def convertStringToPreview(self, content, content_type, instance):
     convertStringToPreview(self, content) => Utility to convert a string to HTML
     using the converter stuff.
     cnv = oo_to_html()
     return self._convertOutput(cnv.convert_(content,), "html")
 def convertStringToIndex(self, content, content_type, instance):
     convertStringToIndex(self, content, content_type, instance) => Utility to convert a string to HTML
     using the converter stuff.
     cnv = oo_to_html()
     return self._html_to_text(cnv.convert_(content,), )
 def getIndexableValue(self, field, instance):
     getIndexableValue(self, field, instance) => (possibliy big) string
     Return the ZCatalog-indexable string for that type.
     content = field.get(instance)
     content_type = field.getContentType(instance)
     return self.convertStringToIndex(content, content_type, instance)
 def fakeUpload(self):
     current_user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
     newSecurityManager(None, UnrestrictedUser('manager', '', ['Manager'], []))
     dummy = self._dummy
     request = FakeRequest()
     dummy.REQUEST = request
     LOG.debug("dummy size after processForm: %d" % (
     self._content = dummy
     newSecurityManager(None, current_user)
    def getPreview(self, field, instance):
        getPreview(self, field, instance) => string or None

        Return the HTML preview (generating it if it's not already done) for this attachement.
        If the attachment is not previewable, or if there's a problem in the preview,
        return None.
        content = field.get(instance)
        content_type = field.getContentType(instance)
        return self.convertStringToPreview(content, content_type, instance)
    def getIcon(self, instance):
        getIcon(self, instance) => return the underlying file class icon (object)

        name = self.getName()
        icon = getattr(instance, _icon_ % name, None)

        if not icon:
            handler = self._getHandler(instance)
            LOG.debug("getIcon for %s / %s" % (self.getFilename(instance),
                                               handler.converter_type, ))
            icon = handler.getIconFile(self, instance)
            setattr(instance, _icon_ % name, icon)
        return getattr(instance, icon, None)
 def test_get(self):
     current_user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
     newSecurityManager(None, UnrestrictedUser('manager', '', ['Manager'], []))
     dummy = self.makeDummy()
     request = FakeRequest()
     dummy.REQUEST = request
     for k, v in expected_values.items():
         got = dummy.Schema()[k].get(dummy)
         if isinstance(got, File):
             got = str(got)
         self.assertEquals(got, v,
                           'field "%s"\n got:\n %r\n\n\n expected:\n %r' % (k, got, v))
     newSecurityManager(None, current_user)
 def test_set(self):
     """Same as previous but with fieldsets"""
     current_user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
     newSecurityManager(None, UnrestrictedUser('manager', '', ['Manager'], []))
     dummy = self.makeDummy()
     request = FakeRequest()
     request.form['fieldset'] = 'default'
     dummy.REQUEST = request
     for k, v in test_fields.items():
         got = dummy.Schema()[k].get(dummy)
         if isinstance(got, (File, ScalableImage, Image)):
             got = str(got)
         self.assertEquals(got, v['expected'],
                           'field "%s"\ngot:\n %r\n\n\n expected:\n %r' % (k, got, v['expected']))
     newSecurityManager(None, current_user)
    def _getTransformPath(self, input, output):
        _getTransformPath(self, input, output) => chain or None
        Try to build a transform chain from 'input' mime type to 'output' mime type.
        If it's not possible to build such a chain, return None.
        Nota: this code is taken from
        ## get a path to output mime type
        transform = self.getPortalTransforms()
        requirements = transform._policies.get(target_mt, [])
        path = transform._findPath(orig_mt, target_mt, list(requirements))

        if not path and requirements:
            LOG.debug("Unable to satisfy requirements %s" % (", ".join(requirements),))
            path = transform._findPath(orig_mt, target_mt)

        if not path:
            LOG.debug("NO PATH FROM %s TO %s : %s" % (orig_mt, target_mimetype, path))
            return None
        return path
    def _convertStringToMime(self, content, content_type, instance, output_mime):
        # Check if a transform is available
        trans = self.getTransforms(None, instance)
        ct = content_type
        if not trans["html_paths"].get(ct, None):
            raise ValueError, "No converter found for content type '%s'" % (ct,)

        # Convert it to plain text
        pt = self.getPortalTransforms(None, instance)
        out = pt.convertTo(target_mimetype=output_mime, orig=content, data=None, mimetype=content_type)
        output = out.getData()

        # Try to use / guess the encoding
        out_encoding = out.getMetadata().get("encoding", None)
        if out_encoding:
            LOG.debug("Have encoding: '%s'" % out_encoding)
            output = unicode(output, encoding=out_encoding)
            # Convert from encoded string to unicode
            for enc in AVAILABLE_ENCODINGS:
                    LOG.debug("Trying encoding: '%s'" % enc)
                    output = output.decode(enc)

                except UnicodeError:
                    LOG.debug("Encoding '%s' failed" % enc)

        # Return an encoded output
        return self.unicode2string(output, instance)