Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
   @ In, None
   @ Out, None
     self.PhisicsInterface = Phisics()
     self.Relap5Interface = Relap5()
Exemplo n.º 2
class PhisicsRelap5(CodeInterfaceBase):
    Class that links the PHISICS and RELAP interfaces.
    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.PhisicsInterface = Phisics()
        self.Relap5Interface = Relap5()

    def initialize(self, runInfo, oriInputFiles):
      Method to initialize the run of a new step
      @ In, runInfo, dict,  dictionary of the info in the <RunInfo> XML block
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ Out, None
        relapInputs, phisicsInputs = self.tailorRelap5InputFiles(oriInputFiles)
        self.PhisicsInterface.initialize(runInfo, phisicsInputs)
        self.Relap5Interface.initialize(runInfo, relapInputs)

    def definePhisicsVariables(self):
      Lists the variables perturbable within PHISICS. The other variables will be related to RELAP.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, phisicsVariables, list
        self.phisicsVariables = [
            'DENSITY', 'XS', 'DECAY', 'FY', 'QVALUES', 'ALPHADECAY',

    def defineRelapInput(self, currentInputFiles):
      Lists the input file types relative to RELAP5. The other input types will be related to PHISICS. The RELAP input
      files have a type attribute strating with the string 'relap'
      @ In, currentInputFiles,  list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ Out, , list
        relapInputTypes = []
        for inFile in currentInputFiles:
            if re.match(r'relap', inFile.getType().lower()):
        return relapInputTypes

    def addDefaultExtension(self):
      Possible input extensions found in the input files.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
            ['xml', 'dat', 'path', 'bin', 'i', 'inp', 'x', 'in'])

    def depTime(self, inputXML, searchDict, dictKeys):
      Synchronizes the PHISICS time and RELAP time based on the input.
      The input read are the xml depletion file (PHISICS) and xml input file (PHISICS).
      The resulting ditionary is use in the "combine" class to print the PHISICS and RELAP csv output in the proper time lines.
      @ In, inputXML, depletion input name
      @ In, searchDict, dictionary, dictionary containing dummy keys, and the searched keywords as values
      @ In, dictKeys, dictionary, dictionary containing dummy keys, the values are the keys of the output dict timeDict
      @ Out, timeDict, dictionary
        timeDict = {}
        libraryTree = ET.parse(inputXML)
        libraryRoot = libraryTree.getroot()
        for key in searchDict:
            for child in libraryRoot.getiterator(searchDict[key]):
                timeDict[dictKeys[key]] = child.text
        return timeDict

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class and initialize
      some members based on inputs. This can be overloaded in specialize code interface in order to
      read specific flags.
      Only one option is possible. You can choose here, if multi-deck mode is activated, from which deck you want to load the results
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def generateCommand(self,
      This method is used to retrieve the command (in tuple format) needed to launch the Code.
      See base class.  Collects all the clargs and the executable to produce the command-line call.
      Returns tuple of commands and base file name for run.
      Commands are a list of tuples, indicating parallel/serial and the execution command to use.
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, clargs, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 i0extension =0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fargs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the axiliary input file variables the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 aux0extension =0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual
                                       command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root
        mapDict = self.mapInputFileType(inputFiles)
        outputfile = 'out~' + inputFiles[mapDict['relapInp'.lower()]].getBase()
        self.outFileName = inputFiles[mapDict[
            'relapInp'.lower()]].getBase()  # used in finalizeCodeOutput
        self.outputExt = '.o'
        commandToRun = executable + ' -i ' + inputFiles[mapDict[
            ) + ' -o  ' + self.outFileName + self.outputExt
        commandToRun = commandToRun.replace("\n", " ")
        commandToRun = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", commandToRun)
        returnCommand = [('parallel', commandToRun)], outputfile
        return returnCommand

    def mapInputFileType(self, currentInputFiles):
      Assigns a number to the input file Types.
      @ In, currentInputFiles,  list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ Out, keyWordDict, dictionary, dictionary have input file types as keyword, and its related order of appearance (interger) as value
        keyWordDict = {}
        count = 0
        for inFile in currentInputFiles:
            keyWordDict[inFile.getType().lower()] = count
            count = count + 1
        return keyWordDict

    def finalizeCodeOutput(self, command, output, workingDir):
      This method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run (if the method is present, since it is optional).
      It can be used for those codes, that do not create CSV files to convert the whatever output format into a csv
      This methods also calls the method 'mergeOutput' if MPI mode is used, in order to merge all the output files into one.
      @ In, command, string, the command used to run the just ended job
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, None
        # RELAP post processing
        dataRelap = self.Relap5Interface.finalizeCodeOutput(
            command, self.outFileName, workingDir)
        # PHISICS post processing
        dataPhisics = self.PhisicsInterface.finalizeCodeOutput(
        cmb = combine.combine(workingDir, dataRelap, dataPhisics,
                              self.depTimeDict, self.inpTimeDict)
        response = cmb.returnData()
        return response

    def checkForOutputFailure(self, output, workingDir):
      This method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run  if the return code is == 0.
      This method needs to be implemented by the codes that, if the run fails, return a return code that is 0
      This can happen in those codes that record the failure of the job (e.g. not converged, etc.) as normal termination (returncode == 0)
      This method can be used, for example, to parse the outputfile looking for a special keyword that testifies that a particular job got failed
      (e.g. in RELAP5 would be the keyword "********")
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, failure, bool, True if the job is failed, False otherwise
        failure = True
        failure = self.Relap5Interface.checkForOutputFailure(
            self.outFileName, workingDir)
        if failure:
            raise IOError('The check Output Failure returns a job failed')
        return failure

    def tailorRelap5InputFiles(self, currentInputFiles):
      Generates a list of relap5 files only, in order to pass it to the RELAP parsers.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ Out, relap5CurrentInputFiles, list, list of RELAP current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ Out, phisicsCurrentInputFiles, list, list of PHISICS current input files (input files from last this method call)
        relap5CurrentInputFiles = []
        phisicsCurrentInputFiles = []
        relapInputTypes = self.defineRelapInput(currentInputFiles)
        for inFile in currentInputFiles:
            if inFile.getType().lower() in set(relapInputTypes):
        return relap5CurrentInputFiles, phisicsCurrentInputFiles

    def tailorSampledVariables(self, perturbedVars):
      Shapes the key 'SampledVars' from the Kwargs that suits properly the code of interest.
      Hence, the variables relative to PHISICS and RELAP5 are separated to feed to the two codes only the variables they recognize.
      @ In, perturbedVars, dictionary, dictionary of the PHISICS and RELAP variables
      @ Out, None
        passToDesignatedCode = {}
        passToDesignatedCode['phisics'] = {}
        passToDesignatedCode['phisics']['SampledVars'] = {}
        passToDesignatedCode['relap5'] = {}
        passToDesignatedCode['relap5']['SampledVars'] = {}
        for var, value in perturbedVars.items():
            if var.split('|')[0] in set(self.phisicsVariables):
                passToDesignatedCode['phisics']['SampledVars'][var] = value
                passToDesignatedCode['relap5']['SampledVars'][var] = value
        return passToDesignatedCode

    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, oriInputFiles, samplerType,
      Generates a new input file depending on which sampler is chosen.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, currentInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
        if self.PhisicsInterface.mrtauStandAlone:  # errors out if MRTAU standalone and PHISICS/RELAP5 are activated simultanously
            raise ValueError(
                'MRTAU cannot be used in standalone mode in PHISICS/RELAP5 calculations.'
        self.outputDeck = self.Relap5Interface.outputDeck
        perturbedVars = Kwargs['SampledVars']
        localKwargs = copy.deepcopy(Kwargs)
        perturbedVars = localKwargs.pop('SampledVars')
        passToDesignatedCode = self.tailorSampledVariables(perturbedVars)
        relap5CurrentInputFiles, phisicsCurrentInputFiles = self.tailorRelap5InputFiles(
        # PHISICS
                                             oriInputFiles, samplerType,
        # RELAP
                                            oriInputFiles, samplerType,
        self.depTimeDict = self.depTime(self.PhisicsInterface.depInp, {
            'search1': 'n_tab_interval',
            'search2': 'tab_time_step'
        }, {
            'search1': 'nBUsteps',
            'search2': 'timeSteps'
        self.inpTimeDict = self.depTime(self.PhisicsInterface.phisicsInp,
                                        {'search1': 'TH_between_BURN'},
                                        {'search1': 'TH_between_BURN'})
        return currentInputFiles