Exemplo n.º 1
def modify_fti(fti, klass, pkg_name):
    fti[0]['id'] = klass.__name__
    fti[0]['meta_type'] = klass.meta_type
    fti[0]['description'] = klass.__doc__
    fti[0]['factory'] = 'add%s' % klass.__name__
    fti[0]['product'] = pkg_name

    if hasattr(klass, 'content_icon'):
        fti[0]['content_icon'] = klass.content_icon

    if hasattr(klass, 'global_allow'):
        fti[0]['global_allow'] = klass.global_allow

    if hasattr(klass, 'allow_discussion'):
        fti[0]['allow_discussion'] = klass.allow_discussion

    if hasattr(klass, 'allowed_content_types'):
        allowed = klass.allowed_content_types
        fti[0]['allowed_content_types'] = allowed
        fti[0]['filter_content_types'] = allowed and True or False

    if hasattr(klass, 'filter_content_types'):
        fti[0]['filter_content_types'] = klass.filter_content_types

    if hasattr(klass, 'immediate_view'):
        fti[0]['immediate_view'] = klass.immediate_view

    if not IExtensibleMetadata.implementedBy(klass):
        refs = findDict(fti[0]['actions'], 'id', 'metadata')
        refs['visible'] = False

    # Set folder_listing to 'view' if the class implements ITemplateMixin
    if not ITemplateMixin.implementedBy(klass):
        actions = []
        for action in fti[0]['actions']:
            if action['id'] != 'folderlisting':
                action['action'] = 'string:${folder_url}/view'
        fti[0]['actions'] = tuple(actions)

    # Remove folderlisting action from non folderish content types
    if not getattr(klass, 'isPrincipiaFolderish', None):
        actions = []
        for action in fti[0]['actions']:
            if action['id'] != 'folderlisting':
        fti[0]['actions'] = tuple(actions)

    # CMF 1.5 method aliases
    if getattr(klass, 'aliases', None):
        aliases = klass.aliases
        if not isinstance(aliases, dict):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid type for method aliases in class %s" % klass
        for required in ('(Default)', 'view',):
            if required not in aliases:
                raise ValueError, "Alias %s is required but not provied by %s" % (
                                  required, klass)
        fti[0]['aliases'] = aliases

    # Dynamic View FTI support
    if getattr(klass, 'default_view', False):
        default_view = klass.default_view
        if not isinstance(default_view, basestring):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid type for default view in class %s" % klass
        fti[0]['default_view'] = default_view
        fti[0]['view_methods'] = (default_view, )

        if getattr(klass, 'suppl_views', False):
            suppl_views = klass.suppl_views
            if not isinstance(suppl_views, (list, tuple)):
                raise TypeError, "Invalid type for suppl views in class %s" % klass
            if not default_view in suppl_views:
                suppl_views = suppl_views + (default_view, )
            fti[0]['view_methods'] = suppl_views
    if getattr(klass, '_at_fti_meta_type', False):
        fti[0]['fti_meta_type'] = klass._at_fti_meta_type
        if fti[0].get('fti_meta_type', False):
            klass._at_fti_meta_type = fti[0]['fti_meta_type']
            fti[0]['fti_meta_type'] = FactoryTypeInformation.meta_type
Exemplo n.º 2
def modify_fti(fti, klass, pkg_name):
    fti[0]['id'] = klass.__name__
    fti[0]['meta_type'] = klass.meta_type
    fti[0]['description'] = klass.__doc__
    fti[0]['factory'] = 'add%s' % klass.__name__
    fti[0]['product'] = pkg_name

    if hasattr(klass, 'content_icon'):
        fti[0]['content_icon'] = klass.content_icon

    if hasattr(klass, 'global_allow'):
        fti[0]['global_allow'] = klass.global_allow

    if hasattr(klass, 'allow_discussion'):
        fti[0]['allow_discussion'] = klass.allow_discussion

    if hasattr(klass, 'allowed_content_types'):
        allowed = klass.allowed_content_types
        fti[0]['allowed_content_types'] = allowed
        fti[0]['filter_content_types'] = allowed and True or False

    if hasattr(klass, 'filter_content_types'):
        fti[0]['filter_content_types'] = klass.filter_content_types

    if hasattr(klass, 'immediate_view'):
        fti[0]['immediate_view'] = klass.immediate_view

    if not IExtensibleMetadata.implementedBy(klass):
        refs = findDict(fti[0]['actions'], 'id', 'metadata')
        refs['visible'] = False

    # Set folder_listing to 'view' if the class implements ITemplateMixin
    if not ITemplateMixin.implementedBy(klass):
        actions = []
        for action in fti[0]['actions']:
            if action['id'] != 'folderlisting':
                action['action'] = 'string:${folder_url}/view'
        fti[0]['actions'] = tuple(actions)

    # Remove folderlisting action from non folderish content types
    if not getattr(klass, 'isPrincipiaFolderish', None):
        actions = []
        for action in fti[0]['actions']:
            if action['id'] != 'folderlisting':
        fti[0]['actions'] = tuple(actions)

    # CMF 1.5 method aliases
    if getattr(klass, 'aliases', None):
        aliases = klass.aliases
        if not isinstance(aliases, dict):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid type for method aliases in class %s" % klass
        for required in (
            if required not in aliases:
                raise ValueError, "Alias %s is required but not provied by %s" % (
                    required, klass)
        fti[0]['aliases'] = aliases

    # Dynamic View FTI support
    if getattr(klass, 'default_view', False):
        default_view = klass.default_view
        if not isinstance(default_view, basestring):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid type for default view in class %s" % klass
        fti[0]['default_view'] = default_view
        fti[0]['view_methods'] = (default_view, )

        if getattr(klass, 'suppl_views', False):
            suppl_views = klass.suppl_views
            if not isinstance(suppl_views, (list, tuple)):
                raise TypeError, "Invalid type for suppl views in class %s" % klass
            if not default_view in suppl_views:
                suppl_views = suppl_views + (default_view, )
            fti[0]['view_methods'] = suppl_views
    if getattr(klass, '_at_fti_meta_type', False):
        fti[0]['fti_meta_type'] = klass._at_fti_meta_type
        if fti[0].get('fti_meta_type', False):
            klass._at_fti_meta_type = fti[0]['fti_meta_type']
            fti[0]['fti_meta_type'] = FactoryTypeInformation.meta_type
Exemplo n.º 3
def fixActionsForType(portal_type, typesTool):
    if 'actions' in portal_type.installMode:
        typeInfo = getattr(typesTool, portal_type.portal_type, None)
        if typeInfo is None:
        if hasattr(portal_type, 'actions'):
            # Look for each action we define in portal_type.actions in
            # typeInfo.action replacing it if its there and just
            # adding it if not
            ## rr: this is now trial-and-error programming
            ## I really don't know what's going on here
            ## most importantly I don't know why the default
            ## actions are not set in some cases :-(
            ## (maybe they are removed afterwards sometimes???)
            ## if getattr(portal_type,'include_default_actions', True):
            if True:
                default = [ActionInformation(**action) for action in
                next = list(typeInfo._actions)
                all = next + default
                new = [a.clone() for a in all]
                # If no standard actions are wished don't display them
                new = []
                cmfver = getCMFVersion()
            except ImportError:
                cmfver = 'CMF-2.0'   ## rr: kind of a hack but all we
                                     ## need to know here for now

            for action in portal_type.actions:
                # DM: "Expression" derives from "Persistent" and
                # we must not put persistent objects into class attributes.
                # Thus, copy "action"
                action = action.copy()

                if cmfver[:7] >= 'CMF-1.4' or cmfver == 'Unreleased':
                    # Then we know actions are defined new style as
                    # ActionInformations
                    hits = [a for a in new if a.id == action['id']]

                    # Change action and condition into expressions, if
                    # they are still strings
                    if action.has_key('action') and \
                           type(action['action']) in (type(''), type(u'')):
                        action['action'] = Expression(action['action'])
                    if action.has_key('condition') and \
                           type(action['condition']) in (type(''), type(u'')):
                        action['condition'] = Expression(action['condition'])
                    if action.has_key('name'):
                        action['title'] = action['name']
                        del action['name']
                    if hits:
                    hit = findDict(new, 'id', action['id'])
                    if hit:

            typeInfo._actions = tuple(new)
            typeInfo._p_changed = True

        if hasattr(portal_type, 'factory_type_information'):
            typeInfo._p_changed = True