Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_risque(self):
     patch1 = Patch(risqueString="frny-4001a-pp24-04-19 (back)")
     self.assertEqual(patch1.building, "frny")
     self.assertEqual(patch1.room, "4001a")
     self.assertEqual(patch1.patchType, "pp24")
     self.assertEqual(patch1.panelNumber, 4)
     self.assertEqual(patch1.portNumber, 19)
     patch2 = Patch(risqueString="bown-1111a-c6pp24-01-13 (back)")
     self.assertEqual(patch2.building, "bown")
     self.assertEqual(patch2.room, "1111a")
     self.assertEqual(patch2.patchType, "c6pp24")
     self.assertEqual(patch2.panelNumber, 1)
     self.assertEqual(patch2.portNumber, 13)
def loadPatches(filename):
    '''loads patches from one image

    normalizedFilename = filename.replace('.bmp', '_normalized.data')
    normIn = open(normalizedFilename, 'r')
    normalized = np.fromstring(normIn.read()).reshape(502, 758)
    #print np.mean(normalized), np.std(normalized)

    patchesFilename = filename.replace('.bmp', '_patches.data')
    patchIn = open(patchesFilename, 'r')
    patchDesc = patchIn.read().split('\n')

    patches = []

    for patchLine in patchDesc:
        if not patchLine:
        (row, col) = [int(x) for x in patchLine.split()]

        patch = normalized[row:row + 16, col:col + 16].flatten()

    return patches
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, compartments):
     Create a new network
     :param compartments: Compartments to add to node
     # Just one node, no edges
     nodes = [Patch(0, compartments)]
     MetapopulationNetwork.__init__(self, nodes)
	def createPatches(self):
		#Use multiprocessing
		count = 0
		for r in range(41):
			for c in range(41):
				self.__patches[r,c] = Patch(count, True) #this should insert a Patch object - I made every Patch a Field
				count += 1
		return self.__patches
Exemplo n.º 5
    def grid_patches(self, im=None):
        if im is None:
            im = self.im
        if type(im) is list:
            im = im[0]

        self.height, self.length, _ = im.shape
        offset_patches = int(self.size * 0.75)
        self.patches = []
        for x in range(0, self.height - self.size, offset_patches):
            for y in range(0, self.length - self.size, offset_patches):
                self.patches.append(Patch(im, x, y, self.size))
                Patch(im, x, self.length - self.size, self.size))

        for y in range(0, self.length - self.size, offset_patches):
                Patch(im, self.height - self.size, y, self.size))
        self.patches.append(Patch(im, self.height - self.size,
                                  self.length - self.size, self.size))
Exemplo n.º 6
def patch_dispatcher(patchnumber):

    tid, ip = setup_log_vars()
    lggr = setup_local_logger(tid, ip)

    PAT = Patch()
    patch = str(patchnumber)
    data = getattr(PAT, patch.lower())(request)

    if 'redirect' in data:
        return data
        return render_template(data['template'], data=data)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, compartments, number_patches, connections):
     Create a new multi-patch network
     :param compartments: Compartments of subpopulations of nodes
     :param number_patches: Number of nodes in network
     :param connections: Edge definitions - consists of (n1, n2) pairs integers, where 0 <= n1, n2 < number_patches
     # Create the nodes
     nodes = [Patch(n, compartments) for n in range(number_patches)]
     edges = []
     # Create the edges
     for (n1, n2) in connections:
         edges.append(Edge(nodes[n1], nodes[n2]))
     MetapopulationNetwork.__init__(self, nodes, edges)
 def determineField(self):
     self.__best_harvest = -100
     best_field = Patch(0, True)
     for field in self.__household.getFieldsOwned(
     ):  #traverses through fields_owned by the associated household
         this_harvest = (field.inner.getFertility() *
                         self.__max_potential_yield *
                         self.__household.getCompetency()) - (
                             self.findDistance(field) *
         #yield is dependent on fertility, whether or not the household actually farms the field (competency), distance from the field and the distance cost
         if (field.inner.isHarvested() == False and this_harvest >=
                 self.__best_harvest):  #finds the highest yield field
             self.__best_harvest = this_harvest
             best_field = field
     return best_field
    def rentLand(self):
        patches = self.map.getPatches()  #gets list of patch objects

        r = np.arange(0, 41)
        c = np.arange(0, 41)

        cr = self.__coordinates[0]
        cc = self.__coordinates[1]
        radius = self.__knowledge_radius

        mask = (r[np.newaxis, :] - cr)**2 + (
            c[:, np.newaxis] - cc
        )**2 < radius**2  #determines indices in the circle with knowledge radius

        best_harvest = 0
        total_harvest = 0
        best_field = Patch(34567, True)

        for patch in patches[
                mask]:  #traverses through array of patches in the knowledge radius
            this_harvest = (
                patch.inner.getFertility() * 2475 * self.__competency) - (
                    self.inner.findDistance(patch) * self.__distance_cost)
            if (patch.isField() and patch.inner.isHarvested() == False
                    and this_harvest >= best_harvest):
                self.__best_harvest = this_harvest
                best_field = patch
        #determines the yield of the field and finds the highest yield of all unharvested fields in the knowledge radius

        harvest_chance = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if (harvest_chance < self.__ambition * self.__competency):
            total_harvest += ((best_harvest *
                               (1 - (self.__rental_rate / 100))) - 300)
        #if high enough ambition and competency, total harvest is calculated according to the amount of yield of the best field and the rental rate

        self.__tot_grain += total_harvest
    def claimFields(self, row, col):
        patches = self.map.getPatches()
        claim_chance = random.uniform(
            0, 1)  #creates a random float between 0 and 1
        if (claim_chance < self.__ambition
                and self.__size > len(self.__fields_owned)
                or len(self.__fields_owned) <=
                1):  #checks if household will be trying to claim land
            #The decision to claim is a function of the productivity of the field compared to existing fields and ambition.
            current_grain = self.__tot_grain
            claim_field = Patch(34567, True)
            best_fertility = 0

            r = np.arange(0, 41)
            c = np.arange(0, 41)

            cr = row
            cc = col
            #current row and column coordinates of the household
            radius = self.__knowledge_radius

            #determines indices in the circle with knowledge radius
            mask = (r[np.newaxis, :] - cr)**2 + (c[:, np.newaxis] -
                                                 cc)**2 < radius**2

            for patch in patches[
                    mask]:  #traverses through array of patches in the circle
                if patch.isField() == True and patch.isOwned(
                ) == False and patch.isRiver() == False and patch.isSettlement(
                ) == False:  #checks to see if the field meets criteria to be claimed
                    fertility = patch.inner.getFertility()
                    if fertility > best_fertility:  #finds field with best fertility
                        best_fertility = fertility
                        claim_field = patch

            x = self.completeClaim(
                claim_field)  #complete claim method is called
            return x  #returns coordinates of the field to be claimed
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _pick_patches(self):
     for i in range(self.nb - len(self.patches)):
         self.patches.append(Patch(self.im, size_patch=self.size))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def addPatchPanel(self, patchString):
         self.patch = Patch(risqueString=patchString)
         # if we fail to add parse the patch panel, silently fail
         self.patch = None