Exemplo n.º 1
def height2image(height):
    Converts a dictionary of heights (or brightnesses) on a grid to
    an image.

        height (dict): A dictionary in which keys are coordinates
                for points on a grid, and the values are positive
                numbers of any type.

        image (Image): Monochrome image for which the given height
            dictionary determines the brightness of each pixel. The
            maximum value in the height dictionary is always white.
    Lx, Ly = _get_size(height)
    h_max = max(height.values())

    image = newimage('L', (Lx, Ly))
    for x in range(Lx):
        for y in range(Ly):
            if (x, y) in height:
                h = float(height[x, y]) / h_max
                h = 0
            image.putpixel((x, y), int(255 * h))

    return image
Exemplo n.º 2
def row_swap_images(image0, image1, fraction, log=False):
    A variant of `swap_images` in which the swap process is done on each line
    of the images individually, rather than with the images as a whole. This
    makes it much faster.

        image0, image1 (Image): RGB encoded images.
        fraction (float): Fraction of swap gates to apply.
        log (bool): If given, a logarithmic decoding is used.

        new_image0, new_image1 (Image): RGB encoded images.
    images = [image0, image1]

    Lx, Ly = images[0].size

    # create separate images for each row
    rows = [[], []]
    for j in range(2):
        for y in range(Ly):
            rows[j].append(newimage('RGB', (Lx, 1)))
            for x in range(Lx):
                rows[j][y].putpixel((x, 0), images[j].getpixel((x, y)))

    # do the swap on the row images
    for y in range(Ly):
        rows[0][y], rows[1][y] = swap_images(rows[0][y],

    # reconstruct the full images
    new_images = [newimage('RGB', (Lx, Ly)) for _ in range(2)]
    for j in range(2):
        for y in range(Ly):
            for x in range(Lx):
                new_images[j].putpixel((x, y), rows[j][y].getpixel((x, 0)))

    return new_images[0], new_images[1]
Exemplo n.º 3
def _heights2image(heights):
    Constructs an image from a set of three height dictionaries, one for each
    colour channel.
    Lx, Ly = _get_size(heights[0])
    h_max = [max(height.values()) for height in heights]

    image = newimage('RGB', (Lx, Ly))
    for x in range(Lx):
        for y in range(Ly):
            rgb = []
            for j, height in enumerate(heights):
                if (x, y) in height:
                    h = float(height[x, y]) / h_max[j]
                    h = 0
                rgb.append(int(255 * h))
            image.putpixel((x, y), tuple(rgb))

    return image