Exemplo n.º 1
def preview_zenith_tau(log, row_list, cl_params, feeds, windows, pols):

    # if using the weather database
    if not cl_params.zenithtau:

        foo = row_list.get(cl_params.mapscans[0], feeds[0], windows[0],
        ff = fitsio.FITS(cl_params.infilename)
        extension = foo['EXTENSION']
        row = foo['ROW'][0]
        bar = ff[extension]['OBSFREQ', 'DATE-OBS'][row]
        dateobs = bar['DATE-OBS'][0]
        obsfreq = bar['OBSFREQ'][0]

        weather = Weather()
        pu = Pipeutils()

        mjd = pu.dateToMjd(dateobs)
        zenithtau = weather.retrieve_zenith_opacity(mjd, obsfreq)
                      'Zenith opacity for map: {0:.3f}'.format(zenithtau))

    # else if set at the command line

                      'Zenith opacity for '
                      'map: {0:.3f}'.format(cl_params.zenithtau))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dateToMjd():

    putils = Pipeutils()
    sdfits_date_string = '2009-02-10T21:09:00.10'
    result = putils.dateToMjd( sdfits_date_string )
    expected_result = 54872.8812512
    assert_almost_equal( result, expected_result )
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_dateToMjd():

    putils = Pipeutils()

    sdfits_date_string = '2009-02-10T21:09:00.10'
    result = putils.dateToMjd(sdfits_date_string)
    expected_result = 54872.8812512
    assert_almost_equal(result, expected_result)
Exemplo n.º 4
def preview_zenith_tau(log, row_list, cl_params, feeds, windows, pols):

    foo = None

    # if using the weather database
    if cl_params.zenithtau is None:
        for feed in feeds:
            for window in windows:
                for pol in pols:
                        foo = row_list.get(cl_params.mapscans[0], feed, window,
                        break  # if we found a row move on, otherwise try another feed/win/pol
                    except KeyError:
        if not foo:
                          'Could not find scan for zenith opacity preview')

        ff = fitsio.FITS(cl_params.infilename)
        extension = foo['EXTENSION']
        row = foo['ROW'][0]
        bar = ff[extension]['OBSFREQ', 'DATE-OBS'][row]
        dateobs = bar['DATE-OBS'][0]
        obsfreq = bar['OBSFREQ'][0]

        weather = Weather()
        pu = Pipeutils()

        mjd = pu.dateToMjd(dateobs)
        zenithtau = weather.retrieve_zenith_opacity(mjd, obsfreq, log)
        if zenithtau:
                'INFO', 'Approximate zenith opacity for map: {0:.3f}'.format(
                'ERR', 'Not able to retrieve integration '
                'zenith opacity for calibration to:', cl_params.units,
                '\n  Please supply a zenith opacity or calibrate to Ta.')

    # else if set at the command line

            'INFO', 'Zenith opacity for '
            'map: {0:.3f}'.format(cl_params.zenithtau))
Exemplo n.º 5
def preview_zenith_tau(log, row_list, cl_params, feeds, windows, pols):

    foo = None

    # if using the weather database
    if cl_params.zenithtau is None:
        for feed in feeds:
            for window in windows:
                for pol in pols:
                        foo = row_list.get(cl_params.mapscans[0], feed, window, pol)
                        break  # if we found a row move on, otherwise try another feed/win/pol
                    except KeyError:
        if not foo:
            log.doMessage('ERR', 'Could not find scan for zenith opacity preview')

        ff = fitsio.FITS(cl_params.infilename)
        extension = foo['EXTENSION']
        row = foo['ROW'][0]
        bar = ff[extension]['OBSFREQ', 'DATE-OBS'][row]
        dateobs = bar['DATE-OBS'][0]
        obsfreq = bar['OBSFREQ'][0]

        weather = Weather()
        pu = Pipeutils()

        mjd = pu.dateToMjd(dateobs)
        zenithtau = weather.retrieve_zenith_opacity(mjd, obsfreq, log)
        if zenithtau:
                          'Approximate zenith opacity for map: {0:.3f}'.format(zenithtau))
            log.doMessage('ERR', 'Not able to retrieve integration '
                          'zenith opacity for calibration to:', cl_params.units,
                          '\n  Please supply a zenith opacity or calibrate to Ta.')

    # else if set at the command line

                      'Zenith opacity for '
                      'map: {0:.3f}'.format(cl_params.zenithtau))
Exemplo n.º 6
class SdFits:
    """Class contains methods to read and write to the GBT SdFits format.

    This includes code for both the FITS files and associated index files.

    A description (but not a definition) of the SD FITS is here:

    def __init__(self):

        self.pu = Pipeutils()

    def find_maps(self, indexfile, debug=False):
        """Find mapping blocks. Also find samplers used in each map

            indexfile: input required to search for maps and samplers
            debug: optional debug flag

        a (list) of map blocks, with each entry a (tuple) of the form:
        (int) reference 1,
        (list of ints) mapscans,
        (int) reference 2


        map_scans = {}
        observation, summary = self.parseSdfitsIndex(indexfile)
        feed = observation.feeds()[0]
        window = observation.windows()[0]
        pol = observation.pols()[0]

        # print results
        if debug:
            print '------------------------- All scans'
            for scanid in sorted(observation.scans()):
                scanstruct = observation.get(scanid, feed, window, pol)
                    'scan \'{0}\' obsid \'{1}\' procname \'{2}\' procscan \'{3}\''
                    .format(scanid, scanstruct['OBSID'],
                            scanstruct['PROCNAME'], scanstruct['PROCSCAN']))

        for scanid in observation.scans():
            scanstruct = observation.get(scanid, feed, window, pol)
            obsid = scanstruct['OBSID'].upper()
            procname = scanstruct['PROCNAME'].upper()
            procscan = scanstruct['PROCSCAN'].upper()

            # keyword check should depend on presence of PROCSCAN key, which is an
            # alternative to checking SDFITVER.
            # OBSID is the old way, PROCSCAN is the new way MR8Q312

            # create a new list that only has 'MAP' and 'OFF' scans
            if not procscan and (obsid == 'MAP' or obsid == 'OFF'):
                map_scans[scanid] = obsid
            elif (procscan == 'MAP' or procname == 'TRACK'
                  or (procname == 'ONOFF' and procscan == 'OFF')
                  or (procname == 'OFFON' and procscan == 'OFF')):
                map_scans[scanid] = procscan

        mapkeys = map_scans.keys()

        if debug:
            print '------------------------- Relavant scans'
            for scanid in mapkeys:
                print 'scan', scanid, map_scans[scanid]

        maps = []  # final list of maps
        ref1 = None
        ref2 = None
        prev_ref2 = None
        mapscans = []  # temporary list of map scans for a single map

        if debug:
            print 'mapkeys', mapkeys

        MapParams = namedtuple("MapParams", "refscan1 mapscans refscan2")
        for idx, scan in enumerate(mapkeys):

            # look for the reference scans
            if (map_scans[scan]).upper() == 'OFF' or (
                    map_scans[scan]).upper() == 'ON':
                # if there is no ref1 or this is another ref1
                if not ref1 or (ref1 and bool(mapscans) == False):
                    ref1 = scan
                    ref2 = scan
                    prev_ref2 = ref2

            elif (map_scans[scan]).upper() == 'MAP':
                if not ref1 and prev_ref2:
                    ref1 = prev_ref2


            # see if this scan is the last one in the relevant scan list
            # or see if we have a ref2
            # if so, close out
            if ref2 or idx == len(mapkeys) - 1:
                maps.append(MapParams(ref1, mapscans, ref2))
                ref1 = False
                ref2 = False
                mapscans = []

        if debug:
            import pprint

            for idx, mm in enumerate(maps):
                print "Map", idx
                if mm.refscan2:
                    print "\tReference scans.....", mm.refscan1, mm.refscan2
                    print "\tReference scan......", mm.refscan1
                print "\tMap scans...........", mm.mapscans

        return maps

    def parseSdfitsIndex(self, infile, mapscans=[]):

            ifile = open(infile)
        except IOError:
                "ERROR: Could not open file: {0}\n"
                "Please check and try again.".format(infile))

        observation = ObservationRows()

        while True:
            line = ifile.readline()
            # look for start of row data or EOF (i.e. not line)
            if '[rows]' in line or not line:

        lookup_table = {}
        header = ifile.readline()

        fields = [xx.lstrip() for xx in re.findall(r' *\S+', header)]

        iterator = re.finditer(r' *\S+', header)
        for idx, mm in enumerate(iterator):
            lookup_table[fields[idx]] = slice(mm.start(), mm.end())

        rr = SdFitsIndexRowReader(lookup_table)

        summary = {'WINDOWS': set([]), 'FEEDS': set([])}

        # keep a list of suspect scans so we can know if the
        # user has already been warned
        suspectScans = set()

        for row in ifile:


            scanid = int(rr['SCAN'])

            # have a look at the procedure
            #  if it is "Unknown", the data is suspect, so skip it
            procname = rr['PROCEDURE']
            if scanid in suspectScans:

            if ((scanid not in suspectScans)
                    and procname.lower() == 'unknown'):

                if scanid in mapscans:
                    print 'WARNING: scan', scanid, 'has "Unknown" procedure. Skipping.'

            feed = int(rr['FDNUM'])
            windowNum = int(rr['IFNUM'])
            pol = int(rr['PLNUM'])
            fitsExtension = int(rr['EXT'])
            rowOfFitsFile = int(rr['ROW'])
            obsid = rr['OBSID']
            procscan = rr['PROCSCAN']
            nchans = rr['NUMCHN']

            summary['WINDOWS'].add((windowNum, float(rr['RESTFREQ']) / 1e9))

            # we can assume all integrations of a single scan are within the same
            #   FITS extension
            observation.addRow(scanid, feed, windowNum, pol, fitsExtension,
                               rowOfFitsFile, obsid, procname, procscan,

        except NameError:

        return observation, summary

    def getReferenceIntegration(self, cal_on, cal_off, scale):

        cal = Calibration()
        cal_ondata = cal_on['DATA']
        cal_offdata = cal_off['DATA']
        cref, exposure = cal.total_power(cal_ondata, cal_offdata,

        tcal = cal_off['TCAL'] * scale
        tsys = cal.tsys(tcal, cal_ondata, cal_offdata)

        dateobs = cal_off['DATE-OBS']
        timestamp = self.pu.dateToMjd(dateobs)

        tambient = cal_off['TAMBIENT']
        elevation = cal_off['ELEVATIO']

        return cref, tsys, exposure, timestamp, tambient, elevation

    def nameIndexFile(self, pathname):
        # -------------------------------------------------  name index file
        if not os.path.exists(pathname):
                'ERROR: Path does not exist {0}.\n'
                '       Please check and try again'.format(pathname))

        if os.path.isdir(pathname):
            bn = os.path.basename(pathname.rstrip('/'))
            return '{0}/{1}.index'.format(pathname, bn)

        elif os.path.isfile(pathname) and pathname.endswith('.fits'):
            return os.path.splitext(pathname)[0] + '.index'

            # doMessage(logger,msg.ERR,'input file not recognized as a fits file.',\
            #  ' Please check the file extension and change to \'fits\' if necessary.')
            print 'ERROR: Input file does not end with .fits:', pathname
Exemplo n.º 7
class SdFits:
    """Class contains methods to read and write to the GBT SdFits format.
    This includes code for both the FITS files and associated index files.
    A description (but not a definition) of the SD FITS is here:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pu = Pipeutils()
    def find_maps(self, indexfile, debug=False):
        """Find mapping blocks. Also find samplers used in each map
        indexfile -- input required to search for maps and samplers
        debug -- optional debug flag
        a (list) of map blocks, with each entry a (tuple) of the form:
        (int) reference 1,
        (list of ints) mapscans,
        (int) reference 2
        map_scans = {}
        observation = self.parseSdfitsIndex(indexfile)
        feed = observation.feeds()[0]
        window = observation.windows()[0]
        pol = observation.pols()[0]
        # print results
        if debug:
            print '------------------------- All scans'
            for scanid in observation.scans():
                scanstruct = observation.get(scanid, feed, window, pol)
                print 'scan', scanid, scanstruct['OBSID']
            print '------------------------- Relavant scans'
        for scanid in observation.scans():
            scanstruct = observation.get(scanid, feed, window, pol)
            obsid = scanstruct['OBSID'].upper()
            procscan = scanstruct['PROCSCAN'].upper()

            # keyword check should depend on presence of PROCSCAN key, which is an
            # alternative to checking SDFITVER.
            # OBSID is the old way, PROCSCAN is the new way MR8Q312
            # only do the following for an "OLD" SDFITS version

            # create a new list that only has 'MAP' and 'OFF' scans
            if not procscan and (obsid=='MAP' or obsid=='OFF'):
                    map_scans[scanid] = obsid
            elif procscan=='MAP' or procscan=='OFF':
                    map_scans[scanid] = procscan
        mapkeys = map_scans.keys()
        if debug:
            for scanid in mapkeys:
                print 'scan', scanid, map_scans[scanid]
        maps = [] # final list of maps
        ref1 = None
        ref2 = None
        prev_ref2 = None
        mapscans = [] # temporary list of map scans for a single map
        if debug:
            print 'mapkeys', mapkeys
        MapParams = namedtuple("MapParams", "refscan1 mapscans refscan2")
        for idx,scan in enumerate(mapkeys):
            # look for the offs
            if (map_scans[scan]).upper()=='OFF':
                # if there is no ref1 or this is another ref1
                if not ref1 or (ref1 and bool(mapscans)==False):
                    ref1 = scan
                    ref2 = scan
                    prev_ref2 = ref2
            elif (map_scans[scan]).upper()=='MAP':
                if not ref1 and prev_ref2:
                    ref1 = prev_ref2
            # see if this scan is the last one in the relevant scan list
            # or see if we have a ref2
            # if so, close out
            if ref2 or idx==len(mapkeys)-1:
                ref1 = False
                ref2 = False
                mapscans = []
        if debug:
            import pprint; pprint.pprint(maps)
            for idx,mm in enumerate(maps):
                print "Map", idx
                if mm.refscan2:
                    print "\tReference scans.....", mm.refscan1, mm.refscan2
                    print "\tReference scan......", mm.refscan1
                print "\tMap scans...........", mm.mapscans
        return maps
    def parseSdfitsIndex(self, infile):
            ifile = open(infile)
        except IOError:
            print "ERROR: Could not open file.  Please check and try again."
        observation = ObservationRows()
        while True:
            line = ifile.readline()
            # look for start of row data or EOF (i.e. not line)
            if '[rows]' in line or not line:
        lookup_table = {}
        header = ifile.readline()
        fields = [xx.lstrip() for xx in re.findall(r' *\S+',header)]
        iterator = re.finditer(r' *\S+',header)
        for idx,mm in enumerate(iterator):
            lookup_table[fields[idx]] = slice(mm.start(),mm.end())
        rr = SdFitsIndexRowReader(lookup_table)

        for row in ifile:
            scanid = int(rr['SCAN'])
            feed = int(rr['FDNUM'])
            windowNum = int(rr['IFNUM'])
            pol = int(rr['PLNUM'])
            fitsExtension = int(rr['EXT'])
            rowOfFitsFile = int(rr['ROW'])
            typeOfScan = rr['PROCEDURE']
            obsid = rr['OBSID']
            procscan = rr['PROCSCAN']
            # we can assume all integrations of a single scan are within the same
            #   FITS extension
            observation.addRow(scanid, feed, windowNum, pol,
                               fitsExtension, rowOfFitsFile, typeOfScan, obsid, procscan)
        except NameError:
        return observation

    def getReferenceIntegration(self, cal_on, cal_off):
        cal = Calibration()
        cal_ondata = cal_on['DATA']
        cal_offdata = cal_off['DATA']
        cref, exposure = cal.total_power(cal_ondata, cal_offdata, cal_on['EXPOSURE'], cal_off['EXPOSURE'])

        tcal = cal_off['TCAL']
        tsys = cal.tsys( tcal, cal_ondata, cal_offdata )
        dateobs = cal_off['DATE-OBS']
        timestamp = self.pu.dateToMjd(dateobs)
        tambient = cal_off['TAMBIENT']
        elevation = cal_off['ELEVATIO']
        return cref, tsys, exposure, timestamp, tambient, elevation

    def nameIndexFile(self, fitsfile):
        # -------------------------------------------------  name index file
        if fitsfile.endswith('.fits'):
            return os.path.splitext(fitsfile)[0]+'.index'
            #doMessage(logger,msg.ERR,'input file not recognized as a fits file.',\
            #  ' Please check the file extension and change to \'fits\' if necessary.')
            print 'ERROR: Input file does not end with .fits:', fitsfile
Exemplo n.º 8
class SdFits:
    """Class contains methods to read and write to the GBT SdFits format.

    This includes code for both the FITS files and associated index files.

    A description (but not a definition) of the SD FITS is here:


    def __init__(self):

        self.pu = Pipeutils()

    def find_maps(self, indexfile, debug=False):
        """Find mapping blocks. Also find samplers used in each map

            indexfile: input required to search for maps and samplers
            debug: optional debug flag

        a (list) of map blocks, with each entry a (tuple) of the form:
        (int) reference 1,
        (list of ints) mapscans,
        (int) reference 2


        map_scans = {}
        observation, summary = self.parseSdfitsIndex(indexfile)
        feed = observation.feeds()[0]
        window = observation.windows()[0]
        pol = observation.pols()[0]

        # print results
        if debug:
            print '------------------------- All scans'
            for scanid in sorted(observation.scans()):
                scanstruct = observation.get(scanid, feed, window, pol)
                print('scan \'{0}\' obsid \'{1}\' procname \'{2}\' procscan \'{3}\''.format(scanid,

        for scanid in observation.scans():
            scanstruct = observation.get(scanid, feed, window, pol)
            obsid = scanstruct['OBSID'].upper()
            procname = scanstruct['PROCNAME'].upper()
            procscan = scanstruct['PROCSCAN'].upper()

            # keyword check should depend on presence of PROCSCAN key, which is an
            # alternative to checking SDFITVER.
            # OBSID is the old way, PROCSCAN is the new way MR8Q312

            # create a new list that only has 'MAP' and 'OFF' scans
            if not procscan and (obsid == 'MAP' or obsid == 'OFF'):
                map_scans[scanid] = obsid
            elif (procscan == 'MAP' or
                  procname == 'TRACK' or
                  (procname == 'ONOFF' and procscan == 'OFF') or
                  (procname == 'OFFON' and procscan == 'OFF')):
                map_scans[scanid] = procscan

        mapkeys = map_scans.keys()

        if debug:
            print '------------------------- Relavant scans'
            for scanid in mapkeys:
                print 'scan', scanid, map_scans[scanid]

        maps = []  # final list of maps
        ref1 = None
        ref2 = None
        prev_ref2 = None
        mapscans = []  # temporary list of map scans for a single map

        if debug:
            print 'mapkeys', mapkeys

        MapParams = namedtuple("MapParams", "refscan1 mapscans refscan2")
        for idx, scan in enumerate(mapkeys):

            # look for the reference scans
            if (map_scans[scan]).upper() == 'OFF' or (map_scans[scan]).upper() == 'ON':
                # if there is no ref1 or this is another ref1
                if not ref1 or (ref1 and bool(mapscans) == False):
                    ref1 = scan
                    ref2 = scan
                    prev_ref2 = ref2

            elif (map_scans[scan]).upper() == 'MAP':
                if not ref1 and prev_ref2:
                    ref1 = prev_ref2


            # see if this scan is the last one in the relevant scan list
            # or see if we have a ref2
            # if so, close out
            if ref2 or idx == len(mapkeys)-1:
                maps.append(MapParams(ref1, mapscans, ref2))
                ref1 = False
                ref2 = False
                mapscans = []

        if debug:
            import pprint

            for idx, mm in enumerate(maps):
                print "Map", idx
                if mm.refscan2:
                    print "\tReference scans.....", mm.refscan1, mm.refscan2
                    print "\tReference scan......", mm.refscan1
                print "\tMap scans...........", mm.mapscans

        return maps

    def parseSdfitsIndex(self, infile, mapscans=[]):

            ifile = open(infile)
        except IOError:
            print("ERROR: Could not open file: {0}\n"
                  "Please check and try again.".format(infile))

        observation = ObservationRows()

        while True:
            line = ifile.readline()
            # look for start of row data or EOF (i.e. not line)
            if '[rows]' in line or not line:

        lookup_table = {}
        header = ifile.readline()

        fields = [xx.lstrip() for xx in re.findall(r' *\S+', header)]

        iterator = re.finditer(r' *\S+', header)
        for idx, mm in enumerate(iterator):
            lookup_table[fields[idx]] = slice(mm.start(), mm.end())

        rr = SdFitsIndexRowReader(lookup_table)

        summary = {'WINDOWS': set([]), 'FEEDS': set([])}

        # keep a list of suspect scans so we can know if the
        # user has already been warned
        suspectScans = set()

        for row in ifile:


            scanid = int(rr['SCAN'])

            # have a look at the procedure
            #  if it is "Unknown", the data is suspect, so skip it
            procname = rr['PROCEDURE']
            if scanid in suspectScans:

            if ((scanid not in suspectScans) and procname.lower() == 'unknown'):

                if scanid in mapscans:
                    print 'WARNING: scan', scanid, 'has "Unknown" procedure. Skipping.'

            feed = int(rr['FDNUM'])
            windowNum = int(rr['IFNUM'])
            pol = int(rr['PLNUM'])
            fitsExtension = int(rr['EXT'])
            rowOfFitsFile = int(rr['ROW'])
            obsid = rr['OBSID']
            procscan = rr['PROCSCAN']
            nchans = rr['NUMCHN']

            summary['WINDOWS'].add((windowNum, float(rr['RESTFREQ'])/1e9))

            # we can assume all integrations of a single scan are within the same
            #   FITS extension
            observation.addRow(scanid, feed, windowNum, pol,
                               fitsExtension, rowOfFitsFile, obsid,
                               procname, procscan, nchans)

        except NameError:

        return observation, summary

    def getReferenceIntegration(self, cal_on, cal_off, scale):

        cal = Calibration()
        cal_ondata = cal_on['DATA']
        cal_offdata = cal_off['DATA']
        cref, exposure = cal.total_power(cal_ondata, cal_offdata, cal_on['EXPOSURE'], cal_off['EXPOSURE'])

        tcal = cal_off['TCAL'] * scale
        tsys = cal.tsys(tcal, cal_ondata, cal_offdata)

        dateobs = cal_off['DATE-OBS']
        timestamp = self.pu.dateToMjd(dateobs)

        tambient = cal_off['TAMBIENT']
        elevation = cal_off['ELEVATIO']

        return cref, tsys, exposure, timestamp, tambient, elevation

    def nameIndexFile(self, pathname):
        # -------------------------------------------------  name index file
        if not os.path.exists(pathname):
            print ('ERROR: Path does not exist {0}.\n'
                   '       Please check and try again'.format(pathname))

        if os.path.isdir(pathname):
            bn = os.path.basename(pathname.rstrip('/'))
            return '{0}/{1}.index'.format(pathname, bn)

        elif os.path.isfile(pathname) and pathname.endswith('.fits'):
            return os.path.splitext(pathname)[0]+'.index'

            # doMessage(logger,msg.ERR,'input file not recognized as a fits file.',\
            #  ' Please check the file extension and change to \'fits\' if necessary.')
            print 'ERROR: Input file does not end with .fits:', pathname