Exemplo n.º 1
    def Vocabulary(self, content_instance=None):
        #If we have a method providing the list of types go with it,
        #it can always pull allowed_types if it needs to (not that we
        #pass the field name)
        value = ObjectField.Vocabulary(self, content_instance)
        if value:
            return value

        results = []
        catalog = getToolByName(content_instance, 'portal_catalog')
            ws_path = content_instance.workspacePath()
        except AttributeError:
            ws_path = "/"

        if self.allowed_types:  # we trust that all allowed_types are properly referencable and cataloged
            results = catalog(Type=self.allowed_types, path=ws_path)
            keys = catalog.uniqueValuesFor('UID')
            results = catalog(UID=keys, path=ws_path)  #... but this should never happen

        results = [(r, r.getObject()) for r in results]
        value = [(r.UID, obj and (str(obj.Title().strip()) or \
                                  str(obj.getId()).strip())  or \
                  log('Field %r: Object at %r could not be found' % \
                      (self.getName(), r.getURL())) or \
                  r.Title or r.UID) for r, obj in results]
        if not self.required:
            value.insert(0, ('', '<no reference>'))
        return DisplayList(value)