Exemplo n.º 1
def cip(polygon, iso_code):
	con = mdb.connect(uim.host, uim.user, uim.password, uim.db)
	with con:
		cur = con.cursor()
		sql_string = "SELECT polygons FROM country_polygons WHERE ISO2='%s'" % iso_code
		country_polygon = list(cur.fetchall()[0])[0]
		F = 0
		T = 0
		# The contry polygon may be made up of several polygons separated by ':'.
		for poly in country_polygon.split(':'):
			for node in poly.split(' '):
				x = float(node.split(',')[0])
				y = float(node.split(',')[1])
				test = pip(polygon, x, y)
				if test == True:
					T = 1
				elif test == False:
					F = 1

	# Country in polygon
	if T == 1 and F == 0:
		return True
	# Country not in polygon
	if T == 0 and F == 1:
		return False
	# Part of the country in the polygon
	if T == 1 and F == 1:
		return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def remove_redundant(additional_species_list, species_list, raw_species_list, polygon):
	for record in additional_species_list: 
		# Add all species_id's in "additional_species_list" to "raw_species_list"
	for record in additional_species_list:
		print record									# Devel.
		print int(raw_species_list.count(record[0]))	# Devel.
		print int(uid.occurrence_nr)					# Devel.
		# Test if 
		if int(raw_species_list.count(record[0])) >= int(uid.occurrence_nr) and record not in species_list:
			# Test if the occurrence record has longitude data
			if record[1] != None:
				print pip(polygon, record[1], record[2])	# Devel.
				print record[1]								# Devel.
				print record[2]								# Devel.
				if pip(polygon, record[1], record[2]) == True:
					print "###	Match	###"			# Devel.
	return species_list
Exemplo n.º 3
def geo_test(polygon, record):
	# Test if the occurrence record has longitude data
	if record[1] != None:
		if pip(polygon, record[1], record[2]) == True:
#			print "###  Match  ###"            # Devel.
			return True
#			container.append(record)
#			print 'No'                          # Devel.
			return  False
		return False