Exemplo n.º 1
def startPlugin(session):
	if isInetAvailable():
		from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import PVMCSync
		from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
		session.open(MessageBox,_("No internet connection available!"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=10)
Exemplo n.º 2
	def checkForUpdate(self):
		printl("->", self, "S")
		if isInetAvailable():	
			version, remoteUrl = Update().checkForUpdate()
			if version is None:
				self.session.openWithCallback(self.callback, MessageBox,_("No update available"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
				self.g_remoteUrl = remoteUrl
				self.session.openWithCallback(self.startUpdate, MessageBox,_("Update to revision " + version + " found!\nDo you want to update now?"), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO)
			self.session.openWithCallback(self.close, MessageBox,_("No internet connection available!"), MessageBox.TYPE_OK)
Exemplo n.º 3
def getUTC():
	if isInetAvailable() is False:
		printl("Can not get utc time as no internet connection available!", __name__, "W")
		return None
		from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.WebGrabber import getText
		page = getText("http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?UTC/s/0", False, False)
		timeIndex = page.find(TIME_START)
		time = page[(timeIndex+len(TIME_START)):]
		timeIndex = time.find(TIME_END)
		time = time[:timeIndex]
		print time
		dateIndex = page.find(DATE_START)
		date = page[(dateIndex+len(DATE_START)):]
		dateIndex = date.find(DATE_END)
		date = date[:dateIndex]
		print date
		rDate = re.compile("(?P<weekday>\w+), (?P<month>\w+) (?P<day>\d+), (?P<year>\d+)")
		mDate = rDate.search(date)
		dateDict =  mDate.groupdict()
		monthStr = dateDict["month"]
		month = 1
		if monthStr == "February":
			month = 2
		elif monthStr == "March":
			month = 3
		elif monthStr == "April":
			month = 4
		elif monthStr == "May":
			month = 5
		elif monthStr == "June":
			month = 6
		elif monthStr == "July":
			month = 7
		elif monthStr == "August":
			month = 8
		elif monthStr == "September":
			month = 9
		elif monthStr == "October":
			month = 10
		elif monthStr == "November":
			month = 11
		elif monthStr == "December":
			month = 12
		return "%s-%s-%s %s" % (dateDict["year"], month, dateDict["day"], time)
	except Exception, ex:
		printl("Exception(" + str(ex) + ")", __name__, "E")
Exemplo n.º 4
	def _setUpdateXmlDict(self):
		printl("->", self, "S")
		if isInetAvailable():
			boxType = getBoxtype()
			self.url = config.plugins.pvmc.url.value + config.plugins.pvmc.updatexml.value
			installedRevision = self.getInstalledRevision()
			printl("Checking URL: " + str(self.url), self) 
				opener = urllib2.build_opener()
				opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'urllib2_val_' + boxType[1] + '_' + boxType[2] + '_' + boxType[3] + '_' + installedRevision)]
				f = opener.open(self.url)
				html = f.read()
				from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Xml2Dict import Xml2Dict
				updateXml = Xml2Dict("")
				self.updateXmlDict = updateXml.get()
			except Exception, e:
				printl("""Could not download HTTP Page (%s)""" % (e), self, "E")
Exemplo n.º 5
	def onExecStartScript(self):
		printl("->", self, "H")
		version = None
		if config.plugins.pvmc.checkforupdate.value != "Off":
			if isInetAvailable():
				version, remoteUrl = Update().checkForUpdate()
				printl("Can not check for updates as no internet connection available!", self, "W")
		printl("version=" + str(version), self)
		if version is not None:
			if config.plugins.pvmc.checkforupdate.value == "Active":
				self.session.openWithCallback(self.startUpdate, MessageBox, \
					_("A new version of MediaCenter is available for download!\n\nVersion: %s") % version, \
					MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=120, close_on_any_key=False, default=False)
			elif  config.plugins.pvmc.checkforupdate.value == "Passive":
				#behind = int(version[1:]) - int(config.plugins.pvmc.version.value[1:])
				#multiple = ""
				#if behind > 1:
				#	multiple = (_("revisions"))
				#	multiple = (_("revision"))
				#self["version"].setText((_("Current Version %s.") % config.plugins.pvmc.version.value) + ' ' + (_("You are %s") % behind) + ' ' + (_("%s behind!") % multiple))
				self["version"].setText(_("Update to %s available") % int(version[1:]))
				version = None #Hack for the moment
				version = None #Hack for the moment
		if version is None:
			# If the update dialog is being shown, dont run autostart.
			# If the user dont want an update the autostart will be initialised by messagebox callback
		printl("<-", self, "H")
Exemplo n.º 6
	def getInfoText(self):
		printl("->", self, "I")
		version = None
		content = ""
		content += "Information\n\n"
		content += "Find out more here - http://code.google.com/p/project-valerie/\n\n"
		content += "Autors: \t schischu65\n" 
		content += "\t slugshot\n"
		content += "\t DonDavici\n"
		content += "\t Erik Fornoff\n"
		content += "\t Zuki\n"
		content += "\t hellmaster\n\n"
		content += "Your current version is " + config.plugins.pvmc.version.value + " "
		if isInetAvailable():
			version, remoteUrl = Update().checkForUpdate()
			if version is not None:
				behind = int(version[1:]) - int(config.plugins.pvmc.version.value[1:])
				multiple = ""
				if behind > 1:
					multiple = "s"
				content += (" - You are %d revision%s behind!\n") % (behind, multiple)
		printl("<-", self, "I")
		return content
Exemplo n.º 7
def autostartPlugin(session):
	if isInetAvailable():
		from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import autostart
		printl("Can not sync as no internet connection available!", __name__, "W")