Exemplo n.º 1
from Components.Sources.ServiceEvent import ServiceEvent
from Components.Sources.Event import Event

from Tools.BoundFunction import boundFunction

from time import localtime, strftime
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict

from skin import parameters as skinparameter

# Partnerbox installed and icons in epglist enabled?
    from Plugins.Extensions.Partnerbox.PartnerboxEPGList import isInRemoteTimer, getRemoteClockPixmap
    from Plugins.Extensions.Partnerbox.plugin import showPartnerboxIconsinEPGList
    PartnerBoxIconsEnabled = showPartnerboxIconsinEPGList()
except ImportError:
    PartnerBoxIconsEnabled = False

# AutoTimer installed?
    from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimerEditor import addAutotimerFromEvent, addAutotimerFromSearchString
    autoTimerAvailable = True
except ImportError:
    autoTimerAvailable = False

rootbouquet_tv = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.tv" ORDER BY bouquet'
rootbouquet_radio = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.radio" ORDER BY bouquet'

# Modified EPGSearchList with support for PartnerBox
Exemplo n.º 2
from Components.config import config
from Components.EpgList import EPGList, EPG_TYPE_SINGLE, EPG_TYPE_MULTI
from Components.TimerList import TimerList
from Components.Sources.ServiceEvent import ServiceEvent
from Components.Sources.Event import Event

from time import localtime, strftime
from operator import itemgetter

# Partnerbox installed and icons in epglist enabled?
	from Plugins.Extensions.Partnerbox.PartnerboxEPGList import \
			isInRemoteTimer, getRemoteClockPixmap
	from Plugins.Extensions.Partnerbox.plugin import \
	PartnerBoxIconsEnabled = showPartnerboxIconsinEPGList()
except ImportError:
	PartnerBoxIconsEnabled = False

# AutoTimer installed?
	from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimerEditor import \
			addAutotimerFromEvent, addAutotimerFromSearchString
	autoTimerAvailable = True
except ImportError:
	autoTimerAvailable = False

service_types_tv = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:(type == 1) || (type == 17) || (type == 22) || (type == 25) || (type == 134) || (type == 195)'

# Modified EPGSearchList with support for PartnerBox
class EPGSearchList(EPGList):