Exemplo n.º 1
def open_bh_sdt(fn, mode='r'):
    read Becker&Hickel SDT file into separate structures
    any error here might result from the file being corrupt
    #b = file(fn, 'rb').read()
    m = N.memmap(fn, mode=mode)

    hdrEnd = dtype_bhfile_header.itemsize
    lenDBhdr = dtype_BHFileBlockHeader.itemsize

    hdr = N.rec.array(m[:hdrEnd], dtype=dtype_bhfile_header)   [0]
    #hdr = m[:hdrEnd].view(dtype_bhfile_header)

    if hdr['header_valid'] != BH_HEADER_VALID:
        print " * WARNING * SDT file file header not valid"

    infoStart = hdr['info_offs']
    infoEnd   = infoStart + hdr['info_length']
    info= m[infoStart:infoEnd]
    info= info.view(N.dtype( (N.string_, len(info)) ))     [0]

    setupStart= hdr['setup_offs']
    setupEnd  = setupStart + hdr['setup_length']
    setup = m[setupStart:setupEnd]
    setup = setup.view(N.dtype( (N.string_, len(setup)) ))    [0]
    setupTxtEnd = N.char.find(setup, '*END') + len('*END')
    setupTxt = setup[:setupTxtEnd]
    # following bytes are: '\r\n\r\n.......'
    # >>> U.hexdump(s.setup[s.setupTxtEnd:s.setupTxtEnd+21])
    # 0000  0d 0a 0d 0a 42 49 4e 5f 50 41 52 41 5f 42 45 47   ....BIN_PARA_BEG
    # 0010  49 4e 3a 00 0e                                    IN:..
    #setupBin = 

    nDBs = hdr['no_of_data_blocks']
    if nDBs == 0x7fff:
        nDBs = hdr['reserved1']

    #if nDBs != 1:
    #    print " * WARNING * SDT file has more than one data block(nDBs=%s)"%(nDBs,)

    nMDBs = hdr['no_of_meas_desc_blocks']
    mdbStart = hdr['meas_desc_block_offs']
    lenMDB = hdr['meas_desc_block_length']
    numMDB = hdr['no_of_meas_desc_blocks']
    dataMeasInfos = m[mdbStart:mdbStart+numMDB*lenMDB].view(dtype=dtype_MeasureInfo)   

    import weakref
    dbHdr  = []
    dbData = []
    db0Start = hdr['data_block_offs']
    o = db0Start
    for i in range(nDBs):
        dbh = m[o:o+lenDBhdr].view(dtype=dtype_BHFileBlockHeader)   [0]
        dbHdr.append( dbh )
        dbo = dbh['data_offs']
        dbl = dbh['block_length']
        #dbd = N.array(m[dbo:dbo+dbl], dtype=N.uint16)
        #ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
        dbd = m[dbo:dbo+dbl].view(dtype=N.uint16)

        #dbd.SDT_DataHdr      = dbh
        #dbd.SDT_DataMeasInfo = weakref.proxy( measInfos[ dbh['meas_desc_block_no'] ] )
        dbd = ndarray_inSdtFile(dbd, 
                                dataMeasInfo=dataMeasInfos[ dbh['meas_desc_block_no'] ]

        nx = dbd.SDT_DataMeasInfo['image_x']
        ny = dbd.SDT_DataMeasInfo['image_y']

        if nx>0 and ny >0:           # FLIM !!
            dbd.shape = nx,ny,-1
            dbd = dbd.T

        o = dbh['next_block_offs']
        del dbh,dbd,dbo, dbl,  nx, ny

    del o, i, weakref

    dataBlkHdrs = F.mockNDarray(*dbHdr)
    dataBlks = F.mockNDarray(*dbData)

    del dbHdr, dbData
    #return U.localsAsOneObject()
    #data = ndarray_inSdtFile(dbData[0], U.localsAsOneObject())
    #data.SDT.data = weakref.proxy( self.) # remove circular reference
    dataBlks.SDT = U.localsAsOneObject()
    import weakref
    dataBlks.SDT.dataBlks = weakref.proxy( dataBlks ) # remove circular reference

    if len(dataBlks) == 1 and dataBlks[0].ndim>1:
        # one FLIM data block
        dataBlks[0].SDT = dataBlks.SDT.dataBlks
        return dataBlks[0]
        return dataBlks
Exemplo n.º 2
# reading Becker & Hickl SDT files
# from time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
#      and FLIM experiments
# ref SPC_data_file_structure.h

dtype_bhfile_header = N.dtype([
        ('revision', N.int16),   #; // software revision number  (lower 4 bits >= 10(decimal))
        ('info_offs', N.int32),  #; // offset of the info part which contains general text 
                                 #  //   information (Title, date, time, contents etc.)
        ('info_length', N.int16),#; // length of the info part
        ('setup_offs', N.int32), #; // offset of the setup text data 
                                 #  //   (system parameters, display parameters, trace parameters etc.)
        ('setup_length', N.int16),#;// length of the setup data
        ('data_block_offs', N.int32),#; offset of the first data block 
        ('no_of_data_blocks', N.int16),#;no_of_data_blocks valid only when in 0 .. 0x7ffe range,
                                       #// if equal to 0x7fff  the  field 'reserved1' contains 
                                       #//     valid no_of_data_blocks
        ('data_block_length', N.int32),#// length of the longest block in the file
        ('meas_desc_block_offs', N.int32),#;  // offset to 1st. measurement description block 
                                             #//   (system parameters connected to data blocks)
        ('no_of_meas_desc_blocks', N.int16),#;  // number of measurement description blocks
        ('meas_desc_block_length', N.int16),#;  // length of the measurement description blocks
        ('header_valid', N.uint16),         #;   // valid: 0x5555, not valid: 0x1111
        ('reserved1', N.uint32),            #;      // reserved1 now contains no_of_data_blocks
        ('reserved2', N.uint16),     
        ('chksum', N.uint16),               #;      // checksum of file header

BH_HEADER_CHKSUM     = 0x55aa
BH_HEADER_VALID      = 0x5555