Exemplo n.º 1
    def findErrors(self, forney_syndromes: Polynomial,
                   length_message: int) -> list:
        Berlekamp-Massey + Chien search to find the 0s of the error locator polynomial
        :param forney_syndromes: the polynomial representation of the Forney syndromes
        :param length_message: the length of the message + parity bits
        :return: the error locator polynomial

        error_loc_polynomial = Polynomial([1])
        last_known = Polynomial([1])

        # generate the error locator polynomial
        # - Berklekamp-Massey algorithm
        for i in range(0, len(forney_syndromes)):

            # d = S[k] + C[1]*S[k-1] + C[2]*S[k-2] + ... + C[l]*S[k-L]
            # This is the discrepancy delta
            delta = forney_syndromes[i]
            for j in range(1, len(error_loc_polynomial)):
                delta ^= self.GF.gfMul(error_loc_polynomial[-(j + 1)],
                                       forney_syndromes[i - j])

            # Calculate the next degree of the polynomial

            # If delta is not 0, correct for it
            if delta != 0:
                if len(last_known) > len(error_loc_polynomial):
                    new_polynomial = last_known.scale(delta)
                    last_known = error_loc_polynomial.scale(
                    error_loc_polynomial = new_polynomial

                error_loc_polynomial += last_known.scale(delta)

        error_loc_polynomial = error_loc_polynomial[::-1]

        # Stop if too many errors
        error_count = len(error_loc_polynomial) - 1
        if error_count * 2 > len(forney_syndromes):
            raise ReedSolomonError("Too many errors to correct")

        # Find the zeros of the polynomial using Chien search
        error_list = []
        for i in range(self.GF.lowSize):
            error_z = error_loc_polynomial.eval(self.GF.gfPow(2, i))
            if error_z == 0:
                error_list.append(length_message - i - 1)

        # Sanity checking
        if len(error_list) != error_count:
            raise ReedSolomonError("Too many errors to correct")
            return error_list
Exemplo n.º 2
    def findErrors(self, forney_syndromes: Polynomial, length_message: int) -> list:
        :param forney_syndromes: 表示forney伴随式的多项式
        :param length_message: 信息长度和校验位长度之和
        :return: 错误定位多项式

        error_loc_polynomial = Polynomial([1])
        last_known = Polynomial([1])

        # 生成错误定位多项式
        # BM算法
        for i in range(0, len(forney_syndromes)):

            # d = S[k] + C[1]*S[k-1] + C[2]*S[k-2] + ... + C[l]*S[k-L]
            # 偏差delta
            delta = forney_syndromes[i]
            for j in range(1, len(error_loc_polynomial)):
                delta ^= self.GF.gfMul(error_loc_polynomial[-(j+1)], forney_syndromes[i - j])

            # 计算多项式次幂

            # 如果偏差delta不为0 改正
            if delta != 0:
                if len(last_known) > len(error_loc_polynomial):
                    new_polynomial = last_known.scale(delta)
                    last_known = error_loc_polynomial.scale(self.GF.gfInv(delta))
                    error_loc_polynomial = new_polynomial

                error_loc_polynomial += last_known.scale(delta)

        error_loc_polynomial = error_loc_polynomial[::-1]

        # 如果错误太多 停止
        error_count = len(error_loc_polynomial) - 1
        if error_count * 2 > len(forney_syndromes):
            raise ReedSolomonError("Too many errors to correct")

        # 用钱(Chien)搜索找到多项式的零点
        error_list = []
        for i in range(self.GF.lowSize):
            error_z = error_loc_polynomial.eval(self.GF.gfPow(2, i))
            if error_z == 0:
                error_list.append(length_message - i - 1)

        # 完整性检查
        if len(error_list) != error_count:
            raise ReedSolomonError("Too many errors to correct")
            return error_list
	def generate_shadow_images(self, store_shadows = True):
		print ("Encryption begins!")
		img_info = self.img_info
		n, t, k = self.n, self.t, self.k

		alpha = self.alpha
		e = self.e
		poly_q = self.poly_q

		shadow_image_size = None
		shadow_images = []

		for i in range(n):
			print ("Shadow Image no :- {}".format(i))
			x_secrets = []
			y_secrets = []
			lagrange = get_Lagrange_Polynomials(e)
			prod_fun = get_prod_funs(e)

			temp_poly = Polynomial(poly_q)
			temp_poly = temp_poly.multiply(prod_fun)

			if self.debug == True:
				#For debugging whether the first term of the generated polynomial is correct
				for mmm in range(len(e)):
					value = temp_poly.eval(e[mmm])
					if value != 0:
						raise ValueError("First term of the encrypting polynomial is wrong")

				#For debugging whether the generated Lagrange Polynomial is correct
				for nnn in range(len(e)):
					for j in range(len(lagrange)):
						if nnn != j:
							if (lagrange[j].eval(e[nnn]) != 0):
								raise ValueError("Lagrange Polynmial is wrong")
							if (lagrange[j].eval(e[nnn]) != 1):
								raise ValueError("Lagrange Polynomial is wrong")

			for x in img_info.keys():
				for y in range(len(img_info[x][1])):
					bar = img_info[x][1][y]
					sum_polyx = Polynomial([0])
					sum_polyy = Polynomial([0])
					for u in range(k):
						s_x = img_info[x][1][y][u][0]
						s_y = img_info[x][1][y][u][1]
						tempx = (lagrange[u]).multiply(Polynomial([s_x]))
						tempy = (lagrange[u]).multiply(Polynomial([s_y]))
						sum_polyx = sum_polyx.add(tempx)
						sum_polyy = sum_polyy.add(tempy)
					x_poly = temp_poly.add(sum_polyx)
					y_poly = temp_poly.add(sum_polyy)
					x_secrets += [x_poly.eval(alpha[i])]
					y_secrets += [y_poly.eval(alpha[i])]
			temp_shadow = x_secrets + y_secrets
			if (shadow_image_size is None):
				temp_size = len(temp_shadow)
					if (floor(sqrt(temp_size)) == ceil(sqrt(temp_size))):
						temp_size += 1
				shadow_image_size = temp_size
			temp_shadow = temp_shadow + [np.random.randint(0, 256) for u in range(len(x_secrets + y_secrets), shadow_image_size)]
			temp_shadow = np.array(temp_shadow).astype(int)
			temp_shadow = temp_shadow.reshape((int(sqrt(shadow_image_size)), int(sqrt(shadow_image_size))))
			invalid_positions = []
			for x in range(temp_shadow.shape[0]):
				for y in range(temp_shadow.shape[1]):
					if temp_shadow[x, y] == 256:
						invalid_positions += [(x, y)]
						temp_shadow[x, y] = 255
			if store_shadows == True:
				cv2.imwrite("Shadows/{}.jpg".format(i), temp_shadow)
			shadow_images += [(temp_shadow, invalid_positions)]
		print ("Encryption ends!")

		return shadow_images
Exemplo n.º 4
p2 = ((x + y) * 10)
p3 = (y * x) ** 10
p = p1 * p2 + p3
expectedString = "((((y*2)+x)*(x+y)*10)+((y*x)^10))"
compare(expectedString, str(p))

p = 2 + x + 4 + y
q = 2 + x + (4 * y)
r = (2 + x) * (4 * y)
compare("(x+2+4+y)", str(p))
compare("(x+2+(y*4))", str(q))
compare("((x+2)*y*4)", str(r))

q1 = q.eval({"x": 10, "y": 0})
compare(q1, 2)
q2 = q.eval({"x": 10, "y": -3})
compare(q2, 1)

po = (2 + x) * (4 + x)
simplified = po.simplify()
comparePoly(po, simplified)

po = ((x * 2) + (y * (-4))) * (x + (x * y)) * ((20 * y) + (x * x) + (y * x * y))
simplified = po.simplify()
comparePoly(po, simplified)

from Polynomial import Polynomial
# = TheClass()

coefficients = [10, 3, 3, 4]
coefficients1 = [1, 5, 2]
coefficients2 = [1, 5]
c = Polynomial(coefficients)
d = Polynomial(coefficients1)
e = Polynomial(coefficients2)
print("Eval: " + str(c.eval(2)))
print("Sum :" + str(c.addition(d).tostr()))
print("Sub: " + c.substraction(d).tostr())
print("Mult: " + c.multiplication(d).tostr())
#print("Div: " + c.division(d).tostr())
print("Deri: " + e.differentiate().tostr())
Exemplo n.º 6
def polynomialFunctions(PolExpr):

	newpoli = 0

	for c in PolExpr:
		if c == '[':
			newpoli = 1
		elif c == ']':
			newpoli = 0
		if c == '+' and newpoli == 0:
			operation = PolExpr.split('+', 1)
			pol1 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[0])
			pol2 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[1])
			polynomial1 = Polynomial(pol1)
			polynomial2 = Polynomial(pol2)
			print (polynomial1.tostr())
			print (polynomial2.tostr())
			print ("+__________________")
			return (polynomial1.addition(polynomial2).tostr() + "\n")
		elif c == '-' and newpoli == 0:
			operation = PolExpr.split('-', 1)
			pol1 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[0])
			pol2 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[1])
			polynomial1 = Polynomial(pol1)
			polynomial2 = Polynomial(pol2)
			print (polynomial1.tostr())
			print (polynomial2.tostr())
			print ("-__________________")
			return (polynomial1.substraction(polynomial2).tostr() + "\n")
		elif c == '*' and newpoli == 0:
			operation = PolExpr.split('*', 1)
			pol1 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[0])
			pol2 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[1])
			polynomial1 = Polynomial(pol1)
			polynomial2 = Polynomial(pol2)
			print (polynomial1.tostr())
			print (polynomial2.tostr())
			print ("*__________________")
			return (polynomial1.multiplication(polynomial2).tostr() + "\n")
		elif c == '/' and newpoli == 0:
			operation = PolExpr.split('/', 1)
			pol1 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[0])
			pol2 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[1])
			polynomial1 = Polynomial(pol1)
			polynomial2 = Polynomial(pol2)
			print (polynomial1.tostr())
			print (polynomial2.tostr())
			print ("/__________________")
			if polynomial1.degree() < polynomial2.degree():
				return "Numerator must have a higher or equal degree compare with the denominator to be able divide both"
			if polynomial2.degree() == 0:
				return "Division by 0 error"
			result = []
			result = polynomial1.division(polynomial2)
			if len(result) == 3:
				return result[0].tostr() + " + " + result[2].tostr() + "/" + "(" + result[1].tostr() + ")" + "\n"
			return (result[0].tostr() + "\n")
		elif c == '#' and newpoli == 0:
			operation = PolExpr.split('#', 1)
			pol1 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[0])
			polynomial1 = Polynomial(pol1)
			print (polynomial1.tostr())
			print ("#__________________")
			return (polynomial1.differentiate().tostr() + "\n")
		elif c == '@' and newpoli == 0:
			operation = PolExpr.split('@', 1)
			pol1 = strtoPolynomialArray(operation[0])
			evalnum = (operation[1].replace("(", "")).replace(")", "")
			polynomial1 = Polynomial(pol1)
			print (polynomial1.tostr())
			print ("@__________________")
			return (str(polynomial1.eval(int(evalnum)))+ "\n")
Exemplo n.º 7
class Polynomial4D:
    def __init__(self, duration, px, py, pz, pyaw):
        self.duration = duration
        self.px = Polynomial(px)
        self.py = Polynomial(py)
        self.pz = Polynomial(pz)
        self.pyaw = Polynomial(pyaw)

    # compute and return derivative
    def derivative(self):
        return Polynomial4D(self.duration,

    def normalize(v):
        norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
        assert norm > 0
        return v / norm

    def eval(self, t):
        result = TrajectoryOutput()
        # flat variables
        result.pos = np.array(
        result.yaw = self.pyaw.eval(t)

        # 1st derivative
        derivative = self.derivative()
        result.vel = np.array([
        dyaw = derivative.pyaw.eval(t)

        # 2nd derivative
        derivative2 = derivative.derivative()
        result.acc = np.array([

        # 3rd derivative
        derivative3 = derivative2.derivative()
        jerk = np.array([

        thrust = result.acc + np.array([0, 0, 9.81])  # add gravity

        z_body = self.normalize(thrust)
        x_world = np.array([np.cos(result.yaw), np.sin(result.yaw), 0])
        y_body = self.normalize(np.cross(z_body, x_world))
        x_body = np.cross(y_body, z_body)

        jerk_orth_zbody = jerk - (np.dot(jerk, z_body) * z_body)
        h_w = jerk_orth_zbody / np.linalg.norm(thrust)

        result.omega = np.array(
            [-np.dot(h_w, y_body),
             np.dot(h_w, x_body), z_body[2] * dyaw])
        return result