def setDescriptors(dmd):
    Set the property descriptors on the ZenPropertyManager class.  The
    transformerFactories parameter is a dictionary that maps a property type
    to a callable factory that produces instances with transformForGet and
    transformForSet methods.
    zprops = set()
    # copy the core zProps
    for prop_id, propt_default_value, prop_type in Z_PROPERTIES:
        zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    # add zProps from zenpacks
    from Products.ZenUtils.PkgResources import pkg_resources
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
        # fromlist is typically ZenPacks.zenoss
        fromlist = zpkg.module_name.split('.')[:-1]
        module = __import__(zpkg.module_name, globals(), locals(), fromlist)
        if hasattr(module, 'ZenPack'):
            for prop_id, propt_default_value, prop_type in module.ZenPack.packZProperties:
                zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    # add zProps from dmd.Devices to catch any that are undefined elsewhere
    for prop_id in dmd.Devices.zenPropertyIds():
        prop_type = dmd.Devices.getPropertyType(prop_id)
        if (prop_id, prop_type) not in zprops:
            log.debug('Property {prop_id} is deprecated. It should be removed from the system.'.format(prop_id=prop_id))
            zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    monkeypatchDescriptors(zprops, dmd.propertyTransformers)
Exemplo n.º 2
def setDescriptors(dmd):
    Set the property descriptors on the ZenPropertyManager class.  The
    transformerFactories parameter is a dictionary that maps a property type
    to a callable factory that produces instances with transformForGet and
    transformForSet methods.
    zprops = set()

    # copy the core zProps
    for prop_id, propt_default_value, prop_type in Z_PROPERTIES:
        zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    # add zProps from zenpacks
    from Products.ZenUtils.PkgResources import pkg_resources
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
        # fromlist is typically ZenPacks.zenoss
        fromlist = zpkg.module_name.split('.')[:-1]
        module = __import__(zpkg.module_name, globals(), locals(), fromlist)
        if hasattr(module, 'ZenPack'):
            for prop_id, propt_default_value, prop_type in module.ZenPack.packZProperties:
                zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    # add zProps from dmd.Devices to catch any that are undefined elsewhere
    for prop_id in dmd.Devices.zenPropertyIds():
        prop_type = dmd.Devices.getPropertyType(prop_id)
        if (prop_id, prop_type) not in zprops:
                'Property {prop_id} is deprecated. It should be removed from the system.'
            zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    monkeypatchDescriptors(zprops, dmd.propertyTransformers)
Exemplo n.º 3
def setDescriptors(dmd):
    Set the property descriptors on the ZenPropertyManager class.  The
    transformerFactories parameter is a dictionary that maps a property type
    to a callable factory that produces instances with transformForGet and
    transformForSet methods.
    zprops = set()
    # copy the core zProps
    # Z_PROPERTIES = id, defaultValue, type , label, description
    for item in Z_PROPERTIES:
        id = item[0]
        type = item[2]
        zprops.add((id, type))
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id] = dict()
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['type'] = type
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['defaultValue'] = item[1]
        if len(item) >= 4:
            Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['label'] = item[3]
        if len(item) >= 5:
            Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['description'] = item[4]
    # add zProps from zenpacks
    from Products.ZenUtils.PkgResources import pkg_resources
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
        # fromlist is typically ZenPacks.zenoss
        fromlist = zpkg.module_name.split('.')[:-1]
        module = __import__(zpkg.module_name, globals(), locals(), fromlist)
        if hasattr(module, 'ZenPack'):
            for prop_id, propt_default_value, prop_type in module.ZenPack.packZProperties:
                zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))
            if hasattr(module.ZenPack, 'packZProperties_data'):
                # check for category to update
                for key, value in module.ZenPack.packZProperties_data.iteritems():
                    # if zproperties are only defined in data
                    zprops.add((key, value.get('type')))
                    if value.get('category'):
                        setzPropertyCategory(key, value.get('category'))
    # add zProps from dmd.Devices to catch any that are undefined elsewhere
    for prop_id in dmd.Devices.zenPropertyIds():
        prop_type = dmd.Devices.getPropertyType(prop_id)
        if (prop_id, prop_type) not in zprops:
            log.debug('Property {prop_id} is deprecated. It should be removed from the system.'.format(prop_id=prop_id))
            zprops.add((prop_id, prop_type))

    monkeypatchDescriptors(zprops, dmd.propertyTransformers)
 def nameZenPackDaemons(self, zenPackId=None):
     Return a list of the names of the daemons provided by the given ZenPack.  
     If no ZenPack is specified then list all daemons provided by all ZenPacks.
     dList = []
     zpl = ZPLDaemons()
     # Get daemons from egg-based ZenPacks
     for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ZENPACK_ENTRY_POINT):
             module = entry.load()
             dList += zpl.list(os.path.dirname(module.__file__), None)
         except Exception, ex:
             summary = "The ZenPack %s cannot be imported -- skipping." %
Exemplo n.º 5
 def nameZenPackDaemons(self, zenPackId=None):
     Return a list of the names of the daemons provided by the given ZenPack.  
     If no ZenPack is specified then list all daemons provided by all ZenPacks.
     dList = []
     zpl = ZPLDaemons()
     # Get daemons from egg-based ZenPacks
     for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ZENPACK_ENTRY_POINT):
             module = entry.load()
             dList += zpl.list(os.path.dirname(module.__file__), None)
         except Exception, ex:
             summary = "The ZenPack %s cannot be imported -- skipping." %
Exemplo n.º 6
def _getZenPackSchemas():
    schemas = []
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
            pkg_path = zpkg.load().__path__[0]

            # Load any queue schema files

        except Exception, e:
            # This messes up logging a bit, but if we need to report
            # an error, this saves hours of trying to find out what's going on
            log = logging.getLogger('zen.ZenMessaging')
            log.exception("Error encountered while processing %s", zpkg.module_name)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _getZenPackSchemas():
    schemas = []
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
            pkg_path = zpkg.load().__path__[0]

            # Load any queue schema files

        except Exception, e:
            # This messes up logging a bit, but if we need to report
            # an error, this saves hours of trying to find out what's going on
            log = logging.getLogger('zen.ZenMessaging')
            log.exception("Error encountered while processing %s",
Exemplo n.º 8
def DiscoverEggs(dmd, zenPackId):
    Find installed eggs that provide a zenoss.zenpacks entry point.
    Return a list of distributions whose ZenPacks need to be installed
    or upgraded.  The list is sorted into the order in which this needs to
    # Create a set of all available zenoss.zenpack entries that aren't
    # already installed in zenoss or need to be upgraded in zenoss.
    entries = set()
    parse_version = pkg_resources.parse_version
    for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ZENPACK_ENTRY_POINT):
        packName =
        packVers = entry.dist.version
        existing = dmd.ZenPackManager.packs._getOb(packName, None)
        if existing and existing.isEggPack():
            # We use >= to allow migrate to be run on currently installed
            # zenpacks whose version has been changed or for whom new
            # migrates have been added.
            if parse_version(packVers) >= parse_version(existing.version):

    # Starting with the entry representing zenPackId create a list of
    # all entrypoints

    # orderedEntries lists entries in the opposite order of that in which
    # they need to be installed.  This is simply for convenience of using
    # .append() in code below.
    orderedEntries = []
    entriesByName = dict((, e) for e in entries)

    def AddEntryAndProcessDeps(e):
        for name in [r.project_name for r in e.dist.requires()]:
            if name in [ for e in orderedEntries]:
                # This entry depends on something that we've already processed.
                # This might be a circular dependency, might not be.
                # We are just going to bail however.  This should be
                # very unusual and the user can install deps first to work
                # around.
                raise ZenPackException(
                    'Unable to resolve ZenPack dependencies.'
                    ' Try installing dependencies first.')
            if name in entriesByName:
                # The requirement is an entry that has not yet been processed
                # here.  Add it to the list of entries to install/upgrade.
                # The requirement is not in the entries generated above.
                # This either means that the dep is already installed (this
                # is likely) or that easy_install missed something and the dep
                # is not installed/available (this should be unlikely.)

    if zenPackId not in entriesByName:
        if zenPackId in dmd.ZenPackManager.packs.objectIds():
            return []
            raise ZenPackException('Unable to discover ZenPack named %s' %
    return [e.dist for e in orderedEntries]
Exemplo n.º 9
def DiscoverEggs(dmd, zenPackId):
    Find installed eggs that provide a zenoss.zenpacks entry point.
    Return a list of distributions whose ZenPacks need to be installed
    or upgraded.  The list is sorted into the order in which this needs to
    # Create a set of all available zenoss.zenpack entries that aren't
    # already installed in zenoss or need to be upgraded in zenoss.
    entries = set()
    parse_version = pkg_resources.parse_version
    for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ZENPACK_ENTRY_POINT):
        packName =
        packVers = entry.dist.version
        existing = dmd.ZenPackManager.packs._getOb(packName, None)
        if existing and existing.isEggPack():
            # We use >= to allow migrate to be run on currently installed
            # zenpacks whose version has been changed or for whom new
            # migrates have been added.
            if parse_version(packVers) >= parse_version(existing.version):

    # Starting with the entry representing zenPackId create a list of
    # all entrypoints

    # orderedEntries lists entries in the opposite order of that in which
    # they need to be installed.  This is simply for convenience of using
    # .append() in code below.
    orderedEntries = []
    entriesByName = dict((, e) for e in entries)

    def AddEntryAndProcessDeps(e):
        for name in [r.project_name for r in e.dist.requires()]:
            if name in [ for e in orderedEntries]:
                # This entry depends on something that we've already processed.
                # This might be a circular dependency, might not be.
                # We are just going to bail however.  This should be
                # very unusual and the user can install deps first to work
                # around.
                raise ZenPackException('Unable to resolve ZenPack dependencies.'
                    ' Try installing dependencies first.')
            if name in entriesByName:
                # The requirement is an entry that has not yet been processed
                # here.  Add it to the list of entries to install/upgrade.
                # The requirement is not in the entries generated above.
                # This either means that the dep is already installed (this
                # is likely) or that easy_install missed something and the dep
                # is not installed/available (this should be unlikely.)

    if zenPackId not in entriesByName:
        if zenPackId in dmd.ZenPackManager.packs.objectIds():
            return []
            raise ZenPackException('Unable to discover ZenPack named %s' %
    return [e.dist for e in orderedEntries]
def setDescriptors(dmd):
    Set the property descriptors on the ZenPropertyManager class.  The
    transformerFactories parameter is a dictionary that maps a property type
    to a callable factory that produces instances with transformForGet and
    transformForSet methods.
    zprops = {}

    # copy the core zProps
    # Z_PROPERTIES = id, defaultValue, type , label, description
    for item in Z_PROPERTIES:
        id = item[0]
        type = item[2]
        zprops[id] = (id, type)
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id] = dict()
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['type'] = type
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['defaultValue'] = item[1]
        if len(item) >= 4:
            Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['label'] = item[3]
        if len(item) >= 5:
            Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['description'] = item[4]

    # add zProps from zenpacks
    from Products.ZenUtils.PkgResources import pkg_resources
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
        # fromlist is typically ZenPacks.zenoss
        fromlist = zpkg.module_name.split('.')[:-1]
        module = __import__(zpkg.module_name, globals(), locals(), fromlist)
        if hasattr(module, 'ZenPack'):
            # Merge ZenPack.packZProperties and ZenPack.packZProperties_data.
            # packZProperties wins if they disagree about type or defaultValue.
            for p_id, p_data in module.ZenPack.getZProperties().items():
                if p_id in zprops:
                    log.warning("%s tried to override existing %s property.",
                                zpkg.module_name, p_id)

                zprops[p_id] = (p_id, p_data['type'])

                category = p_data.get('category')
                if category:
                    setzPropertyCategory(p_id, category)

                Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[p_id] = {
                    'type': p_data.get('type', 'string'),
                    'defaultValue': p_data.get('defaultValue'),
                    'label': p_data.get('label'),
                    'description': p_data.get('description'),
                    'category': category,

    # add zProps from dmd.Devices to catch any that are undefined elsewhere
    for p_id in dmd.Devices.zenPropertyIds():
        p_type = dmd.Devices.getPropertyType(p_id)
        if p_id not in zprops:
            zprops[p_id] = (p_id, p_type)
                "Property %s is deprecated. It should be removed "
                "from the system.", p_id)

    monkeypatchDescriptors(zprops.values(), dmd.propertyTransformers)
Exemplo n.º 11
import json
import os.path
import logging

log = logging.getLogger("zen.ZenossStartup")

from zope.dottedname.resolve import resolve
from Products.CMFCore.utils import ProductsPath

from Products.ZenUtils.PkgResources import pkg_resources

# Iterate over all ZenPack eggs and load them
for zpkg  in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
        pkg_path = zpkg.load().__path__[0]
        if pkg_path not in ProductsPath:
            ProductsPath.insert(0, pkg_path)

        # Import the pack and tack it onto Products
        import Products

        module = resolve(zpkg.module_name)
        setattr(Products, zpkg.module_name, module)

    except Exception, e:
        # This messes up logging a bit, but if we need to report
        # an error, this saves hours of trying to find out what's going on
Exemplo n.º 12
def setDescriptors(dmd):
    Set the property descriptors on the ZenPropertyManager class.  The
    transformerFactories parameter is a dictionary that maps a property type
    to a callable factory that produces instances with transformForGet and
    transformForSet methods.
    zprops = {}

    # copy the core zProps
    # Z_PROPERTIES = id, defaultValue, type , label, description
    for item in Z_PROPERTIES:
        id = item[0]
        type = item[2]
        zprops[id] = (id, type)
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id] = dict()
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['type'] = type
        Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['defaultValue'] = item[1]
        if len(item) >= 4:
            Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['label'] = item[3]
        if len(item) >= 5:
            Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[id]['description'] = item[4]

    # add zProps from zenpacks
    from Products.ZenUtils.PkgResources import pkg_resources
    for zpkg in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('zenoss.zenpacks'):
        # fromlist is typically ZenPacks.zenoss
        fromlist = zpkg.module_name.split('.')[:-1]
        module = __import__(zpkg.module_name, globals(), locals(), fromlist)
        if hasattr(module, 'ZenPack'):
            # Merge ZenPack.packZProperties and ZenPack.packZProperties_data.
            # packZProperties wins if they disagree about type or defaultValue.
            for p_id, p_data in module.ZenPack.getZProperties().items():
                if p_id in zprops:
                        "%s tried to override existing %s property.",
                        zpkg.module_name, p_id

                zprops[p_id] = (p_id, p_data['type'])

                category = p_data.get('category')
                if category:
                    setzPropertyCategory(p_id, category)

                Z_PROPERTY_META_DATA[p_id] = {
                    'type': p_data.get('type', 'string'),
                    'defaultValue': p_data.get('defaultValue'),
                    'label': p_data.get('label'),
                    'description': p_data.get('description'),
                    'category': category,

    # add zProps from dmd.Devices to catch any that are undefined elsewhere
    for p_id in dmd.Devices.zenPropertyIds():
        p_type = dmd.Devices.getPropertyType(p_id)
        if p_id not in zprops:
            zprops[p_id] = (p_id, p_type)
                "Property %s is deprecated. It should be removed "
                "from the system.", p_id

    monkeypatchDescriptors(zprops.values(), dmd.propertyTransformers)