Exemplo n.º 1
    batchManager = MyBatchManager()
    %prog [options] <cfgFile>

    Run Colin's python analysis system on the batch.
    Job splitting is determined by your configuration file.

    options, args = batchManager.ParseOptions()

    cfgFileName = args[0]

    handle = open(cfgFileName, 'r')
    cfo = imp.load_source("pycfg", cfgFileName, handle)
    config = cfo.config

    components = split( [comp for comp in config.components if len(comp.files)>0] )
    listOfValues = range(0, len(components))
    listOfNames = [comp.name for comp in components]

    print 'Preparing jobs'
    batchManager.PrepareJobs( listOfValues, listOfNames )

    if '-t' not in options.batch:
        waitingTime = 0.1
        batchManager.SubmitJobs( waitingTime )
        print 'Submitting job array'
Exemplo n.º 2
       # pickle.dump( cfo, cfgFile )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    batchManager = MyBatchManager()
    %prog [options] <cfgFile>

    Run Colin's python analysis system on the batch.
    Job splitting is determined by your configuration file.

    options, args = batchManager.ParseOptions()

    cfgFileName = args[0]

    handle = open(cfgFileName, 'r')
    cfo = imp.load_source("pycfg", cfgFileName, handle)
    config = cfo.config

    components = split( [comp for comp in config.components if len(comp.files)>0] )
    listOfValues = range(0, len(components))
    listOfNames = [comp.name for comp in components]

    batchManager.PrepareJobs( listOfValues, listOfNames )
    waitingTime = 0.1
    batchManager.SubmitJobs( waitingTime )

Exemplo n.º 3
print "job", job, " out of", total

# fetch config file
import imp
handle = open("heppy_config.py", 'r')
cfo = imp.load_source("heppy_config", "heppy_config.py", handle)
config = cfo.config

from PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.heppy import split
# pick right component from dataset and file from jobID
selectedComponents = []
for comp in config.components:
    if comp.name == dataset:
        # this selects the files and events and changes the name to _ChunkX according to fineSplitFactor and splitFactor
        newComp = split([comp])[job - 1]  # first job number is 1
        if useAAA:
            newComp.files = [
                for x in newComp.files

# check selectedComponents
if len(selectedComponents) == 0:
    print "No selected components found!!"
    print "   - dataset:", dataset
    print "   - components:", config.components
if len(selectedComponents) > 1:
    print "More than one selected component:"
Exemplo n.º 4
production_label = "prod74Xdata_noJSON"
cmg_version = 'MT2_CMGTools-from-CMSSW_7_4_3'

debug = False
useAAA = False

handle = open("heppy_config.py", 'r')
cfo = imp.load_source("heppy_config", "heppy_config.py", handle)
conf = cfo.config

os.system("scramv1 runtime -sh")
os.system("source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/crab3/crab.sh")

os.environ["PROD_LABEL"] = production_label
os.environ["CMG_VERSION"] = cmg_version
os.environ["DEBUG"] = str(debug)
os.environ["USEAAA"] = str(useAAA)

from PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.heppy import split
for comp in conf.components:
    # get splitting from config file according to splitFactor and fineSplitFactor (priority given to the latter)
    NJOBS = len(split([comp]))
    os.environ["NJOBS"] = str(NJOBS)
    os.environ["DATASET"] = str(comp.name)
    os.system("crab submit -c heppy_crab_config_env.py")

os.system("rm -f python.tar.gz")
os.system("rm -f cmgdataset.tar.gz")
os.system("rm -f cafpython.tar.gz")