Exemplo n.º 1
def adminPrivileges(handler, username = None):
	requirePriv(handler, 'Admin')

	users = User.loadAll(orderby = 'username')
	counts = {name: len(filter(lambda user: name in user.privileges, users)) for name in privList}

	if username:
		print "<style type=\"text/css\">"
		print "table.granttable tr[username=%s] {" % username
		print "    background-color: #faa;"
		print "}"
		print "</style>"

	print "<h3>List</h3>"
	print "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"4\">"
	print "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Grants</th><th>Description</th></tr>"
	for name, desc in privList.iteritems():
		print "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%d</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (name, counts[name] if name in counts else 0, desc)
	print "</table>"

	print "<h3>Grants</h3>"
	print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/admin/privileges\">"
	print "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" class=\"granttable\">"
	print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>%s</tr>" % ''.join("<td>%s</td>" % name for name in privList)
	for user in users:
		print "<tr username=\"%s\">" % user.username
		print "<td>%s</td>" % user.username
		for name in privList:
			print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"grant[%s][%s]\"%s></td>" % (user.username, name, ' checked' if user.hasPrivilege(name) else '')
		print "</tr>"
	print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=\"3\">%s</td></tr>" % Button('Save', type = 'submit').positive()
	print "</table>"
	print "</form>"
Exemplo n.º 2
def adminUsers(handler):
	handler.title('User Management')
	requirePriv(handler, 'Admin')

	print "<style type=\"text/css\">"
	print "table.list td.right > * {width: 400px;}"
	print "table.list td.right button {width: 200px;}" # Half of the above value
	print "</style>"

	print "<h3>New User</h3>"
	print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/admin/users\">"
	print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"new\">"
	print "<table class=\"list\">"
	print "<tr><td class=\"left\">Username:</td><td class=\"right\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"></td></tr>"
	print "<tr><td class=\"left\">Privileges:</td><td class=\"right\"><div>"
	for name, desc in privList.iteritems():
		print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"privileges[]\" id=\"priv_%s\" value=\"%s\"%s><label for=\"priv_%s\">%s &mdash; %s</label><br>" % (name, name, ' checked' if name in privDefaults else '', name, name, desc)
	print "</div></td></tr>"
	if settings.smtpServer:
		print "<tr><td class=\"left\">Contact:</td><td class=\"right\"><div><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"send_welcome\" id=\"send_welcome\" checked><label for=\"send_welcome\">Send welcome e-mail</label></div></td></tr>"
	print "<tr><td class=\"left\">&nbsp;</td><td class=\"right\">"
	print Button('Save', id = 'save-button', type = 'submit').positive()
	print Button('Cancel', type = 'button', url = '/admin').negative()
	print "</td></tr>"
	print "</table>"
	print "</form><br>"

	print "<h3>Current Users</h3>"
	users = User.loadAll(orderby = 'username')
	print "<div class=\"user-list\">"
	for user in users:
		print "<div class=\"user-list-entry\"><a href=\"/users/%s\"><img src=\"%s\"></a><br>%s</div>" % (user.username, user.getAvatar(64), user.safe.username)
	print "</div>"
	print "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"