Exemplo n.º 1
def activeSiteJobs():
    ## returns a dictionary with ce_queue regexp and number of active jobs.
    ## portnumbers are not available, hope they are unique per ce
    bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( 'MySQL', dbConfig )
    ce_act = {}
    act_re = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<dest_ce>\S+)\s+(?P<dest_queue>\S+)\s+(?P<count>\d+)")

    found_scheds = all_sched()
    for sched in found_scheds:
        ## select the names for states that are considered waiting for this scheduler
        if waiting_name.has_key(sched):
            wnames = waiting_name[sched]
            wnames = waiting_name['default']
        ## select the names for states that are considered running for this scheduler
        if running_name.has_key(sched):
            rnames = running_name[sched]
            rnames = running_name['default']

        ## get the number of waiting jobs
        sql = \
            "select destination,count(*) from bl_runningjob where scheduler='"\
            + sched + "' and "
        for name in wnames:
            sql += 'status_scheduler = \''+name+'\' or '
        sql = re.sub(' or $', '', sql)
        sql += 'group by destination;'

        answ = bossLiteDB.select( sql )
        for ce in answ:
            if act_re.search(ce[0]):
                reggy = ce[0]
                if not ce_act.has_key(reggy):
                    ce_act[reggy] = {'Idle':0, 'Running':0}
                ## prepare regexp for ce matching
                ce_act[reggy]['Idle'] += int(ce[1])

        ## get the number of running jobs
        sql = \
            "select destination,count(*) from bl_runningjob where scheduler='"\
            + sched + "' and "
        for name in rnames:
            sql += 'status_scheduler = \'' + name + '\' or '
        sql = re.sub(' or $', '', sql)
        sql += 'group by destination;'

        answ = bossLiteDB.select( sql )
        for ce in answ:
            if act_re.search(ce[0]):
                reggy = ce[0]
                if not ce_act.has_key(reggy):
                    ce_act[reggy] = {'Idle':0, 'Running':0}
                ## prepare regexp for ce matching
                ce_act[reggy]['Running'] += int(ce[1])

    return ce_act	
Exemplo n.º 2
def activeJobs():
    ## returns a simple dictionary with total number of jobs, running and waiting
    bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( 'MySQL', dbConfig )

    act_re = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<count>\d+)")

    ce_act = {'Idle':0, 'Running':0}

    found_scheds = all_sched()
    for sched in found_scheds:
        ## select the names for states that are considered waiting for this scheduler
        if waiting_name.has_key(sched):
            wnames = waiting_name[sched]
            wnames = waiting_name['default']
        ## select the names for states that are considered running for this scheduler
        if running_name.has_key(sched):
            rnames = running_name[sched]
            rnames = running_name['default']

        ## get the number of waiting jobs
        sql = "select count(*) from bl_runningjob where scheduler='" \
              + sched + "' and "
        for name in wnames:
            sql += 'status_scheduler = \'' + name + '\' or '
        sql = re.sub(' or $', '', sql)
        sql += 'group by destination;'

        bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( 'MySQL', dbConfig )
        answ = bossLiteDB.select( sql )
        for count in answ :
            if act_re.search(count[0]):
                ce_act['Idle'] += int(act_re.search(count[0]).group('count'))

        ## get the number of running jobs
        sql = "select count(*) from bl_runningjob where scheduler='" \
              + sched + "' and "
        for name in rnames:
            sql += 'status_scheduler = \'' + name + '\' or '
        sql = re.sub(' or $', '', sql)
        sql += 'group by destination;'

        answ = bossLiteDB.select( sql )
        for count in answ :
            if act_re.search(count[0]):
                ce_act['Running'] += int(act_re.search(count[0]).group('count'))

    return ce_act	
Exemplo n.º 3
def bossAdmin(sql):

    bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( 'MySQL', dbConfig )
    answ = bossLiteDB.select( sql )

    if answ is None :
        return []

    return [ line for line in answ ]
Exemplo n.º 4
def all_sched():
    sql = 'select scheduler from bl_runningjob group by scheduler where scheduler is not NULL;'

    bossLiteDB = BossLiteDB( 'MySQL', dbConfig )
    answ = bossLiteDB.select( sql )

    if answ is None :
        return []

    return [ line[0] for line in answ ]