def __init__(self,world,manager,scrollLoc,screenPos,size,clientID): = world self.manager = manager self.scrollLoc = scrollLoc self.cartScrollLoc = specialMath.isoToCart(scrollLoc) self.loc = screenPos self.size = size self.rect = pygame.Rect(screenPos,size) self.hud=None self.clientID = clientID if world is not None: self.minimap = MiniMap(,clientID=clientID) else: self.minimap = None #FIXME - SHOULD COME FROM A CONFIG FILE self.scrollSensitivity=.001 self.initDeadZoneBasedOnSize() self.surface = pygame.Surface(size) self.surface.set_clip(((0,0),size)) self.scrollSpeed = [0,0] self.selectedEntities = [] self.viewportEntities = [] self.myViewportEntities = [] self.quickSelect = {} for i in xrange(pygame.K_0,pygame.K_9+1): self.quickSelect[i] = pygame.sprite.Group() self.dragRect = None self.currentMenu = None from ContextualMenu import getCGDcontextualMenu self.contextualMenu = getCGDcontextualMenu() self._selectedEntitiesChanged = False self.gameOver = False
def changeWorld(self,world): = world self.minimap = MiniMap(
class Viewport(object): #SHOULD PROBABLY INHERIT FROM DRAWABLE OBJECT """ Acts as a "window" into the world it contains. Includes deadzone dimensions so that it can be scrolled with the mouse. @param world: the world the viewport can see @param scrollLoc: (x,y) #World coordinates of the corner of the viewport @param loc: (x,y) #Corner of the viewport in screen coordinates @param size: (width,height) #Dimensions in screen coordinates @param mouse: the mouse controlling it @param deadZoneRect: @param selectedEntities: @param selector: a selection rectangle that is activated and drawn when necessary #FIXME: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED @param clientID: identifying string or number given by the server when a client is created """ def __init__(self,world,manager,scrollLoc,screenPos,size,clientID): = world self.manager = manager self.scrollLoc = scrollLoc self.cartScrollLoc = specialMath.isoToCart(scrollLoc) self.loc = screenPos self.size = size self.rect = pygame.Rect(screenPos,size) self.hud=None self.clientID = clientID if world is not None: self.minimap = MiniMap(,clientID=clientID) else: self.minimap = None #FIXME - SHOULD COME FROM A CONFIG FILE self.scrollSensitivity=.001 self.initDeadZoneBasedOnSize() self.surface = pygame.Surface(size) self.surface.set_clip(((0,0),size)) self.scrollSpeed = [0,0] self.selectedEntities = [] self.viewportEntities = [] self.myViewportEntities = [] self.quickSelect = {} for i in xrange(pygame.K_0,pygame.K_9+1): self.quickSelect[i] = pygame.sprite.Group() self.dragRect = None self.currentMenu = None from ContextualMenu import getCGDcontextualMenu self.contextualMenu = getCGDcontextualMenu() self._selectedEntitiesChanged = False self.gameOver = False def setClientID(self,clientID): self.clientID = clientID self.minimap.setClientID(clientID) def setGameOver(self): self.gameOver = True def initDeadZoneBasedOnSize(self): #CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION IS FAKE offset = int(0.3*float(self.size[0])) deadZoneSize = (self.size[0]-offset,self.size[1]-offset) self.deadZoneRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), deadZoneSize) = (self.size[0]/2.0,\ self.size[1]/2.0) def setScrollSpeed(self,mousePos): deadZoneHeight,deadZoneWidth = self.deadZoneRect.size relMousePos = (mousePos[0]-self.loc[0],mousePos[1]-self.loc[1]) if self.rect.collidepoint(mousePos) and \ not self.deadZoneRect.collidepoint(relMousePos) and \ not self.minimap.hasFocus(mousePos): dx = (mousePos[0][0]-self.loc[0]) dy = (mousePos[1][1]-self.loc[1]) self.scrollSpeed[0]=dx*self.scrollSensitivity self.scrollSpeed[1]=dy*self.scrollSensitivity else: self.scrollSpeed = [0,0] def initiateActionEvent(self,event): pos = event.pos if self.minimap.rect.collidepoint(pos): mapClickPoint = self.minimap.clickToGridPos(pos) if mapClickPoint is not None: return else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0], \ self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1] else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0], \ self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1] clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.viewportEntities,pos) if clicked: drawRect = clicked.rect.move(clicked.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( if not drawRect.collidepoint(pos): clicked = None if clicked is not None: self.currentMenu = self.contextualMenu.getMenu(self.selectedEntities,clicked) else: self.currentMenu = self.contextualMenu.getMenu(self.selectedEntities,WayPoint(*destCart)) if self.currentMenu is not None: def completeActionEvent(self,event): attacking = False pos = event.pos # Performs action indicated by menu if menu is visible # and exists. Otherwise, the menu reference is destroyed. if self.currentMenu is not None and self.currentMenu.visible: self.selectMenu(pos) return # Do not do anything else if the menu is selected else: self.currentMenu = None # Sets destination in cartesian coordinates # Handles minimap clicks if self.minimap.rect.collidepoint(pos): mapClickPoint = self.minimap.clickToGridPos(pos) if mapClickPoint is not None: destCart = mapClickPoint else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = (self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0])%self.worldSize[0], \ (self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1])%self.worldSize[1] else: cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = (self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0])%self.worldSize[0], \ (self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1])%self.worldSize[1] # Determines closest entity to a click clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.viewportEntities,pos) if clicked: drawRect = clicked.rect.move(clicked.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( if not drawRect.collidepoint(pos): clicked = None # clicked is now either None or the closest Entity to the click if clicked: for selected in self.selectedEntities: attacking=True if isinstance(selected,Unit): selected.initAction(clicked) if not attacking: eCenter = specialMath.centerOfEntityList(self.selectedEntities, self.worldSize) for entity in self.selectedEntities: if not entity.status==Locals.MOVING: entity.dest=entity.realCenter if entity.movable: entity.status=Locals.MOVING dx =[0] - eCenter[0] dy =[1] - eCenter[1] newLoc = (dx+destCart[0],dy+destCart[1]) entity.addToPath(newLoc) def startDrag(self,event): self.dragRect = DragBox(event.pos) def continueDrag(self,event): if self.dragRect is not None: self.dragRect.update(event.curr) if self.dragRect.visible: self.drawDragRect() def completeDrag(self,event): if self.dragRect is not None: self.dragRect.update(event.curr) if self.dragRect.visible: self.drawDragRect() self.dragSelect(event) self.dragRect = None def drawMiniMap(self): if self.minimap is not None: self.minimap.update(self.cartPointTupleOfScreen()) self.minimap.draw(self.surface) def drawDragRect(self): """ Draws the drag rectangle from a mouse drag, if not None. """ if not self.dragRect == None: self.dragRect.draw(self.surface) def dragSelect(self,event): """ Fill this in. """ if self.dragRect is not None: start = event.start end = event.curr if isinstance(event,Event.DragCompletedEvent): for e in self.selectedEntities: e.deselect() self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True self.selectedEntities = [] #else: pass # if it is an Event.AddDragCompletedEvent, do # # not deselect #if self.dragRect.isOffScreen(self.size): # searchList = #else: # searchList = self.viewportEntities searchList = self.myViewportEntities for entity in searchList: drawRect = entity.rect.move(entity.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( selectRect=entity.getSelectionRect(drawRect) if selectRect.colliderect(MakeBoundingBox(start,end)): if isinstance(event,Event.DragCompletedEvent): self.selectedEntities.append(entity) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True else: # Add drag completed event if entity not in self.selectedEntities: self.selectedEntities.append(entity) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True def ownsEntity(self,entity): """ Returns boolean indicating whether or not this client owns the provided entity. """ return self.clientID == entity.owner def clickEvent(self,event): """ What works: single - clicking on units click on ground to deselect all (without a modifier) click a unit while holding a modifier to add to the selection click a selected unit while holding a modifier to remove from the selection """ pos = event.pos if self.minimap.rect.collidepoint(pos): mapClickPoint = self.minimap.clickToGridPos(pos) if mapClickPoint is not None: self._setCartScrollLocation(mapClickPoint) return cartPos = specialMath.isoToCart(pos) destCart = (self.cartScrollLoc[0] + cartPos[0])/self.worldSize[0], \ (self.cartScrollLoc[1] + cartPos[1])/self.worldSize[1] # MAY BREAK THINGS - CHECK #clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.viewportEntities,pos) clicked = specialMath.closestEntity(self.myViewportEntities,pos) if clicked: drawRect = clicked.rect.move(clicked.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( selectRect=clicked.getSelectionRect(drawRect) if not selectRect.collidepoint(pos): clicked = None if isinstance(event,Event.SelectionEvent): for e in self.selectedEntities: e.deselect() self.selectedEntities = [] self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True if clicked and self.ownsEntity(clicked): # Determines if the closest entity is already selected. # If it is, it makes it no longer selected. if clicked.selected: clicked.deselect() self.selectedEntities.remove(clicked) else: self.selectedEntities.append(clicked) #print clicked.healthStr() #if isinstance(clicked, Unit): print '\n' + str(clicked.inventory) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True def updateMenu(self,eventPos): if self.currentMenu is not None: self.currentMenu.update(eventPos) def selectMenu(self,eventPos): if self.currentMenu is not None: self.currentMenu = None def drawMenu(self): if self.currentMenu is not None: self.currentMenu.draw(self.surface) def mouseMoved(self,event): self.setScrollSpeed(event.pos) self.updateMenu(event.pos) def _setCartScrollLocation(self,newCartLoc): self.cartScrollLoc = tuple(newCartLoc) self.scrollLoc = specialMath.cartToIso(self.cartScrollLoc) def scrollBasedOnElapsedTime(self,elapsedTime): if not == None and self.currentMenu == None:# FIXME and self.dragRect == None: newScrollLoc = list(self.scrollLoc) scrollAddX = self.scrollSpeed[0]*elapsedTime scrollAddY = self.scrollSpeed[1]*elapsedTime if not self.dragRect == None: self.dragRect.scroll((scrollAddX,scrollAddY)) newScrollLoc[0] = (newScrollLoc[0]+scrollAddX) newScrollLoc[1] = (newScrollLoc[1]+scrollAddY) # used to calculate corner of scroll location in cartesian grid self.cartScrollLoc = self.isoToWrappedCart(newScrollLoc) newScrollLoc = specialMath.cartToIso(self.cartScrollLoc) self.scrollLoc = tuple(newScrollLoc) def cartWrap(self,cartCoord): gridSizeX,gridSizeY = return cartCoord[0]%gridSizeX,cartCoord[1]%gridSizeY def isoToWrappedCart(self,isoCoord): """ Returns a wrapped cartesian coordinate from an isometric coordinate. """ return self.cartWrap(specialMath.isoToCart(isoCoord)) def drawContainedEntities(self): """ Draws all elements contained in the current viewport to self.surface. """ for e in self.viewportEntities: e.draw(self.surface,self.scrollLoc) def setFocusedEntities(self): rawMouseLoc = pygame.mouse.get_pos() viewportMouseLoc = rawMouseLoc[0]-self.loc[0],rawMouseLoc[1]-self.loc[1] for e in self.viewportEntities: drawRect = e.rect.move(e.drawOffset) = specialMath.cartToIso( selectRect = e.getSelectionRect(drawRect) if selectRect.collidepoint(viewportMouseLoc): e.focus() def draw(self,displaySurface): """ Draws the map and all entities for the current world location. displaySurface is provided by the screen. """ if not == None: if not self.gameOver: self.setFocusedEntities(), self.scrollLoc, self.size) self.drawContainedEntities() self.drawDragRect() self.drawMiniMap() #self.drawDebugFrames() #Add this in to see the scroll boxes self.drawMenu() displaySurface.blit(self.surface, (self.loc,self.size)) else: font=pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(),120) txt=font.render('YOU LOSE.',False,(0,0,0)) self.surface.blit(txt,(0,0)) def processUpdateEvent(self,event): timeElapsed = event.elapsedTimeSinceLastFrame self.setViewportEntities() self.postNotification() # FIXME - NOT EFFICIENT for entity in if entity in self.selectedEntities: try: self.selectedEntities.remove(entity) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True except ValueError: # thrown if entity not in selectedEntity list pass if self._selectedEntitiesChanged: self._selectedEntitiesChanged = False if self.currentMenu is not None and not self.currentMenu.visible: self.currentMenu._delayedOpen(timeElapsed) self.scrollBasedOnElapsedTime(timeElapsed) = timeElapsed def rectToCartWrappedRects(self,rect): isoLeftTop = rect.topleft cartLeftTop = self.isoToWrappedCart(isoLeftTop) def cartPointTupleOfScreen(self): """ Returns a tuple of the Cartesian points of the current view into the world. Order: topleft,topright,bottomright,bottomleft """ l,t = self.cartScrollLoc w,h = self.size cartWidthVector=specialMath.isoToCart((w,0)) cartHeightVector=specialMath.isoToCart((0,h)) cartTopLeft=l,t cartTopRight=l+cartWidthVector[0],t+cartWidthVector[1] cartBottomRight=l+cartWidthVector[0]+cartHeightVector[0],t+cartWidthVector[1]+cartHeightVector[1] cartBottomLeft=l+cartHeightVector[0],t+cartHeightVector[1] return cartTopLeft,cartTopRight,cartBottomRight,cartBottomLeft def setViewportEntities(self): if not == None: """FIXME to work with new coordinates.""" cartTopLeft,cartTopRight,cartBottomRight,cartBottomLeft = \ self.cartPointTupleOfScreen() worldWidth,worldHeight = screen=[] #determine which screens to check xRange = [0] yRange = [0] if cartBottomLeft[0] >= 0: xRange.append(-1) if cartTopRight[0] <= worldWidth: xRange.append(1) if cartTopLeft[1] >= 0: yRange.append(-1) if cartBottomRight[1] <= worldHeight: yRange.append(1) for i in xRange: for j in yRange: TL = cartTopLeft[0]+i*worldWidth,cartTopLeft[1]+j*worldHeight TR = cartTopRight[0]+i*worldWidth,cartTopRight[1]+j*worldHeight BR = cartBottomRight[0]+i*worldWidth,cartBottomRight[1]+j*worldHeight BL = cartBottomLeft[0]+i*worldWidth,cartBottomLeft[1]+j*worldHeight screen.append((TL,TR,BR,BL)) self.viewportEntities = self.myViewportEntities = [] for entity in self.viewportEntities: if self.ownsEntity(entity): self.myViewportEntities.append(entity) def drawDebugFrames(self): """ Draws frames on viewport which are useful for debugging. Defines the scrolling and non-scrolling regions. """ rect = ((0,0),self.size) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, (255,255,0), rect, 3) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, (255,0,255), self.deadZoneRect, 2) def setQuickSelect(self,event): self.quickSelect[event.key].empty() for entity in self.selectedEntities: self.quickSelect[event.key].add(entity) def getQuickSelect(self,event): for entity in self.quickSelect[event.key].sprites(): if entity not in self.selectedEntities: self.selectedEntities.append(entity) self._selectedEntitiesChanged = True def postNotification(self): """ If the world has notifications, post the first notification. """ for i in xrange(len( def changeWorld(self,world): = world self.minimap = MiniMap(