Exemplo n.º 1
    def mailPassword(self, forgotten_userid, REQUEST):
        """ Wrapper around mailPassword """
        membership = getToolByName(self, 'portal_membership')
        if not membership.checkPermission('Mail forgotten password', self):
            raise Unauthorized("Mailing forgotten passwords has been disabled")

        utils = getToolByName(self, 'plone_utils')
        # XXX Here is the change compared to the default method.  Try
        # to find this user via the login name.  In fact, we REFUSE to
        # find a user by id, as in that case the password reset may
        # work, but we could fail to login.  Especially this is the
        # case when the user has registered with [email protected],
        # changed this to [email protected] and now tries to reset the
        # password for [email protected].
        member = email_utils.getMemberByLoginName(self, forgotten_userid,

        if member is None:
            raise ValueError('The username you entered could not be found')

        # We use the id member as new forgotten_userid, as in our
        # patched version of resetPassword we ask for the real member
        # id too, instead of the login name.
        forgotten_userid = member.getId()

        # assert that we can actually get an email address, otherwise
        # the template will be made with a blank To:, this is bad
        email = member.getProperty('email')
        if not email:
            raise ValueError('That user does not have an email address.')
            # add the single email address
            if not utils.validateSingleEmailAddress(email):
                raise ValueError('The email address did not validate')
        check, msg = _checkEmail(email)
        if not check:
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Rather than have the template try to use the mailhost, we will
        # render the message ourselves and send it from here (where we
        # don't need to worry about 'UseMailHost' permissions).
        reset_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_password_reset')
        reset = reset_tool.requestReset(forgotten_userid)

        email_charset = getattr(self, 'email_charset', 'UTF-8')
        mail_text = self.mail_password_template(
            self, REQUEST, member=member, reset=reset,
            password=member.getPassword(), charset=email_charset)
        if isinstance(mail_text, unicode):
            mail_text = mail_text.encode(email_charset)
        host = self.MailHost
            return self.mail_password_response(self, REQUEST)
        except SMTPRecipientsRefused:
            # Don't disclose email address on failure
            raise SMTPRecipientsRefused('Recipient address rejected by server')
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestEmailValidityChecker(unittest.TestCase):

    check = lambda _, email: _checkEmail(email)

    def test_generic_tld(self):
        result = self.check("*****@*****.**")

    def test_normal_cc_tld(self):
        result = self.check("*****@*****.**")

    def test_idn_cc_tld(self):
        result = self.check(u"[email protected]")

    def test_long_tld(self):
        result = self.check(u"*****@*****.**")