Exemplo n.º 1
 def sanity_baryCorrAltair(self):
     Checking barycentric correction for Altair (IDL example)
   from PyAstronomy import pyasl
   vh, vb = pyasl.baryCorr(2449398.5000000000, 297.69488, 8.8676389, deq=2000)
   self.assertAlmostEqual(vb, 10.583091, delta=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def sanity_example(self):
     Sanity of "baryvel" example
   from PyAstronomy import pyasl
   jd = 2.476468576e6
   heli, bary = pyasl.baryvel(jd, deq=2000.0)
   print "Earth's velocity at JD: ", jd
   print "Heliocentric velocity [km/s]: ", heli
   print "Barycentric velocity [km/s] : ", bary
   # Coordinates of Sirius
   ra  = 101.28715535
   dec = -16.71611587
   vh, vb = pyasl.baryCorr(jd, ra, dec, deq=2000.0)
   print "Barycentric velocity of Earth toward Sirius: ", vb
Exemplo n.º 3
def baryTest2(baryVels, JDs):

    for i,jd in enumerate((JDs+2400000.5)[:]):
        heli, bary = pyasl.baryvel(jd, deq=2000.0)
#         print "Earth's velocity at JD: ", jd
#         print "Heliocentric velocity [km/s]: ", heli
#         print "Barycentric velocity [km/s] : ", bary

        # Coordinates of Sirius
        ra  = 101.28715535
        dec = -16.71611587
        #thisStar coords
        ra  = np.rad2deg(thisStar.RA_dec)
        dec = np.rad2deg(thisStar.Dec_dec)
        print np.rad2deg(thisStar.RA_dec), np.rad2deg(thisStar.Dec_dec), thisStar.name, thisStar.exposures.abs_baryVels[i]

        vh, vb = pyasl.baryCorr(jd, ra, dec, deq=2000.0)
        print "Barycentric velocity of Earth toward",thisStar.name,'[m/s]', vb*1000
        print vb*1000-thisStar.exposures.abs_baryVels[i]
        print ''
Exemplo n.º 4
Dec = tb.deg2rad(-tb.sex2dec(72,4,52.6)) #47Tuc in rad

# <codecell>

RA, Dec

# <codecell>

MJDs = []
RVs = []
RV2s = []
RV3s = []
for i in np.arange(MJD-200, MJD+200):
    vh, vb = tb.baryvel(i+2400000+0.5) 
    vh2, vb2 = pyasl.baryvel(i+2400000+0.5, deq = 0.0)
    __, RV3 = pyasl.baryCorr(i+2400000+0.5,tb.rad2deg(RA), tb.rad2deg(Dec))
    RV = (vb[0]*np.cos(Dec)*np.cos(RA) + vb[1]*np.cos(Dec)*np.sin(RA) + vb[2]*np.sin(Dec))*1000
    RV2 = (vb2[0]*np.cos(Dec)*np.cos(RA) + vb2[1]*np.cos(Dec)*np.sin(RA) + vb2[2]*np.sin(Dec))*1000
RVs = np.array(RVs)
RV2s = np.array(RV2s)
RV3s = np.array(RV3s)

# <codecell>

plt.plot(MJDs, RVs)
plt.plot(MJDs, RV2s)