Exemplo n.º 1
    def newCurve(self, initargs):
        """Create new curve with arguments specified in the dictionary initargs."""
        curvetype = initargs['type'].upper()

        if curvetype not in self.curve_list:
            raise PyDSTool_TypeError(str(curvetype) + ' not an allowable curve type')

        # Check name
        cname = initargs['name']
        if 'force' in initargs:
            if initargs['force'] and cname in self.curves:
                del self.curves[cname]

        if cname in self.curves:
            raise ValueError('Ambiguous name field: ' + cname \
                             + ' already exists (use force=True to override)')

        # Check parameters
        if (curvetype != 'UD-C' and self.model.pars == {}) or \
           (curvetype == 'UD-C' and 'userpars' not in initargs):
            raise ValueError('No parameters defined for this system!')

        # Process initial point
        initargs = initargs.copy()   # ensures no side-effects outside
        if 'initpoint' not in initargs or initargs['initpoint'] is None:
            # Default to initial conditions for model
            if self.model.icdict == {}:
                raise ValueError('No initial point defined for this system!')
            elif 'uservars' in initargs:
                if remain(initargs['uservars'], self.model.icdict.keys()) == []:
                    # uservars just used to select a subset of system's regular state vars
                    initargs['initpoint'] = filteredDict(self.model.icdict,
                    raise ValueError('No initial point defined for this system!')
                initargs['initpoint'] = self.model.icdict.copy()
            #for p in initargs['freepars']:
            #    initargs['initpoint'][p] = self.model.pars[p]
            if isinstance(initargs['initpoint'], dict):
                initargs['initpoint'] = initargs['initpoint'].copy()
                #for p in initargs['freepars']:
                #    if p not in initargs['initpoint'].keys():
                #        initargs['initpoint'][p] = self.model.pars[p]
            elif isinstance(initargs['initpoint'], str):
                curvename, pointname = initargs['initpoint'].split(':')
                pointtype = pointname.strip('0123456789')
                if curvename not in self.curves:
                    raise KeyError('No curve of name ' + curvename + ' exists.')
                    point = self.curves[curvename].getSpecialPoint(pointtype, pointname)
                    if point is None:
                        raise KeyError('No point of name ' + pointname + ' exists.')
                        initargs['initpoint'] = point

            # Separate from if-else above since 'str' clause returns type Point
            if isinstance(initargs['initpoint'], Point):
                # Check to see if point contains a cycle.  If it does, assume
                #   we are starting at a cycle and save it in initcycle
                for v in initargs['initpoint'].labels.values():
                    if 'cycle' in v:
                        initargs['initcycle'] = v   # Dictionary w/ cycle, name, and tangent information

                # Save initial point information
                initPoint = {}
                if 'curvename' in locals() and curvename in self.curves:
                    initPoint = self.curves[curvename].parsdict.copy()

                initargs['initpoint'] = initPoint                
                # initargs['initpoint'] = initargs['initpoint'].copy().todict()
                #for p in initargs['freepars']:
                #    if p not in initargs['initpoint'].keys():
                #        initargs['initpoint'][p] = self.model.pars[p]

        # Process cycle
        if 'initcycle' in initargs:
            if isinstance(initargs['initcycle'], ndarray):
                c0 = {}
                c0['data'] = args(V = {'udotps': None, 'rldot': None})
                c0['cycle'] = Pointset({'coordnames': self.gensys.funcspec.vars,
                                        'coordarray': initargs['initcycle'][1:,:].copy(),
                                        'indepvarname': 't',
                                        'indepvararray': initargs['initcycle'][0,:].copy()
                initargs['initcycle'] = c0
            elif isinstance(initargs['initcycle'], Pointset):
                c0 = {}
                c0['data'] = args(V = {'udotps': None, 'rldot': None})
                c0['cycle'] = initargs['initcycle']
                initargs['initcycle'] = c0

        # Load auto module if required
        automod = None
        if curvetype in auto_list:
            if self._autoMod is None:
            automod = self._autoMod

        self.curves[cname] = self.curve_list[curvetype](self.model, self.gensys, automod, self.plot, initargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def newCurve(self, initargs):
        """Create new curve with arguments specified in the dictionary initargs."""
        curvetype = initargs['type'].upper()

        if curvetype not in self.curve_list:
            raise PyDSTool_TypeError(
                str(curvetype) + ' not an allowable curve type')

        # Check name
        cname = initargs['name']
        if 'force' in initargs:
            if initargs['force'] and cname in self.curves:
                del self.curves[cname]

        if cname in self.curves:
            raise ValueError('Ambiguous name field: ' + cname \
                             + ' already exists (use force=True to override)')

        # Check parameters
        if (curvetype != 'UD-C' and self.model.pars == {}) or \
           (curvetype == 'UD-C' and 'userpars' not in initargs):
            raise ValueError('No parameters defined for this system!')

        # Process initial point
        initargs = initargs.copy()  # ensures no side-effects outside
        if 'initpoint' not in initargs or initargs['initpoint'] is None:
            # Default to initial conditions for model
            if self.model.icdict == {}:
                raise ValueError('No initial point defined for this system!')
            elif 'uservars' in initargs:
                if remain(initargs['uservars'],
                          self.model.icdict.keys()) == []:
                    # uservars just used to select a subset of system's regular state vars
                    initargs['initpoint'] = filteredDict(
                        self.model.icdict, initargs['uservars'])
                    raise ValueError(
                        'No initial point defined for this system!')
                initargs['initpoint'] = self.model.icdict.copy()
            #for p in initargs['freepars']:
            #    initargs['initpoint'][p] = self.model.pars[p]
            if isinstance(initargs['initpoint'], dict):
                initargs['initpoint'] = initargs['initpoint'].copy()
                #for p in initargs['freepars']:
                #    if p not in initargs['initpoint'].keys():
                #        initargs['initpoint'][p] = self.model.pars[p]
            elif isinstance(initargs['initpoint'], str):
                curvename, pointname = initargs['initpoint'].split(':')
                pointtype = pointname.strip('0123456789')
                if curvename not in self.curves:
                    raise KeyError('No curve of name ' + curvename +
                                   ' exists.')
                    point = self.curves[curvename].getSpecialPoint(
                        pointtype, pointname)
                    if point is None:
                        raise KeyError('No point of name ' + pointname +
                                       ' exists.')
                        initargs['initpoint'] = point

            # Separate from if-else above since 'str' clause returns type Point
            if isinstance(initargs['initpoint'], Point):
                # Check to see if point contains a cycle.  If it does, assume
                #   we are starting at a cycle and save it in initcycle
                for v in initargs['initpoint'].labels.values():
                    if 'cycle' in v:
                            'initcycle'] = v  # Dictionary w/ cycle, name, and tangent information

                # Save initial point information
                initPoint = {}
                if 'curvename' in locals() and curvename in self.curves:
                    initPoint = self.curves[curvename].parsdict.copy()

                initargs['initpoint'] = initPoint
                # initargs['initpoint'] = initargs['initpoint'].copy().todict()
                #for p in initargs['freepars']:
                #    if p not in initargs['initpoint'].keys():
                #        initargs['initpoint'][p] = self.model.pars[p]

        # Process cycle
        if 'initcycle' in initargs:
            if isinstance(initargs['initcycle'], ndarray):
                c0 = {}
                c0['data'] = args(V={'udotps': None, 'rldot': None})
                c0['cycle'] = Pointset({
                    initargs['initcycle'][1:, :].copy(),
                    initargs['initcycle'][0, :].copy()
                initargs['initcycle'] = c0
            elif isinstance(initargs['initcycle'], Pointset):
                c0 = {}
                c0['data'] = args(V={'udotps': None, 'rldot': None})
                c0['cycle'] = initargs['initcycle']
                initargs['initcycle'] = c0

        # Load auto module if required
        automod = None
        if curvetype in auto_list:
            if self._autoMod is None:
            automod = self._autoMod

        self.curves[cname] = self.curve_list[curvetype](self.model,
                                                        self.gensys, automod,
                                                        self.plot, initargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_filteredDict_works_as_expected_for_Point():
    p = Point({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3})
    assert {} == filteredDict(p, ['w'])
    assert {'x': 1, 'y': 2} == filteredDict(p, ['x', 'y'])
    assert {'z': 3} == filteredDict(p, ['x', 'y'], neg=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_filteredDict_works_as_expected_when_key_is_absent():
    d = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
    assert {} == filteredDict(d, ['w'])
    assert d == filteredDict(d, ['w'], neg=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_filteredDict_negative_works_as_expected():
    d = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
    assert {} == filteredDict(d, d.keys(), neg=True)
    assert {'y': 2, 'z': 3} == filteredDict(d, ['x'], neg=True)
    assert {'z': 3} == filteredDict(d, ['x', 'y'], neg=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_filteredDict_works_as_expected():
    d = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
    assert d == filteredDict(d, d.keys())
    assert {'x': 1} == filteredDict(d, ['x'])
    assert {'x': 1, 'y': 2} == filteredDict(d, ['x', 'y'])