Exemplo n.º 1
 def createDummy(self):
     """ currently logged-in user must be manager level
     portal = self.portal
     # dummy = ECQuiz(oid='dummy')
     # # put dummy in context of portal
     # dummy = dummy.__of__(portal)
     # portal.dummy = dummy
     # dummy.initializeArchetype()
     # return dummy
     dummy = self.createEmptyQuiz()
     # Create an MC question
     mcq = createObject(dummy, 'ECQMCQuestion', 'mcq')
     # Set up the question's properties
     setProps(mcq, (('allowMultipleSelection', False),
                    ('randomOrder', False),
                    ('numberOfRandomAnswers', 0),
                    ('points', 666),
                    ('tutorGraded', False),
     # Create MC answers
     for uid, comm, corr, answ in (('mca1', 'Correct comment', True,  'This is correct.'),
                                   ('mca2', 'Wrong comment',   False, 'This is wrong.'  ),
         mca = createObject(mcq, 'ECQMCAnswer', uid)
         # Set up the answer's properties
         setProps(mca, (('comment', comm),
                        ('correct', corr),
                        ('answer',  answ),
     # publish the thing
     wtool = portal.portal_workflow
     wtool.doActionFor(dummy, 'publish')
     return dummy
Exemplo n.º 2
    def createDummy(self):
        portal = self.portal
        # dummy = ECQuiz(oid='dummy')
        # # put dummy in context of portal
        # dummy = dummy.__of__(portal)
        # portal.dummy = dummy
        # dummy.initializeArchetype()
        # return dummy
        dummy = createObject(self.portal, "ECQuiz", "dummy")
        portal.dummy = dummy
        # Set up the test's properties
                ("instantFeedback", False),
                ("allowRepetition", False),
                ("onePerPage", False),
                ("onePerPageNav", False),
                ("scoringFunction", "cruel"),
                # ('gradingScale', ()),
                ("directions", "Please answer these questions!"),
                ("randomOrder", False),
                ("numberOfRandomQuestions", 0),
        # Create an MC question
        mcq = createObject(dummy, "ECQMCQuestion", "mcq")
        # Set up the question's properties
                ("allowMultipleSelection", False),
                ("randomOrder", False),
                ("numberOfRandomAnswers", 0),
                ("points", 666),
                ("tutorGraded", False),
        # Create MC answers
        for uid, comm, corr, answ in (
            ("mca1", "Correct comment", True, "This is correct."),
            ("mca2", "Wrong comment", False, "This is wrong."),
            mca = createObject(mcq, "ECQMCAnswer", uid)
            # Set up the answer's properties
            setProps(mca, (("comment", comm), ("correct", corr), ("answer", answ)))
        # publish the thing
        wtool = portal.portal_workflow
        wtool.doActionFor(dummy, "publish")

        return dummy
Exemplo n.º 3
 def createEmptyQuiz(self):
     """ currently logged-in user must be manager level
     portal = self.portal
     dummy = createObject(self.portal, 'ECQuiz', 'dummy')
     portal.dummy = dummy
     # Set up the test's properties
     setProps(dummy, (('instantFeedback', False),
                      ('allowRepetition', False),
                      ('onePerPage', False),
                      ('onePerPageNav', False),
                      ('scoringFunction', 'cruel'),
                      #('gradingScale', ()),
                      ('directions', 'Please answer these questions!'),
                      ('randomOrder', False),
                      ('numberOfRandomQuestions', 0),))
     return dummy