Exemplo n.º 1
def construct(pattern):
    patterns = (curry(cons) ** Pattern.parse * -(Char(" ") >> -Pattern.parse))(pattern)
    def run(args):
        results = list(pat.match(x) for pat, x in zip(patterns, args))
        if all(x is not None for x in results):
            return dict(concat(results))
    return run
Exemplo n.º 2
def construct(pattern):
    patterns = (curry(cons)**Pattern.parse *
                -(Char(" ") >> -Pattern.parse))(pattern)

    def run(args):
        results = list(pat.match(x) for pat, x in zip(patterns, args))
        if all(x is not None for x in results):
            return dict(concat(results))

    return run
Exemplo n.º 3
class Cons(Multi("x", "xs")):
    parse = Delay(lambda: curry(Cons)**Pattern.parse_noncons *
                  (Char(":") >> Pattern.parse))

    def match(self, value):
        if len(value) > 0:
            y = self.x.match(value[0])
            if y:
                ys = self.xs.match(value[1:])
                return ys and y + ys
Exemplo n.º 4
from Prelude.ParserCombinators.Entities import *
from Prelude.ParserCombinators.String import *
from Prelude import cons, curry

expression_list = lambda x: curry(cons) ** x * -(Char(",") >> x) << Optional(Char(","))

identifier = (alpha | Char("_")) + "".join ** -(alnum | Char("_"))

parens = lambda x: Char("(") >> x << Char(")")
brackets = lambda x: Char("[") >> x << Char("]")

escapeseq       =  Char("\\") >> ascii
stringprefix    =  reduce(Parser.__or__, map(Char, ["r", "u", "ur", "R", "U", "UR", "Ur", "uR", "b", "B", "br", "Br", "bR", "BR"]))

shortstringchar =  lambda quote: Sat(lambda c: c != "\\" and c != "\n" and c != quote)
shortstringitem =  lambda quote: shortstringchar(quote) | escapeseq
shortstring     =  Char("'") + "".join ** -shortstringitem("'") + Char("'") | Char('"') + "".join ** -shortstringitem('"') + Char('"')
stringliteral   =  eval ^ Optional(stringprefix) + shortstring

longstring      =  String("'''") >> -longstringitem << String("'''") | String('\"\""') >> -longstringitem << String('\""\"')
longstringchar  =  Sat("\\".__ne__)
longstringitem  =  longstringchar | escapeseq

nonzerodigit   =  Sat(lambda c: "0" < c <= "9")
octdigit       =  Sat(lambda c: "0" <= c <= "7")
bindigit       =  Char("0") | Char("1")
hexdigit       =  digit | Sat(lambda c: "a" <= c <= "f" or "A" <= c <= "F")
octinteger     =  Char("0") + (Char("o") | Char("O")) + "".join ** +octdigit | Char("0") + "".join ** +octdigit
Exemplo n.º 5
from Prelude.ParserCombinators.Entities import *
from Prelude.ParserCombinators.String import *
from Prelude import cons, curry

expression_list = lambda x: curry(cons)**x * -(Char(",") >> x) << Optional(

identifier = (alpha | Char("_")) + "".join**-(alnum | Char("_"))

parens = lambda x: Char("(") >> x << Char(")")
brackets = lambda x: Char("[") >> x << Char("]")

escapeseq = Char("\\") >> ascii
stringprefix = reduce(
    map(Char, [
        "r", "u", "ur", "R", "U", "UR", "Ur", "uR", "b", "B", "br", "Br", "bR",

shortstringchar = lambda quote: Sat(lambda c: c != "\\" and c != "\n" and c !=
shortstringitem = lambda quote: shortstringchar(quote) | escapeseq
shortstring = Char("'") + "".join**-shortstringitem("'") + Char("'") | Char(
    '"') + "".join**-shortstringitem('"') + Char('"')
stringliteral = eval ^ Optional(stringprefix) + shortstring
longstring      =  String("'''") >> -longstringitem << String("'''") | String('\"\""') >> -longstringitem << String('\""\"')
longstringchar  =  Sat("\\".__ne__)
longstringitem  =  longstringchar | escapeseq