Exemplo n.º 1
def SOF(self, marker):
    # Start of frame marker.  Defines the size and mode of the
    # image.  JPEG is color blind, so we use some simple
    # heuristics to map the number of layers to an appropriate
    # mode.  Note that this could be made a bit brighter, by
    # looking for JFIF and Adobe APP markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2))-2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
    self.size = i16(s[3:]), i16(s[1:])

    self.bits = ord(s[0])
    if self.bits != 8:
        raise SyntaxError("cannot handle %d-bit layers" % self.bits)

    self.layers = ord(s[5])
    if self.layers == 1:
        self.mode = "L"
    elif self.layers == 3:
        self.mode = "RGB"
    elif self.layers == 4:
        self.mode = "CMYK"
        raise SyntaxError("cannot handle %d-layer images" % self.layers)

    if marker in [0xFFC2, 0xFFC6, 0xFFCA, 0xFFCE]:
        self.info["progression"] = 1

    for i in range(6, len(s), 3):
        t = s[i:i+3]
        # 4-tuples: id, vsamp, hsamp, qtable
        self.layer.append((t[0], ord(t[1])/16, ord(t[1])&15, ord(t[2])))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def chunk_iTXt(self, pos, length):

        # international text
        r = s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, r = r.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            return s
        if len(r) < 2:
            return s
        cf, cm, r = i8(r[0]), i8(r[1]), r[2:]
            lang, tk, v = r.split(b"\0", 2)
        except ValueError:
            return s
        if cf != 0:
            if cm == 0:
                    v = zlib.decompress(v)
                except zlib.error:
                    return s
                return s
        if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
                lang = lang.decode("utf-8", "strict")
                tk = tk.decode("utf-8", "strict")
                v = v.decode("utf-8", "strict")
            except UnicodeError:
                return s

        self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = iTXt(v, lang, tk)

        return s
    def chunk_zTXt(self, pos, len):

        # compressed text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s; v = b""
        if v:
            comp_method = i8(v[0])
            comp_method = 0
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in zTXt chunk" % comp_method)
        import zlib
            v = zlib.decompress(v[1:])
        except zlib.error:
            v = b""

        if k:
            if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode('latin-1', 'strict')
                v = v.decode('latin-1', 'replace')

            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v
        return s
Exemplo n.º 4
    def chunk_iCCP(self, pos, length):

        # ICC profile
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        # according to PNG spec, the iCCP chunk contains:
        # Profile name  1-79 bytes (character string)
        # Null separator        1 byte (null character)
        # Compression method    1 byte (0)
        # Compressed profile    n bytes (zlib with deflate compression)
        i = s.find(b"\0")
        logger.debug("iCCP profile name %r", s[:i])
        logger.debug("Compression method %s", i8(s[i]))
        comp_method = i8(s[i])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in iCCP chunk" %
            icc_profile = _safe_zlib_decompress(s[i+2:])
        except ValueError:
            if ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES:
                icc_profile = None
        except zlib.error:
            icc_profile = None  # FIXME
        self.im_info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
        return s
Exemplo n.º 5
    def chunk_zTXt(self, pos, length):

        # compressed text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s
            v = b""
        if v:
            comp_method = i8(v[0])
            comp_method = 0
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in zTXt chunk" % comp_method)
            v = _safe_zlib_decompress(v[1:])
        except zlib.error:
            v = b""

        if k:
            if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
                v = v.decode("latin-1", "replace")

            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v

        return s
Exemplo n.º 6
    def chunk_PLTE(self, pos, length):

        # palette
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            self.im_palette = "RGB", s
        return s
Exemplo n.º 7
    def load(self, fp):
        # load tag dictionary

        self.offset = fp.tell()

        i16 = self.i16
        i32 = self.i32

        for i in range(i16(fp.read(2))):

            ifd = fp.read(12)

            tag, typ = i16(ifd), i16(ifd, 2)

            if Image.DEBUG:
                from PIL import TiffTags
                tagname = TiffTags.TAGS.get(tag, "unknown")
                typname = TiffTags.TYPES.get(typ, "unknown")
                print("tag: %s (%d)" % (tagname, tag), end=' ')
                print("- type: %s (%d)" % (typname, typ), end=' ')

                dispatch = self.load_dispatch[typ]
            except KeyError:
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print("- unsupported type", typ)
                continue  # ignore unsupported type

            size, handler = dispatch

            size = size * i32(ifd, 4)

            # Get and expand tag value
            if size > 4:
                here = fp.tell()
                fp.seek(i32(ifd, 8))
                data = ImageFile._safe_read(fp, size)
                data = ifd[8:8+size]

            if len(data) != size:
                warnings.warn("Possibly corrupt EXIF data.  "
                              "Expecting to read %d bytes but only got %d. "
                              "Skipping tag %s" % (size, len(data), tag))

            self.tagdata[tag] = data
            self.tagtype[tag] = typ

            if Image.DEBUG:
                if tag in (COLORMAP, IPTC_NAA_CHUNK, PHOTOSHOP_CHUNK,
                           ICCPROFILE, XMP):
                    print("- value: <table: %d bytes>" % size)
                    print("- value:", self[tag])

        self.next = i32(fp.read(4))
Exemplo n.º 8
def COM(self, marker):
    # Comment marker.  Store these in the APP dictionary.
    n = i16(self.fp.read(2))-2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)

    self.app["COM"] = s  # compatibility
    self.applist.append(("COM", s))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def load(self, fp):

        self._offset = fp.tell()

            for i in range(self._unpack("H", self._ensure_read(fp, 2))[0]):
                tag, typ, count, data = self._unpack("HHL4s",
                                                     self._ensure_read(fp, 12))
                if DEBUG:
                    tagname = TAGS_V2.get(tag, TagInfo()).name
                    typname = TYPES.get(typ, "unknown")
                        "tag: %s (%d) - type: %s (%d)" % (tagname, tag,
                                                          typname, typ),
                        end=" ")

                    unit_size, handler = self._load_dispatch[typ]
                except KeyError:
                    if DEBUG:
                        print("- unsupported type", typ)
                    continue  # ignore unsupported type
                size = count * unit_size
                if size > 4:
                    here = fp.tell()
                    offset, = self._unpack("L", data)
                    if DEBUG:
                            "Tag Location: %s - Data Location: %s" % (here,
                            end=" ")
                    data = ImageFile._safe_read(fp, size)
                    data = data[:size]

                if len(data) != size:
                        "Possibly corrupt EXIF data.  "
                        "Expecting to read %d bytes but only got %d. "
                        "Skipping tag %s" % (size, len(data), tag))

                self._tagdata[tag] = data
                self.tagtype[tag] = typ

                if DEBUG:
                    if size > 32:
                        print("- value: <table: %d bytes>" % size)
                        print("- value:", self[tag])

            self.next, = self._unpack("L", self._ensure_read(fp, 4))
        except IOError as msg:
Exemplo n.º 10
def APP(self, marker):
    # Application marker.  Store these in the APP dictionary.
    # Also look for well-known application markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)

    app = "APP%d" % (marker & 15)

    self.app[app] = s  # compatibility
    self.applist.append((app, s))

    if marker == 0xFFE0 and s[:4] == b"JFIF":
        # extract JFIF information
        self.info["jfif"] = version = i16(s, 5)  # version
        self.info["jfif_version"] = divmod(version, 256)
        # extract JFIF properties
            jfif_unit = i8(s[7])
            jfif_density = i16(s, 8), i16(s, 10)
            if jfif_unit == 1:
                self.info["dpi"] = jfif_density
            self.info["jfif_unit"] = jfif_unit
            self.info["jfif_density"] = jfif_density
    elif marker == 0xFFE1 and s[:5] == b"Exif\0":
        # extract Exif information (incomplete)
        self.info["exif"] = s  # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:5] == b"FPXR\0":
        # extract FlashPix information (incomplete)
        self.info["flashpix"] = s  # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:12] == b"ICC_PROFILE\0":
        # Since an ICC profile can be larger than the maximum size of
        # a JPEG marker (64K), we need provisions to split it into
        # multiple markers. The format defined by the ICC specifies
        # one or more APP2 markers containing the following data:
        #   Identifying string      ASCII "ICC_PROFILE\0"  (12 bytes)
        #   Marker sequence number  1, 2, etc (1 byte)
        #   Number of markers       Total of APP2's used (1 byte)
        #   Profile data            (remainder of APP2 data)
        # Decoders should use the marker sequence numbers to
        # reassemble the profile, rather than assuming that the APP2
        # markers appear in the correct sequence.
    elif marker == 0xFFEE and s[:5] == b"Adobe":
        self.info["adobe"] = i16(s, 5)
        # extract Adobe custom properties
            adobe_transform = i8(s[1])
            self.info["adobe_transform"] = adobe_transform
Exemplo n.º 11
def patched_chunk_tRNS(self, pos, len):
    i16 = PngImagePlugin.i16
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
    if self.im_mode == "P":
        self.im_info["transparency"] = map(ord, s)
    elif self.im_mode == "L":
        self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
    elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
        self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
    return s
    def load(self, fp):
        # load tag dictionary


        i16 = self.i16
        i32 = self.i32

        for i in range(i16(fp.read(2))):

            ifd = fp.read(12)

            tag, typ = i16(ifd), i16(ifd, 2)

            if Image.DEBUG:
                import TiffTags

                tagname = TiffTags.TAGS.get(tag, "unknown")
                typname = TiffTags.TYPES.get(typ, "unknown")
                print "tag: %s (%d)" % (tagname, tag),
                print "- type: %s (%d)" % (typname, typ),

                dispatch = self.load_dispatch[typ]
            except KeyError:
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print "- unsupported type", typ
                continue  # ignore unsupported type

            size, handler = dispatch

            size = size * i32(ifd, 4)

            # Get and expand tag value
            if size > 4:
                here = fp.tell()
                fp.seek(i32(ifd, 8))
                data = ImageFile._safe_read(fp, size)
                data = ifd[8 : 8 + size]

            if len(data) != size:
                raise IOError, "not enough data"

            self.tagdata[tag] = typ, data

            if Image.DEBUG:
                if tag in (COLORMAP, IPTC_NAA_CHUNK, PHOTOSHOP_CHUNK):
                    print "- value: <table: %d bytes>" % size
                    print "- value:", self[tag]

        self.next = i32(fp.read(4))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def chunk_zTXt(self, pos, len):

        # compressed text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        k, v = string.split(s, "\0", 1)
        comp_method = ord(v[0])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in zTXt chunk" % comp_method)
        import zlib
        self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = zlib.decompress(v[1:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 14
    def chunk_tEXt(self, pos, len):

        # text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
            k, v = string.split(s, "\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s; v = "" # fallback for broken tEXt tags
        if k:
            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v
        return s
Exemplo n.º 15
    def chunk_pHYs(self, pos, length):

        # pixels per unit
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        px, py = i32(s), i32(s[4:])
        unit = i8(s[8])
        if unit == 1:  # meter
            dpi = int(px * 0.0254 + 0.5), int(py * 0.0254 + 0.5)
            self.im_info["dpi"] = dpi
        elif unit == 0:
            self.im_info["aspect"] = px, py
        return s
Exemplo n.º 16
    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, len):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            i = string.find(s, chr(0))
            if i >= 0:
                self.im_info["transparency"] = i
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 17
    def chunk_IHDR(self, pos, length):

        # image header
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        self.im_size = i32(s), i32(s[4:])
            self.im_mode, self.im_rawmode = _MODES[(i8(s[8]), i8(s[9]))]
        if i8(s[12]):
            self.im_info["interlace"] = 1
        if i8(s[11]):
            raise SyntaxError("unknown filter category")
        return s
Exemplo n.º 18
    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, len):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            i = s.find(b"\0")
            if i >= 0:
                self.im_info["transparency"] = i
                self.im_info["transparency_palette"] = s
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 19
    def chunk_tEXt(self, pos, len):

        # text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s; v = b"" # fallback for broken tEXt tags
        if k:
            if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode('latin-1', 'strict')
                v = v.decode('latin-1', 'replace')

            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v
        return s
Exemplo n.º 20
    def chunk_tEXt(self, pos, len):

        # text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s; v = b"" # fallback for broken tEXt tags
        if k:
            if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode('latin-1', 'strict')
                v = v.decode('latin-1', 'replace')

            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v
        return s
Exemplo n.º 21
    def verify(self, endchunk=b"IEND"):

        # Simple approach; just calculate checksum for all remaining
        # blocks.  Must be called directly after open.

        cids = []

        while True:
            cid, pos, length = self.read()
            if cid == endchunk:
            self.crc(cid, ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length))

        return cids
Exemplo n.º 22
    def verify(self, endchunk = b"IEND"):

        # Simple approach; just calculate checksum for all remaining
        # blocks.  Must be called directly after open.

        cids = []

        while True:
            cid, pos, len = self.read()
            if cid == endchunk:
            self.crc(cid, ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len))

        return cids
Exemplo n.º 23
    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, length):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            if _simple_palette.match(s):
                i = s.find(b"\0")
                if i >= 0:
                    self.im_info["transparency"] = i
                self.im_info["transparency"] = s
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 24
    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, length):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            if _simple_palette.match(s):
                i = s.find(b"\0")
                if i >= 0:
                    self.im_info["transparency"] = i
                self.im_info["transparency"] = s
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _open(self):

        if self.fp.read(8) != _MAGIC:
            raise SyntaxError("not a PNG file")

        # Parse headers up to the first IDAT chunk

        self.png = PngStream(self.fp)

        while True:

            # get next chunk

            cid, pos, length = self.png.read()

                s = self.png.call(cid, pos, length)
            except EOFError:
            except AttributeError:
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print(cid, pos, length, "(unknown)")
                s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)

            self.png.crc(cid, s)

        # Copy relevant attributes from the PngStream.  An alternative
        # would be to let the PngStream class modify these attributes
        # directly, but that introduces circular references which are
        # difficult to break if things go wrong in the decoder...
        # (believe me, I've tried ;-)

        self.mode = self.png.im_mode
        self.size = self.png.im_size
        self.info = self.png.im_info
        self.text = self.png.im_text  # experimental
        self.tile = self.png.im_tile

        if self.png.im_palette:
            rawmode, data = self.png.im_palette
            self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(rawmode, data)

        self.__idat = length  # used by load_read()
Exemplo n.º 26
def SOF(self, marker):
    # Start of frame marker.  Defines the size and mode of the
    # image.  JPEG is colour blind, so we use some simple
    # heuristics to map the number of layers to an appropriate
    # mode.  Note that this could be made a bit brighter, by
    # looking for JFIF and Adobe APP markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
    self.size = i16(s[3:]), i16(s[1:])

    self.bits = i8(s[0])
    if self.bits != 8:
        raise SyntaxError("cannot handle %d-bit layers" % self.bits)

    self.layers = i8(s[5])
    if self.layers == 1:
        self.mode = "L"
    elif self.layers == 3:
        self.mode = "RGB"
    elif self.layers == 4:
        self.mode = "CMYK"
        raise SyntaxError("cannot handle %d-layer images" % self.layers)

    if marker in [0xFFC2, 0xFFC6, 0xFFCA, 0xFFCE]:
        self.info["progressive"] = self.info["progression"] = 1

    if self.icclist:
        # fixup icc profile
        self.icclist.sort()  # sort by sequence number
        if i8(self.icclist[0][13]) == len(self.icclist):
            profile = []
            for p in self.icclist:
            icc_profile = b"".join(profile)
            icc_profile = None  # wrong number of fragments
        self.info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
        self.icclist = None

    for i in range(6, len(s), 3):
        t = s[i:i + 3]
        # 4-tuples: id, vsamp, hsamp, qtable
        self.layer.append((t[0], i8(t[1]) // 16, i8(t[1]) & 15, i8(t[2])))
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _open(self):

        if self.fp.read(8) != _MAGIC:
            raise SyntaxError("not a PNG file")

        # Parse headers up to the first IDAT chunk

        self.png = PngStream(self.fp)

        while True:

            # get next chunk

            cid, pos, len = self.png.read()

                s = self.png.call(cid, pos, len)
            except EOFError:
            except AttributeError:
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print(cid, pos, len, "(unknown)")
                s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)

            self.png.crc(cid, s)

        # Copy relevant attributes from the PngStream.  An alternative
        # would be to let the PngStream class modify these attributes
        # directly, but that introduces circular references which are
        # difficult to break if things go wrong in the decoder...
        # (believe me, I've tried ;-)

        self.mode = self.png.im_mode
        self.size = self.png.im_size
        self.info = self.png.im_info
        self.text = self.png.im_text # experimental
        self.tile = self.png.im_tile

        if self.png.im_palette:
            rawmode, data = self.png.im_palette
            self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(rawmode, data)

        self.__idat = len # used by load_read()
Exemplo n.º 28
    def chunk_zTXt(self, pos, len):

        # compressed text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        comp_method = i8(v[0])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in zTXt chunk" % comp_method)
        import zlib
        v = zlib.decompress(v[1:])

        if bytes is not str:
            k = k.decode('latin-1', 'strict')
            v = v.decode('latin-1', 'replace')

        self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v
        return s
Exemplo n.º 29
def SOF(self, marker):
    # Start of frame marker.  Defines the size and mode of the
    # image.  JPEG is colour blind, so we use some simple
    # heuristics to map the number of layers to an appropriate
    # mode.  Note that this could be made a bit brighter, by
    # looking for JFIF and Adobe APP markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
    self.size = i16(s[3:]), i16(s[1:])

    self.bits = i8(s[0])
    if self.bits != 8:
        raise SyntaxError("cannot handle %d-bit layers" % self.bits)

    self.layers = i8(s[5])
    if self.layers == 1:
        self.mode = "L"
    elif self.layers == 3:
        self.mode = "RGB"
    elif self.layers == 4:
        self.mode = "CMYK"
        raise SyntaxError("cannot handle %d-layer images" % self.layers)

    if marker in [0xFFC2, 0xFFC6, 0xFFCA, 0xFFCE]:
        self.info["progressive"] = self.info["progression"] = 1

    if self.icclist:
        # fixup icc profile
        self.icclist.sort()  # sort by sequence number
        if i8(self.icclist[0][13]) == len(self.icclist):
            profile = []
            for p in self.icclist:
            icc_profile = b"".join(profile)
            icc_profile = None  # wrong number of fragments
        self.info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
        self.icclist = None

    for i in range(6, len(s), 3):
        t = s[i : i + 3]
        # 4-tuples: id, vsamp, hsamp, qtable
        self.layer.append((t[0], i8(t[1]) // 16, i8(t[1]) & 15, i8(t[2])))
Exemplo n.º 30
    def chunk_zTXt(self, pos, len):

        # compressed text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        comp_method = i8(v[0])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in zTXt chunk" % comp_method)
        import zlib

        v = zlib.decompress(v[1:])

        if bytes is not str:
            k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
            v = v.decode("latin-1", "replace")

        self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v
        return s
Exemplo n.º 31
def APP(self, marker):
    # Application marker.  Store these in the APP dictionary.
    # Also look for well-known application markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2))-2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)

    app = "APP%d" % (marker&15)

    self.app[app] = s # compatibility
    self.applist.append((app, s))

    if marker == 0xFFE0 and s[:4] == "JFIF":
        # extract JFIF information
        self.info["jfif"] = version = i16(s, 5) # version
        self.info["jfif_version"] = divmod(version, 256)
        # extract JFIF properties
            jfif_unit = ord(s[7])
            jfif_density = i16(s, 8), i16(s, 10)
            if jfif_unit == 1:
                self.info["dpi"] = jfif_density
            self.info["jfif_unit"] = jfif_unit
            self.info["jfif_density"] = jfif_density
    elif marker == 0xFFE1 and s[:5] == "Exif\0":
        # extract Exif information (incomplete)
        self.info["exif"] = s # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:5] == "FPXR\0":
        # extract FlashPix information (incomplete)
        self.info["flashpix"] = s # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFEE and s[:5] == "Adobe":
        self.info["adobe"] = i16(s, 5)
        # extract Adobe custom properties
            adobe_transform = ord(s[1])
            self.info["adobe_transform"] = adobe_transform
Exemplo n.º 32
    def chunk_tEXt(self, pos, length):

        # text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            # fallback for broken tEXt tags
            k = s
            v = b""
        if k:
            if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
                v = v.decode("latin-1", "replace")

            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v

        return s
Exemplo n.º 33
def APP(self, marker):
    # Application marker.  Store these in the APP dictionary.
    # Also look for well-known application markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)

    app = "APP%d" % (marker & 15)

    self.app[app] = s  # compatibility
    self.applist.append((app, s))

    if marker == 0xFFE0 and s[:4] == "JFIF":
        # extract JFIF information
        self.info["jfif"] = version = i16(s, 5)  # version
        self.info["jfif_version"] = divmod(version, 256)
        # extract JFIF properties
            jfif_unit = ord(s[7])
            jfif_density = i16(s, 8), i16(s, 10)
            if jfif_unit == 1:
                self.info["dpi"] = jfif_density
            self.info["jfif_unit"] = jfif_unit
            self.info["jfif_density"] = jfif_density
    elif marker == 0xFFE1 and s[:5] == "Exif\0":
        # extract Exif information (incomplete)
        self.info["exif"] = s  # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:5] == "FPXR\0":
        # extract FlashPix information (incomplete)
        self.info["flashpix"] = s  # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFEE and s[:5] == "Adobe":
        self.info["adobe"] = i16(s, 5)
        # extract Adobe custom properties
            adobe_transform = ord(s[1])
            self.info["adobe_transform"] = adobe_transform
Exemplo n.º 34
    def verify(self, endchunk=b"IEND"):

        # Simple approach; just calculate checksum for all remaining
        # blocks.  Must be called directly after open.

        cids = []

        while True:
                cid, pos, length = self.read()
            except struct.error:
                raise IOError("truncated PNG file")

            if cid == endchunk:
            self.crc(cid, ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length))

        return cids
Exemplo n.º 35
def DQT(self, marker):
    # Define quantization table.  Support baseline 8-bit tables
    # only.  Note that there might be more than one table in
    # each marker.

    # FIXME: The quantization tables can be used to estimate the
    # compression quality.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
    while len(s):
        if len(s) < 65:
            raise SyntaxError("bad quantization table marker")
        v = i8(s[0])
        if v // 16 == 0:
            self.quantization[v & 15] = array.array("b", s[1:65])
            s = s[65:]
            return  # FIXME: add code to read 16-bit tables!
Exemplo n.º 36
    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, length):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            if _simple_palette.match(s):
                # tRNS contains only one full-transparent entry,
                # other entries are full opaque
                i = s.find(b"\0")
                if i >= 0:
                    self.im_info["transparency"] = i
                # otherwise, we have a byte string with one alpha value
                # for each palette entry
                self.im_info["transparency"] = s
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 37
    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, length):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            if _simple_palette.match(s):
                # tRNS contains only one full-transparent entry,
                # other entries are full opaque
                i = s.find(b"\0")
                if i >= 0:
                    self.im_info["transparency"] = i
                # otherwise, we have a byte string with one alpha value
                # for each palette entry
                self.im_info["transparency"] = s
        elif self.im_mode == "L":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s
Exemplo n.º 38
def DQT(self, marker):
    # Define quantization table.  Support baseline 8-bit tables
    # only.  Note that there might be more than one table in
    # each marker.

    # FIXME: The quantization tables can be used to estimate the
    # compression quality.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
    while len(s):
        if len(s) < 65:
            raise SyntaxError("bad quantization table marker")
        v = i8(s[0])
        if v // 16 == 0:
            self.quantization[v & 15] = array.array("b", s[1:65])
            s = s[65:]
            return  # FIXME: add code to read 16-bit tables!
Exemplo n.º 39
    def chunk_iTXt(self, pos, length):

        # international text
        r = s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, r = r.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            return s
        if len(r) < 2:
            return s
        cf, cm, r = i8(r[0]), i8(r[1]), r[2:]
            lang, tk, v = r.split(b"\0", 2)
        except ValueError:
            return s
        if cf != 0:
            if cm == 0:
                    v = _safe_zlib_decompress(v)
                except ValueError:
                    if ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES:
                        return s
                except zlib.error:
                    return s
                return s
        if bytes is not str:
                k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
                lang = lang.decode("utf-8", "strict")
                tk = tk.decode("utf-8", "strict")
                v = v.decode("utf-8", "strict")
            except UnicodeError:
                return s

        self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = iTXt(v, lang, tk)

        return s
Exemplo n.º 40
    def chunk_iCCP(self, pos, len):

        # ICC profile
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, len)
        # according to PNG spec, the iCCP chunk contains:
        # Profile name  1-79 bytes (character string)
        # Null separator        1 byte (null character)
        # Compression method    1 byte (0)
        # Compressed profile    n bytes (zlib with deflate compression)
        i = s.find(b"\0")
        if Image.DEBUG:
            print("iCCP profile name", s[:i])
            print("Compression method", i8(s[i]))
        comp_method = i8(s[i])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in iCCP chunk" % comp_method)
            icc_profile = zlib.decompress(s[i+2:])
        except zlib.error:
            icc_profile = None # FIXME
        self.im_info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
        return s
Exemplo n.º 41
    def chunk_iCCP(self, pos, length):

        # ICC profile
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        # according to PNG spec, the iCCP chunk contains:
        # Profile name  1-79 bytes (character string)
        # Null separator        1 byte (null character)
        # Compression method    1 byte (0)
        # Compressed profile    n bytes (zlib with deflate compression)
        i = s.find(b"\0")
        logger.debug("iCCP profile name %s", s[:i])
        logger.debug("Compression method %s", i8(s[i]))
        comp_method = i8(s[i])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError("Unknown compression method %s in iCCP chunk" %
            icc_profile = _safe_zlib_decompress(s[i+2:])
        except zlib.error:
            icc_profile = None  # FIXME
        self.im_info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
        return s
Exemplo n.º 42
    def _read_bitmap(self, offset):

        s = self.fp.read(4)
        s += ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, _i32(s) - 4)

        if len(s) not in (40, 108, 124):
            # Only accept BMP v3, v4, and v5.
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP header type (%d)" % len(s))

        bpp = _i16(s[14:])
        if bpp != 32:
            # Only accept BMP with alpha.
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP pixel depth (%d)" % bpp)

        compression = _i32(s[16:])
        if compression == 3:
            # BI_BITFIELDS compression
            mask = (_i32(self.fp.read(4)), _i32(self.fp.read(4)),
                    _i32(self.fp.read(4)), _i32(self.fp.read(4)))
            # XXX Handle mask.
        elif compression != 0:
            # Only accept uncompressed BMP.
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP compression (%d)" % compression)

        self.mode, rawmode = 'RGBA', 'BGRA'

        self._size = (_i32(s[4:]), _i32(s[8:]))
        direction = -1
        if s[11] == '\xff':
            # upside-down storage
            self._size = self.size[0], 2**32 - self.size[1]
            direction = 0

        self.info["compression"] = compression

        # data descriptor
        self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset,
            (rawmode, 0, direction))]
Exemplo n.º 43
def Skip(self, marker):
    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def _bitmap(self, header=0, offset=0):
        if header:

        read = self.fp.read

        if not offset:
            offset = self.fp.tell()
        # CORE/INFO
        s = read(4)
        s = s + ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, i32(s)-4)

        if len(s) == 12:

            # OS/2 1.0 CORE
            bits = i16(s[10:])
            self.size = i16(s[4:]), i16(s[6:])
            compression = 0
            lutsize = 3
            colors = 0
            direction = -1

        elif len(s) in [40, 64, 108, 124]:

            # WIN 3.1 or OS/2 2.0 INFO
            bits = i16(s[14:])
            self.size = i32(s[4:]), i32(s[8:])
            compression = i32(s[16:])
            pxperm = (i32(s[24:]), i32(s[28:]))  # Pixels per meter
            lutsize = 4
            colors = i32(s[32:])
            direction = -1
            if i8(s[11]) == 0xff:
                # upside-down storage
                self.size = self.size[0], 2**32 - self.size[1]
                direction = 0

            self.info["dpi"] = tuple(map(lambda x: math.ceil(x / 39.3701),

            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP header type (%d)" % len(s))

        if (self.size[0]*self.size[1]) > 2**31:
            # Prevent DOS for > 2gb images
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP Size: (%dx%d)" % self.size)

        if not colors:
            colors = 1 << bits

        # MODE
            self.mode, rawmode = BIT2MODE[bits]
        except KeyError:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP pixel depth (%d)" % bits)

        if compression == 3:
            # BI_BITFIELDS compression
            mask = i32(s[0x36-14:]), i32(s[0x3a-14:]), i32(s[0x3E-14:]), i32(s[0x42-14:])
            if bits == 32 and mask == (0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000):
                rawmode = "BGRA"
            elif bits == 16 and mask == (0x00f800, 0x0007e0, 0x00001f):
                rawmode = "BGR;16"
            elif bits == 16 and mask == (0x007c00, 0x0003e0, 0x00001f):
                rawmode = "BGR;15"
                print bits, map(hex, mask)
                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP bitfields layout")
        elif compression != 0:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP compression (%d)" % compression)

        # LUT
        if self.mode == "P":
            palette = []
            greyscale = 1
            if colors == 2:
                indices = (0, 255)
            elif colors > 2**16 or colors <= 0:  # We're reading a i32.
                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP Palette size (%d)" % colors)
                indices = list(range(colors))
            for i in indices:
                rgb = read(lutsize)[:3]
                if rgb != o8(i)*3:
                    greyscale = 0
            if greyscale:
                if colors == 2:
                    self.mode = rawmode = "1"
                    self.mode = rawmode = "L"
                self.mode = "P"
                self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
                    "BGR", b"".join(palette)

        if not offset:
            offset = self.fp.tell()

        self.tile = [("raw",
                     (0, 0) + self.size,
                     (rawmode, ((self.size[0]*bits+31) >> 3) & (~3),

        self.info["compression"] = compression
Exemplo n.º 45
    def _bitmap(self, header=0, offset=0):

        if header:

        read = self.fp.read

        # CORE/INFO
        s = read(4)
        s = s + ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, i32(s) - 4)

        if len(s) == 12:

            # OS/2 1.0 CORE
            bits = i16(s[10:])
            self.size = i16(s[4:]), i16(s[6:])
            compression = 0
            lutsize = 3
            colors = 0
            direction = -1

        elif len(s) in [40, 64]:

            # WIN 3.1 or OS/2 2.0 INFO
            bits = i16(s[14:])
            self.size = i32(s[4:]), i32(s[8:])
            compression = i32(s[16:])
            lutsize = 4
            colors = i32(s[32:])
            direction = -1
            if i8(s[11]) == 0xff:
                # upside-down storage
                self.size = self.size[0], 2**32 - self.size[1]
                direction = 0

            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP header type (%d)" % len(s))

        if not colors:
            colors = 1 << bits

        # MODE
            self.mode, rawmode = BIT2MODE[bits]
        except KeyError:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP pixel depth (%d)" % bits)

        if compression == 3:
            # BI_BITFIELDS compression
            mask = i32(read(4)), i32(read(4)), i32(read(4))
            if bits == 32 and mask == (0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff):
                rawmode = "BGRX"
            elif bits == 16 and mask == (0x00f800, 0x0007e0, 0x00001f):
                rawmode = "BGR;16"
            elif bits == 16 and mask == (0x007c00, 0x0003e0, 0x00001f):
                rawmode = "BGR;15"
                # print bits, map(hex, mask)
                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP bitfields layout")
        elif compression != 0:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP compression (%d)" % compression)

        # LUT
        if self.mode == "P":
            palette = []
            greyscale = 1
            if colors == 2:
                indices = (0, 255)
                indices = list(range(colors))
            for i in indices:
                rgb = read(lutsize)[:3]
                if rgb != o8(i) * 3:
                    greyscale = 0
            if greyscale:
                if colors == 2:
                    self.mode = rawmode = "1"
                    self.mode = rawmode = "L"
                self.mode = "P"
                self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("BGR", b"".join(palette))

        if not offset:
            offset = self.fp.tell()

        self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset,
                      (rawmode, ((self.size[0] * bits + 31) >> 3) & (~3),

        self.info["compression"] = compression
Exemplo n.º 46
def APP(self, marker):
    # Application marker.  Store these in the APP dictionary.
    # Also look for well-known application markers.

    n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
    s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)

    app = "APP%d" % (marker & 15)

    self.app[app] = s  # compatibility
    self.applist.append((app, s))

    if marker == 0xFFE0 and s[:4] == b"JFIF":
        # extract JFIF information
        self.info["jfif"] = version = i16(s, 5)  # version
        self.info["jfif_version"] = divmod(version, 256)
        # extract JFIF properties
            jfif_unit = i8(s[7])
            jfif_density = i16(s, 8), i16(s, 10)
            if jfif_unit == 1:
                self.info["dpi"] = jfif_density
            self.info["jfif_unit"] = jfif_unit
            self.info["jfif_density"] = jfif_density
    elif marker == 0xFFE1 and s[:5] == b"Exif\0":
        # extract Exif information (incomplete)
        self.info["exif"] = s  # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:5] == b"FPXR\0":
        # extract FlashPix information (incomplete)
        self.info["flashpix"] = s  # FIXME: value will change
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:12] == b"ICC_PROFILE\0":
        # Since an ICC profile can be larger than the maximum size of
        # a JPEG marker (64K), we need provisions to split it into
        # multiple markers. The format defined by the ICC specifies
        # one or more APP2 markers containing the following data:
        #   Identifying string      ASCII "ICC_PROFILE\0"  (12 bytes)
        #   Marker sequence number  1, 2, etc (1 byte)
        #   Number of markers       Total of APP2's used (1 byte)
        #   Procfile data            (remainder of APP2 data)
        # Decoders should use the marker sequence numbers to
        # reassemble the profile, rather than assuming that the APP2
        # markers appear in the correct sequence.
    elif marker == 0xFFEE and s[:5] == b"Adobe":
        self.info["adobe"] = i16(s, 5)
        # extract Adobe custom properties
            adobe_transform = i8(s[1])
            self.info["adobe_transform"] = adobe_transform
    elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:4] == b"MPF\0":
        # extract MPO information
        self.info["mp"] = s[4:]
        # offset is current location minus buffer size
        # plus constant header size
        self.info["mpoffset"] = self.fp.tell() - n + 4
Exemplo n.º 47
    def chunk_gAMA(self, pos, length):

        # gamma setting
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        self.im_info["gamma"] = i32(s) / 100000.0
        return s
Exemplo n.º 48
    def load(self, fp):
        # load tag dictionary

        self.offset = fp.tell()

        i16 = self.i16
        i32 = self.i32

        for i in range(i16(fp.read(2))):

            ifd = fp.read(12)

            tag, typ = i16(ifd), i16(ifd, 2)

            if Image.DEBUG:
                from PIL import TiffTags
                tagname = TiffTags.TAGS.get(tag, "unknown")
                typname = TiffTags.TYPES.get(typ, "unknown")
                print("tag: %s (%d)" % (tagname, tag), end=' ')
                print("- type: %s (%d)" % (typname, typ), end=' ')

                dispatch = self.load_dispatch[typ]
            except KeyError:
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print("- unsupported type", typ)
                continue  # ignore unsupported type

            size, handler = dispatch

            size = size * i32(ifd, 4)

            # Get and expand tag value
            if size > 4:
                here = fp.tell()
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print("Tag Location: %s" % here)
                fp.seek(i32(ifd, 8))
                if Image.DEBUG:
                    print("Data Location: %s" % fp.tell())
                data = ImageFile._safe_read(fp, size)
                data = ifd[8:8 + size]

            if len(data) != size:
                warnings.warn("Possibly corrupt EXIF data.  "
                              "Expecting to read %d bytes but only got %d. "
                              "Skipping tag %s" % (size, len(data), tag))

            self.tagdata[tag] = data
            self.tagtype[tag] = typ

            if Image.DEBUG:
                if tag in (COLORMAP, IPTC_NAA_CHUNK, PHOTOSHOP_CHUNK,
                           ICCPROFILE, XMP):
                    print("- value: <table: %d bytes>" % size)
                    print("- value:", self[tag])

        self.next = i32(fp.read(4))
Exemplo n.º 49
    def _bitmap(self, header=0, offset=0):
        if header:

        read = self.fp.read

        s = read(4)
        s = s + ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, i32(s) - 4)

        if len(s) == 12:

            bits = i16(s[10:])
            self.size = i16(s[4:]), i16(s[6:])
            compression = 0
            lutsize = 3
            colors = 0
            direction = -1

        elif len(s) in [40, 64, 108, 124]:

            bits = i16(s[14:])
            self.size = i32(s[4:]), i32(s[8:])
            compression = i32(s[16:])
            pxperm = (i32(s[24:]), i32(s[28:]))
            lutsize = 4
            colors = i32(s[32:])
            direction = -1
            if i8(s[11]) == 0xff:
                self.size = self.size[0], 2**32 - self.size[1]
                direction = 0

            self.info["dpi"] = tuple(
                map(lambda x: math.ceil(x / 39.3701), pxperm))

            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP header type (%d)" % len(s))

        if (self.size[0] * self.size[1]) > 2**31:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP Size: (%dx%d)" % self.size)

        if not colors:
            colors = 1 << bits

            self.mode, rawmode = BIT2MODE[bits]
        except KeyError:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP pixel depth (%d)" % bits)

        if compression == 3:

            mask = i32(read(4)), i32(read(4)), i32(read(4))
            if bits == 32 and mask == (0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff):
                rawmode = "BGRX"
            elif bits == 16 and mask == (0x00f800, 0x0007e0, 0x00001f):
                rawmode = "BGR;16"
            elif bits == 16 and mask == (0x007c00, 0x0003e0, 0x00001f):
                rawmode = "BGR;15"

                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP bitfields layout")
        elif compression != 0:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP compression (%d)" % compression)

        if self.mode == "P":
            palette = []
            greyscale = 1
            if colors == 2:
                indices = (0, 255)
            elif colors > 2**16 or colors <= 0:
                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP Palette size (%d)" % colors)
                indices = list(range(colors))
            for i in indices:
                rgb = read(lutsize)[:3]
                if rgb != o8(i) * 3:
                    greyscale = 0
            if greyscale:
                if colors == 2:
                    self.mode = rawmode = "1"
                    self.mode = rawmode = "L"
                self.mode = "P"
                self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("BGR", b"".join(palette))

        if not offset:
            offset = self.fp.tell()

        self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset,
                      (rawmode, ((self.size[0] * bits + 31) >> 3) & (~3),

        self.info["compression"] = compression
Exemplo n.º 50
    def _bitmap(self, header=0, offset=0):
        """ Read relevant info about the BMP """
        read, seek = self.fp.read, self.fp.seek
        if header:
        file_info = dict()
        file_info['header_size'] = i32(
        )  # read bmp header size @offset 14 (this is part of the header size)
        file_info['direction'] = -1
        # --------------------- If requested, read header at a specific position
        header_data = ImageFile._safe_read(
            self.fp, file_info['header_size'] -
            4)  # read the rest of the bmp header, without its size
        # --------------------------------------------------- IBM OS/2 Bitmap v1
        # ------ This format has different offsets because of width/height types
        if file_info['header_size'] == 12:
            file_info['width'] = i16(header_data[0:2])
            file_info['height'] = i16(header_data[2:4])
            file_info['planes'] = i16(header_data[4:6])
            file_info['bits'] = i16(header_data[6:8])
            file_info['compression'] = self.RAW
            file_info['palette_padding'] = 3
        # ---------------------------------------------- Windows Bitmap v2 to v5
        elif file_info['header_size'] in (40, 64, 108,
                                          124):  # v3, OS/2 v2, v4, v5
            if file_info['header_size'] >= 40:  # v3 and OS/2
                file_info['y_flip'] = i8(header_data[7]) == 0xff
                file_info['direction'] = 1 if file_info['y_flip'] else -1
                file_info['width'] = i32(header_data[0:4])
                file_info['height'] = i32(
                ) if not file_info['y_flip'] else 2**32 - i32(header_data[4:8])
                file_info['planes'] = i16(header_data[8:10])
                file_info['bits'] = i16(header_data[10:12])
                file_info['compression'] = i32(header_data[12:16])
                file_info['data_size'] = i32(
                    header_data[16:20])  # byte size of pixel data
                file_info['pixels_per_meter'] = (i32(header_data[20:24]),
                file_info['colors'] = i32(header_data[28:32])
                file_info['palette_padding'] = 4
                self.info["dpi"] = tuple(
                    map(lambda x: int(math.ceil(x / 39.3701)),
                if file_info['compression'] == self.BITFIELDS:
                    if len(header_data) >= 52:
                        for idx, mask in enumerate(
                            ['r_mask', 'g_mask', 'b_mask', 'a_mask']):
                            file_info[mask] = i32(header_data[36 + idx * 4:40 +
                                                              idx * 4])
                        for mask in ['r_mask', 'g_mask', 'b_mask', 'a_mask']:
                            file_info[mask] = i32(read(4))
                    file_info['rgb_mask'] = (file_info['r_mask'],
                    file_info['rgba_mask'] = (file_info['r_mask'],
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP header type (%d)" %
        # ------------------ Special case : header is reported 40, which
        # ---------------------- is shorter than real size for bpp >= 16
        self.size = file_info['width'], file_info['height']
        # -------- If color count was not found in the header, compute from bits
        file_info['colors'] = file_info['colors'] if file_info.get(
            'colors', 0) else (1 << file_info['bits'])
        # -------------------------------- Check abnormal values for DOS attacks
        if file_info['width'] * file_info['height'] > 2**31:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP Size: (%dx%d)" % self.size)
        # ----------------------- Check bit depth for unusual unsupported values
        self.mode, raw_mode = BIT2MODE.get(file_info['bits'], (None, None))
        if self.mode is None:
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP pixel depth (%d)" %
        # ----------------- Process BMP with Bitfields compression (not palette)
        if file_info['compression'] == self.BITFIELDS:
            SUPPORTED = {
                32: [(0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0x0),
                     (0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0xff000000),
                     (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)],
                24: [(0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff)],
                16: [(0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f), (0x7c00, 0x3e0, 0x1f)]
            MASK_MODES = {
                (32, (0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0x0)): "BGRX",
                (32, (0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0xff000000)): "BGRA",
                (32, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)): "BGRA",
                (24, (0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff)): "BGR",
                (16, (0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f)): "BGR;16",
                (16, (0x7c00, 0x3e0, 0x1f)): "BGR;15"
            if file_info['bits'] in SUPPORTED:
                if file_info['bits'] == 32 and file_info[
                        'rgba_mask'] in SUPPORTED[file_info['bits']]:
                    raw_mode = MASK_MODES[(file_info['bits'],
                    self.mode = "RGBA" if raw_mode in ("BGRA", ) else self.mode
                elif file_info['bits'] in (
                        24, 16
                ) and file_info['rgb_mask'] in SUPPORTED[file_info['bits']]:
                    raw_mode = MASK_MODES[(file_info['bits'],
                    raise IOError("Unsupported BMP bitfields layout")
                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP bitfields layout")
        elif file_info['compression'] == self.RAW:
            if file_info['bits'] == 32 and header == 22:  # 32-bit .cur offset
                raw_mode, self.mode = "BGRA", "RGBA"
            raise IOError("Unsupported BMP compression (%d)" %
        # ---------------- Once the header is processed, process the palette/LUT
        if self.mode == "P":  # Paletted for 1, 4 and 8 bit images
            # ----------------------------------------------------- 1-bit images
            if not (0 < file_info['colors'] <= 65536):
                raise IOError("Unsupported BMP Palette size (%d)" %
                padding = file_info['palette_padding']
                palette = read(padding * file_info['colors'])
                greyscale = True
                indices = (0, 255) if file_info['colors'] == 2 else list(
                # ------------------ Check if greyscale and ignore palette if so
                for ind, val in enumerate(indices):
                    rgb = palette[ind * padding:ind * padding + 3]
                    if rgb != o8(val) * 3:
                        greyscale = False
                # -------- If all colors are grey, white or black, ditch palette
                if greyscale:
                    self.mode = "1" if file_info['colors'] == 2 else "L"
                    raw_mode = self.mode
                    self.mode = "P"
                    self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
                        "BGRX" if padding == 4 else "BGR", palette)

        # ----------------------------- Finally set the tile data for the plugin
        self.info['compression'] = file_info['compression']
        self.tile = [
            ('raw', (0, 0, file_info['width'], file_info['height']), offset
             or self.fp.tell(),
              ((file_info['width'] * file_info['bits'] + 31) >> 3) & (~3),