Exemplo n.º 1
    def onePacketArrNoise(self, kick, init, noise):
        # One packet motion giving only the heller values

        firstnoise = noise[:int(self.n / 2)]
        secondnoise = noise[int(self.n / 2) - 1:]  # Index may be changed later

        init = np.copy(init)
        Nhalf = int(self.n / 2)
        init[1] += kick
        tempHel = hl.Heller(Nhalf, self.dt, init, self.derivs)
        tl, xl, vl, al, gl = tempHel.rk4dt(self.args, noise=firstnoise)

        init2 = [xl[-1], vl[-1] - 2 * kick, al[-1], gl[-1]]
        tempHel2 = hl.Heller(Nhalf + 1, self.dt, init2, self.derivs)
        tl2, xl2, vl2, al2, gl2 = tempHel2.rk4dt(self.args, noise=secondnoise)

        tlcomb = np.concatenate((tl, np.asarray(tl2[1:]) + tl[-1]), axis=None)
        xlcomb = np.concatenate((xl, xl2[1:]), axis=None)
        vlcomb = np.concatenate((vl, vl2[1:]), axis=None)
        alcomb = np.concatenate((al, al2[1:]), axis=None)
        glcomb = np.concatenate((gl, gl2[1:]), axis=None)

        hel_dat = np.zeros((self.n, len(init)),
                           dtype=complex)  # Unsure about this -1
        for i in range(self.n):  # Unsure about this -1
            hel_dat[i] = [xlcomb[i], vlcomb[i], alcomb[i], glcomb[i]]

        return hel_dat
Exemplo n.º 2
    def machZender(self, kick, w, phi):
        Nhalf = int(self.n / 2)
        ####### psi1
        init11 = np.copy(self.initarray[0])
        tempHel1 = hl.Heller(Nhalf, self.dt, init11, self.derivs)
        tl, xl, vl, al, gl = tempHel1.rk4dt(self.args)

        add_phase = -self.m * kick * xl[-1] / self.hbar - self.hbar * w * tl[
            -1] - self.hbar * phi[1]
        init12 = [xl[-1], vl[-1] + kick, al[-1], gl[-1] + add_phase]
        tempHel12 = hl.Heller(Nhalf + 1, self.dt, init12, self.derivs)
        tl2, xl2, vl2, al2, gl2 = tempHel12.rk4dt(self.args)

        tlcomb = np.concatenate((tl, np.asarray(tl2[1:]) + tl[-1]), axis=None)
        xlcomb = np.concatenate((xl, xl2[1:]), axis=None)
        vlcomb = np.concatenate((vl, vl2[1:]), axis=None)
        alcomb = np.concatenate((al, al2[1:]), axis=None)
        glcomb = np.concatenate((gl, gl2[1:]), axis=None)

        hel_dat1 = np.zeros((self.n, len(init11)), dtype=complex)
        for i in range(self.n):
            hel_dat1[i] = [xlcomb[i], vlcomb[i], alcomb[i], glcomb[i]]

        ######### psi2
        init21 = np.copy(self.initarray[1])
        add_phase = -self.m * kick * init21[0] / self.hbar - self.hbar * phi[0]
        init21 = [
            init21[0], init21[1] + kick, init21[2], init21[3] + add_phase
        tempHel2 = hl.Heller(Nhalf, self.dt, init21, self.derivs)
        tl, xl, vl, al, gl = tempHel2.rk4dt(self.args)

        add_phase = self.m * kick * xl[-1] / self.hbar + self.hbar * w * tl[
            -1] + self.hbar * phi[1]
        init22 = [xl[-1], vl[-1] - kick, al[-1], gl[-1] + add_phase]
        tempHel22 = hl.Heller(Nhalf + 1, self.dt, init22, self.derivs)
        tl2, xl2, vl2, al2, gl2 = tempHel22.rk4dt(self.args)

        vl2[-1] += kick
        gl2[-1] += -self.m * kick * xl2[-1] / self.hbar - self.hbar * w * (
            tl2[-1] + tl[-1]) - self.hbar * phi[2]

        tlcomb = np.concatenate((tl, np.asarray(tl2[1:]) + tl[-1]), axis=None)
        xlcomb = np.concatenate((xl, xl2[1:]), axis=None)
        vlcomb = np.concatenate((vl, vl2[1:]), axis=None)
        alcomb = np.concatenate((al, al2[1:]), axis=None)
        glcomb = np.concatenate((gl, gl2[1:]), axis=None)

        hel_dat2 = np.zeros((self.n, len(init21)),
                            dtype=complex)  # Unsure about this -1
        for i in range(self.n):  # Unsure about this -1
            hel_dat2[i] = [xlcomb[i], vlcomb[i], alcomb[i], glcomb[i]]

        return tlcomb, hel_dat1, hel_dat2
Exemplo n.º 3
    def onePacket(self, kick, init, plot=False, final=False, dat=False):
        Nhalf = int(self.n / 2)
        tempHel = hl.Heller(Nhalf, self.dt, init, self.derivs)
        tl, xl, vl, al, gl = tempHel.rk4dt(self.args)

        psi_arr = np.zeros((self.n, len(self.x)), dtype=complex)
        for i in range(Nhalf):
            xi, vi, ai, gi = tempHel.getState(i)
            psi_i = self.hellerPacket(xi, vi, ai, gi)
            psi_arr[i] = psi_i

        init2 = [xl[-1], vl[-1] + kick, al[-1], gl[-1]]
        tempHel2 = hl.Heller(Nhalf, self.dt, init2, self.derivs)
        tl2, xl2, vl2, al2, gl2 = tempHel2.rk4dt(self.args)
        for i in range(Nhalf):
            xi, vi, ai, gi = tempHel2.getState(i)
            psi_i = self.hellerPacket(xi, vi, ai, gi)
            psi_arr[i + Nhalf] = psi_i

        if plot:
            tlcomb = np.concatenate((tl, np.asarray(tl2[1:]) + tl[-1]),
            xlcomb = np.concatenate((xl, xl2[1:]), axis=None)
            vlcomb = np.concatenate((vl, vl2[1:]), axis=None)
            alcomb = np.concatenate((al, al2[1:]), axis=None)
            glcomb = np.concatenate((gl, gl2[1:]), axis=None)

            tempHel.tl = tlcomb
            tempHel.xl = xlcomb
            tempHel.vl = vlcomb
            tempHel.al = alcomb
            tempHel.gl = glcomb


        if final:
            psi_f = self.hellerPacket(xl2[-1], vl2[-1] - kick / 2, al2[-1],
            return psi_arr, psi_f
        elif dat:
            return psi_arr, tlcomb, xlcomb, vlcomb, alcomb, glcomb

            return psi_arr
Exemplo n.º 4
    def runAll(self):
        psi_comb = np.zeros((self.n, len(self.x)), dtype=complex)
        for initi in self.initarray:
            tempHel = hl.Heller(self.n, self.dt, initi, self.derivs)

            psi_arr = np.zeros((self.n, len(self.x)), dtype=complex)
            for i in range(self.n):
                xi, vi, ai, gi = tempHel.getState(i)
                psi_i = self.hellerPacket(xi, vi, ai, gi)
                psi_comb[i] += psi_i / np.sqrt(self.N_packet)
            # psi_comb += psi_arr / np.sqrt(self.N_packet)
            # psi_comb += psi_arr / self.N_packet
        self.psi_comb = psi_comb
        return self.psi_comb
Exemplo n.º 5
w = 10
sig = 1
m = 1
hbar = 1
args = (w, m, hbar, sig)
temp = 0.5 * m * w ** 2

a0 = 1j * m * w / 2
init = [0, 0, a0, 0]

############################### Gamma Calculation
n_runs = 5000
title = "Gamma_full"

Heller = hel.Heller(n, dt, init, derivsStocdt)

plt.title(f"Stochastic Harmonic Oscillator Phase, n={n_runs}")

# loaded = np.load(f"{title}_{n_runs}.npz")
# tl = loaded["tl"]
# g_av = loaded["g_av"]
Exemplo n.º 6
p0 = k_initial * hbar
a0 = 1j * hbar / (4 * d**2)
g0 = (1j * hbar / 4) * np.log(2 * np.pi * d**2)
init = [x0, p0 / m, a0, g0]

t = 0
dt = 0.01
step = 10
Ns = 100

Ntot = Ns * step
Nhalf = int(Ntot / 2)

init = [x0, p0, a0, g0]

Solver = hl.Heller(Nhalf, dt, init, derivs)
tl, xl, vl, al, gl = Solver.rk4(args)

init2 = [xl[-1], vl[-1] - 2 * p0, al[-1], gl[-1]]
Solver2 = hl.Heller(Nhalf, dt, init2, derivs)
tl2, xl2, vl2, al2, gl2 = Solver2.rk4(args)

tlcomb = np.concatenate((tl, np.asarray(tl2[1:]) + tl[-1]), axis=None)
xlcomb = np.concatenate((xl, xl2[1:]), axis=None)
vlcomb = np.concatenate((vl, vl2[1:]), axis=None)
alcomb = np.concatenate((al, al2[1:]), axis=None)
glcomb = np.concatenate((gl, gl2[1:]), axis=None)

Solver.tl = tlcomb
Solver.xl = xlcomb
Solver.vl = vlcomb
Exemplo n.º 7
sigma_noise = 0.5 * sig
sigma_noise = 10**(-8)
print(sigma_noise / 10**(-6))
args_stoc = (m, hbar, w, sigma_noise)

T = 4 * np.pi / w
Ns = 30000
dt = T / Ns

x0 = 20 * sig
v0 = 0
a0 = 1j * m * w / 2
g0 = (1j * hbar / 4) * np.log(2 * np.pi * sig**2)
init = [x0, v0, a0, g0]

solver = hel.Heller(Ns, dt, init, derivsStocdt)
tl, xl, vl, al, gl = solver.rk4dt(args_stoc)
tl = np.asarray(tl)
xl = np.asarray(xl)
vl = np.asarray(vl)
al = np.asarray(al)
gl = np.asarray(gl)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(11, 8))
axs[0, 0].plot(tl, xl / 10**-6)
axs[0, 1].plot(tl, vl / 10**-3)
axs[1, 0].plot(tl, np.imag(al) / np.imag(a0))
axs[1, 1].plot(tl, gl / hbar)
axs[0, 0].set_ylabel(r"$x(\mu m)$")
axs[0, 1].set_ylabel(r"$v(mms^{-1})$")
axs[1, 0].set_ylabel(r"$\alpha/\alpha_0$")
axs[1, 0].set_xlabel(r"$t(s)$")