Exemplo n.º 1
    def externalSubs(self, id, playurl, mediaSources):

        username = utils.window('currUser')
        server = utils.window('server%s' % username)
        externalsubs = []
        mapping = {}

        mediaStream = mediaSources[0].get('MediaStreams')
        kodiindex = 0
        for stream in mediaStream:
            index = stream['Index']
            # Since Emby returns all possible tracks together, have to pull only external subtitles.
            # IsTextSubtitleStream if true, is available to download from emby.
            if "Subtitle" in stream['Type'] and stream['IsExternal'] and stream['IsTextSubtitleStream']:
                playmethod = utils.window("%splaymethod" % playurl)

                if "DirectPlay" in playmethod:
                    # Direct play, get direct path
                    url = PlayUtils().directPlay(stream)
                elif "DirectStream" in playmethod: # Direct stream
                    url = "%s/Videos/%s/%s/Subtitles/%s/Stream.srt" % (server, id, id, index)
                # map external subtitles for mapping
                mapping[kodiindex] = index
                kodiindex += 1
        mapping = json.dumps(mapping)
        utils.window('%sIndexMapping' % playurl, value=mapping)

        return externalsubs
Exemplo n.º 2
    def addPlaylistItem(self, playlist, item):

        id = item['Id']
        username = utils.window('currUser')
        server = utils.window('server%s' % username)

        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, item)

        if utils.window('playurlFalse') == "true":
            # Playurl failed - set in PlayUtils.py
            utils.window('playurlFalse', clear=True)
                "Failed to retrieve the playback path/url or dialog was cancelled.",

        self.logMsg("Playurl: %s" % playurl)

        thumb = API().getArtwork(item, "Primary")
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=playurl,
        self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, item)
        self.setProperties(playurl, item, listItem)

        playlist.add(playurl, listItem)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def addPlaylistItem(self, playlist, item, server, userid):

        id = item.get("Id")
        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, item)
        utils.logMsg("PlayBackUtils", "Play URL: " + playurl)    
        thumbPath = API().getArtwork(item, "Primary")
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=playurl, iconImage=thumbPath, thumbnailImage=thumbPath)
        self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, item)

        WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)

        username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
        userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
        server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)

        # Can not play virtual items
        if (item.get("LocationType") == "Virtual") or (item.get("IsPlaceHolder") == True):
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(self.language(30128), self.language(30129))
            return False
            watchedurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayedItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
            positionurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayingItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
            deleteurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Items/%s" % (server, id)

            # set the current playing info
            WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "watchedurl", watchedurl)
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "positionurl", positionurl)
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "deleteurl", "")
            if item.get("Type") == "Episode" and addon.getSetting("offerDelete")=="true":
               WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "deleteurl", deleteurl)
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "runtimeticks", str(item.get("RunTimeTicks")))
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"type", item.get("Type"))
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "item_id", id)
            if (item.get("Type") == "Episode"):
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "refresh_id", item.get("SeriesId"))
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "refresh_id", id)            
            utils.logMsg("PlayBackUtils", "PlayList Item Url : " + str(playurl))
            playlist.add(playurl, listItem)
            return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def PLAY(self, result, setup="service"):
        xbmc.log("PLAY Called")
        WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)

        username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
        userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
        server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
            id = result["Id"]

        userData = result['UserData']

        timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(result)
        jumpBackSec = int(utils.settings("resumeJumpBack"))
        seekTime = round(float(timeInfo.get('ResumeTime')), 6)
        if seekTime > jumpBackSec:
            # To avoid negative bookmark
            seekTime = seekTime - jumpBackSec

        itemsToPlay = []
        # Check for intros
        if seekTime == 0:
            # if we have any play them when the movie/show is not being resumed
            # We can add the option right here
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s/Intros?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1&Fields=Etag" % id    
            intros = self.downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)
            if intros[u'TotalRecordCount'] == 0:
                for intro in intros[u'Items']:
                    introId = intro[u'Id']

        # Add original item
        # For split movies
        if u'PartCount' in result:
            partcount = result[u'PartCount']
            # Get additional parts/playurl
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/AdditionalParts" % id
            parts = self.downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)
            for part in parts[u'Items']:
                partId = part[u'Id']

        if len(itemsToPlay) > 1:
            # Let's play the playlist
            return self.AddToPlaylist(itemsToPlay)

        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)

        if playurl == False or WINDOW.getProperty('playurlFalse') == "true":
            xbmc.log("Failed to retrieve the playback path/url.")

        if WINDOW.getProperty("%splaymethod" % playurl) == "Transcode":
            # Transcoding, we pull every track to set before playback starts
            playurlprefs = self.audioSubsPref(playurl, result.get("MediaSources"))
            if playurlprefs:
                playurl = playurlprefs
            else: # User cancelled dialog

        thumbPath = API().getArtwork(result, "Primary")
        #if the file is a virtual strm file, we need to override the path by reading it's contents
        if playurl.endswith(".strm"):
            xbmc.log("virtual strm file file detected, starting playback with 3th party addon...")
            StrmTemp = "special://temp/temp.strm"
            xbmcvfs.copy(playurl, StrmTemp)
            playurl = open(xbmc.translatePath(StrmTemp), 'r').readline()
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=playurl, iconImage=thumbPath, thumbnailImage=thumbPath)

        if WINDOW.getProperty("%splaymethod" % playurl) != "Transcode":
            # Only for direct play and direct stream
            # Append external subtitles to stream
            subtitleList = self.externalSubs(id, playurl, server, result.get('MediaSources'))

        # Can not play virtual items
        if (result.get("LocationType") == "Virtual"):
          xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(self.language(30128), self.language(30129))

        watchedurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayedItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
        positionurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayingItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
        deleteurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Items/%s" % (server, id)

        # set the current playing info
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"watchedurl", watchedurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"positionurl", positionurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", "")
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", deleteurl)

        #show the additional resume dialog if launched from a widget
        if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(home)"):
            if seekTime != 0:
                displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=(int(seekTime))))
                display_list = [ self.language(30106) + ' ' + displayTime, self.language(30107)]
                resumeScreen = xbmcgui.Dialog()
                resume_result = resumeScreen.select(self.language(30105), display_list)
                if resume_result == 0:
                    listItem.setProperty('StartOffset', str(seekTime))

                elif resume_result < 0:
                    # User cancelled dialog
                    xbmc.log("Emby player -> User cancelled resume dialog.")
                    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listItem)

        if result.get("Type")=="Episode":
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", result.get("SeriesId"))
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", id)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"runtimeticks", str(result.get("RunTimeTicks")))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"type", result.get("Type"))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"item_id", id)

        #launch the playback - only set the listitem props if we're not using the setresolvedurl approach
        if setup == "service":
            self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)
        elif setup == "default":
            if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(home)"):
                self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)
               xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def PLAY(self, id):
        xbmc.log("PLAY Called")
        port = addon.getSetting('port')
        host = addon.getSetting('ipaddress')
        server = host + ":" + port
        userid = self.downloadUtils.getUserId()
        jsonData = self.downloadUtils.downloadUrl("http://" + server + "/mediabrowser/Users/" + userid + "/Items/" + id + "?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1", suppress=False, popup=1 )     
        result = json.loads(jsonData)

        userData = result.get("UserData")
        resume_result = 0
        seekTime = 0
        #get the resume point from Kodi DB for a Movie
        kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovie(id)
        if kodiItem != None:
            seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
            #get the resume point from Kodi DB for an episode
            episodeItem = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(id)
            if episodeItem != None and str(episodeItem["Type"]) == "Episode":
                kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(id,episodeItem["SeriesId"])
                if kodiItem != None:
                    seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))                  
        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)
        isStrmFile = False
        thumbPath = API().getArtwork(result, "Primary")
        #workaround for when the file to play is a strm file itself
        if playurl.endswith(".strm"):
            isStrmFile = True
            tempPath = os.path.join(addondir,"library","temp.strm")
            xbmcvfs.copy(playurl, tempPath)
            sfile = open(tempPath, 'r')
            playurl = sfile.readline()
            WINDOW.setProperty("virtualstrm", id)
            WINDOW.setProperty("virtualstrmtype", result.get("Type"))

        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=playurl, iconImage=thumbPath, thumbnailImage=thumbPath)
        self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)    

        # Can not play virtual items
        if (result.get("LocationType") == "Virtual"):
          xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(self.language(30128), self.language(30129))

        watchedurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Users/'+ userid + '/PlayedItems/' + id
        positionurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Users/'+ userid + '/PlayingItems/' + id
        deleteurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Items/' + id

        # set the current playing info
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"watchedurl", watchedurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"positionurl", positionurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", "")
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", deleteurl)
        if seekTime != 0:
            displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seekTime))
            display_list = [ self.language(30106) + ' ' + displayTime, self.language(30107)]
            resumeScreen = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            resume_result = resumeScreen.select(self.language(30105), display_list)
            if resume_result == 0:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"seektime", str(seekTime))

        if result.get("Type")=="Episode":
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", result.get("SeriesId"))
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", id)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"runtimeticks", str(result.get("RunTimeTicks")))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"type", result.get("Type"))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"item_id", id)

        if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(result) == True:
            playMethod = "DirectPlay"
            playMethod = "Transcode"

        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"playmethod", playMethod)
        mediaSources = result.get("MediaSources")
        if(mediaSources != None):
            if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"AudioStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex')))  
            if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"SubtitleStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex')))

        #this launches the playback
        #artwork only works with both resolvedurl and player command
        if isStrmFile:
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
            if(addon.getSetting("addExtraPlaybackArt") == "true"):
                utils.logMsg("PLAY", "Doing second xbmc.Player().play to add extra art")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def PLAY(self, result, setup="service"):

        self.logMsg("PLAY Called", 1)

        api = self.api
        doUtils = self.doUtils
        username = utils.window('currUser')
        server = utils.window('server%s' % username)

        id = result['Id']
        userdata = result['UserData']
        # Get the playurl - direct play, direct stream or transcoding
        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()

        if utils.window('playurlFalse') == "true":
            # Playurl failed - set in PlayUtils.py
            utils.window('playurlFalse', clear=True)
                "Failed to retrieve the playback path/url or dialog was cancelled.",
            return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listItem)

        ############### -- SETUP MAIN ITEM ################

        # Set listitem and properties for main item
        self.logMsg("Returned playurl: %s" % playurl, 1)
        self.setProperties(playurl, result, listItem)

        mainArt = API().getArtwork(result, "Primary")

        ############### ORGANIZE CURRENT PLAYLIST ################

        homeScreen = xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(home)')
        playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
        startPos = max(playlist.getposition(), 0)  # Can return -1
        sizePlaylist = playlist.size()

        propertiesPlayback = utils.window('propertiesPlayback') == "true"
        introsPlaylist = False
        dummyPlaylist = False
        currentPosition = startPos

        self.logMsg("Playlist start position: %s" % startPos, 2)
        self.logMsg("Playlist plugin position: %s" % currentPosition, 2)
        self.logMsg("Playlist size: %s" % sizePlaylist, 2)

        ############### RESUME POINT ################

        # Resume point for widget only
        timeInfo = api.getTimeInfo(result)
        jumpBackSec = int(utils.settings('resumeJumpBack'))
        seekTime = round(float(timeInfo.get('ResumeTime')), 6)
        if seekTime > jumpBackSec:
            # To avoid negative bookmark
            seekTime = seekTime - jumpBackSec

        # Show the additional resume dialog if launched from a widget
        if homeScreen and seekTime:
            # Dialog presentation
            displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=(int(seekTime))))
            display_list = [
                "%s %s" % (self.language(30106), displayTime),
            resume_result = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(self.language(30105),

            if resume_result == 0:
                # User selected to resume, append resume point to listitem
                listItem.setProperty('StartOffset', str(seekTime))

            elif resume_result > 0:
                # User selected to start from beginning
                seekTime = 0

            else:  # User cancelled the dialog
                self.logMsg("User cancelled resume dialog.", 1)
                return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False,

        # We need to ensure we add the intro and additional parts only once.
        # Otherwise we get a loop.
        if not propertiesPlayback:

            utils.window('propertiesPlayback', value="true")
            self.logMsg("Setting up properties in playlist.")

            ############### -- CHECK FOR INTROS ################

            if utils.settings('disableCinema') == "false" and not seekTime:
                # if we have any play them when the movie/show is not being resumed
                url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s/Intros?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1&Fields=Etag" % id
                intros = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

                if intros['TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
                    getTrailers = True

                    if utils.settings('askCinema') == "true":
                        resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Emby Cinema Mode",
                                                      "Play trailers?")
                        if not resp:
                            # User selected to not play trailers
                            getTrailers = False
                            self.logMsg("Skip trailers.", 1)

                    if getTrailers:
                        for intro in intros['Items']:
                            # The server randomly returns intros, process them.
                            introId = intro['Id']

                            introPlayurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(
                                server, introId, intro)
                            introListItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
                            self.logMsg("Adding Intro: %s" % introPlayurl, 1)

                            # Set listitem and properties for intros
                            self.setProperties(introPlayurl, intro,
                            self.setListItemProps(server, introId,
                                                  introListItem, intro)

                            introsPlaylist = True
                            currentPosition += 1

            ############### -- ADD MAIN ITEM ONLY FOR HOMESCREEN ###############

            if homeScreen and not sizePlaylist:
                # Extend our current playlist with the actual item to play only if there's no playlist first
                self.logMsg("Adding main item to playlist.", 1)
                self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)
                playlist.add(playurl, listItem, index=currentPosition)

            # Ensure that additional parts are played after the main item
            currentPosition += 1

            ############### -- CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL PARTS ################

            if result.get('PartCount'):
                # Only add to the playlist after intros have played
                partcount = result['PartCount']
                url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/AdditionalParts" % id
                parts = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

                for part in parts['Items']:

                    partId = part['Id']
                    additionalPlayurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(
                        server, partId, part)
                    additionalListItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
                    self.logMsg("Adding additional part: %s" % partcount, 1)

                    # Set listitem and properties for each additional parts
                    self.setProperties(additionalPlayurl, part,
                    self.setListItemProps(server, partId, additionalListItem,

                    currentPosition += 1

            ############### ADD DUMMY TO PLAYLIST #################

            if (not homeScreen and introsPlaylist) or (homeScreen
                                                       and sizePlaylist > 0):
                # Playlist will fail on the current position. Adding dummy url
                dummyPlaylist = True
                    "Adding dummy url to counter the setResolvedUrl error.", 2)
                playlist.add(playurl, index=startPos)
                currentPosition += 1

        # We just skipped adding properties. Reset flag for next time.
        elif propertiesPlayback:
            self.logMsg("Resetting properties playback flag.", 2)
            utils.window('propertiesPlayback', clear=True)


        ############### PLAYBACK ################

        if not homeScreen and not introsPlaylist:

            self.logMsg("Processed as a single item.", 1)
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)

        elif dummyPlaylist:
            # Added a dummy file to the playlist because the first item is going to fail automatically.
            self.logMsg("Processed as a playlist. First item is skipped.", 1)
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listItem)

            self.logMsg("Play as a regular item.", 1)
            xbmc.Player().play(playlist, startpos=startPos)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def addOrUpdateSongToKodiLibrary(self, MBitem, connection, cursor):

        kodiVersion = self.kodiversion
        embyId = MBitem["Id"]
        # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
        # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (embyId,))
            songid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            songid = None
        timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem)
        userData = API().getUserData(MBitem)
        genres = MBitem.get('Genres')

        ##### The song details #####
        playcount = userData.get('PlayCount')
        lastplayed = userData.get('LastPlayedDate')
        dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem)
        checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem)
        name = MBitem['Name']
        musicBrainzId = API().getProvider(MBitem, "musicBrainzTrackId")
        genre = " / ".join(genres)
        artists = " / ".join(MBitem.get('Artists'))
        tracknumber = MBitem.get('IndexNumber', 0)
        disc = MBitem.get('ParentIndexNumber', 1)
        track = disc*2**16 + tracknumber
        year = MBitem.get('ProductionYear')
        bio = API().getOverview(MBitem)
        duration = timeInfo.get('TotalTime')

        if utils.settings('directstreammusic') == "true":
            WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
            username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
            server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)

            playurl = PlayUtils().directStream(MBitem, server, embyId, "Audio")
            filename = "stream.mp3"
            path = playurl.replace(filename, "")
            # Get the path and filename
            playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem)
            path, filename = ntsplit(playurl)
            if "/" in playurl:
                path = "%s/" % path
            elif "\\" in playurl:
                path = "%s\\" % path

        # Validate the path in database
        cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (path,))
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path")
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath) values(?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path))

        # Get the album
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (MBitem.get("AlbumId"),))
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            # No album found, create a single's album
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idAlbum),0) as albumid from album")
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            if kodiVersion == 15:
                # Kodi Isengard
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded, strReleaseType) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, genre, year, dateadded, "single"))
            elif kodiVersion == 16:
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strGenres, iYear, strReleaseType) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, genre, year, "single"))
                # Kodi Gotham and Helix
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, genre, year, dateadded))
            cursor.execute("SELECT strArtists FROM album WHERE idAlbum = ?", (albumid,))
            result = cursor.fetchone()
            if result and result[0] == "":
                # Link album to artists
                if MBitem['AlbumArtists']:
                    album_artists = MBitem['AlbumArtists']
                    album_artists = MBitem['ArtistItems']

                MBartists = []
                for artist in album_artists:
                    cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (artist['Id'],))
                        artistid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                    except: pass
                        query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO album_artist(idArtist, idAlbum, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                        cursor.execute(query, (artistid, albumid, artist['Name']))

                artists_onalbum = " / ".join(MBartists)
                if kodiVersion == 15:
                    # Kodi Isengard
                    query = "UPDATE album SET strArtists = ? WHERE idAlbum = ?"
                    cursor.execute(query, (artists_onalbum, albumid))
                elif kodiVersion == 16:
                    query = "UPDATE album SET strArtists = ? WHERE idAlbum = ?"
                    cursor.execute(query, (artists_onalbum, albumid))
                    # Kodi Gotham and Helix
                    query = "UPDATE album SET strArtists = ? WHERE idAlbum = ?"
                    cursor.execute(query, (artists_onalbum, albumid))

        ##### UPDATE THE SONG #####
        if songid:
            self.logMsg("UPDATE song to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name), 1)

            query = "UPDATE song SET idAlbum = ?, strArtists = ?, strGenres = ?, strTitle = ?, iTrack = ?, iDuration = ?, iYear = ?, strFilename = ?, strMusicBrainzTrackID = ?, iTimesPlayed = ?, lastplayed = ? WHERE idSong = ?"
            cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed, songid))

            # Update the checksum in emby table
            query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?"
            cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId))

        ##### OR ADD THE SONG #####
            self.logMsg("ADD song to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name), 1)

            # Create the song
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idSong),0) as songid from song")
            songid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            query = "INSERT INTO song(idSong, idAlbum, idPath, strArtists, strGenres, strTitle, iTrack, iDuration, iYear, strFileName, strMusicBrainzTrackID, iTimesPlayed, lastplayed) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (songid, albumid, pathid, artists, genre, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed))

            # Create the reference in emby table
            query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (embyId, songid, "song", checksum))

        # Add genres
        self.AddGenresToMedia(songid, genres, "song", cursor)
        # Link song to album
        if albumid:
            query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO albuminfosong(idAlbumInfoSong, idAlbumInfo, iTrack, strTitle, iDuration) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (songid, albumid, track, name, duration))
        # Link song to artist
        for artist in MBitem.get('ArtistItems'):
            cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (artist['Id'],))
                artistid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            except: pass
                query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO song_artist(idArtist, idSong, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (artistid, songid, artist['Name']))
        # Update artwork
        self.textureCache.addArtwork(API().getAllArtwork(MBitem, parentInfo=True), songid, "song", cursor)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def onNotification(self, sender, method, data):
        addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.emby')
        downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
        print "onNotification:" + method + ":" + sender + ":" + str(data)
        #player started playing an item -
        if method == "Player.OnPlay":
            print "playlist onadd is called"
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            if jsondata != None:
                if jsondata.has_key("item"):
                    if jsondata.get("item").has_key("id") and jsondata.get(
                        id = jsondata.get("item").get("id")
                        type = jsondata.get("item").get("type")
                        embyid = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(id, type)

                        if embyid != None:

                            WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)

                            username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
                            userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
                            server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)

                            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % embyid
                            result = downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)

                            userData = result[u'UserData']

                            playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(
                                server, embyid, result)

                            watchedurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayedItems/%s" % (
                                server, userid, embyid)
                            positionurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayingItems/%s" % (
                                server, userid, embyid)
                            deleteurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Items/%s" % (server,

                            # set the current playing info
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "watchedurl",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "positionurl",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "deleteurl", "")
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "deleteurl",
                            if result[u'Type'] == "Episode":
                                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "refresh_id",
                                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "refresh_id",

                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "runtimeticks",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "type",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "item_id", embyid)

                            if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(result) == True:
                                playMethod = "DirectPlay"
                                playMethod = "Transcode"

                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "playmethod",

                            mediaSources = result[u'MediaSources']
                            if (mediaSources != None):
                                if mediaSources[0].get(
                                        'DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
                                        playurl + "AudioStreamIndex",
                                if mediaSources[0].get(
                                        'DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
                                        playurl + "SubtitleStreamIndex",

        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnUpdate":
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            if jsondata != None:

                playcount = None
                playcount = jsondata.get("playcount")
                item = jsondata.get("item").get("id")
                type = jsondata.get("item").get("type")
                if playcount != None:
                        "MB# Sync",
                        "Kodi_Monitor--> VideoLibrary.OnUpdate : " + str(data),
                        item, type, playcount)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def PLAY(self, result, setup = "service"):

        self.logMsg("PLAY Called", 1)

        api = self.api
        doUtils = self.doUtils
        username = utils.window('currUser')
        server = utils.window('server%s' % username)

        id = result['Id']
        userdata = result['UserData']
        # Get the playurl - direct play, direct stream or transcoding
        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()

        if utils.window('playurlFalse') == "true":
            # Playurl failed - set in PlayUtils.py
            utils.window('playurlFalse', clear=True)
            self.logMsg("Failed to retrieve the playback path/url or dialog was cancelled.", 1)
            return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listItem)

        ############### RESUME POINT ################
        # Resume point for widget only
        timeInfo = api.getTimeInfo(result)
        jumpBackSec = int(utils.settings('resumeJumpBack'))
        seekTime = round(float(timeInfo.get('ResumeTime')), 6)
        if seekTime > jumpBackSec:
            # To avoid negative bookmark
            seekTime = seekTime - jumpBackSec

        # Show the additional resume dialog if launched from a widget
        if xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(home)') and seekTime:
            # Dialog presentation
            displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=(int(seekTime))))
            display_list = ["%s %s" % (self.language(30106), displayTime), self.language(30107)]
            resume_result = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(self.language(30105), display_list)

            if resume_result == 0:
                # User selected to resume, append resume point to listitem
                listItem.setProperty('StartOffset', str(seekTime))
            elif resume_result > 0:
                # User selected to start from beginning
                seekTime = 0

            else: # User cancelled the dialog
                self.logMsg("User cancelled resume dialog.", 1)
                return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), False, listItem)

        ############### ORGANIZE CURRENT PLAYLIST ################

        # In order, intros, original item requested and any additional part
        playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
        startPos = max(playlist.getposition(), 0) # Can return -1
        sizePlaylist = playlist.size()
        currentPosition = startPos

        self.logMsg("Playlist start position: %s" % startPos, 2)
        self.logMsg("Playlist current position: %s" % currentPosition, 2)
        self.logMsg("Playlist size: %s" % sizePlaylist, 2)
        # Properties to ensure we have have proper playlists with additional items.
        introsPlaylist = False
        introProperty = utils.window('PlaylistIntroSet') == "true"
        dummyProperty = utils.window('PlaylistsetDummy') == "true"
        additionalProperty = utils.window('PlaylistAdditional') == "true"

        ############### -- CHECK FOR INTROS ################

        if utils.settings('disableCinema') == "false" and not introProperty and not seekTime:
            # if we have any play them when the movie/show is not being resumed
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s/Intros?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1&Fields=Etag" % id    
            intros = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
            if intros['TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
                # The server randomly returns one custom intro
                intro = intros['Items'][0]
                introId = intro['Id']
                introListItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
                introPlayurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, introId, intro)

                self.logMsg("Intro play: %s" % introPlayurl, 1)

                self.setProperties(introPlayurl, intro, introListItem)
                self.setListItemProps(server, introId, introListItem, intro)
                introsPlaylist = True
                utils.window('PlaylistIntroSet', value="true")
                playlist.add(introPlayurl, introListItem, index=currentPosition)
                currentPosition += 1
        elif introProperty:
            # Play main item, do not play the intro since we already played it. Reset property for next time.
            utils.window('PlaylistIntroSet', clear=True)
            self.logMsg("Clear intro property.", 2)

        ############### -- SETUP MAIN ITEM ################
        ##### Set listitem and properties for main item
        self.logMsg("Returned playurl: %s" % playurl, 1)
        self.setProperties(playurl, result, listItem)

        mainArt = API().getArtwork(result, "Primary")

        if introsPlaylist and not sizePlaylist:
            # Extend our current playlist with the actual item to play only if there's no playlist first
            self.logMsg("No playlist detected at the start. Creating playlist with intro and play item.", 1)
            self.logMsg("Playlist current position: %s" % (currentPosition), 1)
            playlist.add(playurl, listItem, index=currentPosition)
            currentPosition += 1

        ############### -- CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL PARTS ################

        if result.get('PartCount') and not additionalProperty:
            # Only add to the playlist after intros have played
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/AdditionalParts" % id
            parts = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
            for part in parts['Items']:
                partId = part['Id']
                additionalPlayurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, partId, part)
                additionalListItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()

                # Set listitem and properties for each additional parts
                self.logMsg("Adding to playlist: %s position: %s" % (additionalPlayurl, currentPosition), 1)
                self.setProperties(additionalPlayurl, part, additionalListItem)
                self.setListItemProps(server, partId, additionalListItem, part)

                # Add item to playlist, after the main item
                utils.window('PlaylistAdditional', value="true")
                playlist.add(additionalPlayurl, additionalListItem, index=currentPosition+1)
                currentPosition += 1
        elif additionalProperty:
            # Additional parts are already set, reset property for next time
            utils.window('PlaylistAdditional', clear=True)
            self.logMsg("Clear additional property", 2)

        ############### PLAYBACK ################

        if setup == "service" or xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(home)'):
            # Sent via websocketclient.py or default.py but via widgets
            self.logMsg("Detecting playback happening via service.py or home menu.", 1)
            self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)

            playlistPlayer = False

            if introsPlaylist and not sizePlaylist:
                # Extend our current playlist with the actual item to play only if there's no playlist first
                playlistPlayer = True

            elif sizePlaylist > 0 and not dummyProperty:
                # Playlist will fail on the current position. Adding dummy url
                playlist.add(playurl, index=startPos)
                self.logMsg("Adding dummy path as replacement for position: %s" % startPos, 2)
                utils.window('PlaylistsetDummy', value="true")
                playlistPlayer = True

            elif dummyProperty:
                # Already failed, play the item as a single item
                utils.window('PlaylistsetDummy', clear=True)
                self.logMsg("Clear dummy property.", 2)

            if playlistPlayer:
                self.logMsg("Processed as a playlist.", 1)
                return xbmc.Player().play(playlist)
                self.logMsg("Processed as a single item.", 1)
                return xbmc.Player().play(playurl, listItem)

        elif setup == "default":
            self.logMsg("Detecting playback happening via default.py.", 1)
            playlistPlayer = False

            if sizePlaylist > 0 and not dummyProperty:
                # Playlist will fail on the current position. Adding dummy url
                playlist.add(playurl, index=startPos)
                self.logMsg("Adding dummy path as replacement for position: %s" % startPos, 2)
                utils.window('PlaylistsetDummy', value="true")
                playlistPlayer = True

            elif dummyProperty:
                # Already failed, play the item as a single item
                utils.window('PlaylistsetDummy', clear=True)
                self.logMsg("Clear dummy property.", 2)

            if playlistPlayer:
                self.logMsg("Processed as a playlist.", 1)
                return xbmc.Player().play(playlist, startpos=startPos)
            else: # Sent via default.py
                self.logMsg("Processed as a single item.", 1)
                return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def PLAY(self, id):
        xbmc.log("PLAY Called")
        WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)

        username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
        userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
        server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % id
        result = self.downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)     

        userData = result[u'UserData']
        resume_result = 0
        seekTime = 0
        #get the resume point from Kodi DB for a Movie
        kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovie(id)
        if kodiItem != None:
            seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
            #get the resume point from Kodi DB for an episode
            episodeItem = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(id)
            if episodeItem != None and str(episodeItem["Type"]) == "Episode":
                kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(id,episodeItem["SeriesId"])
                if kodiItem != None:
                    seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))                  
        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)
        isStrmFile = False
        thumbPath = API().getArtwork(result, "Primary")
        #workaround for when the file to play is a strm file itself
        if playurl.endswith(".strm"):
            isStrmFile = True
            tempPath = os.path.join(addondir,"library","temp.strm")
            xbmcvfs.copy(playurl, tempPath)
            sfile = open(tempPath, 'r')
            playurl = sfile.readline()
            WINDOW.setProperty("virtualstrm", id)
            WINDOW.setProperty("virtualstrmtype", result.get("Type"))

        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=playurl, iconImage=thumbPath, thumbnailImage=thumbPath)
        self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)    

        # Can not play virtual items
        if (result.get("LocationType") == "Virtual"):
          xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(self.language(30128), self.language(30129))

        watchedurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayedItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
        positionurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayingItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
        deleteurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Items/%s" % (server, id)

        # set the current playing info
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"watchedurl", watchedurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"positionurl", positionurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", "")
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", deleteurl)
        if seekTime != 0:
            displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seekTime))
            display_list = [ self.language(30106) + ' ' + displayTime, self.language(30107)]
            resumeScreen = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            resume_result = resumeScreen.select(self.language(30105), display_list)
            if resume_result == 0:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"seektime", str(seekTime))

        if result.get("Type")=="Episode":
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", result.get("SeriesId"))
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", id)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"runtimeticks", str(result.get("RunTimeTicks")))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"type", result.get("Type"))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"item_id", id)

        if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(result) == True:
            playMethod = "DirectPlay"
            playMethod = "Transcode"

        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"playmethod", playMethod)
        mediaSources = result.get("MediaSources")
        if(mediaSources != None):
            if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"AudioStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex')))  
            if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"SubtitleStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex')))

        #this launches the playback
        #artwork only works with both resolvedurl and player command
        if isStrmFile:
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
            if(addon.getSetting("addExtraPlaybackArt") == "true"):
                utils.logMsg("PLAY", "Doing second xbmc.Player().play to add extra art")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def setListItemProps(self, server, id, listItem, result):
        # set up item and item info
        thumbID = id
        eppNum = -1
        seasonNum = -1
        tvshowTitle = ""
        if(result.get("Type") == "Episode"):
            thumbID = result.get("SeriesId")
            seasonNum = result.get("ParentIndexNumber")
            eppNum = result.get("IndexNumber")
            tvshowTitle = result.get("SeriesName")
        self.setArt(listItem,'poster', API().getArtwork(result, "Primary"))
        self.setArt(listItem,'tvshow.poster', API().getArtwork(result, "SeriesPrimary"))
        self.setArt(listItem,'clearart', API().getArtwork(result, "Art"))
        self.setArt(listItem,'tvshow.clearart', API().getArtwork(result, "Art"))    
        self.setArt(listItem,'clearlogo', API().getArtwork(result, "Logo"))
        self.setArt(listItem,'tvshow.clearlogo', API().getArtwork(result, "Logo"))    
        self.setArt(listItem,'discart', API().getArtwork(result, "Disc"))  
        self.setArt(listItem,'fanart_image', API().getArtwork(result, "Backdrop"))
        self.setArt(listItem,'landscape', API().getArtwork(result, "Thumb"))   
        listItem.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
        listItem.setProperty('IsFolder', 'false')
        # Process Studios
        studios = API().getStudios(result)
        if studios == []:
            studio = ""
            studio = studios[0]
        listItem.setInfo('video', {'studio' : studio})    

        # play info
        playinformation = ''
        if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(result) == True:
            playinformation = self.language(30165)
            playinformation = self.language(30166)
        details = {
                 'title'        : result.get("Name", "Missing Name") + ' - ' + playinformation,
                 'plot'         : result.get("Overview")
        if(eppNum > -1):
            details["episode"] = str(eppNum)
        if(seasonNum > -1):
            details["season"] = str(seasonNum)  

        if tvshowTitle != None:
            details["TVShowTitle"] = tvshowTitle    
        listItem.setInfo( "Video", infoLabels=details )

        people = API().getPeople(result)

        # Process Genres
        genre = API().getGenre(result)
        listItem.setInfo('video', {'director' : people.get('Director')})
        listItem.setInfo('video', {'writer' : people.get('Writer')})
        listItem.setInfo('video', {'mpaa': result.get("OfficialRating")})
        listItem.setInfo('video', {'genre': genre})
Exemplo n.º 12
def getThemeMedia():

    doUtils = DownloadUtils()
    playUtils = PlayUtils()

    currUser = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
    server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % currUser)
    playback = None

    library = xbmc.translatePath(

    # Choose playback method
    resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().select("Choose playback method for your themes",
                                   ["Direct Play", "Direct Stream"])
    if resp == 0:
        # Direct Play
        playback = "DirectPlay"
    elif resp == 1:
        # Direct Stream
        playback = "DirectStream"

    # Set custom path for user
    tvtunes_path = xbmc.translatePath(
    if xbmcvfs.exists(tvtunes_path):
        tvtunes = xbmcaddon.Addon(id="script.tvtunes")
        tvtunes.setSetting('custom_path_enable', "true")
        tvtunes.setSetting('custom_path', library)
        xbmc.log("TV Tunes custom path is enabled and set.")
        # if it does not exist this will not work so warn user, often they need to edit the settings first for it to be created.
        dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            'The settings file does not exist in tvtunes. Go to the tvtunes addon and change a setting, then come back and re-run'

    # Create library directory
    if not xbmcvfs.exists(library):

    # Get every user view Id
    userViews = []
    url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
    result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

    for view in result[u'Items']:
        userviewId = view[u'Id']

    # Get Ids with Theme Videos
    itemIds = {}
    for view in userViews:
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?HasThemeVideo=True&ParentId=%s&format=json" % view
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
        if result[u'TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
            for item in result[u'Items']:
                itemId = item[u'Id']
                folderName = item[u'Name']
                folderName = utils.normalize_string(folderName.encode('utf-8'))
                itemIds[itemId] = folderName

    # Get paths for theme videos
    for itemId in itemIds:
        nfo_path = xbmc.translatePath(
            "special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/%s/" %
        # Create folders for each content
        if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_path):
        # Where to put the nfos
        nfo_path = "%s%s" % (nfo_path, "tvtunes.nfo")

        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeVideos?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # Create nfo and write themes to it
        nfo_file = open(nfo_path, 'w')
        pathstowrite = ""
        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'],
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl.encode('utf-8'))

        # Check if the item has theme songs and add them
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeSongs?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'],
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl.encode('utf-8'))

        nfo_file.write('<tvtunes>%s</tvtunes>' % pathstowrite)
        # Close nfo file

    # Get Ids with Theme songs
    musicitemIds = {}
    for view in userViews:
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?HasThemeSong=True&ParentId=%s&format=json" % view
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
        if result[u'TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
            for item in result[u'Items']:
                itemId = item[u'Id']
                folderName = item[u'Name']
                folderName = utils.normalize_string(folderName.encode('utf-8'))
                musicitemIds[itemId] = folderName

    # Get paths
    for itemId in musicitemIds:

        # if the item was already processed with video themes back out
        if itemId in itemIds:

        nfo_path = xbmc.translatePath(
            "special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/%s/" %
        # Create folders for each content
        if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_path):
        # Where to put the nfos
        nfo_path = "%s%s" % (nfo_path, "tvtunes.nfo")

        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeSongs?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # Create nfo and write themes to it
        nfo_file = open(nfo_path, 'w')
        pathstowrite = ""
        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'],
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl.encode('utf-8'))

        nfo_file.write('<tvtunes>%s</tvtunes>' % pathstowrite)
        # Close nfo file
Exemplo n.º 13
    def addOrUpdateSongToKodiLibrary( self, embyId ,connection, cursor):
        addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.emby')
        WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
        username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
        userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
        server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
        downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
        MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId)
        timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem)
        kodiVersion = 14
        if xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion").startswith("15"):
            kodiVersion = 15
        # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
        # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result != None:
            songid = result[0]
            songid = None

        #### The song details #########
        name = utils.convertEncoding(MBitem["Name"])
        musicBrainzId = None
        if MBitem.get("ProviderIds"):
            if MBitem.get("ProviderIds").get("MusicBrainzTrackId"):
                musicBrainzId = MBitem.get("ProviderIds").get("MusicBrainzTrackId")
        genres = " / ".join(MBitem.get("Genres"))
        artists = " / ".join(MBitem.get("Artists"))
        track = MBitem.get("IndexNumber")
        duration = MBitem.get("RunTimeTicks", 0) / 10000000
        year = MBitem.get("ProductionYear")
        bio = utils.convertEncoding(API().getOverview(MBitem))
        dateadded = None
        if MBitem.get("DateCreated"):
            dateadded = MBitem["DateCreated"].split('.')[0].replace('T', " ")
        if userData.get("LastPlayedDate") != None:
            lastplayed = userData.get("LastPlayedDate")
            lastplayed = None
        playcount = None
        if userData.get("PlayCount"):
            playcount = int(userData.get("PlayCount"))
        #get the album
        albumid = None
        if MBitem.get("AlbumId"):
            cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(MBitem.get("AlbumId"),))
            result = cursor.fetchone()
            if result:
                albumid = result[0]
        if albumid == None:
            #no album = single in kodi, we need to create a single album for that
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idAlbum),0) as albumid from album")
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            albumid = albumid + 1
            if kodiVersion == 15:
                pathsql="insert into album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded, strReleaseType) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(pathsql, (albumid, artists, genres, year, dateadded, "single"))
                pathsql="insert into album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(pathsql, (albumid, artists, genres, year, dateadded))
            #some stuff here to get the album linked to artists
            for artist in MBitem.get("ArtistItems"):
                cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(artist["Id"],))
                result = cursor.fetchone()
                if result:
                    artistid = result[0]
                    sql="INSERT OR REPLACE into album_artist(idArtist, idAlbum, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                    cursor.execute(sql, (artistid, albumid, artist["Name"]))

        if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(MBitem):
            playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem)
            #use the direct file path
            if "\\" in playurl:
                filename = playurl.rsplit("\\",1)[-1]
                path = playurl.replace(filename,"")
            elif "/" in playurl:
                filename = playurl.rsplit("/",1)[-1]
                path = playurl.replace(filename,"")
            #for transcoding we just use the server's streaming path because I couldn't figure out how to set the plugin path in the music DB
            path = server + "/Audio/%s/" %MBitem["Id"]
            filename = "stream.mp3"

        #get the path
        cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?",(path,))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result != None:
            pathid = result[0]        
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path")
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            pathid = pathid + 1
            pathsql = "insert into path(idPath, strPath) values(?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(pathsql, (pathid,path))
        ##### ADD THE SONG ############
        if songid == None:
            utils.logMsg("ADD song to Kodi library","Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name))
                #create the song
                cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idSong),0) as songid from song")
                songid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                songid = songid + 1
                pathsql="insert into song(idSong, idAlbum, idPath, strArtists, strGenres, strTitle, iTrack, iDuration, iYear, strFileName, strMusicBrainzTrackID, iTimesPlayed, lastplayed) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(pathsql, (songid, albumid, pathid, artists, genres, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed))
                #create the reference in emby table
                pathsql = "INSERT into emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(pathsql, (MBitem["Id"], songid, "song", API().getChecksum(MBitem)))
            except Exception, e:
                utils.logMsg("Error while adding song to Kodi library: ", e)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def addOrUpdateSongToKodiLibrary(self, MBitem, connection, cursor):

        kodiVersion = self.kodiversion
        embyId = MBitem["Id"]
        # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
        # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (embyId,))
            songid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            songid = None
        timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem)
        userData = API().getUserData(MBitem)
        genres = MBitem.get('Genres')

        ##### The song details #####
        playcount = userData.get('PlayCount')
        lastplayed = userData.get('LastPlayedDate')
        dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem)
        checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem)
        name = MBitem['Name']
        musicBrainzId = API().getProvider(MBitem, "musicBrainzTrackId")
        genre = " / ".join(genres)
        artists = " / ".join(MBitem.get('Artists'))
        track = MBitem.get('IndexNumber')
        year = MBitem.get('ProductionYear')
        bio = API().getOverview(MBitem)
        duration = timeInfo.get('TotalTime')

        # Get the path and filename
        playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem)

            path, filename = ntsplit(playurl)
            if "/" in playurl:
                path = "%s/" % path
            elif "\\" in playurl:
                path = "%s\\" % path
        except: # playurl returned false - using server streaming path, because could not figure out plugin paths for music DB
            playurl = PlayUtils().directstream(MBitem, self.server, embyId, "Audio")
            filename = "stream.mp3"
            path = playurl.replace(filename, "")

        # Validate the path in database
        cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (path,))
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path")
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath) values(?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path))

        # Get the album
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (MBitem.get("AlbumId"),))
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            # No album found, create a single's album
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idAlbum),0) as albumid from album")
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            if kodiVersion == 15 or kodiVersion == 16:
                # Kodi Isengard
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded, strReleaseType) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, year, dateadded, "single"))
                # Kodi Gotham and Helix
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, year, dateadded))

            # Link album to artists
            for artist in MBitem['ArtistItems']:
                cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (artist['Id'],))
                    artistid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                except: pass
                    query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO album_artist(idArtist, idAlbum, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                    cursor.execute(query, (artistid, albumid, artist['Name']))

        ##### UPDATE THE SONG #####
        if songid:
            self.logMsg("UPDATE song to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name), 1)

            query = "UPDATE song SET idAlbum = ?, strArtists = ?, strGenres = ?, strTitle = ?, iTrack = ?, iDuration = ?, iYear = ?, strFilename = ?, strMusicBrainzTrackID = ?, iTimesPlayed = ?, lastplayed = ? WHERE idSong = ?"
            cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed, songid))

            # Update the checksum in emby table
            query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?"
            cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId))

        ##### OR ADD THE SONG #####
            self.logMsg("ADD song to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name), 1)

            # Create the song
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idSong),0) as songid from song")
            songid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            query = "INSERT INTO song(idSong, idAlbum, idPath, strArtists, strGenres, strTitle, iTrack, iDuration, iYear, strFileName, strMusicBrainzTrackID, iTimesPlayed, lastplayed) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (songid, albumid, pathid, artists, genre, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed))

            # Create the reference in emby table
            query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (embyId, songid, "song", checksum))

        # Add genres
        self.AddGenresToMedia(songid, genres, "song", cursor)
        # Link song to album
        if albumid:
            query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO albuminfosong(idAlbumInfoSong, idAlbumInfo, iTrack, strTitle, iDuration) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (songid, albumid, track, name, duration))
        # Link song to artist
        for artist in MBitem.get('ArtistItems'):
            cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (artist['Id'],))
                artistid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            except: pass
                query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO song_artist(idArtist, idSong, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (artistid, songid, artist['Name']))
        # Update artwork
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), songid, "song", "thumb", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), songid, "song", "poster", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Banner"), songid, "song", "banner", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Logo"), songid, "song", "clearlogo", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Art"), songid, "song", "clearart", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Thumb"), songid, "song", "landscape", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Disc"), songid, "song", "discart", cursor)
        self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Backdrop"), songid, "song", "fanart", cursor)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def PLAY(self, result, setup="service"):
        xbmc.log("PLAY Called")
        WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)

        username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
        userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
        server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
            id = result["Id"]

        # For split movies
        if u'PartCount' in result:
            partcount = result[u'PartCount']
            # Get additional parts/playurl
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/AdditionalParts" % id
            parts = self.downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)
            partsId = [id]
            for part in parts[u'Items']:
                partId = part[u'Id']
            self.PLAYAllItems(partsId, startPositionTicks=None)

        userData = result['UserData']
        resume_result = 0
        seekTime = 0
        if userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks") != 0:
            reasonableTicks = int(userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks")) / 1000
            seekTime = reasonableTicks / 10000

        playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)
        if playurl == False:
            #xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Warning', 'Failed to launch playback.')
            xbmc.log("Failed to retrieve the playback path/url.")

        thumbPath = API().getArtwork(result, "Primary")
        #if the file is a virtual strm file, we need to override the path by reading it's contents
        if playurl.endswith(".strm"):
            xbmc.log("virtual strm file file detected, starting playback with 3th party addon...")
            StrmTemp = "special://temp/temp.strm"
            xbmcvfs.copy(playurl, StrmTemp)
            playurl = open(xbmc.translatePath(StrmTemp), 'r').readline()
        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=playurl, iconImage=thumbPath, thumbnailImage=thumbPath)

        # Can not play virtual items
        if (result.get("LocationType") == "Virtual"):
          xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(self.language(30128), self.language(30129))

        watchedurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayedItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
        positionurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Users/%s/PlayingItems/%s" % (server, userid, id)
        deleteurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Items/%s" % (server, id)

        # set the current playing info
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"watchedurl", watchedurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"positionurl", positionurl)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", "")
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", deleteurl)
        #show the additional resume dialog if launched from a widget
        if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(home)"):
            if userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks") != 0:
                reasonableTicks = int(userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks")) / 1000
                seekTime = reasonableTicks / 10000
            if seekTime != 0:
                displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seekTime))
                display_list = [ self.language(30106) + ' ' + displayTime, self.language(30107)]
                resumeScreen = xbmcgui.Dialog()
                resume_result = resumeScreen.select(self.language(30105), display_list)
                if resume_result == 0:
                    WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"seektime", str(seekTime))
                elif resume_result < 0:
                    # User cancelled dialog
                    xbmc.log("Emby player -> User cancelled resume dialog.")
            # Playback started from library
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"seektime", str(seekTime))

        if result.get("Type")=="Episode":
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", result.get("SeriesId"))
            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", id)
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"runtimeticks", str(result.get("RunTimeTicks")))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"type", result.get("Type"))
        WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"item_id", id)
        mediaSources = result.get("MediaSources")
        if(mediaSources != None):
            if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"AudioStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex')))  
            if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"SubtitleStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex')))

        #launch the playback - only set the listitem props if we're not using the setresolvedurl approach
        if setup == "service":
            self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)
        elif setup == "default":
            #artwork only works from widgets (home screen) with player command as there is no listitem selected
            if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(home)"):
                self.setListItemProps(server, id, listItem, result)
               xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)              
Exemplo n.º 16
    def onNotification(self, sender, method, data):

        WINDOW = self.WINDOW
        downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
        #player started playing an item -
        if ("Playlist.OnAdd" in method or "Player.OnPlay"
                in method) and utils.settings('useDirectPaths') == 'true':

            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            if jsondata != None:
                if jsondata.has_key("item"):
                    if jsondata.get("item").has_key("id") and jsondata.get(
                        id = jsondata.get("item").get("id")
                        type = jsondata.get("item").get("type")
                        embyid = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(id, type)

                        if embyid != None:

                            playurl = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()

                            WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
                            username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
                            userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
                            server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)

                            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/" + embyid + "?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1"
                            result = downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)
                            print "Here: %s" % result
                            userData = result['UserData']

                            playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(
                                server, embyid, result)

                            watchedurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Users/' + userid + '/PlayedItems/' + embyid
                            positionurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Users/' + userid + '/PlayingItems/' + embyid
                            deleteurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Items/' + embyid

                            # set the current playing info
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "watchedurl",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "positionurl",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "deleteurl", "")
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "deleteurl",
                            if result.get("Type") == "Episode":
                                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "refresh_id",
                                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "refresh_id",

                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "runtimeticks",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "type",
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "item_id", embyid)

                            if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(result) == True:
                                playMethod = "DirectPlay"
                                playMethod = "Transcode"

                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl + "playmethod",

                            mediaSources = result.get("MediaSources")
                            if (mediaSources != None):
                                mediaStream = mediaSources[0].get(
                                defaultsubs = ""
                                for stream in mediaStream:
                                    if u'Subtitle' in stream[
                                            u'Type'] and stream[u'IsDefault']:
                                        if u'Language' in stream:
                                            defaultsubs = stream[u'Language']
                                            defaultsubs = stream[u'Codec']
                                WINDOW.setProperty("%ssubs" % playurl,
                                if mediaSources[0].get(
                                        'DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
                                        playurl + "AudioStreamIndex",
                                if mediaSources[0].get(
                                        'DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
                                        playurl + "SubtitleStreamIndex",

        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnUpdate":
            # Triggers 4 times, the following is only for manually marking as watched/unwatched
            jsondata = json.loads(data)

                playcount = jsondata.get('playcount')
                item = jsondata['item']['id']
                type = jsondata['item']['type']
                prop = utils.window('Played%s%s' % (type, item))
                self.logMsg("Could not process VideoLibrary.OnUpdate data.", 1)
                self.logMsg("VideoLibrary.OnUpdate: %s" % data, 2)
                if prop != "true":
                    # Set property to prevent the multi triggering
                    utils.window('Played%s%s' % (type, item), "true")
                        item, type, playcount)

                self.clearProperty(type, item)

        if method == "System.OnWake":
            xbmc.sleep(10000)  #Allow network to wake up
            WINDOW.setProperty("OnWakeSync", "true")

        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnRemove":
            xbmc.log('Intercepted remove from sender: ' + sender +
                     ' method: ' + method + ' data: ' + data)
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            id = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(jsondata.get("id"),
            if id == None:
            xbmc.log("Deleting Emby ID: " + id + " from database")
            connection = utils.KodiSQL()
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (id, ))

            if jsondata:
                if jsondata.get("type") == "episode" or "movie":
                    url = '{server}/mediabrowser/Items?Ids=' + id + '&format=json'
                    #This is a check to see if the item exists on the server, if it doesn't it may have already been deleted by another client
                    result = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl(url)
                    item = result.get("Items")[0]
                    if data:
                        return_value = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(
                            "Confirm Delete", "Delete file on Emby Server?")
                        if return_value:
                            url = '{server}/mediabrowser/Items/' + id
                            xbmc.log('Deleting via URL: ' + url)
                            DownloadUtils().downloadUrl(url, type="DELETE")

        elif method == "Playlist.OnClear":
            self.logMsg("Clear playback properties.", 2)
            utils.window('PlaylistIntroSet', clear=True)
            utils.window('PlaylistsetDummy', clear=True)
            utils.window('PlaylistAdditional', clear=True)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def addOrUpdateSongToKodiLibrary(self, MBitem, connection, cursor):

        kodiVersion = self.kodiversion
        embyId = MBitem["Id"]
        # If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
        # If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (embyId,))
            songid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            songid = None
        timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(MBitem)
        userData = API().getUserData(MBitem)
        genres = MBitem.get('Genres')

        ##### The song details #####
        playcount = userData.get('PlayCount')
        lastplayed = userData.get('LastPlayedDate')
        dateadded = API().getDateCreated(MBitem)
        checksum = API().getChecksum(MBitem)
        name = MBitem['Name']
        musicBrainzId = API().getProvider(MBitem, "musicBrainzTrackId")
        genre = " / ".join(genres)
        artists = " / ".join(MBitem.get('Artists'))
        track = MBitem.get('IndexNumber')
        year = MBitem.get('ProductionYear')
        bio = API().getOverview(MBitem)
        duration = timeInfo.get('TotalTime')

        if utils.settings('directstreammusic') == "true":
            WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
            username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
            server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)

            playurl = PlayUtils().directStream(MBitem, server, embyId, "Audio")
            filename = "stream.mp3"
            path = playurl.replace(filename, "")
            # Get the path and filename
            playurl = PlayUtils().directPlay(MBitem)
            path, filename = ntsplit(playurl)
            if "/" in playurl:
                path = "%s/" % path
            elif "\\" in playurl:
                path = "%s\\" % path

        # Validate the path in database
        cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?", (path,))
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idPath),0) as pathid from path")
            pathid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            query = "INSERT INTO path(idPath, strPath) values(?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (pathid, path))

        # Get the album
        cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (MBitem.get("AlbumId"),))
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            # No album found, create a single's album
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idAlbum),0) as albumid from album")
            albumid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            if kodiVersion == 15:
                # Kodi Isengard
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded, strReleaseType) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, year, dateadded, "single"))
            elif kodiVersion == 16:
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, strReleaseType) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, year, "single"))
                # Kodi Gotham and Helix
                query = "INSERT INTO album(idAlbum, strArtists, strGenres, iYear, dateAdded) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, year, dateadded))

            # Link album to artists
            for artist in MBitem['ArtistItems']:
                cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (artist['Id'],))
                    artistid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                except: pass
                    query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO album_artist(idArtist, idAlbum, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                    cursor.execute(query, (artistid, albumid, artist['Name']))

        ##### UPDATE THE SONG #####
        if songid:
            self.logMsg("UPDATE song to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name), 1)

            query = "UPDATE song SET idAlbum = ?, strArtists = ?, strGenres = ?, strTitle = ?, iTrack = ?, iDuration = ?, iYear = ?, strFilename = ?, strMusicBrainzTrackID = ?, iTimesPlayed = ?, lastplayed = ? WHERE idSong = ?"
            cursor.execute(query, (albumid, artists, genre, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed, songid))

            # Update the checksum in emby table
            query = "UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?"
            cursor.execute(query, (checksum, embyId))

        ##### OR ADD THE SONG #####
            self.logMsg("ADD song to Kodi library, Id: %s - Title: %s" % (embyId, name), 1)

            # Create the song
            cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idSong),0) as songid from song")
            songid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
            query = "INSERT INTO song(idSong, idAlbum, idPath, strArtists, strGenres, strTitle, iTrack, iDuration, iYear, strFileName, strMusicBrainzTrackID, iTimesPlayed, lastplayed) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (songid, albumid, pathid, artists, genre, name, track, duration, year, filename, musicBrainzId, playcount, lastplayed))

            # Create the reference in emby table
            query = "INSERT INTO emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (embyId, songid, "song", checksum))

        # Add genres
        self.AddGenresToMedia(songid, genres, "song", cursor)
        # Link song to album
        if albumid:
            query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO albuminfosong(idAlbumInfoSong, idAlbumInfo, iTrack, strTitle, iDuration) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            cursor.execute(query, (songid, albumid, track, name, duration))
        # Link song to artist
        for artist in MBitem.get('ArtistItems'):
            cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (artist['Id'],))
                artistid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            except: pass
                query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO song_artist(idArtist, idSong, strArtist) values(?, ?, ?)"
                cursor.execute(query, (artistid, songid, artist['Name']))
        # Update artwork
        self.textureCache.addArtwork(API().getAllArtwork(MBitem), songid, "song", cursor)
Exemplo n.º 18
def getThemeMedia():

    doUtils = DownloadUtils()
    playUtils = PlayUtils()
    currUser = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
    server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % currUser)
    playback = None

    library = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/").decode('utf-8')

    # Choose playback method
    resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().select("Choose playback method for your themes", ["Direct Play", "Direct Stream"])
    if resp == 0:
        # Direct Play
        playback = "DirectPlay"
    elif resp == 1:
        # Direct Stream
        playback = "DirectStream"

    # Set custom path for user
    tvtunes_path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/script.tvtunes/").decode('utf-8')
    if xbmcvfs.exists(tvtunes_path):
        tvtunes = xbmcaddon.Addon(id="script.tvtunes")
        tvtunes.setSetting('custom_path_enable', "true")
        tvtunes.setSetting('custom_path', library)
        xbmc.log("TV Tunes custom path is enabled and set.")
        # if it does not exist this will not work so warn user, often they need to edit the settings first for it to be created.
        dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dialog.ok('Warning', 'The settings file does not exist in tvtunes. Go to the tvtunes addon and change a setting, then come back and re-run')

    # Create library directory
    if not xbmcvfs.exists(library):

    # Get every user view Id
    userViews = []
    url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
    result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
    for view in result[u'Items']:
        userviewId = view[u'Id']

    # Get Ids with Theme Videos
    itemIds = {}
    for view in userViews:
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?HasThemeVideo=True&ParentId=%s&format=json" % view
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
        if result[u'TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
            for item in result[u'Items']:
                itemId = item[u'Id']
                folderName = item[u'Name']
                folderName = utils.normalize_string(folderName.encode('utf-8'))
                itemIds[itemId] = folderName

    # Get paths for theme videos
    for itemId in itemIds:
        nfo_path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/%s/" % itemIds[itemId])
        # Create folders for each content
        if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_path):
        # Where to put the nfos
        nfo_path = "%s%s" % (nfo_path, "tvtunes.nfo")

        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeVideos?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # Create nfo and write themes to it
        nfo_file = open(nfo_path, 'w')
        pathstowrite = ""
        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:  
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'], "ThemeVideo")
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl.encode('utf-8'))
        # Check if the item has theme songs and add them   
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeSongs?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:  
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'], "Audio")
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl.encode('utf-8'))

            '<tvtunes>%s</tvtunes>' % pathstowrite
        # Close nfo file

    # Get Ids with Theme songs
    musicitemIds = {}
    for view in userViews:
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?HasThemeSong=True&ParentId=%s&format=json" % view
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
        if result[u'TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
            for item in result[u'Items']:
                itemId = item[u'Id']
                folderName = item[u'Name']
                folderName = utils.normalize_string(folderName.encode('utf-8'))
                musicitemIds[itemId] = folderName

    # Get paths
    for itemId in musicitemIds:
        # if the item was already processed with video themes back out
        if itemId in itemIds:
        nfo_path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/%s/" % musicitemIds[itemId])
        # Create folders for each content
        if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_path):
        # Where to put the nfos
        nfo_path = "%s%s" % (nfo_path, "tvtunes.nfo")
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeSongs?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # Create nfo and write themes to it
        nfo_file = open(nfo_path, 'w')
        pathstowrite = ""
        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:  
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'], "Audio")
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl.encode('utf-8'))

            '<tvtunes>%s</tvtunes>' % pathstowrite
        # Close nfo file
Exemplo n.º 19
def getThemeMedia():

    doUtils = DownloadUtils()
    playUtils = PlayUtils()
    currUser = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
    server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % currUser)
    playback = None

    library = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/")

    # Choose playback method
    resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().select("Choose playback method for your themes", ["Direct Play", "Direct Stream"])
    if resp == 0:
        # Direct Play
        playback = "DirectPlay"
    elif resp == 1:
        # Direct Stream
        playback = "DirectStream"

    # Create library directory
    if not xbmcvfs.exists(library):

    # Get every user view Id
    userViews = []
    url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
    result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
    for view in result[u'Items']:
        userviewId = view[u'Id']

    # Get Ids with Theme songs
    itemIds = {}
    for view in userViews:
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?HasThemeSong=True&ParentId=%s&format=json" % view
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
        if result[u'TotalRecordCount'] != 0:
            for item in result[u'Items']:
                itemId = item[u'Id']
                folderName = item[u'Name']
                itemIds[itemId] = folderName

    # Get paths
    for itemId in itemIds:
        nfo_path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/plugin.video.emby/library/%s/" % itemIds[itemId])
        # Create folders for each content
        if not xbmcvfs.exists(nfo_path):
        # Where to put the nfos
        nfo_path = "%s%s" % (nfo_path, "tvtunes.nfo")

        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Items/%s/ThemeSongs?format=json" % itemId
        result = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)

        # Create nfo and write themes to it
        nfo_file = open(nfo_path, 'w')
        pathstowrite = ""
        # May be more than one theme
        for theme in result[u'Items']:  
            if playback == "DirectPlay":
                playurl = playUtils.directPlay(theme)
                playurl = playUtils.directStream(result, server, theme[u'Id'], "Audio")
            pathstowrite += ('<file>%s</file>' % playurl)

            '<tvtunes>%s</tvtunes>' % pathstowrite
        # Close nfo file