        if HAVE_GTK and "clipboard" == option_id:

            def clear_clipboard():
                clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get()
                return 0

            yield Command.Function(None, clear_clipboard, _("Clipboard"))

        # overwrite free space
        shred_drives = options.get_list("shred_drives")
        if "free_disk_space" == option_id and shred_drives:
            for pathname in shred_drives:
                # TRANSLATORS: 'Free' means 'unallocated.'
                # %s expands to a path such as C:\ or /tmp/
                display = _("Overwrite free disk space %s") % pathname

                def wipe_path_func():
                    for ret in FileUtilities.wipe_path(pathname, idle=True):
                        # Yield control to GTK idle because this process
                        # is very slow.  Also display progress.
                        yield ret
                    yield 0

                yield Command.Function(None, wipe_path_func, display)

        # MUICache
        if "nt" == os.name and "muicache" == option_id:
            keys = (
                "HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Shell\\MuiCache",
            for key in keys:
                yield Command.Winreg(key, None)

        # prefetch
        if "nt" == os.name and "prefetch" == option_id:
            for path in glob.iglob(os.path.expandvars("$windir\\Prefetch\\*.pf")):
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # recycle bin
        if "nt" == os.name and "recycle_bin" == option_id:
            # This method allows shredding
            for path in Windows.get_recycle_bin():
                yield Command.Delete(path)
            # If there were any files deleted, Windows XP will show the
            # wrong icon for the recycle bin indicating it is not empty.
            # The icon will be incorrect until logging in to Windows again
            # or until it is emptied using the Windows API call for emptying
            # the recycle bin.

            # Windows 10 refreshes the recycle bin icon when the user
            # opens the recycle bin folder.

            # This is a hack to refresh the icon.
            import tempfile

            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
                Windows.empty_recycle_bin(None, True)
                logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
                logger.info("error in empty_recycle_bin()", exc_info=True)

        # Windows Updates
        if "nt" == os.name and "updates" == option_id:
            for wu in Windows.delete_updates():
                yield wu

        # return queued files
        for filename in files:
            if os.path.lexists(filename):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_commands(self, option_id):
        # This variable will collect fully expanded file names, and
        # at the end of this function, they will be checked they exist
        # and processed through Command.Delete().
        files = []

        # cache
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'cache' == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                if self.whitelisted(filename):
                files += [filename]

        # custom
        if 'custom' == option_id:
            for (c_type, c_path) in options.get_custom_paths():
                if 'file' == c_type:
                    files += [c_path]
                elif 'folder' == c_type:
                    files += [c_path]
                    for path in children_in_directory(c_path, True):
                        files += [path]
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'custom folder has invalid type %s' % c_type)

        # menu
        menu_dirs = ['~/.local/share/applications',

        if 'posix' == os.name and 'desktop_entry' == option_id:
            for dirname in menu_dirs:
                for filename in [fn for fn in children_in_directory(dirname, False)
                                 if fn.endswith('.desktop')]:
                    if Unix.is_broken_xdg_desktop(filename):
                        yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # unwanted locales
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'localizations' == option_id:
            callback = lambda locale, language: options.get_language(language)
            for path in Unix.locales.localization_paths(callback):
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # Windows logs
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'logs' == option_id:
            paths = (
                '$ALLUSERSPROFILE\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson\\*.log',
                '$ALLUSERSPROFILE\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Dr Watson\\user.dmp',
                '$localappdata\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.bak',
                '$localappdata\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.txt',
                '$windir\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.bak',
                '$windir\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\brndlog.txt',
                '$windir\\system32\\wbem\\Logs\\*.log', )

            for path in paths:
                expanded = os.path.expandvars(path)
                for globbed in glob.iglob(expanded):
                    files += [globbed]

        # memory
        if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and 'memory' == option_id:
            yield Command.Function(None, Memory.wipe_memory, _('Memory'))

        # memory dump
        # how to manually create this file
        # http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/856/
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'memory_dump' == option_id:
            fname = os.path.expandvars('$windir\\memory.dmp')
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                files += [fname]
            for fname in glob.iglob(os.path.expandvars('$windir\\Minidump\\*.dmp')):
                files += [fname]

        # most recently used documents list
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'recent_documents' == option_id:
            files += [os.path.expanduser("~/.recently-used")]
            # GNOME 2.26 (as seen on Ubuntu 9.04) will retain the list
            # in memory if it is simply deleted, so it must be shredded
            # (or at least truncated).
            # GNOME 2.28.1 (Ubuntu 9.10) and 2.30 (10.04) do not re-read
            # the file after truncation, but do re-read it after
            # shreading.
            # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591404
            for pathname in ["~/.recently-used.xbel", "~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel"]:
                pathname = os.path.expanduser(pathname)
                if os.path.lexists(pathname):
                    yield Command.Shred(pathname)
                    if HAVE_GTK:

        if 'posix' == os.name and 'rotated_logs' == option_id:
            for path in Unix.rotated_logs():
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # temporary files
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'tmp' == option_id:
            dirnames = ['/tmp', '/var/tmp']
            for dirname in dirnames:
                for path in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                    is_open = FileUtilities.openfiles.is_open(path)
                    ok = not is_open and os.path.isfile(path) and \
                        not os.path.islink(path) and \
                        FileUtilities.ego_owner(path) and \
                        not self.whitelisted(path)
                    if ok:
                        yield Command.Delete(path)

        # temporary files
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'tmp' == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expandvars(
                "$USERPROFILE\\Local Settings\\Temp\\")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expandvars("$windir\\temp\\")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # trash
        if 'posix' == os.name and 'trash' == option_id:
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.Trash")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, False):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            # fixme http://www.ramendik.ru/docs/trashspec.html
            # http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
            # ~/.local/share/Trash
            # * GNOME 2.22, Fedora 9
            # * KDE 4.1.3, Ubuntu 8.10
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/files")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/info")
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
            dirname = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Trash/expunged")
            # [email protected] tells me that the trash
            # backend puts files in here temporary, but in some situations
            # the files are stuck.
            for filename in children_in_directory(dirname, True):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)

        # clipboard
        if HAVE_GTK and 'clipboard' == option_id:
            def clear_clipboard():
                clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get()
                return 0
            yield Command.Function(None, clear_clipboard, _('Clipboard'))

        # overwrite free space
        shred_drives = options.get_list('shred_drives')
        if 'free_disk_space' == option_id and shred_drives:
            for pathname in shred_drives:
                # TRANSLATORS: 'Free' means 'unallocated.'
                # %s expands to a path such as C:\ or /tmp/
                display = _("Overwrite free disk space %s") % pathname

                def wipe_path_func():
                    for ret in FileUtilities.wipe_path(pathname, idle=True):
                        # Yield control to GTK idle because this process
                        # is very slow.  Also display progress.
                        yield ret
                    yield 0
                yield Command.Function(None, wipe_path_func, display)

        # MUICache
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'muicache' == option_id:
            keys = (
                'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Shell\\MuiCache')
            for key in keys:
                yield Command.Winreg(key, None)

        # prefetch
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'prefetch' == option_id:
            for path in glob.iglob(os.path.expandvars('$windir\\Prefetch\\*.pf')):
                yield Command.Delete(path)

        # recycle bin
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'recycle_bin' == option_id:
            for drive in Windows.get_fixed_drives():
                # TRANSLATORS: %s expands to a drive letter such as C:\ or D:\
                label = _("Recycle bin %s") % drive

                def emptyrecyclebin():
                    return Windows.empty_recycle_bin(drive, True)
                # fixme: enable size preview
                yield Command.Function(None, emptyrecyclebin, label)

        # Windows Updates
        if 'nt' == os.name and 'updates' == option_id:
            for wu in Windows.delete_updates():
                yield wu

        # return queued files
        for filename in files:
            if os.path.lexists(filename):
                yield Command.Delete(filename)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __locations_page(self, page_type):
        """Return a widget containing a list of files and folders"""
        def add_whitelist_file_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a file"""
            title = _("Choose a file")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_file(self.parent, title)
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('File'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['file', pathname])

        def add_whitelist_folder_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a folder"""
            title = _("Choose a folder")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_folder(self.parent,
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('Folder'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['folder', pathname])

        def remove_whitelist_path_cb(button):
            """Callback for removing a path"""
            treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
            (model, _iter) = treeselection.get_selected()
            if None == _iter:
                # nothing selected
            pathname = model[_iter][1]
            for this_pathname in pathnames:
                if this_pathname[1] == pathname:

        def add_custom_file_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a file"""
            title = _("Choose a file")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_file(self.parent, title)
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('File'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['file', pathname])

        def add_custom_folder_cb(button):
            """Callback for adding a folder"""
            title = _("Choose a folder")
            pathname = GuiBasic.browse_folder(self.parent,
            if pathname:
                for this_pathname in pathnames:
                    if pathname == this_pathname[1]:
                        print "warning: '%s' already exists in whitelist" % pathname
                liststore.append([_('Folder'), pathname])
                pathnames.append(['folder', pathname])

        def remove_custom_path_cb(button):
            """Callback for removing a path"""
            treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
            (model, _iter) = treeselection.get_selected()
            if None == _iter:
                # nothing selected
            pathname = model[_iter][1]
            for this_pathname in pathnames:
                if this_pathname[1] == pathname:

        vbox = gtk.VBox()

        # load data
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            pathnames = options.get_whitelist_paths()
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            pathnames = options.get_custom_paths()
        liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
        for paths in pathnames:
            type_code = paths[0]
            type_str = None
            if type_code == 'file':
                type_str = _('File')
            elif type_code == 'folder':
                type_str = _('Folder')
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid type code: '%s'" % type_code)
            path = paths[1]
            liststore.append([type_str, path])

        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            # TRANSLATORS: "Paths" is used generically to refer to both files
            # and folders
            notice = gtk.Label(
                _("Theses paths will not be deleted or modified."))
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            notice = gtk.Label(
                _("These locations can be selected for deletion."))
        vbox.pack_start(notice, False)

        # create treeview
        treeview = gtk.TreeView(liststore)

        # create column views
        self.renderer0 = gtk.CellRendererText()
        self.column0 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Type"), self.renderer0, text=0)

        self.renderer1 = gtk.CellRendererText()
        # TRANSLATORS: In the tree view "Path" is used generically to refer to a
        # file, a folder, or a pattern describing either
        self.column1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Path"), self.renderer1, text=1)

        # finish tree view
        swindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
        swindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
        swindow.set_size_request(300, 200)

        # buttons that modify the list
        button_add_file = gtk.Button(_p('button', 'Add file'))
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            button_add_file.connect("clicked", add_whitelist_file_cb)
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            button_add_file.connect("clicked", add_custom_file_cb)

        button_add_folder = gtk.Button(_p('button', 'Add folder'))
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            button_add_folder.connect("clicked", add_whitelist_folder_cb)
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            button_add_folder.connect("clicked", add_custom_folder_cb)

        button_remove = gtk.Button(_p('button', 'Remove'))
        if LOCATIONS_WHITELIST == page_type:
            button_remove.connect("clicked", remove_whitelist_path_cb)
        elif LOCATIONS_CUSTOM == page_type:
            button_remove.connect("clicked", remove_custom_path_cb)

        button_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
        vbox.pack_start(button_box, False)

        # return page
        return vbox