Exemplo n.º 1
# Additionally, we want to write the data into a binary file.

# Thus, we create a configuration file to save our parameters.
make_config('BCI.cfg', sample_rate = sample_rate, numof_channels = numof_channels,
            mode = mode, saving_mode = True,
            data_file = 'example_file.dat',
            format = 'binary', resolution = resolution,
            returning_speed = returning_speed, channels = channels
            color_bg = color_bg, color_trigger = color_trigger,
            size_window = size_window)

# To start the BCI, the only thing we need now is the configuration file, containing our specified parameters.
example_bci = BCI('BCI.cfg')

# We are not quite satisfied with the channel labels,
# because the channels we want to 'read' are on positions [1,2,3,12,5,10,7,8,20,30] in the Brain Recorder Software.
# So we have to relabel the channels on position 3, 6 and 10.

example_bci.change_channellabels(3, 3)
example_bci.change_channellabels(6, 10)
example_bci.change_channellabels(10, 30) 

# We want to let the EEG run a bit before we are interested in the data.
# This may be the case, for example, if you have to save your recordings first.
Exemplo n.º 2

This is an example how to use the functions of the EyemoveCorrectur module
to estimate and remove artefacts caused by eye movements.

import numpy as N
import time
from PyBCI import BCI
from PyBCI.tools.EyemoveCorrector import *

# We'll assume that you have already created a configuration file
example_bci = BCI("BCI.cfg")

# There are four condition we need for an estimation of eye movement artefacts:
conditions = ["resting", "horizontal", "vertical", "blinks"]

trials = 20
sec_per_trial = 2

# Make sure that the following matches with your config file.
numof_channels = 5
sample_rate = 500

condition_means = N.zeros((len(conditions), numof_channels))

for num, condition in zip(range(len(conditions)), conditions):